Jo'S Cervical Cancer Trust

About Jo'S Cervical Cancer Trust

Jo's Cervical Cancer Trust aims to improve the lives of those affected by cervical cancer and to work towards a future where cervical cancer is a thing of the past.

Jo'S Cervical Cancer Trust Description

Jo's Cervical Cancer Trust (www. uk) offers a range of online and face to face support and information including: information materials, a Helpline 0808 802 8000, online forum, local support groups and an Ask the Expert service.

Our mission is to see cervical cancer prevented, reduce the impact for everyone affected by cervical abnormalities and cervical cancer through providing the highest quality information and support services and campaigning for excellence in cervical cancer treatment and prevention.



Last week our summer Scottish Roadshow ended, here’s a snapshot showing a few of our best bits!
Our passionate team of 28 volunteers and 11 members of staff had over 4000 conversations, chatting to women about how they can 'Be Cervix Savvy'.
We want to say thank you to all of our incredible volunteers who took part – we couldn’t have done it without you, and we can’t wait to get back out on the road soon!


Have you experienced any of these feelings from the smear test bingo board?
There’s lots of things to think about when going for your smear test: What shall I wear? How long will it last for? Will everything go to plan?
Thankfully, we have a range of support services to help make the experience as easy as possible. You can chat to others on our online forum, or can call our free helpline on 0808 802 8000.
... You can find out the range of support services available here:
See More


Unfortunately in some parts of the country, women are having to wait long periods of time before getting their smear test results. This can understandably cause worry and stress during an already anxious time. Don't forget you can always call our helpline if you want to chat 0808 802 8000.
If you’ve been affected, we'd be really interested to hear from you. Comment below or drop us an email saying where in the country you're based folk-45005079


We're looking for a Hospital Liaison Co-ordinator as part of an exciting new pilot project providing support directly to patients at The Royal Marsden Hospital!
The role involves providing vital face to face support and information to women and their loved ones living with or beyond a cervical cancer diagnosis. We're looking for someone who is highly motivated, compassionate, and has strong interpersonal skills to work closely with key members of the Gynae-oncology department at The Royal Marsden in London.
Interested in this role? Find out more and apply here: ing-us


This afternoon the Government announced that the HPV vaccine is to be offered to boys in England!
The news follows a recommendation from health advisers last week and means boys in England, Scotland and Wales are going to be offered the same protection against HPV-related cancers as girls. We are delighted as this will prevent many diagnoses, ultimately saving lives.…/hpv-vac cination-teenage-boy…


We’re really excited that next year, Public Health England will be running a national campaign to tackle falling smear test attendance.
It's coming at a great time as attendance is currently at a 20 year low in England, and 2019 will mark 10 years since reality star Jade Goody sadly lost her life to cervical cancer.
We’re really looking forward to working with Public Health England in the coming months to make sure it’s a huge success! Find out more about the campaign here:


Are you a kind and caring person with great communication and listening skills? Join our incredible team of helpliners!
We’re looking for volunteers with a personal or professional experience of cervical cancer to help us run our free helpline (particularly people who have availability during the day). You'll need to be able to join us at our training weekend on 9-11 November, and be able to spare 6 hours a month.
Find out more and apply here: If you have any questions, please contact Meghan on


We're delighted by yesterday's news that health advisers have recommended that the HPV vaccine is also offered to boys!
HPV causes cancers which affect both men and women, so we would like to see a gender-neutral vaccination being made available as soon as possible. Scottish and Welsh governments have already announced that they will introduce a vaccination programme for boys. We hope England and Northern Ireland will follow. Read this article to find out why.


A report by Dimensions has found that only 19% of women with learning disabilities have had a recent cervical screening.
There are different reasons why this could be including communication difficulties, difficulty in organisation with carers to attend appointments and assumptions that people with learning disabilities are not sexually active. These outdated perceptions are preventing some women from having the test.
We have a film and easy-read guide about cervical screening for women with learning disabilities to get information about the test and know what to expect:…/c…/wome n-learning-disabilities


Do you find smear tests painful?
For most women a smear test is a five minute appointment that may be slightly uncomfortable, but for others it can be very painful. There are different reasons for this, including cervical ectropion, endometriosis or finding it difficult to relax, all of which may make you feel anxious about going to your appointment. It's important to remember that there are ways to make the test more comfortable, some of which are mentioned in this article.
Got a question? Ask our panel of medical experts using our free and confidential service: xpert


This is how we feel about reaching 20,000 likes on Facebook! THANK YOU so much for following us! 🙌 🎉
We hope that our page offers information and support to anyone who needs it. It's great to be able to share with you what’s happening at Jo’s, give updates on events, and shout about the efforts of our amazing fundraisers! We really value our Facebook community and hope it continues to grow. 💜
Make sure to let your family and friends know about the page and let’s keep the number of likes rising!


Will I bleed after LLETZ? What should I avoid after? How quickly will I recover?
Thousands of women are diagnosed with a cervical abnormality every year and one of the most common treatments is a loop biopsy, usually called LLETZ. We know it can be difficult to know what to expect after treatment, so we spoke to Jill Fozzard, a Nurse Colposcopist at the Royal Victoria Hospital to get answers to some of your most common questions and concerns:…/lletz-wha t-to-expect-afterwar…


We’re sending strength to those of our community who have lost a loved one to cervical cancer.
You are very much in our thoughts and hearts today. It’s why we’re working so hard to make this a disease of the past. So that it no longer takes our wives, girlfriends, mothers, grandmothers, sisters or daughters from us. We’re here for you should you need us on 0808 802 8000.


