
About Iambarre

iambarre, the original and the best barre based exercise class in Cambs. Low impact, high intensity workouts, designed by a woman for a woman's body.



We’ve had a particularly busy week this week at iambarre, with so many of the classes full to capacity and some fantastic goals reached and even busted. It seems there’s no glass ceiling with you guys, as you just keep on getting better and better. Reports have been coming in thick and fast, that it’s obliques and glutes, that are especially feeling the “benefits” this week. All the more proof of your hard work and commitment!!
Friday is here at last... and even better that it comes with blue skies and sunshine (which after yesterday, is greatly appreciated, by me at least) I’m just back from a short run, so full of fresh air and happy “go getter” hormones and ready to take on the weekend... so watch out Saturday girls, I’m ready for you!! 😁👍
Karen xxx
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There’s a difference between working from the outside in versus the inside out. Think of it like a push and pull analogy. Push workouts are where you work hard and expend external effort, say in a bootcamp class or a hardcore sweat session. Pull workouts are when you work from the inside out, like in your iambarre classes, where the energy is pulled from within. The power in pull workouts comes from your breath and all the tiny musc...les that are often forgotten: the minimus and medius glutes, TVA and trapezius for example. In addition to this you build huge mental resilience, as in every class the mental effort matches the physical. It isn’t that push workouts are bad—I run too—but my experience has taught me that working from the inside out awakens the body and sculpts a killer feminine physique.
To find out more and to book your first session, click on the link below:
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Click on our link to find out more and to join our community of exercisers


She doesn’t know how good she is!
The wonderful Nikki P showing us how a ‘New York Bottom’ exercise should be performed this morning. Nikki only joined us a few months ago and she’s already nailing some of our more complex exercises. Well done Mrs P, you’re an inspiration.🤩
Well done, too, to all my Saturday ladies. You’re a great bunch and make my job so rewarding! 😍❤️


HUGE thumbs up to my Thursday Barre Girls!...
They might make this look easy, but only because their focus and commitment is absolutely on the money!
Well done everyone of you, it was a tough session, with so much to think about at once, but you all nailed it this morning!! 👍
... Xxxx
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Click on our link below to read about this unique and genuinely effective technique and to book your first session. Workout in a friendly, supportive, all female environment, with experienced, personalised and professional instruction. Whether you are new to exercise, a little bit rusty or an experienced gym bunny, there’s a class that’s perfect for you!


Thanks Sarah for your lovely feedback....
Hi Karen and Team,
Absolutely loved my first class on Thursday and although I have a way to go until I can perfect all the movements, I am really looking forward to the journey. I also think it is going to help enormously with the other classes I do and my overall fitness.
... Can’t wait until the next one! Have already booked a few more classes 🙂
Thank you and see you soon x
Sarah Trundle
To join Sarah and to find out more, click on our link below
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If you've ever taken out a bad day at the office on the nearest treadmill, you know that working up a good sweat can easily turn your day around. When you exercise, your brain increases production of certain neurotransmitters, which send messages throughout your nervous system. In the case of exercise, those messages might be something along the lines of: "You're exercising! This is awesome! Cheer up!"
Studies have linked low levels of serotonin and norepinephrine to depressi...on, which is a solid link to feelings of post-workout euphoria. And it's not just that exercise leads to an increase in serotonin and norepinephrine which may, in turn, reduce depression and stress, exercise may actually help ward off depression and anxiety by enhancing the body's ability to respond to stressors.
What happens, is that exercise affords the body an opportunity to practice responding to stress, streamlining the communication between the systems involved in the stress response.. "The less active we become, the more challenged we are in dealing with stress."
Our own experience at iambarre bears this out, as over and over again, my barre girls report, positive feelings post an iambarre class and they tell me they continue their day with an upbeat attitude. Alongside the exercise high, there’s our amazing community of ladies, championing one another on. We know, from years of experience in this industry, that finding your exercise tribe is not only a great motivator, but enhances your commitment, so we value and support these wonderful connections.
If you’re interested in joining us, click on our link below. www.iambarre.com
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Happy Monday!!!
We’re brimming full of ideas to keep you motivated and working out smart this week.
See you at the barre! Xx


This week’s spaces are nearly all taken, so we just thought we’d send out a gentle nudge, in case you hadn’t scheduled your iambarre classes for this week? Mon and Thursday daytime and Tuesday evening are already full and the rest of our classes are filling up fast.
Please ladies, if you do need to cancel your session, we’d really appreciate it you could let us know ASAP, as someone else would probably love your place?
Thanks guys and see you in class! Xxx


Superwomen Saturday morning Barre girls, getting their weekends off to an energetic start this morning....
Well done ladies, another hours worth of amazing effort and hard work . You all deserved that post class cuppa this morning.
Have a lovely rest of the weekend all of you and looking forward to seeing you next week! Xx


When working out, we tend to focus on biceps, quads and other larger muscles, which have a tendency to let us know (sometimes quite painfully!) when they’re tired or weak. But did you know it’s important to challenge smaller supporting muscles as well?
Here are five easy-to-overlook areas that deserve special attention, that an iambarre class will expertly address, in each and every session, whilst also challenging the larger muscle groups....
1. Trapezius. The key to good po...sture, the trapezius is the large, triangular muscle that covers the back of your neck, shoulders, and upper part of your spine. It’s essential for good posture and counteracting the weight of shoulder bags. In an iambarre class, we focus on techniques that help you locate and target this muscle.
2. Rotator Cuff. So named because they form a cuff around your shoulder blade, these four small muscles are essential in providing full range of motion for your arms and shoulders. In an iambarre class, our mindful approach helps build both awareness and strength around the rotator cuff and we constantly draw your attention to it, within every exercise set we perform.
3. Ankle. Your ankle absorbs force and helps maintain balance when you walk, run, and jump. In an iambarre class we perform many exercises to help improve strength and flexibility, such as rising onto “demi pointe” and pointing and flexing feet, often with the use of resistance bands or balance balls.
4. Gluteus medius and minimus. You work those other glutes religiously, but these supporting players play an important supporting role. Our signature “wrap around” technique, is used in virtually every exercise in our repertoire and encompasses these lesser used muscles in your seat.
5. Hand grip. Grip strength assists everything from opening jars to holding a racket. Several studies suggest it’s also an indicator of general health. We use weighted balls and weights to build hand muscles and improve hand grip strength. We also use wrist flexion and weight bearing on the hands, to focus in on improving strength in this area.
When a body is correctly aligned and stabilised, not only does it look slimmer and taller, it works efficiently, has better energy and is less injury prone... now isn’t that what you’d like from your workout?
Click on our link below, to find out more!
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Seek to be worth knowing, rather than well known...
Talk about exercise classes and naturally, everyone will have heard of Pilates, Yoga, Aerobics and lately, you’ll even find Barre is on the radar in the world of exercise classes... and do you know what? we’re fine with with that and we don’t mind that the rest of the country/world probably hasn’t heard of IAMBARRE!...
You see, we’ve never been about building a global franchise, a chain of studios, or worldwide recognition.... What we seek to bring to you, are classes, where every session is designed for the individuals who come to class, we’re interested in getting to know those women and we love working with so many variants of ability, age, flexibility and strength and adapting to it. We’re about building a supportive environment for women to come and workout and for nurturing friendships in class, so the benefits of class, can be taken into so many other areas of life. We understand that’s how you make exercise work for you and that’s how you get results!
That’s our USP and that’s why we love what we do and why our customers keep coming back and have been, since we opened our doors over a decade ago.
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iambarre is the longest established barre class in the Cambridge area with over a decade of experience, with actual, real life success stories, from women just like you! ... here’s a little more of what our clients have to say about us and our barre classes.... (for even more testimonials, see our website www.iambarre.com).
“Coming to this class has resulted in a total change in my body shape. I have no... (ok, reduced!) cellulite, increased body awareness, better posture and I’m really enjoying being more in touch with my body. You are BRILLIANT! - Thank you!!” (JMcC, Histon)
“Coming to class means I work on and look after my physical fitness and this in turn affects my state of mind. I achieve more in life in general, as I can tap into the perseverance I use in my iambarre class and I am able to take that into my day to day. Karen, I love your classes!” IP (Chrishall)
“My body shape has changed for the better. I am so much more toned from this class. You can’t even compare it to any other exercise classes, for great results.” (LG, Hildersham)
Precise, thorough and knowledgeable instruction has given me a stronger core. I look better and more importantly, I feel better. Thank you to the lovely teachers, this is a great class, but a tough class! (GMcM, Barley)
“ I feel the classes improve my mood, strengthen my core (my back is much better) and they also improve my deportment. I also love the friendships and after class coffee” (SO’C, Boxworth)
To book your first class with us, go to our website www.iambarre.com and reserve your place online from our booking tab. For more information or if you’d like to chat more about our classes, you can email Karen at karen@iambarre.com or give her a call on 0784 1363022.
We can’t wait to meet you! From the iambarre team xx
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Sending a fanfare out to all our phenomenal iambarre girls already getting October off to a fine start! Keep it up ladies....you are AMAZING!! Xx


Go to www.iambarre.com and get your October off to a cracking start!
Call Karen on 07841363022 to find out more?


iambarre classes are a totally unique, low impact, but high intensity workout, designed by ex ballerina Karen Taylor to suit any woman who wants a leaner, stronger body. Classes use a ballet barre, weights and resistance to achieve strength, core and correct alignment. It’s tough, extremely good fun, but most importantly you’ll find it’s the most seriously effective body shaping you’ve ever tried.🥇
To further tempt you, why don’t you take advantage of our ‘New Starter’ offer ...of 6 classes for the same price as our 5 session course, at just £75!!
Contact Karen Taylor on 0784 1363022 or email her at karen@iambarre.com for more details and to reserve your place before they all go! Or see our website link to find out more and to reserve your place in class.
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Confidence is your most beautiful trait. Carrying yourself with elegance and good posture is one way to feel good inside. By practicing the iambarre technique you help bring out your inner dancer. Posture enhancing moves, combined with targeted strength training and stretching help you look and feel taller both in and outside of class. Pair this with heart pumping music and an iambarre class will leave you feeling energized and empowered. Wi...th time, practice, and commitment you’ll notice your body change radically and boy is that a way to feel great about yourself!
Our iambarre instructors are amongst the best trained and most experienced Barre instructors in the U.K.
Click in our link below
www.iambarre.com to book your first class NOW!!!
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Saddled with saddlebags? 😬....
Fear not? We have a tried and tested solution to tackle them! 👍
... “Saddlebags" are an optical illusion, an underdeveloped area just under your tush where the back of your thigh (your hamstring) “ties into” your glutes. We call this area the "glute-hamstring tie-in."
When the muscles of this area are underdeveloped, the area becomes soft, fat accumulates, and it falls outward to the side, causing the appearance of what people refer to as "saddlebags." The solution here is to strengthen the muscles that lay under the body fat in this region. This makes the corresponding muscle stronger and more metabolically active, thereby pulling up and inward on the area. Muscle is also a great way to combat extra body fat.
In an iambarre class, your experienced instructor has a wealth of exercises up her sleeve to combat this stubborn area and to target the muscles that will lift, tone, stabilise and strengthen around the seat, hips and backs of your legs. In fact, we’ve become pretty famous for making 100s of bottoms perkier! 😍
To find out more, click on our link below or call Karen on 0784 1363022 to chat more about how we can help you exercise more intelligently and effectively.
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This is the only exercise I've ever done which has made a visible difference to my posture. I'm standing straighter, looking leaner and gradually flattening out in the right places. My lower back no longer aches and my neck and shoulders are more relaxed. Karen really works the whole body, from the top of your head to your toes and it all makes sense! I really enjoy the intense mental effort needed to perform each movement precisely and thoughtfully and it's this that gets the results. Thanks Karen!


Morning Karen. I hope you are well. I have to say how brilliant yesterdays class was! I thoroughly enjoyed it and all the moves - I always get a lot from your classes, but found yesterday fantastic! As you can guess, I usually feel like I go around every day with my shoulders about 8" higher than they should be, and your classes always make me feel so relaxed afterwards and for the days following, so thank you! Keep up the amazing work x


I'm such a lazy person, but Karen and Rosie managed to get me exercising twice a week. Instead of dropping out after a few weeks, something that had happened in the past with other sports all the time, I'm back every week. Classes are hard, but doable. And just after a few months I noticed a change in body, which gives me more self-convidence. I can only recommend iambarre. For me it's the best exercise class I ever had.

More about Iambarre

Iambarre is located at Station Road, SG8 6DX Melbourn