Jemma Myers Step By Step Horse Training

About Jemma Myers Step By Step Horse Training

Have a fantastic bond with your horse and learn how to understand and communicate in a subtle way using psychology instead of fear or force.

Jemma Myers Step By Step Horse Training Description

Natural horsemanship is a term used for a variety of horse training techniques it is based on building rapport with horses using communication techniques derived from observing horses interact with each other. It should never be about force but subtle communication developed from love and leadership. It is not a quick fix or trick training it takes time and every horse understands and accepts learning in a different way so can never be hurried as this will be detrimental to the horse and the relationship that is built. If you are prepared to put the time and effort in to putting the relationship first with your horse you will find no greater reward.



Went to meet this beautiful boy and help him overcome his extreme fear of plastic he is such a sweet boy ❤️


First session of learning how to bow clever Midas 💙


Then of course had to be done 🙈chillis best part of the day lay down on command and have a well earned rest !! 😜


After building trust and communication and understanding each other here Isobel has asked for leg yield and is learning how to use her energy and intention to lengthen and collect the walk ❤️


Isobel lesson learning how to use her energy intention focus rather than traditional kick to go pull to stop it never fails to make my day when I see people’s faces when they realise how little I need to actually do and how amazing it is when u can truly communicate with subtle weight aids ❤️


Magic liberty working on keeping connection as we speed up our feet and hold the size of the circle further away realy pleased with how in time she is and how well she is doing ❤️


Magic this morning after our ground work session just working on keeping her grounded and in tune with me and calm and that she hasn’t got to worry about anything or overreact life’s cool !! Bless her ❤️


A little clip of one of the horses I went too He was difficult to load and when eventually on the box he would have a complete melt down and bolt off in panic


Max today offering to pick me up from The mountain block ❤️


Please feel free to share


Frenin ❤️


Brave Wilson


Wilson before and after today ❤️


A little bit of Wilson liberty session trying to help him gain more trust and confidence


Wilson picking me up at liberty ❤️


Comet was a difficult loader part of his rehab and foundation training is to ensure he will load for his new loaner her she is practising with him

User step/posts/1784993124903717


well to say Alfie was a challenge is a bit of an understatement when i took him to Jemma the vet had to sedate him and he still kicked the walls the whole way there from southend and came off the lorry like something possessed. He is quiet a character and has telescopic legs that rarely miss.

Whilst he has been with Jemma hes been backed and has learnt that he can relax and doesnt have to kill everything in sight

Today I took my boy home no sedation no kicking and came calmly off the box. What a joy he walked to his field without kicking or striking out with his front legs.

even when the yard knob did a uturn in front of us then reversed straight at us he kept his cool previouly this would have blown his mind.

I have no doubt that Jemma has turned this reactive hoodlum who was a total challange to handle into a horse that I can handle without worrying and back into the sweet boy who means the world to me

Jemma I am so pleased with him we will see you soon


Would like to says big thank you to Jemma for clipping daisy today, the pony who can’t get clipped without sedation and don’t want to keep going up that route and she did it in under an hour and half a full clip and what hard work she was at the beginning x


What a great day learning with our horses.

Jemma has a way of teaching you to get the best out of your horse, if they have issues, she explains why they may have this and uses her knowledge and expertise to correct this. And she does. I think there is a bit of magic in her hands, can’t wait to have her back for the next part of our journey xx


We had the most amazing loading session today with Jemma Myers. She’s patient with you and your pony, she teaches you about the pony’s body language and moods. She gave Bramble and Ned all the time they needed to investigate the box until they were ready to load themselves. She neither bullied them or shouted at them. It was an emotional session, seeing my terrified and claustrophobic pony decide he’d quite like to get into the scary box. She even had him calmly standing in the car park watching a dustcart reverse towards him, which anyone that knows Bramble would know that’s unthinkable. She gives them confidence and time and they reward us all by deciding to do what we’d like them to do. It’s literally magical and I cannot recommend Jemma enough xx



