Kaleid Editions

About Kaleid Editions

KALEID editions represents European-based artists who do books

Kaleid Editions Description

Advocates public and academic special collections.



Artists’ publications by undergraduate, postgraduate, research fellows and alumni students at the Kunsthøgskolen i Oslo.
Curated by Victoria Browne.
Ane Thon Knutsen... Beatrice Guttormsen Bjarne Bare Emmy Christensen Espen Gleditsch Fatou Madeleine Satumaa Åsbakk Gabrielle Paré Henrik Andresen Jessica Brouder Katrine Rørbakken Lund Lissette Escobar Nina Björkendal Rikke Sund Carlsen
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ARTIST TALK: Stefan Gunnesch Monday 6th November 2017, 9am - 10am Auditorium, Kunsthøgskolen i Oslo Public Lecture


ARTIST TALK: Ladies of the Press* Monday 18th September, 09:00-10:00 Auditoriet, Kunsthøgskolen i Oslo


Fotobok Festival 2017 Oslo Thursday 21 September, 18.00-19.00
Curators in conversation at Mellomstasjonen - Christian Tunge (Director of MELK Galleri), Victoria Browne (KhiO Associate Professor, Director of KALEID editions) and Eline Mugaas (Artist, Galleri Riis)
... http://www.fffotografer.no/prosjekter/fot obokfestival-oslo
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Victoria Brownes konstnärliga praktik utgår från metoder kring post-produktion och formalism i måleri till att utifrån det grafiska språket utforska post-digitala tryckprocesser.
I sin roll som biträdande professor för grafik och teckning vid Kunsthøgskolen i Oslo (KhiO) forskar hon för närvarande kring processen för reduktion till att jobba med multipla plåtar i tryckprocesser.


Dublin Art Book Fair 2017
The only art book fair taking place in Ireland. Established in 2010, this will be its seventh edition. The Fair will take place from the 23rd to the 26th of November 2017. It offers book lovers and audience’s publications by over 50 different Irish and international publishers. This year we are working under the theme Art and Architecture Interwoven and we will include a special section of books nominated by artists and architects. In addition to a c...omprehensive collection of aesthetically focused literature and special editions, DABF features a vibrant programme of conversations, workshops, readings, performances, screenings and artist-led programmes. A unique selection of artists’ books and architect’s books will be featured at the Fair. Visitor numbers to the Fair have been growing with over 3,000 visitors attending last year’s Fair. We are gaining greater insights into how DABF can work best and what our audiences and buyers are responding to. DABF 2017 will commission new work from TBG+S studio artist Caoimhe Kilfeather under the theme ‘Interwoven’.
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All Inked Up Artists Book Fair and Symposium
... Otto Graphic www.ottographic.co.uk/
Dr Jo Mine Professor at ENIA University, Barcelona www.jomilne.com/
Paula Roush bio | paula roush www.msdm.org.uk/pr/bio
David Faithful biography - David Faithfull www.davidfaithfull.co.uk/cv.php
Dr Chris Taylor, Senior Lecturer in Fine Art, University of Leeds Director, PAGES / Editor, Wild Pansy Press www.leeds.ac.uk/fine_art/people/staff/ct. html/
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OPEN CALL for photo fanzines - Fotobok Festival 2017 Oslo.


KhiO #Stand35


We'll be in the Turbine Hall all weekend with KhiO!


KALEID editions is supporting students from Kunsthøgskolen i Oslo at Offprint London 2017 - Come and visit us at KhiO's bookstand!

More about Kaleid Editions
