Hydra'S Combat Academy London

About Hydra'S Combat Academy London

Hydra Combative's & R. E. C. With David "Hydra" Kyriacou and Ashley"Pitbull"Kyriacou

New Timetable coming soon

Hydra'S Combat Academy London Description

First Lesson Is Free, £13 Per Class, or
MONTHLY: 1 class per week= £40
2 classes per week = £60
3 Classes per week = £80

Contact for Private Tuition and Combination Packages.

David "Hydra" Kyriacou first qualified and began teaching reality based Self Protection and Combatives in 2008, and has been serving North East London and the rest of the UK, ever since.
He has continuously advanced his training and after being involved with other systems has found his home in Urban Krav Maga after some 20 + years training and competing in many Martial Arts and Combat Sports.

Now Hydra has Founded his own system also which is making waves in the industry through those that know. Rolling Elbows Concept (R. E. C. ). Don't say we never told you!

Ashley "Pitbull" Kyriacou is Junior Instructor. He had the family lee-way to train with his older Cousin David from the age of 14 after achieving a Black Belt-Second Dan in Kickboxing. Now at 20 he is fully qualified in Urban Krav Maga as Instructor and also in his Cousins R. E. C. Though his tender age kind demeanour and size may fool you. He earned the name "Pitbull" for good reasons.



#HydraCombatives #Seminar #BattleTested #RealSurvivalSkills #HydrasCombatAcademy
Beginners-Intermediate Seminar
... £50 for 6 hours training
In 6 hours of training we will cover a clear and concise Objective based strategy to deal with the following:
Combative Striking Combative Grappling PWAG (Physical Weapon Awareness Grappling) Prevention of weapons access Deployment and use of weapons Survival against weapons
OODA Loop dictates that too many techniques in the arsenal means more time taken for the brain to access the right tool for the job and therefore you end up on the backfoot. Information runs through your head and overloads you under combat stress if you don't have a tactical strategy to cover all the outcomes. After this seminar you will not have that problem!
You will learn how to prevent the access and deployment of weapons when up close and personal and how to handle the distances with and without weapons.
You will learn how to use weapons. You will learn how to survive against weapons.
First come first served for good people.
Get in touch to book your place
Osss!! Hydra 🙏
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I deleted the video of the bottle throwing between youths.
My reason:
I don't tolerate people referring to those who grew up in the same environment as myself as hood rats or any other derogitory term.
... Let's get this straight right now. I'm a mixed culture man myself.
Half of my family has e refugee status in their own country.
So have a little more respect.
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For all of you good people that couldn't make the last Hydra Combatives Seminar last month....
You will get your chance again in a week or two. Date to be announced.
Get in touch if you want to confirm your place from now


There's something about checking people and searching on the doors of London for so many years full time that just makes you know so much more about people, weapons, intent and general awareness


The Adrenalized state, what positive effects it has on us and how the wrong tactics and reliance on tools doesn't get the job done.
When aggression alone is also not enough.....
But above all when one man's will is greater than than his enemies....
... OST Officer Safety Training is not enough as most Police will tell you.
The man got away and I'm not involved in political debates, the officers failed and he succeeded. With detached emotions and opinions from a distance you will admit that they failed their objectives and he achieved his
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I've put out an Instructional on my Adapted O'Neill Cover before.
It's an entry I've used countless times over the years on the Doors of London.
Here you will see some of my students drilling the methods we use from it.
... I adapted it for reasons that will become obvious when you watch the video and also when you re-read the last paragraph. The doors I did were in London. I've been on the recieving end of weapons too many times to neglect it. It's all about putting as many hurdles in the way as possible and your best chance of survival is to nip weapon access in the bud pre-emptively and pro-actively. There are a lot of lovely techniques and systems around. They will deal with a lot but most do not even have the topics of what I know of violence in my life, my experiences and my world.
This is one way we cover a massive pillar of Hydra Combatives. PWAG: Physical Weapon Awareness Grappling.
If the blade is out in plain sight it's a different situation. I never walk "naked" to give me a better chance.
I'm still alive because of these ways I think.
Ossss!! Hydra
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PWAG Physical Weapon Awareness Grappling. A great question came up in class and as we were on the topic I answered more Frequently Asked Questions.
Get a deeper understanding by watching this video.
... Ossss!! Hydra
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#hydrasstudentsinaction #hydracombatives #EyesClosedDrill #hydrascombatacademy The right parts of the brain have to work with the right kinds of movement at the appropriate times. Not many know how to achieve this...