Today Jemma came out to see my boy the first time, I honestly need to say that I was trough a few instructors already and were really getting frustrated as we did not do much progress, some training methods did things even worst as to much of pressure/ force or non at all with clicker training and treat reward, i was looking for a approach more balanced that is clear and strict but fair same time, my boy is very high spirited, impossible to take for walks or hacking out and challenging / strong at the moment especially bringing in .., today Jemma just wanted to see his behaviour so took him for a walk and he showed his worst he can be, I really like her approach to get back his attention and to get him relaxed, it's a long way to go for us and work with consistency but she gave me back hope that we will get trough this and will solve the issues ... really can highly recommend her and so happy people were suggesting her, quick respond to my ask to help and she came just few days later


Thank you Jemma for coming to help me today with my new cob. He has some issues with his legs being touched and I was struggling to get near his back legs. Jemma came to us and was extremily relaxed and spent some time getting to know him and setting some boundaries. By the end of one session she was confidently touching all his legs and I have since been able to put on his rug with leg straps with no problem. Before today I wouldn't of gone near a leg strap on him. Would highly recommend Jemma and her expertise. Today has been invaluable and I'm sure I will call on her again. � thanks again xx


Just want to say how amazing Jemma really is, she came out today, to help me with my pony. Who would not stand at the mountain block, for more than a few seconds, so l would just have to jump on and then she would running away with me with no brakes. After 30 mins with Jemma she had her standing at the mountain block and was getting on and off. With out her running off. Can’t wait to start my homework, Jemma has set me, ready for my next lesson. Thank you Jemma xx


Jemma seriously is a miracle worker and worth her weight in gold.!!

I've been looking at Jemma work since I bought my foal who is 2 now as I wanted her to break him in. So when he started to be rude and become Boss I booked him in with Jemma no hesitation I was also going on holiday so needed someone that I trusted aswell.!!

He had became a nightmare with everything he wasn't a joy to have with him being my 5.30am Alarm clock banging/biting his stable to not staying out in his field for more than 3 hours actually going in his field with him was a death sentence. Grooming and picking his feet out was a 2 person challenge.

He took rudeness to a new level my dream horse was a dreaded chore!!

I sent him to Jemma for 7 weeks, every week I could see a difference and how calm he was he was out in his paddock and mixing with other horses. Jemma showed me how she was working with him and talked me through it and even teaching me. Every week I cried because I couldn't believe what Jemma was doing seeing my horse listening and playing games (touching) and waiting was amazing! Jemma would always text me to say how he was doing and when he stupidly rolled into the fence.

He's arrival home come in a horsebox he travelled perfect and no sweat calmly come off the lorry and OMG what a difference I knew he had changed a lot but not this much he's totally a dream. I'm in charge, he listens, he's out in his field all day stabled at night, I can pick he's feet out I can groom him, I can lead him, tie him up he's manners are unbelievable.!!

Jemma has kept in contact making sure everything ok and I can always contact her if I need to.

Jemma will be the only person who has him if I go on holiday and definitely will be breaking him to ride.

I seriously can't thank Jemma enough for what she has done she truly is outstanding at what she does. I've got my beautiful dream horse back and enjoying every moment with him xxx


Jemma is amazing. She came out to me yesterday as my fostered pacer would not be lunged and would not stand still for me to get on. In ONE hour she'd sorted this and explained what I needed to do going forward. I'll definitely be using Jemma again to help with a trot instead of a pace. She has given me the hope and confidence we can succeed. For this alone I thank you Jemma, you have no idea what you have done means to me.x


Jemma has been helping me out with my pony, whom I thought had behavioural issues. She immediately suggested he was in pain even though he recently passed a 5* vetting. After several referrals and investigations, we discovered he suffered from grade 4 ulcers and both his hind suspensory ligaments had been damaged. �

She understands horses so well. And now he is happy and comfortable, he is becoming an absolute dream. She is what horse whisperers want to be x she has the magic touch x

I have my forever pony thanks to Jemma. � can’t recommend her enough.


