
About Hasbox

Digital Inheritance I Online Vault I Password Manager - Try out a Free 30 Day Trial

Hasbox Description

People’s lives are becoming increasingly complex. For example, people have properties in multiple countries and in all of those locations they have bank accounts, lawyers, documents pertinent to each location. The big question is, if you passed away tomorrow, who would your children call to recover all of your assets, have you got it all organised?

Furthermore, if you had a fire or a flood and lost all of our personal documents, marriage and birth certificates, stocks, insurance, pensions, bank details, passports, loans, Wills, tax returns, medical records etc. how would you recover your life. It would be a nightmare.

This is why Hasbox was created.

Hasbox is an easy to use, secure online repository where individuals and families can store copies of all of their important documents. This makes it easy to retrieve the information in the event of a fire, flood, earthquake, storm, theft or any other kind of incident that can cause the loss of all of your documents.

Hasbox also has a process to allow family members to contact a Key-Holder (a lawyer, accountant or executor of the will) who can unlock the vault to allow them access to all of this important information in the unfortunate event of the death of the person who set up the account. We call this Digital Inheritance.

Hasbox helps you to get organised for your personal life and also makes things easier for those that you leave behind when you pass on.

More about Hasbox

Hasbox is located at 71-75 Shelton Street, WC2H 9JQ London, United Kingdom