Jubilee Debt Campaign

About Jubilee Debt Campaign

Jubilee Debt Campaign is part of a global movement demanding freedom from the slavery of unjust debts and a new financial system that puts people first.

Jubilee Debt Campaign Description

Inspired by the ancient concept of ‘jubilee’, we campaign for a world where debt is no longer used as a form of power by which the rich exploit the poor.

Freedom from debt slavery is a necessary step towards a world in which our common resources are used to realise equality, justice and human dignity.




Stoke-on-Trent has an insolvency rate more than double the national average. Followed by Plymouth, Kingston upon Hull, Scarborough, Blackpool, Corby, Isle of Wight, Torbay, Gloucester and Harlow.


"Debt is an unfair burden and it's being handed out in unfair ways. People of colour have to borrow more money than their white counterparts, women carry more of the debt burden than men do and it takes them longer to pay it off because of the wage gap.. it's really not fair." says the presenter of Paid Off.


Universal credit is driving us deeper into a household debt crisis


An absurd show to match an absurd crisis


Forgiving $1.5 trillion in student debt might sound a lot, until you compare it to tax breaks for corporations and the wealthiest


In this long read John Lanchester traces the impacts of the 2008 financial crash. The bubbling public rage he expected to see directed at the financial elite never materialised. But the moral case for capitalism, as championed by Thatcher, has been severely undermined. And now we see centrist politics crumbling across the West. A future of automation and further globalisation looks set to bring deeper economic changes and so:
'If changes benefit an economy as a whole, they need to benefit everyone in the economy – which by implication directs government towards policies focused on education, lifelong training, and redistribution through the tax and benefits system. The alternative is to carry on as we have been doing and just let divides widen until societies fall apart.'


The government is taking our worst example of public-private partnerships – the failed PFI model – and exporting it to some of the world’s poorest countries.


Britain is in the midst of a severe household debt crisis compounded by low wages, insecure work and social security cuts. A growing number of people simply don’t have enough money to put food on the table or heat their homes. Read on and find out how to get involved in the push back:


The 70th birthday of the NHS approaches and there’s a lot to celebrate! But we know that dodgy private finance deals have done a lot of damage to our health service. Shamefully the UK government is promoting PFI schemes to impoverished countries around the world. It’s time to end the double standards and stop promoting a healthcare debt-trap overseas. #NHS70


The Bank of England has warned that indebted households could be in peril if Britain falls into recession. Jon Cunliffe told BBC radio this morning that he’s concerned about families with high debt levels, which could drag them into a crisis if the economy sours.


Less than one week to apply for this vacancy:


Twenty years ago huge crowds descended on Birmingham to surround the G8 summit by forming a human chain. Organiser Isabel Carter recounts the atmosphere on the day, when the call to ‘drop the debt’ was broadcast all over the world.


Alexis Tsipras vowed not to wear a tie until international lenders agreed to cut Greece's debt. On Friday, he wore a tie for the first time in 3 years to celebrate an EU deal that's supposed to bring an end to Greece's decade-old debt crisis. Jerome Roos explains why this tie may well turn out to be a noose for his people.


According to new reports by the Institute for Fiscal Studies:


"This scandal is akin to Windrush part two," said Alison Thewliss MP


Ann Pettifor and the FT's Martin Sandbu discuss money creation and debt in this short video:


There is a clear link between falling ill, and falling into debt


Greece needs a much deeper debt relief than the one currently proposed by the Eurogroup


“Somehow, someone, somewhere made these rules up. They aren’t laws of nature.” And they determine “who’s got what and where and why”.


The way to a better more peaceful and tolerant world.


Creditors have to take responsibility too, debt should not be used as a weapon


Enough food and Forgivness

All Countries Need Adequate PAY, and human rights to LIVE!

Give Them a Tiny Box, Rather than 2+half Weeks That Food they Chose. By Jan Lightfoot 719.465.3454

That is a means for the wealthy to cut down on the Food Stamps Cost. It also cuts down on the number of the poor through needless death.