Works every time


Proud to be a part of Martial Arts Guardians... Latest issue out now!!!


This is the final video that you get for free on the Hydra Combatives topic of Physical Weapons Awareness Grappling (PWAG).
You will see and learn how to do a few moves that you can add to your arsenal.
Pay attention though to a great question and an in depth answer that from my experiences as a Student and a Teacher everyone asks themselves but not necessarily their Teacher.
... This question and answer highlights key elements to the reasons for the success of my Students who have a necessity for the training we provide.
The success stories are vast and due to the nature of what we do I don't openly publicise those so much as it could potentially either incriminate or identify certain individuals who I train privately or in classes.
I teach more professionals than anyone else but I also have single Mums, Office workers and general every day civilians with their own stories of survival.
Hence I have more long timers than I do beginners.
I hope you enjoyed the lessons and took something from them.
I will continue to put out regular content and I look forward to your continued feedback.
Osss!! Hydra
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If you've been following me you will see how bedantic I am when it comes to ALWAYS having weapons access in mind. There'll be one more video n this topic after this one (for now). Footage from Sunday's Hydra Combatives Seminar.
Osss!!... Hydra
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Buzzing from today's Seminar. I love days like this!!


As a man who has been stabbed on 3 occasions, all of which was in the midst of having to fight off multiple attackers and has survived. I take the topic of Knife and weapon survival with the utmost sincerity and seriousness. The only way I have stayed alive so far is through the lessons learned through these horrific experiences.
... Throughout every thing I do in life and in training I have this in mind at the forefront. The things I have learned the hard way have shown me that it's about putting as many hurdles as you can to give you that extra split second to handle the problems.
A heightened level of awareness has given me the life I have today. I would have died 20 years ago if I had listened to what the others say.
Think of it like security measures in your car. Every car has an alarm, most have immobilisers, optional extras such as handbreak locks, steering locks and cameras, as well as tracking devices pretty much have made it not impossible to get away with stealing your car but have made it take so much more time and effort to do so.
This is what we do with Self Protection.
This video is one part of Hydra Combatives Beginners training. Throughout the entire system we are on it in every which way you can think of plus things that most simply do not OR they just don't bother trying to tackle.
This is a lengthy video, therefore the marketing experts say that MOST of you will not bother to watch it. Those that aren't bothered I wish you all the best. Those of you that do take the time...One day I will see you at training.
Until then, enjoy!
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Tomorrow's Seminar is now Sold Out. If you missed the opportunity and wanted to come be ready for 4 Sundays from tomorrow for the next one.
... Hydra
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A little more of an insight of the brain power behind Hydra Combatives. Drawn from countless experiences of real violence in London side by side with a lifetime of training. Hydra has found that unique blend that isn't found, it's learned the hard way.
Many things feel awesome in a training drill on apparatus but can be the unfolding of you in a real violent encounter... Simple things we thought were goof to do can be tactical errors against the wrong people. As Hydra puts it "Ain't it meant to be them lot we train for?"
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Just as hesitation will get you killed in battle, Hesitation can make you miss out on life changing opportunities.
When I say "if you snooze you lose" you better be damn sure I mean it.
... Hydra Combatives Seminar this Sunday. Only 3 spaces left.
They could all be gone tomorrow.
Just saying ;)
Ossss!! Hydra
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Hydra Combatives: Physical Weapon Awareness
The Clinch is where in The Human Combative Blueprint we call the middle of the fight. If you look at MMA it's where the Dirty Boxing occurs, where the elbows and knees occur and it's where many takedowns and throws are set up and executed from.
From our perspective this is where the knife or weapon you haven't been made aware of yet is deployed.
... Having been involved in the specific set up from the receiving end and seeing it done it is something that when you know, you can't ignore.
In Hydra Combative's. REC and all of my systems and every second of my life around anyone other than Family I have weapon deployment and multiple assaillants on my mind.
Paranoid, Crazy?......Nah, I'm alive and relaxed because I see, feel and am more aware than anyone you know. I learned this first hand, not taught!
This video shows a very small amount of the depth we take this.
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What you see in the UFC + The stuff the referee won't allow (because there's no referee in real life)... Basically we're trained to do bad things to bad people... In the quickest possible time


What can I say,The Hydra is the best instructer I have come accross!!! He combines a good balance of humour and strictness!! When I frist turned up I didnt what to expect but I was made welcome within no time at all. After a month of trianing and positive mentoring I became more confident in all aspects of my life especially walking around my area. I would like to thank Urban Krav Maga North & East London for all the skills they have taught me. On a personal note I would like to add that I know the Hydra will always have my back!!!


