Kdh Fitness

5 star rating

About Kdh Fitness

1-2-1 Training.
Online coaching
Fat loss /Weight loss.
Nutritional advice.

Here to help you reach your health & fitness goals, achieving sustainable results whilst you enjoy the process.




Tonight's meal.
Smoked Haddock, sweet potato mash, carrots & broccoli #amazing ūüėčūüĎćūüŹľ
#kdhfitness #fitness #training #protein #carbohydrates #coach #pt #personaltrainer


Let's talk about time...and fitness!
We all get 24 hours in a day, which is 1,440 minutes!
Yet still people struggle to find the Time to get there daily workout/exercise done...
... The point I'm getting at is If we're focused and committed to working on being the best version of ourselves, feeling better, looking better and being Healthy!.... we need to find the time!
Set yourself goals ‚úĒÔłŹ
Start off small.. example drink more water ‚úĒÔłŹ
Wake up earlier ‚úĒÔłŹ
Workout with a friend ‚úĒÔłŹ
Walk more ‚úĒÔłŹ
Make steady steps towards changing current habits, small steps are still progress!
Remember everyone's journey is different, however we all have to be committed, consistent and accountable to a clear plan..
After all without a clear plan, there will be No progress!
To kick-start your fitness journey get in touch for a Free consultation.
#kdhfitness #fitness #training #goals #smartgoals #journey #healthandfitness #consistency #commitment #accountability #time #motivation #coach #personaltrainer
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HIIT workouts ūüŹčūüŹĽ‚Äć‚ôÄÔłŹ Can be done anytime anywhere.
At Home ‚úĒÔłŹ
... The Park ‚úĒÔłŹ
Lunch Break ‚úĒÔłŹ
#kdhfitness #motivation #fitness #training #goals #smartgoals #hiit #pushyourself #exercise #bestversionofyou #weightloss #fatloss #intensity #workandrest #hydration #coach #personaltrainer
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Homemade Protein Oat Slab ūüėčūüĎĆūüŹĽ
#kdhfitness #fitness #food #proteinsnack #homemade #oats #protein #carbs #peanutbutter #pt #coach #personaltrainer


Why should we set Goals ūüéĮūüí™ūüŹĽūüŹčÔłŹ‚Äć‚ôāÔłŹūüŹčūüŹĽ‚Äć‚ô ÄÔłŹ‚Ěď
- Motivation To keep going even on days when you might not feel like it..
... - Structure Without a plan we plan to fail....with a specific plan in place it's more difficult to choose to skip a workout here and there which will only delay your progress....
- Focus Progress no matter how small, will keep you focused even before you can see change..
When setting fitness goals, break them down to small manageable stages which lead to the overall end goal. By doing this each stage you reach gives you a sense of achievement and a visual milestone once you tick or cross off as you reach them will give you that extra boost to keep going.
Remember fitness is a lifestyle, everyone's journey is different, no two people are the same... Results will come with time, consistency and perseverance. (And of course hard work & a great Trainer helps ūüĎćūüŹľ)
Enjoy the process, let us know what goals your working towards ‚¨áÔłŹ
#kdhfitness #fitness #training #goals #smartgoals #coach #personaltrainer
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Beginners HIIT workout (High Intensity Interval Training)
Total bodyweight ‚úÖ
... No equipment needed ‚úÖ
Beginners/New to exercise ‚úÖ
Can be completed anywhere ‚úÖ
Kelly's first workout for a little while. (since having our 3rd child)
Amazing work ūüí™ūüŹĽūüíĮ
Give it a go and let me know how you get on ‚¨áÔłŹ
#kdhfitness #fitness #homeworkout #hiit #pushyourself #coach #personaltrainer
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Saturday shoulders ūüí™ūüŹĽ
A little shoulder tri set...
What are you training today? ‚¨áÔłŹ
... https://www.instagram.com/k.d.h_fitness1/ ‚úÖ
#kdhfitness #saturdayshoulders #triset #training #coach #personaltrainer
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ūüí™ūüŹĽ Push Up Variations (Brief) ūüí™ūüŹĽ
1. On your knees. (Beginning/Regression) A great way to start off to learn the correct form and get used to the movement..arms shoulder width apart, keeping hips, spine and neck in line...on your knees opposed to your toes.
... 2. Normal. (Progression) Full push up, arms shoulder width apart on your toes, keep everything neutral. Neutral spine, neck and hips in line also with the movement coming from the arms for the controlled push movement.
3. Wide stance. (Progression) A full push up again like above, but arms slightly wider than shoulder width apart, still keeping neutral through the hips, spine and neck, with a controlled movement.
4. Narrow stance. (Progression) Again full push up stance only arms are narrow with your hands together...again keeping everything in line.
Muscles worked: Chest (Pectorals) Shoulders (Deltoids) Triceps (Back of the arm) Abdominals (tummy)
#kdhfitness #fitness #training #goals #smartgoals #pushups #progressions #regressions #coach #personaltrainer
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The mind will make you think you should give in long before the body is ready to..... ūüí™ūüŹĽ
#kdhfitness #fitness #training #goals #smartgoals #dontgiveup #personaltrainer