Jemma came to see my mare and I today. I have had her 6 years and we have worked so hard together, but the loading issue has always ruined our days out. It has been known to even take 3 hours to load and lots of tears, but, after an hour with Jemma my horse was loading herself, there was no whips, shouting and fighting involved. I wouldn't have believed it without seeing it, I am so excited to start doing our homework.

Thank you Jemma, you have helped change our lives xx


Jemma came to me as after recently buying a young 4 year old mare, she had decided going in a horse box was not her thing! Although in her defence she had only been a horsebox a couple of times!

So I called Jemma to establish a positive outlook before things got out of control.

With Jemma’s clear and empathetic understanding of horses she got her in the lorry within an hour and she was going up the ramp by command at the end while Jemma stood at the side of the ramp on the floor and waiting at the top till she was told to come down! So calm and patient and kind. With great explanations of what she was doing and why! I will definitely call on Jemma’s services again if I have any problems. Thanks so much Jemma. ��


Jemma came out to my mare yesterday as I could not load her after a year of not going out with her...she dragged me around the yard and would not entertain loading no matter what we did! After being recommended I called on Jemma to help...I can honestly say it's the best thing I have ever done! She got to know her, connected, and it was like mouth fell open as I was totally blown away that my stubborn mare that I've had 3 years was like putty in her hands...going up and down the ramp like a pro....amazing!

It's not just loading but I've had a huge problem getting my mare pass 2 charging cows on my hack that love stressing her out...not much fun for me I can tell you! But I took on board what Jemma taught me earlier on in the day...a breeze...not a constipated kangaroo jump in sight...just a chilled mare enjoying strolling past a couple of (now disappointed cows)! 😳

So this evening I got the lorry ready, got my mare in from the field ...asked her to get on it..she just did it....ermmm....I think I have a new horse! I went for a hack...passed the demonic cows without a flicker...untacked...told her to get on the box....self loaded....just simply amazing! I cannot recommend Jemma highly enough, such a lovely woman, so gentle, so kind.....I am simply overwhelmed, my family are gobsmacked! ...thank you from the bottom of my heart...😀👍😎


Its taken me about a month to put into words how amazing Jemma is. I sent my big bolshie 5 year old who is actually scared of his own shadow you would not believe it if you saw him. I could never stable him as he would be stressed and be dripping in sweat and jumping the door. To load him onto the horse box would be a mission impossible. He had no patience he always wanted to be the first out of the filed gate. When Jemma arrived to pick him up it took around half an hour to load him onto the box even i was amazed she has the patience of a saint. I went to visit him on week two after he had settled even then i could see big changes in his behaviour he was no longer entering my space unless i invited him. Jemma worked with me on ground work he would never lunge for me he would just stand there or follow me. I couldn't believe that he was actually lunging and was listening for once. I lost all confidence when riding or getting on another horse Jemma helped me gain confidence and actually get on him he listened to my body and my commands one in which Jemma teaches. I could not recommend Jemma enough you will not be disappointed that's for sure.


I started my lessons with Jemma 4 weeks ago and the improvement in the way my horse goes and my riding is amazing. After only 4 lessons we have both come on so far, my horse is working so much nicer and has already started to change shape. I’m very excited for how far we are going to progress with Jemma’s help, she is so good at explaining everything and I am loving my lessons. I also did a session of trailer training with Jemma with my horse who is very nervous and she was loading perfectly within 10 minutes, Jemma is so calm and patient and it is a pleasure to watch her work with the horses. I couldn’t recommend her enough as an instructor and for trailer training.


I had Jemma out this morning to do some ground work with my boy elvis and i was amazed! He never lets me touch hes ears its a constant battle when grooming and in literally 2 minutes she had hes head down playing with them! He also likes to take me skiing down the track to the field which is a nightmare for me as i have a shoulder injury, but by the end of the session he was walking with me down to the field on a long rope next to me stopping when i did! AMAZING!!


