Institute Of Economic Affairs

About Institute Of Economic Affairs

The IEA is the UK's original free-market think-tank, founded in 1955. No corporate view - sharing material from wide-ranging list of spokespeople.



Greg de Hoedt is Director & Chairman of United Kingdom Cannabis Social Clubs. Greg highlights his personal account of managing Crohn’s Disease without proper medical care or attention and explains the pit falls of having to illegally source cannabis.


🎙 PODCAST: This week the IEA's Dr Steve Davies discusses the concept of civility in public life.
Interviewed by Kate Andrews, Steve argues any private establishment has the right to refuse service, but that doing so does not come without consequence!


Vernon Smith is one of the world’s most widely decorated economists. A long-time friend of the IEA, he won the Nobel Prize in economics in 2002. Professor Smith was interviewed by IEA Senior Academic Fellow Professor Philip Booth for #thinkiea


From #thinkiea with Dr Steve Davies: Today all sorts of bad arguments and policies are being revived and presented as novel and exciting – from all parts of the political debate.
Why were these bad ideas before and why is it that they are still so today?


🚬 The IEA's jointly signed letter appears in The Sun: The Government must not place additional taxes on vaping, a consumer-led product that has helped millions of people reduce or stop smoking and saved the health service money at no cost to the NHS


Without building on the so-called greenbelt the UK will “have a permanent housing crisis, not a short-medium term one,” says the IEA’s Mark Littlewood


Much of the land protected by green belt regulation was not environmentally valuable or scenic. The only meaningful way to solve the issue of unaffordable housing is to liberalise the planning system and build more homes, says the IEA's Mark Littlewood


Trump’s role as an agent of chaos and disruption may prove to be the only way of forcing a reduction of anti-competitive behind the border trade barriers that destroy wealth, argues the IEA's Shanker Singham


Since 1970, average house prices in the UK have risen by a staggering four and a half fold after inflation. No other OECD country’s experience has even come close.…/green-belt-regulat ions-stand-in-the-w…/


The UK needs more homes, and we want YOUR IDEAS on how we get them!
So much so, that we've launched the Richard Koch Breakthrough Prize, with £50,000 for the person or group who come up with the best free-market policy to solve the housing crisis.
Details here:


As Milton Friedman pointed out, “one of the great mistakes is to judge policies and programs by their intentions rather than their results.”


The IEA was delighted to host a reception with Senator Rand Paul on Friday, thank you for your brief remarks on the Special Relationship and the future of freedom on both sides of the pond


Our approach to cannabis regulation has historically been highly prohibitionist - but there are signs that the tide could be turning, argues Andrew Boff at THINK Conference 2018.


In a world in which more people want access to flexible working we need to address the ways in which we regulate certain industries, says Rebecca Lowe on Uber and the taxi industry
🚙 Read Kristian Niemietz's case for private regulation: e-sharing-economy…/


Tech is generating mass wealth from jobs and products whose existence could not have been fathomed a decade ago. Apple’s success is good news for us all. Here’s to the next trillion dollars, says the IEA's Kate Andrews


The IEA was divided on #Brexit before the Referendum, and while we all respect the Referendum result, we remain divided on the type of Brexit we want.
We asked two of our staff members, Julian Jessop and Kristian Niemietz for their take on the Norway Option ↓


Let’s quit while we’re behind, and not subject more women to faulty #genderpaygap stats, says Kate Andrews


🎙PODCAST: This week the IEA's Dr Steve Davies discusses the concept of civility in public life.
Interviewed by Kate Andrews, Steve argues any private establishment has the right to refuse service, but that doing so does not come without consequence!
https://livefromlordnorthstreet.podbean.c om/e/is-dissent-o…/


It beggars belief that the government is considering a tax on e-cigarettes as a means of increasing funding to the NHS. Anyone truly interested in harm reduction or public health should encourage - not penalise - vaping


All too often, sin taxes have more to do with raising revenue than encouraging healthy living. How else do you explain a proposed tax on e-cigarettes?


Would love to work here in the future- iea's work is amazing! :)


We need more balanced viewpoints like this, to overcome the labour and tory spendalots.


The intellectual momentum of the IEA, as created by Lord Harris & Arthur Seldon, continues to bend the arc of history towards more human liberty... !!!


Thanks for the book “the road to serfdom” of Hayek!

It has been a nice surprise finding it on the mailbox :)

Good job!!


Keep up the excellent work. I'm looking for a source for your older Hobart papers and other output. You could probably do a brisk business if you collected these into reasonably priced volumes and sold them via your website, or in collaboration with other like-minded organizations (yes, yes, I know, the organization doesn't have a "mind"; "organizations charged with similar missions" then).


Just got an offer at summer internship. Yay!!!


It is one of the greatest Think Tanks in Europe. Keep up in the extraordinary mission of spreading the ideas of a free and virtuous society!


I have just received my copy of The Road to Serfdom. Thank you �


I don't always agree with their ideas - but they always make me think and sometimes make me change my mind.


Great think tank with some excellent market solutions to economic issues


Great think tank similar to the Heritage foundation with explanations of economic theory effect, cause and such. It explains the mathematics and works as an argument for a free market.


Continuing an excellent tradition of disruptive thought.


Chris Snowdon was excellent on the BBC's The Big Questions debate on child poverty


Amazing work in promoting brilliant Economics ideas.


Amazing institution full of committed, hard working, professional and passionate people. Thank you from ESFL!







There's about as much free thought here as in a concentration camp guards office.


Surprised at the lack of balance in arguments in a lot of posts. To me the IEA is a right wing think thank. Continously dimissing any progressive economic policies as socialism. Any chance the IEA could tell the public where they get their funding from? Still an interesting page to follow even though I dont agree with most of what they publish.


Some articles well balanced. But that goes away when there is a company agenda which has beem disappointing

More about Institute Of Economic Affairs

Institute Of Economic Affairs is located at 2 Lord North Street, SW1P 3LB London, United Kingdom
0207 799 8900