Kent Archives

Monday: -
Tuesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 17:00
Friday: 09:00 - 18:00
Saturday: 09:00 - 17:00
Sunday: -

About Kent Archives

A nationally accredited archive repository for Kent.

Kent Archives Description

We hold the largest collection of historic material relating to the ancient county of Kent dating back to 699 AD, from the earliest charters written on sheepskin to the present state of the art digital images. Our archive and local history collections tell the story of Kent and beyond, and are a focal point for the county’s heritage and culture, most of which you can access when you visit the Kent History and Library Centre in Maidstone.

While the archives consist of original records, often handwritten and unique, created in the course of human activities, the local history collection consists largely of printed material and includes published original records, as well as printed books. The collections tell the stories of people’s lives and their communities through diaries, eyewitness accounts, records of crime and punishment, titles to property, newspapers, photographs, maps and posters, and more.

Please visit www. uk for more information.



Apparently, walk-in customers can log in to the computer but staff are unable to access the system to extend time or release print-outs. 😕


The National Union of Women Teachers was set up in the late 19th century with the principle object of campaigning for equal pay and equal status of women teachers with men. When this objective was attained the National Union was closed.
The Kent Organising Committee was a district committee of the National Union: it was founded in 1923 and closed in May 1961. [Document order no. U884]
The image below is a detail from a banner connected with The National Union of Women Teach...ers, Kent Organising Committee. The full slogan reads: 'Forging Ahead S.E. Kent'.
#Archive30 #Colours
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Robert Bottle of Harrietsham compiled his own version of the second volume of The Builder's Complete Assistant by Batty Langley.
Langley (bap.1696 - 1751) published numerous books on architecture and design, including many handbooks and design patterns for use by builders and craftsmen. The Builders Complete Assistant, first published in 1738, was indispensable for builders and craftsman learning their trade, and keeping up with changing tastes. The Gardens Trust's blog has ...more information on this interesting character - atty-goes-gothick/
You can access an online version of Langley's book via this link - 654578
The drawing below by Langley forms part of the Papers of the Bottle family of Harrietsham, document finding number U3558/F13.
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The spring 2019 edition of the Archives newsletter is now online.
Read updates on the progress of our current projects, newly catalogued material, and an example of the specialised work of our reprographics and conservation services.
In addition, there are tales of tricksters, weird and wonderful occupations recorded in parish baptism registers, and a family archive collection with a sense of humour and a grisly connection to Oliver Cromwell’s embalmed head!
...…/Kent-Archives -newsletter-Spring-2…
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Over 2.6 million fully indexed baptism, banns, marriage and burial records spanning more than 400 years of Kent history are now available to search online exclusively at Findmypast. The blog below has more information.
You can log in free of charge in any of our libraries with your Kent Libraries membership card.


The ongoing project to catalogue our local history sales particular collection is almost completed and can be seen on our online catalogue. Dating from the late 19th century to the present day, these auction particulars often contain plans of the estate and occasionally ground plans and the photos, and are a fascinating insight into interior design through the decades.
The sales particulars are a valuable resource for researching your property and neighbourhood. Shown here is SP/SAB/1/1: auction particulars for ‘Lanzarote’, the St Margaret’s Bay Hotel (1901). Details include ‘The Bungalow’, which was ‘Solidly built by the Admiralty and formerly used by them as a Rocket Station’. …/getrecord/GB51_SP


This striking picture postcard is part of the Springfield Mill collection documents [U4062/B7/3].
In 1919, fraudster Elizabeth Grant Greer (aka Miss Walton) persuaded W. and R. Balston (of J Whatman paper) to help her in setting up a toy company, the profits of which she pocketed while leaving contracts unfulfilled.
The postcard to ‘Miss Walton’, postmarked Maidstone, 23... July 1919, is likely to have been sent by a disgruntled employee (or ex-employee?). It depicts an image of a cross-eyed woman with the printed inscription, ‘I am sorry I can’t see things as you can’. Overleaf, the anonymous sender has written a cryptic message in pencil: ‘not such a easy task as you thought to Boss all’.
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The National Archives will be open on the first Sunday of every month from 11am to 4pm. This weekend (6 and 7 April) for the very first time, doors will be open for the entire weekend! What a great opportunity to discover a new side to The National Archives.
More information in the link below.