Honestly couldn't speak high enough of Jemma, she really does work magic. I had been experiencing lots of little issues with my horse that amounted up to a lot. Being a first time owner it is soo easy to make mistakes, confuse my horse and ultimately let him take lead and accidentally encourage him to disrespect me.

Jemma came to visit me a couple of weeks after i purchased my horse almost a year ago and she set us up with foundations to succeed, it worked wonders and we had a great 8 months. soon after that 8 months my horse began to change, we know he is in discomfort and i stepped back and allowed him to walk all over me, this lead to him being aggressive in his stable, kicking at feet, coming into my space, being disrespectful to lead and refusing to load. After muddling through for months Jemma came back to visit us on the weekend and explained that he can be hurting but he cannot be aggressive towards me and after a few minutes with her giving him clear, kind, and respectful instructions in the stable his attitude changed. It wasn't all faces and aggressiveness it turned to respect and understanding. I had clearly completely lost my way and needed to go back to basics in order to establish our partnership and respect towards one and other.

Jemma helped me with every issue mentioned above all in one session and ultimately all of my issues appear to have come from our basic foundations crumbling... all my fault, not that Jemma made me feel that way but he is just a horse and i am the confuser :P this was apparent when the horse i had been struggling with turned back into the lovely respectful animal within minutes of being in Jemma's presence.

She really encouraged my horse to wake up, he was engaged and because of this he showed all of the behaviors i had been struggling with which was amazing as i wanted her to see what happens and help give us the tools and understanding to move forward and correct the bad habits .

She was nothing but kind, calm and respectful towards my horse. It was clear that in the time Jemma was with us he understood what was expected from him and how he should behave. She set me and my partner up with the foundation we had lost and given us homework to continue down the correct path. Its only been two days but the change is unbelievable.

I couldn't recommend Jemma highly enough, she is a true horseman and it is incredible how much i learn from just one session with her. I look forward to our next visit :D and i am so glad that someone as knowledgeable as Jemma is offering services to help confused owners like me :D


Had jemma out tonight for my mare who lacked interest and ‘oomph’ in schooling. Every time we tried prior to jemma was lots of kicking and use of the whip just to try and get us going forward which neither of us was enjoying. Jemma took us back to basics and by the end of the session I had a forward happy pony just asking with a ‘click’. Couldn’t recommend enough! Will defo be having jemma out again to continue our new way of schooling. Happy pony and happy rider �


Gemma came out to see my pony today as he had become really difficult to load, to the point we couldn’t get him on at all. Within half an hour or so he was loading himself! Totally gobsmacked. Gemma was so patient and calm with him and did it all without even bribing him with a treat! I am honestly so amazed. We have our homework to do to carry on what he has learnt today. I honestly would recommend to anyone having problems loading to contact Gemma. If I have any other problems with my boy she will be my first port of call. Thank you so much!


well to say Alfie was a challenge is a bit of an understatement when i took him to Jemma the vet had to sedate him and he still kicked the walls the whole way there from southend and came off the lorry like something possessed. He is quiet a character and has telescopic legs that rarely miss.

Whilst he has been with Jemma hes been backed and has learnt that he can relax and doesnt have to kill everything in sight

Today I took my boy home no sedation no kicking and came calmly off the box. What a joy he walked to his field without kicking or striking out with his front legs.

even when the yard knob did a uturn in front of us then reversed straight at us he kept his cool previouly this would have blown his mind.

I have no doubt that Jemma has turned this reactive hoodlum who was a total challange to handle into a horse that I can handle without worrying and back into the sweet boy who means the world to me

Jemma I am so pleased with him we will see you soon


Would like to says big thank you to Jemma for clipping daisy today, the pony who can’t get clipped without sedation and don’t want to keep going up that route and she did it in under an hour and half a full clip and what hard work she was at the beginning x


What a great day learning with our horses.

