Justin Taylor 4 Queenstown

About Justin Taylor 4 Queenstown

Passionate local campaigner in Queenstown Battersea running to be a Councillor for area I live & love on May 3 2018. Vote for me to be your representative

Justin Taylor 4 Queenstown Description

I'm proud and happy to have been selected as a Conservative councillor candidate for Queenstown in Wandsworth for the 2018 local elections. This page will have all the latest campaign news and updates so please follow to stay in touch.

My campaign will be innovative and energetic focusing on the issues that matter most to local residents. Everyone is welcome.




One of the most amazing sights in Battersea. The Queens horses coming down Prince of Wales Drive. Saw it once before and counted myself very lucky. To see it twice now is рҹ‘Ң рҹҗҙрҹҗҙрҹҗҙрҹҗҙрҹҗҙрҹҗҙрҹҗҙрҹҗҙрҹҗҙрҹҗҙр ҹҗҙрҹҗҙ
#battersea #batterseapark #nextthingCorbynwilltryban?


https://www.mnn.com/вҖҰ/вҖҰ/are-you-one-w eirdos-who-picks-litter
This me. I am one of these weirdos. We should all call out litter picking when we see it to #keepbatterseatidy


So naturally disappointed about the result and not winning enough votes to become a Councillor for Queenstown, Battersea the area I love and live in. However it was a fantastic experience which I wouldn't change a second of and meeting so many talented and interesting people along the way was a joy and privledge. Thank for the support and thank you for interest. Well done to the winning candidates.
I will continue to be campaigning and championing the interests of local residents. Have gone away and have come back feeling refreshed and ready for new challenges and projects.
JT. 18/5/18


Chucka Umuna, Labour MP for Stretham, passionate and articulate portrayal of what the Labour Party has become A cult. As he notes every issue is look at through the lens of supporting Jeremy Corbyn or not. A sad demise of a once great party who did much good for the UK.


Its been emotional as they say. Polling day tomorrow dont forget to vote рҹ—ірҹ—ірҹ—ірҹ—ірҹ’ҷрҹ—ірҹ—ірҹ—ірҹ—і


Residents have commented on Wandsworth Council doing a fantastic job with recent refurbishment of the gardens on Nine Elms Lane. Grass has been cut and flowers planted рҹҢ№рҹҢ»рҹҢјрҹҢұ


1967 affordable homes have been approved in Battersea the vast majority in Queenstown and ВЈ51m guaranteed for off-site affordable housing. These are the facts and it is a fantastic record that I want to continue that record on as Councillor. Vote Justin Taylor, Matt Corner and Marie Hanson on 3rd May вҳ‘вҳ‘вҳ‘ if you want more affordable housing in Battersea. Opponents cry 'you haven't done anything on housing', yet are completely ignorant of what has happened.


Thanks to all who have helped our campaign this last week. 7 days to go!


A week ago a resident told me that the street light on Forfar Road hadn't been working for a good few months. The road is a key cut through from Prince of Wales Drive tp Battersea Park & vica versa. After following up with @wandbc it is now working again. If you elect me Councillor I will get things done.


If you vote for #Wandsworth Conservatives, you know youвҖҷll get the lowest average bill in the country and more affordable homes.
But if Labour win? Spot the difference...


Don't lose your vote! Make sure you are registered so you can vote in the local elections in Wandsworth on the 3rd May 2018 for the 3 Conservative candidates рҹ—ірҹ—ірҹ—ірҹ—і
Please with your friends and family.
http://www.wandsworth.gov.uk/вҖҰ/200411/v oting/2033/register_вҖҰ


Great to have the PM endorsing our plan for Queenstown yesterday. рҹ‘Қ
If you haven't registered to vote there is time. Don't lose your chance to vote for who will represent you locally in Battersea as your Local Councillor.
http://www.wandsworth.gov.uk/вҖҰ/200411/v oting/2033/register_вҖҰ.


Recieved fantastic news today that the number of trains (8 per hour) WILL the remain same at #Queenstown Road Station рҹҡҮ вң… and the numbers wont be cut рҹҡ« to 4 as South Western Railway planned.
Delighted that the local campaign see below that I led with Cllr Marie Hanson in Queenstown and pressure from @wandsworth #Conservative councillors and candidates suceeded in keeping this vital service for good of residents, visitors and local business in Battersea following our local petitionрҹ‘ҚрҹҳҖ.
Wandsworth Conservatives Wandsworth Guardian Wandsworth Borough Football Club Battersea Park Battersea Reach


Following up with Wandsworth Council to get street light on Forfar Road fixed which has been broken for some time. Picture in day and picture at night. The road is a key access point for residents coming from Prince of Wales Drive and Battersea Park Road. Forfar Road also add as location on Facebook. #queenstown #forfarroad

More about Justin Taylor 4 Queenstown

Justin Taylor 4 Queenstown is located at Queenstown Battersea, London, United Kingdom