James Connolly House



State Repression Intensifies Against Irish Republican Socialists
Despite what the Establishment Parties in Ireland would have you believe, political policing has never ceased and has recently been on the rise in both the occupied six counties and the Free State. The suppression of alternative political beliefs and views has been at the top of the agenda of both the PSNI and An Garda Siochana, at a time when the never ending and ever increasing flaws of both puppet governments...’ on this island has been all too clear for the people of Ireland to see.
in the Free State, where resistance to the anti working class decision of charging people for the use of water, has become stronger and stronger, activists have been trailed from their homes by the Gardai, brought to court and handed large fines and at times, prison sentences. Solely due to protesting against the decision of the capitalist Free State Administration to bleed more money out of ordinary people who simply have no more money to give.
RUC AAAAAAAAAA In the North, the persecution and harassment of anti Good Friday Agreement Republicans has become a daily occurrence. At a time when Stormont flounders from one petty sectarian argument to the next, and with politicians who serve no-one only their massive ego’s and wallets, the armed wing of the British State in Ireland (PSNI) and their masters in Mi5, have been to the fore in trying to intimidate Republican activist’s and their families. Dozens of Republican Socialist Activists homes have been torn apart in the last 2 months. Many stop and searches and Mi5 approaches have been conducted against members of the IRSP and other Republican groups. The Establishment Parties at Stormont and Leinster House have remained tight lipped and silent on these serious issues, sadly including many ‘Republicans’ who were once subjected to the same harassment for their beliefs.
Their silence is deafening!
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IRSP will be holding a protest outside the psni recruiting event on sat. All available members are asked to support this protest


Great to so many republican party's standing in unity in support of the prisoners


the IRSP in derry are asking members to do their best to try and attend the white line protest at free derry on sat 10th of oct at 2.30 pm see below irpwa are having a protest tomorrow at half 2 free derry corner . All republican groups welcome with relevant prisoners banners thanks

More about James Connolly House

James Connolly House is located at 8 chamberlain st, BT48 6LR Derry, Northern Ireland