Trained with David Hydra on and off since 2008 the best and realistic instructor I have come across! Hydra is able to deliver complicated techniques in a simplest form. Furthermore training under pressure and real life threats is the best case scenario you will get. If you are in East London Urban Krav Maga no regrets!


This is as real as it gets, I've done security for over 20 years and I'm always looking for ways to expand my arsenal.

There's theory and then there's reality, David prepares you for reality and worst case scenarios, no fluff!


The best combative skills and knowledge for a life. Real training.


My first class was real, raw. Having attended other self defence classes and karate I felt it didn't really prepare me for every day life situations.

Before coming to my first lesson I did go on the website and saw youtube videos.

First thing I noticed was all them men...All sizes. And 1 -3 women. 1 in particular a blonde female. She was awesome hands on rag and dragging with men 2 times her size.....I though what an inspiration.

When I met her. ..I had to carry her and squat her on my shoulders. ...David, Ash and all the other students were cheering me on when I was about to fall, encouraging me to keep up and do it.

The sense of being apart of a community made me feel more reassured that David's teaching of his kraft and passion of krav and even creating his on methods and techniques of self defence.

I love his videos. It is real and we do get hurt. But nothing prepares you better than David's classes.

You all have to try his teachings and listen and learn how to protect urself and bonus to protect ur family and loved ones if needed.

Thanks d

Not only am I more aware......I scan now with good habit my surroundings....


Just want to say thanks for everything urban Krav Maga North East London. Been training with david for few years now and I would not know what I do now without his realistic teaching skills. He has been there there rain or shine teaching me in the park and I love the circuit you put together before the kick ass stuff. I recommend urban Krav Maga North East London to anyone wanting to learn how to defend themselves against the most common attacks.


If your in London town and want to learn how to really look after yourself or u just want to learn some extra tricks for your arsenal get in contact with Hydra u won't be disappointed. I've personally trained with this dude on & off for around 5 years & whenever i get the chance always like to pop along and have a roll. Top instructor always evolving keeping it real.

Spicer (urban krav maga instructor)


If you want to learn real self defense that is the place to go. Learn from who can really teach you how to protect yourself. Top instructor in the field of self defense.


I've been training with Dave for the last month. I'm memorising and practicing the techniques you taught me. Looking forward to our sessions this week. Excellent teacher, great knowledge and understanding. Makes it very easy to learn! :)


I highly recommend anyone to go women, men, beginners, pros whatever your fitness levels.

Always a warm welcome from a good crowd of people everyone helps each other no egos good vibes fun and challenging.

Also a fantastic instructor who will have a lot of time for you will work with you to achieve your goals whatever that maybe.


I have only been to one class so far and it was good! Don't be mistaken, it is intense but felt like I learned more in one lesson than I ever did in any other self defence or kickboxing classes. Can't wait for my second class!


I have been training at Dave's since 2014. Practicing his unique take on krav maga has been crucial not just in me dealing with physical attacks on the street but also preventing verbal confrontations from escalating.

I feel more secure in handling myself in any situation outdoors. There is no greater validation of a trainer's methods than that. Cheers Dave and Osss!


Hydra Is o e of the most knowledgeable instructors in self protection I know. What he teaches he has used and had no fancy techniques just pure urban survival. I highly recommend him if your looking for a class.


Having tried many different systems over many years this took my love for Krav Maga to another level. No hype, no stupid claims, but rather field tested results based ideas with a teacher that is part gladiator part scientist. You will love this.


Having been trained by many MMA and boxing coaches , David is the real deal and I can say I trust anything that he teaches to work in real life scenarios based on personal experience , would strongly recommend if you want to learn what real self defence is about.


Hands down the best preperation for real life scenarios 10/10.




David is one of the best instructers I've been taught by, with incredible knowledge and experience of combat and self defense. I learned so much about personal safety and awareness training with him and the other students, who bring a friendly and intense vibe to every class. Highly recommend


What you see in the UFC + The stuff the referee won't allow (because there's no referee in real life)... Basically we're trained to do bad things to bad people... In the quickest possible time


What can I say,The Hydra is the best instructer I have come accross!!! He combines a good balance of humour and strictness!! When I frist turned up I didnt what to expect but I was made welcome within no time at all. After a month of trianing and positive mentoring I became more confident in all aspects of my life especially walking around my area. I would like to thank Urban Krav Maga North & East London for all the skills they have taught me. On a personal note I would like to add that I know the Hydra will always have my back!!!


