Justina Video

Monday: 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 17:00
Friday: 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About Justina Video

Do you want to leverage video in your business? I share tips, tricks, webinars, cheat sheets, tools, templates n more, to help make your video output shine through the noise.

Justina Video Description

Create videos that convert, I will take you step by step through building a video strategy to creating a thriving audience ready to jump on board with you.

Amy Porterfield and Marie Forleo both say. . . . "video is here to say, so you better start using it. "

Join our FREE Closed Facebook Group for tips, advice and a safe place to share draft videos.

I give you the full blueprint to start, get better and create more leads and sales leveraging the power of video.

With my step by step processes and easy to understand and action technical and software guidance.

I myself have nearly two decades of programme development and production experience at the BBC and a bunch of years creating my own on-line business. Now delivering amazing results for high street brands I want to bring my know how to grass roots businesses.

You don't have to feel scared, overwhelmed or frustrated, whether you are just starting out or if you are wanting to break through to the next level of professionalism with your video output. . . we can make it happen.

Join our FREE Closed Facebook Group today for lessons, tips and feedback on your videos before you go live.

I can't wait to get to know you and your business.



Great couple of days filming with @petra.velzeboer an incredible leader in the mental health field, and a warm, caring, talented person. As entrepreneurs mental health can be swept under the carpet or we just don’t want to acknowledge it because we only want to show our successes but being vulnerable has the power of connectivity and that helps everyone. #mentalhealthawareness #entrepreneurship #femaleentrepreneur #digitalceo #videoschool


today has blown me away....
Started with being interviewed by a long time friend and business buddy Tracy Stonard for her podcast 'Lead Your Best Life', so much fun.....
...had a great conversation with the British School of Coaches about working with them...
... ....delivered our first TV Ad (big brand & on an NDA)
... editing some incredible footage of the awesome Lisa Johnson....
... working on video for Gemma Went's Elevate Live event...
also been planning out some video funnels for another client....
AND giving final casting confirmations on another video....
plus I have a training with my video-school students tonight to polish things off!
....and it's only 2pm!
{luckily I have a fantastic team around me to help make all this possible}
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The female modern entrepreneur is ambitious and courageous about shaping her life and business as one, she is location independent, she is unapologetic about earning lots of money, she treats herself and her family guilt free. She has impact on many and change lives. Her life is full of excitement, exploration, adventure and unity, she is a leader What is a modern female entrepreneur to you? This lady @lisajohnsoncoaching leads by example 🙌. #femaleentrepreneur #videoschool #digitalceo #makeithappen


I love this video as the video itself AND the subject, I'm an advocate of reducing plastic and helping to heal our planet. Is there just one of these we can all swap this week?


🎥 got to bring a prop home yesterday at the end of filming 🎬🌹. #videoschool #onlinecourses #femaleentrepreneur #filming #videomarketing


Struggling to create videos? It's never too late to start getting on VIDEO ! Learn all you need to get on video and get results from your videos.
🎬 get the attention of your dream clients.... 🎬 be in more than one place at the same time! 🎬 have potential clients feeling like they already know you well! 🎬 become a celebrity in your niche. 🎬 get approached for the gigs on your wish list.
Video is a powerful tool that gets results when it's used in the right way.
Join VIDEO-SCHOOL and rocket your business. Find out more HERE: http://justinarosu.com/home/work-with-me/ video-school/
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Are you a wall flower when you should be a warrior spreading the message you are oh so passionate about?
When I started my business 5 years ago, I was very much behind my business, it was a faceless brand, and that's what I wanted.
But over the last 2 years I have been developing a new side of my business, my personal brand and that has meant getting in front of camera, which has been an emotional journey.
... Putting myself in front of camera has become something that now energises me and helps me find my message, there is something about making yourself show up on camera that helps move everything forward.... of course your visibility your connection because you are on video.... but I mean something more, there is a personal development that happens which is like a fringe benefit, and is very deep.
If you want to stop being a wall flower and start being a video babe, join me tomorrow for a live masterclass
JOIN ME ON THURSDAY 2PM GMT FOR A NEW FREE MASTERCLASS: https://justinarosu.activehosted.com/f/57
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We are stronger than we think!