Jemma has a way of teaching you to get the best out of your horse, if they have issues, she explains why they may have this and uses her knowledge and expertise to correct this. And she does. I think there is a bit of magic in her hands, can’t wait to have her back for the next part of our journey xx


We had the most amazing loading session today with Jemma Myers. She’s patient with you and your pony, she teaches you about the pony’s body language and moods. She gave Bramble and Ned all the time they needed to investigate the box until they were ready to load themselves. She neither bullied them or shouted at them. It was an emotional session, seeing my terrified and claustrophobic pony decide he’d quite like to get into the scary box. She even had him calmly standing in the car park watching a dustcart reverse towards him, which anyone that knows Bramble would know that’s unthinkable. She gives them confidence and time and they reward us all by deciding to do what we’d like them to do. It’s literally magical and I cannot recommend Jemma enough xx



Today Jemma came out to see my boy the first time, I honestly need to say that I was trough a few instructors already and were really getting frustrated as we did not do much progress, some training methods did things even worst as to much of pressure/ force or non at all with clicker training and treat reward, i was looking for a approach more balanced that is clear and strict but fair same time, my boy is very high spirited, impossible to take for walks or hacking out and challenging / strong at the moment especially bringing in .., today Jemma just wanted to see his behaviour so took him for a walk and he showed his worst he can be, I really like her approach to get back his attention and to get him relaxed, it's a long way to go for us and work with consistency but she gave me back hope that we will get trough this and will solve the issues ... really can highly recommend her and so happy people were suggesting her, quick respond to my ask to help and she came just few days later


Thank you Jemma for coming to help me today with my new cob. He has some issues with his legs being touched and I was struggling to get near his back legs. Jemma came to us and was extremily relaxed and spent some time getting to know him and setting some boundaries. By the end of one session she was confidently touching all his legs and I have since been able to put on his rug with leg straps with no problem. Before today I wouldn't of gone near a leg strap on him. Would highly recommend Jemma and her expertise. Today has been invaluable and I'm sure I will call on her again. � thanks again xx


Just want to say how amazing Jemma really is, she came out today, to help me with my pony. Who would not stand at the mountain block, for more than a few seconds, so l would just have to jump on and then she would running away with me with no brakes. After 30 mins with Jemma she had her standing at the mountain block and was getting on and off. With out her running off. Can’t wait to start my homework, Jemma has set me, ready for my next lesson. Thank you Jemma xx


Jemma seriously is a miracle worker and worth her weight in gold.!!

I've been looking at Jemma work since I bought my foal who is 2 now as I wanted her to break him in. So when he started to be rude and become Boss I booked him in with Jemma no hesitation I was also going on holiday so needed someone that I trusted aswell.!!

He had became a nightmare with everything he wasn't a joy to have with him being my 5.30am Alarm clock banging/biting his stable to not staying out in his field for more than 3 hours actually going in his field with him was a death sentence. Grooming and picking his feet out was a 2 person challenge.

He took rudeness to a new level my dream horse was a dreaded chore!!

I sent him to Jemma for 7 weeks, every week I could see a difference and how calm he was he was out in his paddock and mixing with other horses. Jemma showed me how she was working with him and talked me through it and even teaching me. Every week I cried because I couldn't believe what Jemma was doing seeing my horse listening and playing games (touching) and waiting was amazing! Jemma would always text me to say how he was doing and when he stupidly rolled into the fence.

He's arrival home come in a horsebox he travelled perfect and no sweat calmly come off the lorry and OMG what a difference I knew he had changed a lot but not this much he's totally a dream. I'm in charge, he listens, he's out in his field all day stabled at night, I can pick he's feet out I can groom him, I can lead him, tie him up he's manners are unbelievable.!!

Jemma has kept in contact making sure everything ok and I can always contact her if I need to.

Jemma will be the only person who has him if I go on holiday and definitely will be breaking him to ride.