Did you see us at #LondonPride on Saturday? 🌈
We had a fantastic time celebrating #Pride in London to raise awareness of the fact that smear tests are for anyone of eligible age with a cervix regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity.
No matter who you are or who you're attracted to, it is your right to have a smear test between the ages of 25 and 64. If you have any questions, call our helpline on 0808 802 8000.


On the 70th birthday of the NHS, we've reflected on why we’re so thankful for it and what we hope to see for the next 70 years. 🎈🎂
The introduction of the cervical screening and HPV vaccination programmes mean thousands of lives are saved every year, while every day incredible NHS staff provide high quality support and treatment to those who need it. From all at Jo's, thank you!
What does the NHS mean to you? #NHS70


We're excited about this new advancement in the cervical screening programme which will reduce diagnoses and save lives.
HPV primary screening is a more accurate test that will better identify those at greater risk of cervical cancer and is going to be rolled out across the UK starting with Wales this year.
What happens at your test will remain the same. It is just how your sample is tested that is going to change. If you have any questions, please call our helpline on 0808 802 8000.


"Never has a saying been more true, if you don't laugh you WILL cry (buckets). It might feel like the last thing you want to do, but laugh...giggle with your friends and loved ones."
When a family member or friend is diagnosed with cancer, you may worry about saying or doing the right thing. It can be very overwhelming and difficult to know how to offer support. In this article, Deborah James (Bowelbabe) shares ten ways you can make life a bit better for a loved one affected by cancer. What advice would you share?


Could you hold a fundraiser for Jo's?
Fundraising doesn't have to involve months of training for a physical challenge! There are so many simple ways of raising money with friends, family and colleagues which can make a huge difference to women affected by cervical abnormalities and cervical cancer. So, next time you get together with your loved ones why not have a bake-off, dinner party or games evening?
Our fundraising team are here to help and can give you lots of tips to make your event a success. Contact them at or call 020 3096 8100 for a chat.


Questions about surgery for cervical cancer?
Surgery can range from treatments that affect only the cervix, such LLETZ or cone biopsy, to more radical surgery involving a hysterectomy. The prospect of surgery can be scary and you are likely to have lots of questions about what it involves and the potential side effects.
You can use our confidential Ask the Expert service to put your questions forward to a panel of medical professionals, including Gynaecological Oncologists who can provide you with expert information. There is no question too big or too small: xpert


A new survey has revealed women's top reproductive health worries.
The poll found going for health screening, including smear tests be to the fourth biggest concern. We know smear tests are not easy for everyone and you may feel embarrassed about attending or worry about the test or results. This is completely normal. Please call our helpline on 0808 802 8000 if you're feeling worried or have any questions.
Read more about the survey findings:…/reproductiv e-health-issu…/214176


Without jo's trust I wouldn't have been here today the info I found on there site saved my life! Xx


This charity was an absolute lifeline for me and my sanity. I have a wonderful family and group of friends who were very supportive but speaking to Jo’s made my thoughts rational and life seem not so lonely and scary, when cancer is involved you do often feel alone. I could talk to the ladies and not be embarrassed by symptoms I was having. They were simply the best. Thanks you everyone xx


This charity is very helpful as I was diagnosed with cervical cancer about 6 weeks ago and I've been given lots of tips and advice and luckily I've been dealt with at mount Vernon hospital super quickly second week of treatment only 3 and a half weeks to go hooray. I shall be doing some challenges next year for Jo's trust xx


The wonderful and strong women I have chatted to on here are amazing, so much reassurance and care given. Keep going ladies


More young girla need to start taking this seriously..... takes 10minutes to do doesnt hurt and may just save your life! Wish to god they would lower the age so that more of us can catch this before ita too late! God bless all the women fighting this, who have fought this and who are yet to fight this! #closetomyheart #fighter #haveyoursmear #lifestooshort



This charity, had a fundraiser and completed race for life last year for them. Doing it again this year I just got the all clear again today for my check up. Thanks for all your help and support when listening to my story! Keep up the good work xxx


Jo's forum helped me so much through my time of need, amazing �


I was really anxious from when I was first diagnosed with CIN. After reading relatable stories it made me feel much more reassured.

It also helped my partner understand what was going on and support me better.

Thank you Jo’s Trust for your existence. �


Fantastic idea. Xxx


Amazing ..!!!xxx


This charity is NOT acting in the best interests of the youngest victims of cervical cancer who are diagnosed under the age of 25. It has ignored them in its research and is peddling the Government line that its not a problem for under 25's as they will all be vaccinated. My daughter died of cervical cancer age 21 and Jo's trust like the Government is ignoring the fact that late smear testing is causing late diagnosis in the 25-30 cohort. The charity is also ignoring that child abuse survivors are very likely to have exposure to HPV before they are vaccinated making the most vulnerable in our society also those most likely to be failed by our health system and left to die of cervical cancer under the age of 25.

More about Jo'S Cervical Cancer Trust

020 3096 8100