
About Kachingcoins

KachingCoin is the most utilizable coin on Blockchain, being used in the most complete investment ecosystem powered by Blockchain. Kaching!
Follow us on Telegram:

English Channel: https://t. me /kachingcoins
Vietnamese Channel: https://t. me /kachingcoinsvn



TO ALL KACHING MARKET CLIENTS: Stock and Indices will be DISABLED by 5PM EST Friday 14 Dec.TO ALL KACHING MARKET CLIENTS: Stock and Indices will be DISABLED by 5PM EST Friday 14 Dec.


KACHING MARKET ANNOUNCEMENT: holiday season's coming. Liquidity is shrinking, STOCK and INDEX trading is now DISABLED. Trade SafeKACHING MARKET ANNOUNCEMENT: holiday season's coming. Liquidity is shrinking, STOCK and INDEX trading is now DISABLED. Trade Safe


Attention! We have detected that there is a group of people trying to SCAM people's money using our branding. We want to send an alert to everyone to be very careful with the information that you may found, they are using our property without permission:
1/ Using our Logo of Kaching symbol without permission.... 2/ Using the images and information of our advisers without permission. 3/ And WORSE, they are trying to get people into their PONZI scheme and payout ridiculous interest of 2% per day.
This is definitely an illegal and unethical behavior. Our Legal Department is pursuing the necessary steps to take legal actions against those people.
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Hi investors, we have great updates for you today.
1/ We achieved MORE THAN 500 clients registered and traded on Kaching.Market in just 10 days. What a fantastic start. We aim for at least 5000 at the end of this year.
... 2/ The BOUNTY will be started paying out from August 3rd. Yes, we know that you've been waiting for this. Thank you very much for your patience, you will be rewarded soon.
3/ About LISTING, we have come to the final stage with some exchanges and plan to be listed soon in the next coming weeks. The reason why this take quite long is because every exchange want Kachingcoins to be exclusively listed on their platform only, when we want to be listed in ALL, not just one. We will come back with more detail later.
Enjoy Kachingcoins. PS: please help us to warn people about the FAKE website that trying to scam people's money with their ponzi scheme. We want people to make money, not lose money.
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Our developer team has detected a FAKE website using the reputable brandname of Kaching project for their website.
The FAKE website url is : kachingfund .com (please see image) and they are trying to collect money for their SUSPICIOUS cause.
... Please DO NOT send any of your hard earned money to a FAKE website. Always look for official announcement from our main channels. Best Wishes.
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Congratulation on the launch of https://Kaching.Market that happen tomorrow July 24th.
Please follow the instruction below:
... 1. CREATE ACCOUNT: You can create new account at https://my.kaching.market/open-live-accou nt/
2. KYC: remember to upload your documents in order to have your account approved. It won't take long.
3. DEPOSIT WITH KACHINGCOINS: you can deposit your Kachingcoins at the rate $0.25. You can contact live chat to know how to make deposit. It simply send your kachingcoins to our wallet address.
4. BONUS: you receive 100% Bonus (credit) when you make deposit with Kachingcoins. For min $100 to max $500.
Enjoy trading more than 170 instruments with Kaching Market. Warning! This will make the price of Kachingcoins skyrocket in the near future. Happy Trading.
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Happy 4th of July
This month will be a huge one for Kachingcoins investors.
1) Kaching Market, the mt4 broker will be live on 24th of July. In order to celebrate our 247,000,000 coins. You will be able to open account, deposit and trade.
... 2) You will be able to use Kachingcoins to deposit to receive tremendous bonus up to 100% of the value.
3) Enjoy trading more than 160 instruments on our platform Kaching Market and make money with the trillion dollar market.
Enjoy your holiday. PS: quickly and purchase your Kachingcoins at good price today.
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#Now #Cryptocoinpravda.com :)
https://cryptocoinpravda.com/kaching-coin s-13.html
#cryptocurrency #tokenlisting #token #ICO #review #rating


#Bestcoins accepted our #listing :)
https://www.bestcoins.co/ico/kaching-coin s
#ICO #token #cryptoworld #coinmarket


Major #TV, #News Covered our #story of #Kachingcoins
#InfoTV introduces #Kachingcoins, Watch it out
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0kGvf-_kQ pU
... #ICO #TV #News #Vietnam #china #USA #UK #TVAds #TVcoverage #TV #cryptocurrency
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We are accepted by #cryptoradar as well,


#Happy to Announce, We are #listed on #bitcoinexchangeguide
Our Detail -
https://bitcoinexchangeguide.com/kachingc oins-ico-kac-token/
... #ICOListing #ICOcommunity #community #cryptoworld #Blockchain
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DELIGHTFUL TO ANNOUNCE KACHING MARKET WILL BE LIVE SOON. Kaching Market, an important platform of Kaching ecosystem will be launched in the next 1 week or two. This is the Forex, CFD and Crypto trading platform with more than 160 instruments. You can even use Kachingcoins to make deposit instantly. Enjoy the seamlessly trading experience with Kaching Market.


#Kachingcoins #Token Parameters –
#Token Symbol – #KAC #Token Name – #Kachingcoins #Token owner – #Kaching Global Fintech Ltd UK ... #Token Standard – #ERC20 #Issued During ICO – 50% #Token Total supply –247000000 #Token Price – Starting at $0.2 #Bonus – Get 10% bonus now #Coin #KAC #ICO #cryptoworld
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What Exactly #Kachingcoins and #Kaching #Ecosystem?
#Watch our #Video -
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4LmTDqAXr Qo
... #ICO #Blockchain #token #coins #mylist #explainer #Promotion #bounty #cryptocurrency #investmentecosystem
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We were Proud Sponsor of #Tokenomx (https://tokenomx.com/ )
Watch out our presence here -
... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vEZhTopf4 ks&feature=youtu.be
Proud to be there and proud to #sponsor #TOKENOMX
#Kachingcoins #ICO #cryptoworld #business
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What exactly is #Kachingcoins?
Kachingcoins is the one cryptocurrency for multiple #investment platforms. Including a #cryptocurrency #exchange, a forex broker, a social trading platform, an academy. In the future, there will be much more than that, not only in investment #industry but also other. Please join our community to keep up to date.


How can I #buy #Kachingcoins?
#ICO #investment #vietnam #Bitcoin #crypto

More about Kachingcoins

Kachingcoins is located at 15 Paddington Green, W2 1LG London, United Kingdom