International Maritime Organization - Imo

About International Maritime Organization - Imo

The International Maritime Organization is a specialized agency of the United Nations which is responsible for measures to improve the safety and security of international shipping and to prevent marine pollution from ships.

International Maritime Organization - Imo Description

The purposes of the Organization, as summarized by Article 1(a) of the Convention, are "to provide machinery for cooperation among Governments in the field of governmental regulation and practices relating to technical matters of all kinds affecting shipping engaged in international trade; to encourage and facilitate the general adoption of the highest practicable standards in matters concerning maritime safety, efficiency of navigation and prevention and control of marine pollution from ships". The Organization is also empowered to deal with administrative and legal matters related to these purposes.



This short video looks back into the rich history of the Organization and its past achievements, but also looks at the current future challenges for the years to come to ensure global effective implementation of IMO standards.


Minimum training standards for fishers under review:…/MediaCentre/WhatsN ew/Pages/default.aspx


Protecting fishers’ lives:…/MediaCentre/WhatsN ew/Pages/default.aspx


Rescue diver from China who saved three from sunken cargo ship to be recognized with the 2018 IMO Award for Exceptional Bravery At Sea:…/PressBriefin…/Pa ges/14-C120Bravery.aspx


It's official, the World Maritime Day theme 2019 is: "Empowering Women in the Maritime Community"…/PressBr…/Pages/1 3-WMD2019themeC120.aspx


International Maritime Prize for 2017 to go to Mrs. Birgit Sølling Olsen:…/PressBri…/Pages/ 12-IMPSollingOlsen.aspx


Today is the 35th anniversary of the World Maritime University - headquarters - the world's centre of excellence for educating the maritime leaders of tomorrow.
Founded in 1983 by International Maritime Organization - IMO , WMU has made a major contribution to global maritime education, research and capacity building, with 4,654 WMU alumni from 167 countries to date.


Lifeboat inspection, fire drills, emergency generator training, keeping watch, new friendships, ports, building professional networks, and working far away from home and family.
These, and many more, are all part of life at sea, and IMO’s own Sascha Pristrom is experiencing these during a voyage on the Monaco Maersk ultra large container ship.
Follow Sascha's progress on the Monaco Maersk container ship via our online photo gallery:…/imo-un/alb ums/72157696728106441


Could Just-In-Time (JIT) ship operation be part of the solution to reducing ship emissions?
This is the question being discussed at an IMO-led meeting today, involving the Global Industry Alliance and industry stakeholders
Read more here:


Thank you to everyone for all the support with Day of the Seafarer 2018. It was heartwarming to see the level of engagement supporting seafarers around the world. Here are some highlights from yesterday's fantastic campaign. Wishing you many more good days at sea!


On Day of the Seafarer - watch the trailer for the upcoming “Seafarers' Mental Health and Wellbeing" video by ISWAN / KVH Videotel UY
International Seafarers' Welfare & Assistance Network... Videotel Marine International
See More


Morning mooring operation with a smile! Great photo, Agata!


A happy good day at sea to you too, Huraisy!


Great photo from Hanna, a maritime pilot from Sweden.
If you're a seafarer and have a great photo showing what a good day at sea looks like - enter our competition here:

More about International Maritime Organization - Imo

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