Three steps for working towards your fitness goals...
Eat Healthy ūüćóūü•ĎūüćĆ
Follow a structured training programme ūüŹčÔłŹ‚Äć‚ôāÔłŹūüŹčūüŹĽ‚Äć‚ôÄÔłŹ... (relevant to your specific goals)
Be consistent ūüĒĎ
What are your fitness goals? Let us know in the comments below ‚¨áÔłŹ
Follow us on Instagram ‚¨áÔłŹ https://www.instagram.com/k.d.h_fitness1/
#kdhfitness #fitness #training #goals #smartgoals #coach #personaltrainer
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What are Macronutrients/Macro's?
Carbohydrates - 4 calories per gram Fruit, grains, potatoes & veg.
... Fats - 9 calories per gram Avocado's, Oil's, nuts & butter.
Protein - 4 calories per gram Meat, Dairy, Egg whites & fish.
Macro's are measured in grams with each gram having its own value of calories (energy) ‚¨ÜÔłŹ
#kdhfitness #macros #carbs #fats #protein #advice #knowledge #coach #personaltrainer
* Protein bar from USNfit (snack from the other day)
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Hi everyone,
Please check us out & follow us on Instagram, feel free to like and share ūüí™ūüŹĽūüėé
... #kdhfitness #coach #personaltrainer
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What is a calorie Deficit? (In simple terms)
The body needs a certain amount of calories to maintain body weight....Fact!
... So for a calorie Deficit you reduce the input & increase the output.
I.E. Consume less & move more ūüėĀūüĎćūüŹľ
If you have any questions or for more information please send me a DM or comment 'Question' for a PM. ūüŹčÔłŹ‚Äć‚ôāÔłŹūüí™ūüŹĽūüŹÉ‚Äć‚ôāÔłŹ
#kdhfitness #caloriedeficit #inputoutput #fatloss #weightloss #coach #personaltrainer
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Poached Egg & Avocado on toast! For today's lunch ūü•öūü•Ďūüćě ūüėĀ
#kdhfitness #lunch #protein #carbs #healthyfats #goodfood #pt #coach #healthandfitness #personaltrainer


Good Afternoon,
Hope your all having a great day so far!
Instagram... https://www.instagram.com/k.d.h_fitness1/ ‚¨ÖÔłŹ
Please feel free to like, comment and share ūüėÄ
#kdhfitness #essex #coach #personaltrainer
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Today's home workout ūüí™ūüŹĽ
DB Chest Press DB Chest Flys DB Bicep Curls... Concentration Curls O/H Tricep Press B/W Tricep Dips
3 x sets 12 reps (90 sec rest between sets)
https://www.instagram.com/k.d.h_fitness1/ ūüíĮ
#pt #homeworkout #training #reps #sets #hypertrophy #coach #personaltrainer
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‚úĒÔłŹ Time for some Dips! ‚úĒÔłŹ
Chest, Tricep and shoulder ūüí™ūüŹĽ A great little exercise, managed to get these done whilst out with the family ūüėĀ (As you can hear in the background ūüėÄ)
... https://www.instagram.com/k.d.h_fitness1/ ‚¨ÖÔłŹ
#pt #workout #kdhfitness #coach #personaltrainer
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Chicken, vegetable rice, carrots & sweetcorn for tonight's dinner ūüėĀūüĎĆūüŹĽ #food #carbs #protein #healthyeating #nutrition #coach #personaltrainer #kdhfitness

More about Kdh Fitness

Kdh Fitness is located at Maldon, Essex