Trained with David Hydra on and off since 2008 the best and realistic instructor I have come across! Hydra is able to deliver complicated techniques in a simplest form. Furthermore training under pressure and real life threats is the best case scenario you will get. If you are in East London Urban Krav Maga no regrets!


This is as real as it gets, I've done security for over 20 years and I'm always looking for ways to expand my arsenal.

There's theory and then there's reality, David prepares you for reality and worst case scenarios, no fluff!


The best combative skills and knowledge for a life. Real training.


My first class was real, raw. Having attended other self defence classes and karate I felt it didn't really prepare me for every day life situations.

Before coming to my first lesson I did go on the website and saw youtube videos.

First thing I noticed was all them men...All sizes. And 1 -3 women. 1 in particular a blonde female. She was awesome hands on rag and dragging with men 2 times her size.....I though what an inspiration.

When I met her. ..I had to carry her and squat her on my shoulders. ...David, Ash and all the other students were cheering me on when I was about to fall, encouraging me to keep up and do it.

The sense of being apart of a community made me feel more reassured that David's teaching of his kraft and passion of krav and even creating his on methods and techniques of self defence.

I love his videos. It is real and we do get hurt. But nothing prepares you better than David's classes.

You all have to try his teachings and listen and learn how to protect urself and bonus to protect ur family and loved ones if needed.

Thanks d

Not only am I more aware......I scan now with good habit my surroundings....


Just want to say thanks for everything urban Krav Maga North East London. Been training with david for few years now and I would not know what I do now without his realistic teaching skills. He has been there there rain or shine teaching me in the park and I love the circuit you put together before the kick ass stuff. I recommend urban Krav Maga North East London to anyone wanting to learn how to defend themselves against the most common attacks.


If your in London town and want to learn how to really look after yourself or u just want to learn some extra tricks for your arsenal get in contact with Hydra u won't be disappointed. I've personally trained with this dude on & off for around 5 years & whenever i get the chance always like to pop along and have a roll. Top instructor always evolving keeping it real.

Spicer (urban krav maga instructor)


If you want to learn real self defense that is the place to go. Learn from who can really teach you how to protect yourself. Top instructor in the field of self defense.


I've been training with Dave for the last month. I'm memorising and practicing the techniques you taught me. Looking forward to our sessions this week. Excellent teacher, great knowledge and understanding. Makes it very easy to learn! :)


I highly recommend anyone to go women, men, beginners, pros whatever your fitness levels.

Always a warm welcome from a good crowd of people everyone helps each other no egos good vibes fun and challenging.

Also a fantastic instructor who will have a lot of time for you will work with you to achieve your goals whatever that maybe.


I have only been to one class so far and it was good! Don't be mistaken, it is intense but felt like I learned more in one lesson than I ever did in any other self defence or kickboxing classes. Can't wait for my second class!


I have been training at Dave's since 2014. Practicing his unique take on krav maga has been crucial not just in me dealing with physical attacks on the street but also preventing verbal confrontations from escalating.

I feel more secure in handling myself in any situation outdoors. There is no greater validation of a trainer's methods than that. Cheers Dave and Osss!


Hydra Is o e of the most knowledgeable instructors in self protection I know. What he teaches he has used and had no fancy techniques just pure urban survival. I highly recommend him if your looking for a class.


Having tried many different systems over many years this took my love for Krav Maga to another level. No hype, no stupid claims, but rather field tested results based ideas with a teacher that is part gladiator part scientist. You will love this.


Having been trained by many MMA and boxing coaches , David is the real deal and I can say I trust anything that he teaches to work in real life scenarios based on personal experience , would strongly recommend if you want to learn what real self defence is about.


Hands down the best preperation for real life scenarios 10/10.




David is one of the best instructers I've been taught by, with incredible knowledge and experience of combat and self defense. I learned so much about personal safety and awareness training with him and the other students, who bring a friendly and intense vibe to every class. Highly recommend


What you see in the UFC + The stuff the referee won't allow (because there's no referee in real life)... Basically we're trained to do bad things to bad people... In the quickest possible time


What can I say,The Hydra is the best instructer I have come accross!!! He combines a good balance of humour and strictness!! When I frist turned up I didnt what to expect but I was made welcome within no time at all. After a month of trianing and positive mentoring I became more confident in all aspects of my life especially walking around my area. I would like to thank Urban Krav Maga North & East London for all the skills they have taught me. On a personal note I would like to add that I know the Hydra will always have my back!!!