Spring saturates the gardens, woods (and even the ice house) at Hole Park Garden, Rolvenden. The postcard image captures the country house before the extensive reconstruction of 1959.
The name of this beautiful park, famous for their native bluebells is, according to Hasted, derived from the ancient owners, the first one of whom we know, Henry at Hole. For more information on the Hole Park Estate -… /getrecord/GB51_U1304


"When Van Gogh was 23 years old, he travelled by boat from Rotterdam to Harwich in England, where he became an assistant teacher. While on board, he reflected on losing his former job and the difficult parting with his father. View of Royal Road, Ramsgate (1876)."
Briefly, Van Gogh taught at a school on Royal Road -…/ramsg…/ boarding-school-stokes/
He had been in Ramsgate for just 2 weeks when he found out that the school being run by William Port Stokes (c. 1832–1890) was going to be relocated to Isleworth. The link above has more information.


Niall's got the Kent Quarter Sessions blues.
The origins of Quarter Sessions can be traced back to 1362 when the Justices of the Peace, who had developed from the Keepers of the Peace, established by Richard I in 1195, were to meet 4 times a year to conduct their business. The courts of Quarter Sessions were abolished in 1971.
The Quarter Sessions had the following main functions:... [a] to hear criminal cases which required a jury but which were not serious enough to pass to the Assize court [b] to provide the local prison (until 1878, when prisons were nationalised), the county police force, the county asylums and bridge maintenance [c] to act as a public registry for all kinds of business, such as Parliamentary plans of railways and other utilities, registering parliamentary electors, Roman Catholics, freemasons and various other groups which were from time to time under public scrutiny.
The Quarter Sessions records are rich and varied and provide a wealth of information for both the researcher and family historian. A detailed description is provided in the Guide to the Kent Archives Office by Dr Felix Hull, which is available in the search room at the Kent History and Library Centre. …/…/GB51_Q_S_B_2_27
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How long do you think it'll take us to assess and sort through this lot? There are more than 1800 negatives in this recent deposit.


Niall is perhaps the most enigmatic member of the Archive team.
An ‘archivist’ whom we call Niall Loves the records in every file He likes to pose... Wearing fashionable clothes In shelves that extend for eight miles.
#ArchiveShelfie #WorldPoetryDay
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We bring you joy! This is a 1911 plan of the 'Joy Table' or 'Joy Wheel' attraction installed on Ramsgate Marina Promenade Pier.…/ge… /GB51_R_U1561_12_254(A)
There's very little information on the stomach-churning centrifugal force ride that was shaped like a giant turntable on the ground. Riders sat in the centre of the Joy Table which revolved within an enclosure. As the table began to turn, riders were flung off, much to the merriment of onlo...okers.
Dingles Fairground Heritage Centre #LoveArchives #ExploreYourArchive
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Who needs the Gym when you can workout with Document Production? Niall goes for the burn.
#ArchiveShelfie #ExploreArchives


The image below shows a 1915 letter posted from Montreal to Private Sydney Thomas Ritchie of the 6th Field Ambulance, Canadian Expeditionary Force. The envelope was retrieved from the lining of the Lydd Club Day stagecoach! [Document finding no. Ly/15/3/40] The Lydd Club Day is the annual local carnival that is held on the third Saturday of June on the Rype in Lydd.
Sydney Thomas Ritchie was one of the eight sons of Sir George Ritchie of Dundee.
By 1919, Sydney had been prom...oted to the rank of Staff Sergeant. His service record can be seen in this link -…
One might guess that he visited Lydd from the Canadian Army base at Shorncliffe camp?
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Storage by item format, barcoding... Niall is breathless at the possibilities for better archive management and document delivery at Kent Archives.
Come and take a look behind the scenes and meet the staff! Join our free tour on the first Wednesday of the month at the Kent History and Library Centre in Maidstone. Click this link for more information -…/visit-the-… /tours-and-group-visits
#ArchiveShelfie #ExploreArchives


Today, Niall (seen here wearing a hat) is working in the ground floor strong room at the Kent History and Library Centre in Maidstone. He particularly admires Jared Hill's 1718 map of 'Land lying in Harty [on the Isle of Sheppey belonging to] Jacob Sawbridge'.
Jared Hill's map is an exceptionally clear and artistic example of local cartography. ns/…/GB51_U178_12_1
... #ArchiveShelfie #ExploreArchives
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Very helpful staff and lovely place


Fabulous place, our children love this library. Friendly staff, always happy to help.




As a visitor from the U.S., I didn't know what to expect. The librarians were extremely kind and helpful in my quest for doing some genealogical research while in Kent County, England. The facility was beautiful! Thanks for letting me be a guest and use your resources.


An absolutely amazing experience!

More about Kent Archives

Kent Archives is located at James Whatman Way, ME14 1LQ Maidstone, Kent
03000 42 06 73
Monday: -
Tuesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 17:00
Friday: 09:00 - 18:00
Saturday: 09:00 - 17:00
Sunday: -