Job Link Uk

About Job Link Uk

For all holders of EU passport (Hungary, Poland, Bulgaria, Romania. . . ) we are legaly finishing bureaucracy procedure, housing and job in UK.

Job Link Uk Description

Joblinks Recruitment Agency was established in 2012 as one of the first employment agencies specialized in international employment services to UK .

We are committed to provide our UK partners with inexpensive, already qualified and reliable workforce from Eastern Europe and other Central European countries.

Finding the right staff for your open positions
If you are ready to work with Eastern European staff, we are able to find cost-effective labour for any kinds of white collar or blue collar jobs or even student jobs. We have employees for full-time /part-time and seasonal jobs too. Furthermore we test the personality and knowledge of the candidates to find the best employee in accordance with your need.
Estern Europien workers are diligent, motivated, hardworking and well-trained, while UKwork can give you the best service available. If you have vacancies, please do as follows:
Employee requirements form sh be filled so that we can start searching for the right candidate
Otherwise, please feel free to contact us if you have any questions or queries.

Recruitment process
Our recruitment and selection process includes assessment of personal and professional skills utilizing a vast range of proven test methods including Personal Interview, AC, Psychometric Tests, etc. Should the candidate successfully complete the aforementioned challenges, he or she is forwarded directly to our partners for further consideration.

We hope to welcome you among our satisfied partners soon!

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The arrival to a new country doesn’t need to be hard or uncertain. If you know in advance important information, you keep the good positive attitude, and you have handy friends willing to help you this process can be smooth and pleasant, for sure! Let us help you to settle with calm and peace. Let’s share the tension and stress that comes with immigration and let’s concentrate in embracing the beautiful things that UK can offer you. We invite you to make the shift from – just a Newcomer -to a – Happy Newcomer.

The service will include:
1. Assessment of immediate needs and creating personalized action plan with the client.
2. Airport Pick-up and guidance to destination and the city transport system.
3. Assistance and guidance for obtaining the NINO card, Driver’s License, as well as opening a bank account and /or get a credit card.
3. Assistance and guidance to find suitable accommodation (rental units, purchase, etc. ).
5. Assistance and information on English language courses and programs provided by the UK government.
6. General guidance on how to register in universities or colleges. (Documents and accreditation)