I seriously can't thank Jemma enough for what she has done she truly is outstanding at what she does. I've got my beautiful dream horse back and enjoying every moment with him xxx


Jemma is amazing. She came out to me yesterday as my fostered pacer would not be lunged and would not stand still for me to get on. In ONE hour she'd sorted this and explained what I needed to do going forward. I'll definitely be using Jemma again to help with a trot instead of a pace. She has given me the hope and confidence we can succeed. For this alone I thank you Jemma, you have no idea what you have done means to me.x


Jemma has been helping me out with my pony, whom I thought had behavioural issues. She immediately suggested he was in pain even though he recently passed a 5* vetting. After several referrals and investigations, we discovered he suffered from grade 4 ulcers and both his hind suspensory ligaments had been damaged. �

She understands horses so well. And now he is happy and comfortable, he is becoming an absolute dream. She is what horse whisperers want to be x she has the magic touch x

I have my forever pony thanks to Jemma. � can’t recommend her enough.


Jemma came to see my mare and I today. I have had her 6 years and we have worked so hard together, but the loading issue has always ruined our days out. It has been known to even take 3 hours to load and lots of tears, but, after an hour with Jemma my horse was loading herself, there was no whips, shouting and fighting involved. I wouldn't have believed it without seeing it, I am so excited to start doing our homework.

Thank you Jemma, you have helped change our lives xx


Jemma came to me as after recently buying a young 4 year old mare, she had decided going in a horse box was not her thing! Although in her defence she had only been a horsebox a couple of times!

So I called Jemma to establish a positive outlook before things got out of control.

With Jemma’s clear and empathetic understanding of horses she got her in the lorry within an hour and she was going up the ramp by command at the end while Jemma stood at the side of the ramp on the floor and waiting at the top till she was told to come down! So calm and patient and kind. With great explanations of what she was doing and why! I will definitely call on Jemma’s services again if I have any problems. Thanks so much Jemma. ��


Jemma came out to my mare yesterday as I could not load her after a year of not going out with her...she dragged me around the yard and would not entertain loading no matter what we did! After being recommended I called on Jemma to help...I can honestly say it's the best thing I have ever done! She got to know her, connected, and it was like mouth fell open as I was totally blown away that my stubborn mare that I've had 3 years was like putty in her hands...going up and down the ramp like a pro....amazing!

It's not just loading but I've had a huge problem getting my mare pass 2 charging cows on my hack that love stressing her out...not much fun for me I can tell you! But I took on board what Jemma taught me earlier on in the day...a breeze...not a constipated kangaroo jump in sight...just a chilled mare enjoying strolling past a couple of (now disappointed cows)! 😳

So this evening I got the lorry ready, got my mare in from the field ...asked her to get on it..she just did it....ermmm....I think I have a new horse! I went for a hack...passed the demonic cows without a flicker...untacked...told her to get on the box....self loaded....just simply amazing! I cannot recommend Jemma highly enough, such a lovely woman, so gentle, so kind.....I am simply overwhelmed, my family are gobsmacked! ...thank you from the bottom of my heart...😀👍😎


Its taken me about a month to put into words how amazing Jemma is. I sent my big bolshie 5 year old who is actually scared of his own shadow you would not believe it if you saw him. I could never stable him as he would be stressed and be dripping in sweat and jumping the door. To load him onto the horse box would be a mission impossible. He had no patience he always wanted to be the first out of the filed gate. When Jemma arrived to pick him up it took around half an hour to load him onto the box even i was amazed she has the patience of a saint. I went to visit him on week two after he had settled even then i could see big changes in his behaviour he was no longer entering my space unless i invited him. Jemma worked with me on ground work he would never lunge for me he would just stand there or follow me. I couldn't believe that he was actually lunging and was listening for once. I lost all confidence when riding or getting on another horse Jemma helped me gain confidence and actually get on him he listened to my body and my commands one in which Jemma teaches. I could not recommend Jemma enough you will not be disappointed that's for sure.


I started my lessons with Jemma 4 weeks ago and the improvement in the way my horse goes and my riding is amazing. After only 4 lessons we have both come on so far, my horse is working so much nicer and has already started to change shape. I’m very excited for how far we are going to progress with Jemma’s help, she is so good at explaining everything and I am loving my lessons. I also did a session of trailer training with Jemma with my horse who is very nervous and she was loading perfectly within 10 minutes, Jemma is so calm and patient and it is a pleasure to watch her work with the horses. I couldn’t recommend her enough as an instructor and for trailer training.


I had Jemma out this morning to do some ground work with my boy elvis and i was amazed! He never lets me touch hes ears its a constant battle when grooming and in literally 2 minutes she had hes head down playing with them! He also likes to take me skiing down the track to the field which is a nightmare for me as i have a shoulder injury, but by the end of the session he was walking with me down to the field on a long rope next to me stopping when i did! AMAZING!!


Honestly couldn't speak high enough of Jemma, she really does work magic. I had been experiencing lots of little issues with my horse that amounted up to a lot. Being a first time owner it is soo easy to make mistakes, confuse my horse and ultimately let him take lead and accidentally encourage him to disrespect me.

Jemma came to visit me a couple of weeks after i purchased my horse almost a year ago and she set us up with foundations to succeed, it worked wonders and we had a great 8 months. soon after that 8 months my horse began to change, we know he is in discomfort and i stepped back and allowed him to walk all over me, this lead to him being aggressive in his stable, kicking at feet, coming into my space, being disrespectful to lead and refusing to load. After muddling through for months Jemma came back to visit us on the weekend and explained that he can be hurting but he cannot be aggressive towards me and after a few minutes with her giving him clear, kind, and respectful instructions in the stable his attitude changed. It wasn't all faces and aggressiveness it turned to respect and understanding. I had clearly completely lost my way and needed to go back to basics in order to establish our partnership and respect towards one and other.

Jemma helped me with every issue mentioned above all in one session and ultimately all of my issues appear to have come from our basic foundations crumbling... all my fault, not that Jemma made me feel that way but he is just a horse and i am the confuser :P this was apparent when the horse i had been struggling with turned back into the lovely respectful animal within minutes of being in Jemma's presence.

She really encouraged my horse to wake up, he was engaged and because of this he showed all of the behaviors i had been struggling with which was amazing as i wanted her to see what happens and help give us the tools and understanding to move forward and correct the bad habits .

She was nothing but kind, calm and respectful towards my horse. It was clear that in the time Jemma was with us he understood what was expected from him and how he should behave. She set me and my partner up with the foundation we had lost and given us homework to continue down the correct path. Its only been two days but the change is unbelievable.

I couldn't recommend Jemma highly enough, she is a true horseman and it is incredible how much i learn from just one session with her. I look forward to our next visit :D and i am so glad that someone as knowledgeable as Jemma is offering services to help confused owners like me :D


Had jemma out tonight for my mare who lacked interest and ‘oomph’ in schooling. Every time we tried prior to jemma was lots of kicking and use of the whip just to try and get us going forward which neither of us was enjoying. Jemma took us back to basics and by the end of the session I had a forward happy pony just asking with a ‘click’. Couldn’t recommend enough! Will defo be having jemma out again to continue our new way of schooling. Happy pony and happy rider �


Gemma came out to see my pony today as he had become really difficult to load, to the point we couldn’t get him on at all. Within half an hour or so he was loading himself! Totally gobsmacked. Gemma was so patient and calm with him and did it all without even bribing him with a treat! I am honestly so amazed. We have our homework to do to carry on what he has learnt today. I honestly would recommend to anyone having problems loading to contact Gemma. If I have any other problems with my boy she will be my first port of call. Thank you so much!

More about Jemma Myers Step By Step Horse Training

Jemma Myers Step By Step Horse Training is located at Cm Bishops Stortford