Trained with David Hydra on and off since 2008 the best and realistic instructor I have come across! Hydra is able to deliver complicated techniques in a simplest form. Furthermore training under pressure and real life threats is the best case scenario you will get. If you are in East London Urban Krav Maga no regrets!


This is as real as it gets, I've done security for over 20 years and I'm always looking for ways to expand my arsenal.

There's theory and then there's reality, David prepares you for reality and worst case scenarios, no fluff!


The best combative skills and knowledge for a life. Real training.


My first class was real, raw. Having attended other self defence classes and karate I felt it didn't really prepare me for every day life situations.

Before coming to my first lesson I did go on the website and saw youtube videos.

First thing I noticed was all them men...All sizes. And 1 -3 women. 1 in particular a blonde female. She was awesome hands on rag and dragging with men 2 times her size.....I though what an inspiration.

When I met her. ..I had to carry her and squat her on my shoulders. ...David, Ash and all the other students were cheering me on when I was about to fall, encouraging me to keep up and do it.

The sense of being apart of a community made me feel more reassured that David's teaching of his kraft and passion of krav and even creating his on methods and techniques of self defence.

I love his videos. It is real and we do get hurt. But nothing prepares you better than David's classes.

You all have to try his teachings and listen and learn how to protect urself and bonus to protect ur family and loved ones if needed.

Thanks d

Not only am I more aware......I scan now with good habit my surroundings....


Just want to say thanks for everything urban Krav Maga North East London. Been training with david for few years now and I would not know what I do now without his realistic teaching skills. He has been there there rain or shine teaching me in the park and I love the circuit you put together before the kick ass stuff. I recommend urban Krav Maga North East London to anyone wanting to learn how to defend themselves against the most common attacks.


If your in London town and want to learn how to really look after yourself or u just want to learn some extra tricks for your arsenal get in contact with Hydra u won't be disappointed. I've personally trained with this dude on & off for around 5 years & whenever i get the chance always like to pop along and have a roll. Top instructor always evolving keeping it real.

Spicer (urban krav maga instructor)


If you want to learn real self defense that is the place to go. Learn from who can really teach you how to protect yourself. Top instructor in the field of self defense.


I've been training with Dave for the last month. I'm memorising and practicing the techniques you taught me. Looking forward to our sessions this week. Excellent teacher, great knowledge and understanding. Makes it very easy to learn! :)


I highly recommend anyone to go women, men, beginners, pros whatever your fitness levels.

Always a warm welcome from a good crowd of people everyone helps each other no egos good vibes fun and challenging.

Also a fantastic instructor who will have a lot of time for you will work with you to achieve your goals whatever that maybe.


I have only been to one class so far and it was good! Don't be mistaken, it is intense but felt like I learned more in one lesson than I ever did in any other self defence or kickboxing classes. Can't wait for my second class!


I have been training at Dave's since 2014. Practicing his unique take on krav maga has been crucial not just in me dealing with physical attacks on the street but also preventing verbal confrontations from escalating.

I feel more secure in handling myself in any situation outdoors. There is no greater validation of a trainer's methods than that. Cheers Dave and Osss!


Hydra Is o e of the most knowledgeable instructors in self protection I know. What he teaches he has used and had no fancy techniques just pure urban survival. I highly recommend him if your looking for a class.


Having tried many different systems over many years this took my love for Krav Maga to another level. No hype, no stupid claims, but rather field tested results based ideas with a teacher that is part gladiator part scientist. You will love this.


Having been trained by many MMA and boxing coaches , David is the real deal and I can say I trust anything that he teaches to work in real life scenarios based on personal experience , would strongly recommend if you want to learn what real self defence is about.


Hands down the best preperation for real life scenarios 10/10.




David is one of the best instructers I've been taught by, with incredible knowledge and experience of combat and self defense. I learned so much about personal safety and awareness training with him and the other students, who bring a friendly and intense vibe to every class. Highly recommend

More about Hydra'S Combat Academy London

Hydra'S Combat Academy London is located at Abbotts Park Road, Leyton, E10 6JP London, United Kingdom