Junior Triathlon Coaching - Jtc

About Junior Triathlon Coaching - Jtc

We are committed to providing qualified, individual performance based coaching across the triathlon disciplines

Junior Triathlon Coaching - Jtc Description

We are committed to providing qualified, individual, performance based triathlon coaching to junior athletes.

If you are looking for qualified, personalised, performance based triathlon coaching then you are a short call away from starting that journey.

A modern lifestyle brings huge demands on junior athletes and their parents to fit rigid club sessions around school work, extra curricular activities and social commitments and all that is before numerous, rigid club sessions are taken into account.

We are here to work around your needs and goals. Our bespoke coaching sessions take place at a time and day that suits the individual (midweek /weekend) and from a venue (from home or school) that is convenient. Training is focussed around a goal, whether that is to simply get /keep fit, increase performance in any particular discipline or have higher goals to compete in triathlon races or other athletic events.

There are a number of ways we would be able to add value and improve performance levels across the sport. These include but are not limited to:

Swimming – personalised swim sets, technique analysis, improvement related drills

Cycling – accompanied rides, structured plans, equipment /mechanical advice, turbo interval sessions

Running – individual periodised plans, track interval sessions, regularly assessed individual testing, technique analysis

Transition – tips to reduce time spent in transition between the disciplines

The sport – rules /regulations, race strategy, race events, kit and equipment

Science & Art – nutrition, how to use data, recovery, biomechanics and technique, mental preparation, technology

These are just some exciting ways we could work together to improve performance. Mostly though, it is about taking a holistic and individual approach and putting together a bespoke programme to meet your aims.

For a further discussion how it could benefit you, please visit the contact page for further details.



Another eclectic mix of sessions in all conditions for various school triathlon clubs last week.
We had ballet school reps on the bike with shuttle runs before and after as well as bike handling skills and transition races with another group. We also introduced the chaingang concept of cycling in a group to another club which, although needing work, went down well.


Cool first week back after the school Easter break. Mixture of school clubs and private sessions, both bike and run focussed. üòÄüö¥‚Äç‚ôÇÔ∏èüöµ‚Äç‚ôÄÔ∏èüèÉ‚Äç‚ôÇÔ ∏èüèÉ‚Äç‚ôÄÔ∏èüí®


So that’s a wrap for the spring term. Over 70 kids have participated in a school Triathlon Club and we’ve been out in all sorts of weather. We’ve done bike only sessions, run only sessions, run-bike, bike-run, run-bike-run sessions, technical drills in the playground, mini races, time trials and ate chocolate 😂
Overall, we’ve hopefully had fun more than anything and kept the kids active, learning new skills and setting them up for a good day at school or a release at the end of the day.
Bring on the summer term and nicer, milder weather ☀️😎


One of the sessions recently - 2km bike followed by 3 x hill reps + loads of different step work and then 2km bike back
Great workout - improving strength and quick feet which will benefit in so many other sports as well as triathlon and running.


We’ve been concentrating on improving our bike handling skills and technique this week - working on balance, coordination, gearing and braking.
It’s not just about going as fast as you can - whether you are racing or just out on the road or paths it’s so important to be comfortable and confident on the bike and be able to react quickly to any external situation.


We’ve had a great final week before the half term school break. Cycling and running time trials up Nightingale Lane and introductions to the delights of Broomfield Hill in Richmond Park from both directions. A deserved weeks rest but we continue with private classes throughout the break.
We will have a 21 minute pacer at Bushy parkrun on Saturday 23rd February for anyone interested in aiming for a PB or Mini Marathon qualification.


Tasty session for the #triathlonclub kids tonight with two different reps. Nice little WU and WD as well so they should breeze through homework with a clear head and sleep well after üèÉ‚Äç‚ôÄÔ∏èüèÉ‚Äç‚ôÇÔ∏èüöµ‚Äç‚ôÄÔ∏èü ö¥‚Äç‚ôÇÔ∏èüëèüìùüíªüõå


‪Some plyometric work this afternoon, trying to install good technique, strength, stability and coordination. I so wish more schools and running clubs would incorporate this into PE classes and run sessions.


“Coach, I’m cold” they say first thing.
10 minutes later...
“Coach, I’m too hot, can you look after my coat?”
... Fresh sessions this week but a great wake up and prep for a day at school for these kids. It can only help performance levels in the classroom as well üëçüèÉ‚Äç‚ôÇÔ∏èüèÉ‚Äç‚ôÄÔ∏èüö¥‚Äç‚ôÄÔ ∏èüö¥‚Äç‚ôÇÔ∏èüë©ü誂Äçüéìüë®üèº‚Ä çüéìü§ì
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A busy but hugely enjoyable first full week back for triathlon clubs and coaching sessions in 2019. Whether it's been in the cold and dark, early in the morning or during/after school, the attitude has been first class.
We first and foremost coach triathlon and athletics skills but also try to help with the mental and attitude side as well. Some of the conditions we will experience this term will hopefully help these kids in and outside of sport in the future.
A few highlights below...


Really excited to report that we will be introducing triathlon clubs into a further two new schools in the Richmond Park area this new school term. Can’t wait to bring a whole lot of fun to #run and #bike training to secondary school pupils.
Huge thanks to local sponsors Sheen Sports and Pearson Cycles for assistance with the new kit, looks fab üëå


Great fun having some end of term duathlon races this week to round off a brilliant term. Y9 & 10 in this photo/video with a little run pacer...Good school, cool kids and had a lot of fun #duathlon #kidsduathlon #duathlontraining #fitness #juniorathletes #running #triathlon


Great fun having some end of term duathlon races this week to round off a brilliant term. Y7&8 in this photo/video. Good school, cool kids and had a lot of fun #duathlon #kidsduathlon #duathlontraining #fitness #juniorathletes #running #triathlon


Good, eclectic, final run session of the term at a school tonight. 2 x 1km intervals followed by drills and sprints. Enjoy your rest 🛌 and treats 🍫 over Christmas 🎄


Introducing the kids to the delights of Nightingale Lane!!!
x2 bike reps + x2 run reps. Tough üí™
5/10 made it up without stopping first time, 9/10 the second time. üëèüëä


Those that want to improve will make an effort and sacrifice certain things. Out on the hills of Richmond Park with a head torch at 6.30am this morning with a 12 year old such kid before school.
Hard work beats talent when talent doesn’t work hard enough 👍💪


Super proud to report that two members of this group (both girls 👍💪) who didn’t know what triathlon was a couple of months back are doing their first duathlon 🏃‍♀️🚴‍♀️🏃‍♀️ra ce this weekend. Go girls and remember to keep smiling and enjoy it 😀 Got lucky with the weather doing some final prep tonight 🌅

More about Junior Triathlon Coaching - Jtc

Junior Triathlon Coaching - Jtc is located at SW14, London, United Kingdom