The Federal Suggestion to returned to the Failed; Meager box of federal food, rather than the one step away from the solution of food stamps, of increasing the food stamps by 10 days, is made by a national brat of greed. A arrogant brat who fails to understand any other person who is different from his millionaire friends.

The Trump is strongly promoting moving over 2/3 of the American people into hell of losing home, not feeling human then, losing their lives. Or is exclaiming a law in his proclaiming, which add "Passive Murder," for those not making enough to pay their basic needs.

No matter there income, they are all the children of the creature. They are to be treated fairly. If they can buy 5 houses, or not pay $1,500 a month in rent they are only as good as they are to others, not their wallets.

That is 260 million, out of 320 million people in human-lack in the USA. There are 60 million Americans with disposable income, including the tippy top 1%.

Trump was the one who campaign promise "was a better life for the poor." This law will make it NO LIFE, FOR THE POOR, BROWN BLACK ASIANS, and all other minorities.

I say pay workers, disabled, elderly, the abused the full amount they need to pay their actual need. put 10-12 days as much on food stamps, amounts, which been working out better and not perfect; For over fifty years, since 1968 or so. The modification needed is more love for the poor. Not less. Not return to a failed system of giving of a week 1/2 of food. Then calling them lairs and thieves, if they find enough to survive. Survival should not make you a criminal, and thinking toward the end of life the best to look forward to is purgatory or burning hell, for feeding your kids.

If Trump were to show facts that no harm would come to the aged, the ill, worker I would say go ahead if I were crazy. I am an advocate against poverty and homelessness, since 1983.

I know these people, I live under the federal bogus, low-balled poverty level. Poverty Level is defined by the wise, as under just $1 to pay to full of all the bills of life. The current federal poverty level, created in the 1960's, does not count Heat, Mandatory insurances, taxes, etc. Like the bogus livable wage it is way under the need by about one-third.

If a cake recipe called for 2 and 2/3 cup of flour, but everyone added just 2 and 1/3 cups of flour, all these people will end up with runny cake. That is how the government counted poverty and a livable wage. Next the Trump will want to reduce the pay rates of us poor, when it needs increasing.

In "Passive Murder," You do not wield a sword, nor pull the trigger on a GUN. You just pass a law making the basics of life illegal. No more $168 a year, for one of food stamps for the poor. Why? So the Trumps millionaire friends can have more taxes in their pockets.

We the poor, the homeless, the heatless, can not tighten our belts any more without dying. Even a box full of 20 pounds of Salt loaded cheese and process food, is not enough to keep a baby, or middle aged folk alive. The federal government has a record of not giving workers, enough or a full measure. So why take food stamps away from the sick? Unless its to use to use their inability of a failed plan, so they cannot buy the food they need return to health. So sick or well right now everyone will not be fed 3 weeks of food, in a month. They will be given 1 and 1/2 weeks of food in a month.

This is "Passive Murder' as much as by our own in-actions, letting the winds and cold kill an un-housed women. This is murder by law and not just indecent, Its immoral, and evil. ]

I ask even the republicans, to not vote for a failed anti-solution! One tried since the late 1890's. And return to premature death, through lack of proper food. The otherwise good poor folk, now protecting their families by stealing and murdering for food.

This is a lose, lose, lose proposition. It is unwise and unconstitutional because it amounts to "passive murder!" The Homeless has no address for the box to go. And even if they know how no oven to cook flour. In order to save millions the Homeless and poor. are the first to be dominantly killed by laws made by the government who is by constitution suppose to protect the weak.

Our and every government, should be working to have employers come up with cost of living pay. Were everyone can afford a modest rent and their other basics! The 'livable wage' is a low-ball folly, based upon the throw of the dice. Not upon facts, It is a lie of greed.

Its time many advocates, and those of us, gripped by lack, writes the actual reality which the poor will return to and send it to mainstream and alternative newspapers. Write in the Economy sites of Face books, and You Tube.Telling the folks 10 to 12 days of the amount people are intended to survive on for only a year needs to be added to food stamps. Or $250 per persons will uplift a few people, from the horns of poverty. They can increase their contributing to society.

More about Jubilee Debt Campaign

+44 (0)20 7324 4722