Jilani And Salik

About Jilani And Salik

Jilani and Salik invite you to accompany them on the path of Spiritual Freedom and Healing through Sacred Music, Dance, Chant, Meditation and Movement.



There is now a waiting list for this event, as we are up to capacity. If you were hoping to come, please message us, and we’ll put you on the waiting list and let you know if a space becomes available. (From experience, there often is at least one last minute cancellation). We are delighted with how popular this event has proved! Thank you all for your support. Jilani x


Jilani's News and Events November 2018 - https://mailchi.mp/0e25b5…/jilanis-even ts-july-update-180247


Abwoon d'Bashmaya Oh Thou, the Breathing Life of All, Creator of the Shimmering Sound that Touches Us! You Create all that Moves in Light...
Simple Chants and Body Prayers, led by Jilani Cordelia Prescott...
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Do join me tomorrow afternoon for our last Sunday afternoon dance session this year. We will sing, dance and connect in Joy, Love and Peace with some of my favourite Dances ❤️🎵 Alhamdullilah!!


Hoping to see you tomorrow night for Zikr...☪️❤️ Hu Allah Hu...


Come and Dance with us this afternoon once again to share love and connectedness!


We're hoping you can join us for what will be a peaceful, joyful and nourishing time together.


Samhain, All Souls, the Celtic New Year, is a time when the veil between the worlds grows thin. The Goddess takes the form of the Crone, the wise woman, and the earth moves into its darker, inward phase for rest and recuperation before rebirth. Come, ride the waning moon and join us in exploring these inward energies as we move towards winter. We will share Dances of Universal Peace, breath, walk and other meditation practices to drop within ourselves and together honour the ...joy and mystery of our shared cycle of transformation. The seeds of new beginnings lie within the death of the old.
Cost: £35 if paid by 21 October (£45 thereafter)
Registration and tea 9.30 am; workshop 10.00 am to 4.00 pm. Please bring food to share.
For bookings or information: call Jilani 07966 451534 or Robert 07870 213884 or email jilanicordelia@gmail.com
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Being a candle is not easy, in order to give light, one must burn first. - RumiBeing a candle is not easy, in order to give light, one must burn first. - Rumi


Do come and join us tomorrow night for Zikr...☪️❤️ Nothing exists except Unity...


Morocco: THE ROOTS OF JOY Relax, reflect and renew amid the warm land and people of Southern Morocco, learning from Nature about the roots of joy, and grow your wellbeing from the roots up. This trip combines a truly magical holiday with some inner and group exploration, including meditation, mantra dance, inspiring Sufi practices and lots more. Our outer adventures will include sharing music, food and social time with the local Berber people, whose daily life embodies the ro...
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"There is a river flowing now very fast." We are gathering to “let go of the shore” and see who is in the flow of the river with us, trusting in the flow and in our unity as women to stay afloat in the rapids. Our buoyancy will be derived from deep relaxation and from being aware of what nourishes us.
The resources we will draw from will include sisterhood, relaxation, soulful conversation, Dances of Universal Peace, creativity, spiritual practices, massage, Soulwork, ritual... and astrology. We will start with supper on Friday evening and end with lunch on Sunday. All meals will be vegetarian with a GF option.
Cost: £200. £174 of this is to cover the costs of retreat and the remaining £26 will go towards bursaries for women in financial need. Jilani and Darvesha are not receiving any payment. There will be opportunity to add voluntary Dana for additional bursaries and payment for leaders.
Registration: Please contact Justine Hull Email hulljustine@yahoo.co.uk Tel. 07743 690748
There is a river flowing now very fast. It is so great and swift that there are those who will be afraid. They will try to hold on to the shore. They will feel they are torn apart and will suffer greatly. Know the river has its destination. The elders say we must let go of the shore, push off into the middle of the river, keep our eyes open, and our heads above water. And I say, see who is in there with you and celebrate. At this time in history, we are to take nothing personally, Least of all ourselves. For the moment that we do, our spiritual growth and journey comes to a halt. The time for the lone wolf is over. Gather yourselves! Banish the word struggle from you attitude and your vocabulary. All that we do now must be done in a sacred manner and in celebration."
"We are the ones we've been waiting for."
attributed to an unnamed Hopi elder Hopi Nation Oraibi, Arizona.
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There are still some places available on the women’s retreat, 5-7 October, so please get in touch if you feel drawn to it, even though the booking date has passed. It is such a delicious opportunity to be together, to support and nourish ourselves, to trust in the flow and find out what keeps us afloat as the river of life flows fast around us. “We are the ones we’ve been waiting for.”


Flights are still very good value for the Morocco trip I'm leading in November - less than £120 return! There are only a few places left, so do act fast if you'd like to join this very special adventure. http://www.naturalhappiness.net/the-roots -of-joy/


Flights are still very good value (£120 return) for this exciting Morocco trip I'm leading in November! Book soon though, there are only a few places left on this very special adventure. http://www.naturalhappiness.net/the-roots -of-joy/


Do come and dance with us tomorrow afternoon :-) Your first chance to dance with Robert in his capacity as a newly certified dance leader!!

More about Jilani And Salik

07966 451534