Eventually the excuses will run out.
I know because that's what I did. I came up with excuse after excuse, I was a master at it.
These days I recognise them faster and take action.
... I would tell myself that I have to get my videos perfect, after all, I'm the video expert!! So I couldn't possibly start until I had all these things in place.
But then it dawned on me that my excuses are probably the same ones you have:
- I don't have space. - I don't have all the kit. - I'm not sure what to say? - I might make a fool of myself. - I hate seeing myself on camera. - I'm too old. - My face is weird. - What if people I know see me? - What if I get a nasty comment? - I don't have time!
There are so many fears that come to the surface, and our human reaction is to NOT do things that make us feel bad because that could be dangerous.
So, I decided that if I, of all people, couldn't work it out then I had no place trying to tell others to.
That's when I decided that I had to set the example, that it's okay to not be perfect, it's okay if we have all these worries..... we can push through them and enjoy the results.
Obviously the big difference between you and I is that I know all the things to make the video a reality, I have all the knowledge.... and now I can also tell you that I face many of the same challenges and I'm overcoming them.
I'm running a webinar this Thursday 28th February, and I think it will help you. It will put all this together for you.
I"m going to explain how my 'video advantage wheel' works, this gives you my formula of the 6 pillars that every online coach, consultant and business owner needs to know and work towards having in their business for maximum results from video.
Planning to make a video? tune into this webinar first
🎬❤️ GET VISIBLE WITH VIDEO - how to boost your brand without looking like a rabbit in headlights ❤️🎬
JOIN ME ON THURSDAY 2PM GMT FOR A NEW WEBINAR: https://justinarosu.activehosted.com/f/57
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Wow, speechless 😳


Sometimes we have to be warriors and find the courage to stand up for what we believe in....
If you have a message you want to share with the world then this is your time to stand up and step forward as a leader.
Being on video is one of the most powerful ways you can do that.... Leaders are strong and wise, they have a vision that they share and a message that inspires.
Connect with video today and show up as the leader you need to be.
This is your time to stand up for what you believe in.
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Have you got your ticket yet? This is one of the must go to networking events in my calendar, and this one is lining up to be a really special one!


Take it from me, I've worked with many famous faces over the years, as well as Global CEO's, entrepreneurs and regular folk.... how do I know?
About 25 years ago, I was in my first job at the BBC, as a secretary and one of the first things I did was to meet and great would be presenters on their way to audition for CBBC.
I would stay with them until they were on set and auditioning and then I'd escort them out again.
... My coaching started right there and then, as I very quickly knew how they needed to be on camera, and I naturally knew how to settle their nerves.
One of these auditionees was Zoe Ball, and this was her first on camera job, before this she was a researcher on the 'Big Breakfast' if you remember those days!
She was also nervous, but we chatted up to the studio, it was obvious to me just how different she was to the other candidates, she shone, she managed all the things they throw at her with grace and confidence.
But like all new presenters they have a period of 'growing' on camera, because at the end of the day there really is only way way to really get better and that's doing it... but everyone gets better from wherever their starting point is.
Over the years I've come to understand many things that contribute towards being engaging on camera, and you CAN do them.
Sign up here: www.bit.ly/quicktipseries
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IDEO-SCHOOL Its finally arrived!
Is video still on your to nail list?
You know video is still the fastest growing medium!
... Video connects with your audience faster than anything else except meeting in person!
If you want to fast track into being the go-to person in your niche, getting the gigs and the client you dream of, then you need to get on video.
Video-School is EVERYTHING you'll ever need to know about creating video AND creating video that gets results.
Made up of Video-Bootcamp an 8 week fundamental skills training...
and then graduating into Video-Mastery a year long dive into strategic creation and implementation, following my video-advantage formula.
Not the right time? No problem, bootcamp repeats as does the mastery, but there will never be a better time than NOW.
Too much investment? No problem, there is a payment plan for you, and you know if you invest you are far more likely to actually pull your finger out and get on with becoming video-tastic!
Too overwhelming? No problem, there are built in breaks and a system set up to meet you where you are.
Find out all the details here, are you out of excuses?: http://justinarosu.com/home/work-with-me/ video-school/
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Are you stuck wondering what to create videos about? Putting off going live until tomorrow? Or shuffling your video creation down the 'to do' list.
Whatever your villain is that gets in the way of you creating video content, it's time that you stepped up as the hero, every good hero needs a good mentor to help them fulfil their potential and save the world....
Dorothy had Glinda the good witch.... Harry Potter had Dumbledore. Matilda had Miss Honey.
If you've not heard me talk about video-school then let me lay it out for you.... Video-School is the vehicle to take you on your journey to being the hero, and I am here ready to be your encouraging mentor.
The mentor needs to give the hero a loving push because the journey ahead is an unknown world and pushes the hero out of her comfort zone on the path to greater things.
What is holding you back? What excuses are you still making?
Find out about Video-School and I'll see you on the inside
CLICK: http://justinarosu.com/home/work-with-me/ video-school/
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✔️Get the 6-step formula for boosting your brand without looking like a rabbit in the headlights.
... ✔️Learn how video can fast-track your business dreams.
✔️Learn about the one thing most entrepreneurs overlook.
✔️Learn how to create the perfect video storm for massive results.
I've taught entrepreneurs, CEO's, TV programme teams, social media agencies, coaches, consultants and small business owners how to leverage video for business results.
81% of businesses use video as a marketing tool - are you one of them, or are you falling behind?
My FREE masterclass will get you back on track and give you the knowledge to start moving forward.
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#everydayisavideoday What are you up to today?


Professional, knowledgable and creative. A must place to be to learn how to create great videos and get them seen.


Professional, knowledgable and creative. A must place to be to learn how to create great videos and get them seen.

More about Justina Video

07515 867444
Monday: 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 17:00
Friday: 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -