Janine Lowe

About Janine Lowe

Janine is a Feng Shui Consultant, NLP Coach and Counsellor

Janine Lowe Description

My Facebook Page is an introduction to Feng Shui. I use Auspicious Dates and Daily Posts to ensure you have the best chi for the day. I also post picture quotes each day to inspire people in their day to day lives. I offer a Ba Zi reading which can be carried out by phone or Skype. I also have a service where you can get daily text. A free 7 day trial is available text 60777 Fengshui then your date of birth. I can also come to your home and give you a Feng Shui consultation to ensure you are living with the most positive chi. I love my journey as a Feng Shui Consultant, this path also allows me to use my intuition which is always at hand.



15 Day Declutter Boot Camp
Hey Peeps
I am thinking about giving a 15 day DECLUTTER BOOTCAMP and I thought you would be interested in this, most of us are stuck at home so lets turn this time into a valuable experience by clearing our clutter. Remember what we call clutter others value.
... If you are looking for a breakthrough in 2020 by focusing on decluttering in your house you will also be working on your life in general. Each area of the house affects different areas of your life. Relationships, Career, Wealth, Health and Life in General. By cleaning and clearing the clutter in these areas will be improving our lives to be the success we want.
Clearing clutter makes us feel so much better and can have a positive outcome on your life. After just 10 mins in a cupboard sorting stuff out you feel happy which is a great feeling which in turn gets those endorphins working which helps your well being and bring harmony back to your life.
This Boot Camp will cover decluttering your home, garage, home office, photos paper/phone and gardens.
Our homes remember I will be doing this with you..
Room by room over the next 15 days we will sort your cupboards, I wonder what delights we will find in them lol. Wardrobes, which will include your clothes. Drawers from kitchen to your nicker drawers. That scary cupboard under the stairs where the cobwebs linger. Your attic/loft I haven’t got one I am so glad.. but we will tackle yours.
Home office this should be fun there is going to be some serious shredding and burning. Won’t it be amazing to be able to put your hand immediately on that document you need. I will also be helping you clear your in box and set up your computer into files. Well actually I will be bring someone else on board for that.
I don’t know about you but my garage has been taken over by the local spider colony and I literally don’t like to go in there, but with you I will declutter my garage.
Do you have boxes of photos from years ago, lets make them safe and organized. Do you often print them off or like me is your phone filled with memories. Lets get our phones freed up and store our pictures where they are safe.
The Boot camp will be full of daily tips and I will do three live Facebook’s where you can ask your questions. This group will be an interactive and you will be able to post your before and after photos, loving the idea of this should be so much fun.
Boot Camp starts Sunday 12th April if you want to join me click on the link in the comment box below £31
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Literally meaning wind and water, Feng Shui is the ancient Chinese art of harmonising your surroundings and environment with you as an individual, in order to promote and improve your happiness, wellbeing and success – both physically and psychologically. ☯️
Whether you want to meet a new partner, change career or improve your health; by using the 5 elements of Fire 🔥, Earth 🌎, Metal ⚙️, Water 💦 and Wood 🌳, with a combination of metaphysics and positive intention – Feng Shui can help you make significant and lasting change.
Using your birth year, month, day, and hour, your astrological chart will help you to understand your gifts, hidden opportunities and what options you have at any given point in time. Use the link in the comments to get yours now 👇👇👇


I am sharing this post but it is super important our friends and family need to know that you are there for them ❤️❤️❤️❤️


I would choose Tessa Masson my bff because we make each other laugh and we love doing the same things. Who would you like to be stuck on an island with?


What are you doing? I am writing courses to go online 😁


It's been interesting to read the posts on Facebook over the last week, seeing how businesses are making changes to survive in these uncertain times. Many are choosing to take things online now due to the shutdown in the UK. 🌍
One of my clients has just launched a new product and contacted me to find out when would be the best time to do this. 🕰
We consulted her charts and established the most auspicious day to launch the product. She did launch on the day and the product whe...n viral (for all the right reasons!). ☯️
If you're thinking about launching a new product or service for your business, wouldn't it be nice to do it on a day when you could ensure it's success? 🎉
You can with your own personalised Chinese Astrology chart - contact me to get yours and find out when are the most auspicious days for you. ☯️
If this sounds like just what you need, then you can have your personalised Chinese Astrology chart now for just £31. Go to the comments and hit the link, and I will send you your chart so you can make your plans now.
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Do you enjoy those home building and improvement programmes on the TV? 🏚
It's fascinating to watch people take an old building or a plot and turn it into their dream home - I've just watched one where they turned a water tank into a beautiful house!
This got me thinking about a client of mine who's in the process of building their dream property and I can't wait to see the end result. 🏡
... They could choose the date to start the build and asked me when would be the best date. I checked all their charts and advised them when to begin - so the diggers and machinery started on an auspicious day. ☯️
As a result, the house is coming on in leaps and bounds!
If you have a big project coming up, and want to know when is the best date to begin, I can help you.
All you need is a personalised Chinese Astrology Chart which is just £31.
Go to the link in the comments and I will send you your chart so you can start planning.
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What is Feng Shui? The Dictionary definition is 'an ancient Chinese belief that the way your house is built or the way that you arrange objects affects your success, health, and happiness'. 🏠☯️
If you'd like to know more, you can join my Facebook @journeyintotheworldoffengshui group for just £17 per month. You'll find out how to use your home to improve your life. The link to join is below ⬇️⬇️⬇️


Happy Mothers Day To All The Mothers Out There ❤️❤️❤️❤️


Stay safe everyone out there much love Janine ❤️❤️❤️❤️


This is an amazing offer from Katya Varbanova I work with her and she knows what she is talking about. Buy Buy 🥰

More about Janine Lowe

Janine Lowe is located at London, United Kingdom