Healthier Is Wealthier - Tom Armstrong

About Healthier Is Wealthier - Tom Armstrong

Blogs, motivational leads, and the latest info that will help you break those psychological and physical barriers when it comes to exercising and achieving



So it's the first full day back to normality for most tomorrow... After making the most of the festive period and the extra calories on offer, be sensible with how you approach your first full week back to normality!
Get a few of the basics right, and the rest should follow. Tomorrow agenda could be:
*A good breakfast, and topping yourself up with something balanced every 3-4 hours... *Plenty of water throughout the day *Clear and answer all emails, old or new! *30-40 minutes activity at some point
Don't overload yourself with 6 or 7 "must-do's" because the likelihood of you achieving them all is slim. We all want to start the new year as positive as possible, so don't set yourself up for a fall. Notice the emailing task also listed as an example above... Simple, and will have an amazing effect on how you mentally perform and feel for the rest of the day.
Be clear with what you want to achieve tomorrow, plan ahead tonight before bed, and stick with it!
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What a gem of a picture from earlier in the week! #itsallaboutresults


Homemade frittatas I was inspired to try last week:
8 eggs Coconut milk Bacon... Red onion Broccoli
*Steam the broccoli *Dice and fry the red onion and bacon in coconut oil *Crack the eggs and add a splash of coconut milk or water *Add the bacon, onion, and broccoli to the mix. Then pour evenly (which I clearly failed to on a few!) into the sections of the baking tray. *cook on a medium heat until golden brown.
Not bad for my first attempt! Taste pretty damn good and are great for breaky or to add to salads!
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Had a great time today at the UKBFF bodybuilding competition today. Some impressive athletes with amazing dedication!
It's coming to the time of year where we all need that extra push to stay active and limit the amount of damage Christmas and new year can bring. So why not think of a small target to achieve between now and Christmas eve? It can be anything... To lose a couple of pounds. To run once a week. To fit into that little red number at your staff party. ANYTHING tha...t will get you to achieve something leading up to santa's arrival.
Make it realistic & achievable, but challenging and something you will have to work for.
Private message me when you have decided what your target is so I can check in and see how your getting on from time-to-time!
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Don't be lead towards an unhealthy lifestyle... Enjoy the finer things in moderation! Set an example to people closest to you and lead them to achieving something. See if you can hold out on that little treat till the weekend, it'll be worth the wait!


The weekend draws closer... I challenge YOU to do something active between Friday and Sunday. However short, whatever the weather, get out and use at least some of your spare time investing in you!


Take a few moments to let your mind wander this morning before you head off and finish your working week.
Take a few deep breaths before jumping out of bed. Take a few moments when in the shower to stand, feel and taste the water. When you rush out the door, look up, take a breath and take in the atmosphere.
... Positive thoughts lead to positive actions.
You are free, and today will be a great day if you let it!
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For all of you thinking you feel tired and need a quiet in-active night after a hard days work... Probably being in-active an office for most of you... My bet is you haven't had anywhere near enough water today! Get through 1.5/2 litres tomorrow, and see how much better you feel in 24hours.


Had to just have a little chuckle to myself… set my alarm-reminders for tomorrow as starting mondays well makes the rest of the weeks motivation a hell of a lot easier! Something tells me i wont be lacking when it comes to nutrition tomorrow...
1. WAKE UP and EAT 2. If you nodded off… GET UP AND TRAIN! 3. EAT... 4. EAT 5. EAT 6. EAT 7. PREP and BED!
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Weekends bring temptations... Don't undo your weeks hard work and keep it to a minimum!


Don't move throughout the day and risk suffering the consequences. Sedentary lifestyles, where we are chained to the chair in the office for hours upon hours is not healthy and not what Humans are built for. Did you know the average person sits in a chair for 12 hours a day... Consequently suffering the following long-term problems:
Body idles... Blood sugars slowly elevating Blood fats elevating Fat stores building up
None of us like the thought of body fat and bad posture defining our physique... Most, if not all of us want that slender and toned body shape. But what we all seem to forget about is the internal nastiness, known as visceral fat surrounding the stomach, liver and pancreas in particular. This is the most dangerous fat to our health and can seriously effect how long we are going to be around for! Too much visceral fat leads to insulin sensitivity, & type 2 diabetes!
# did you know that it can take anywhere up to 18months before fat cells reset themselves for a healthier homeostasis.... the longer you leave it, the tougher achieving a healthier lifestyle could be! #
To keep the body fuels moving, you must move at every opportunity! Did you know that by doing the simple things such as taking the stairs, pacing when taking that important call on your mobile, getting off the train a stop early on the way home or asking the taxi to stop a mile away from your house to walk the rest of the way could raise your calorie burn by an extra 500 a day! Making simple, small changes will lead to a much healthier lifestyle in the long term.
Socialising for you city people is a big part of your working week, and sometimes a beer or two can creep in from time-to-time...
45 minutes moderate/challenging intensity exercise every 24-48 hours should produce and enzyme (lypo-protein lipase) to counter fat storage from the foods we eat, which is acceptable to those who want to keep weight-gain at bay.... whether or not that will enough to keep you happy and healthy in the long-run is another matter, however!
For those of you who are lucky enough to be close to a gym or facility allowing you to potentially do something in your lunch break, you can speed up that metabolism and change you fat percentage even further with some shorter, intense work.
2-3 minutes of intense exercise (for example, three 60 seconds sprints on a bike at a fairly heavy resistance, with a long rest in between) will significantly increase blood insulin levels anywhere up to 20% higher than usual and completely change the way your body stores and uses glycogen within the muscles... How your body insulin levels function has a great impact on homeostasis.
Regardless of what position you are in now:
1. That 12hours a day in a chair person 2. A busy, on your feet all day but not a regular 'gym goer' 3. A fitness fanatic
Remember this info, and pass it on to someone who could benefit from it....
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More about Healthier Is Wealthier - Tom Armstrong

Healthier Is Wealthier - Tom Armstrong is located at sparrows herne, SS16 5JP Basildon, Essex