King'S College Hospital



Tomorrow is #WorldHepatitisDay and to mark the occasion Dr Kosh Agarwal, Consultant Hepatologist at King's, has written a blog looking at how coordinated care efforts across south London are aiming to eliminate hepatitis C. Read more here 👇 #TeamKings


Three generations of women, Rosemary Andrews, her daughter Linda Saunders and granddaughter Aimee Saunders, have all worked for King’s. Read more in the Bromley Times.


Today is the 105th birthday of King's College Hospital! We'd love to hear about your memories of King's from over the years!🎈🎂 #TeamKings


A mother saved the life of her seriously ill child by donating part of her liver and 1.5 metres of her intestine, in a first-in-Europe, 10 hour transplant performed at King's.


The King's volunteers will be at the Herne Hill Market community event this Sunday, 22 July. Come along and meet our volunteers and find out more about volunteering at King's! #TeamKings


Dr Leonie Penna, Consultant Obstetrician and Divisional Director for Urgent, Planned and Allied services at King's, has been named in the NHS London Leadership Academy #NHS70 Women Leader Awards. The award celebrates 70 outstanding women leaders in the NHS in London.


Continuing our celebrations for #NHS70 here's the last episode in our mini series, The NHS and Me. Hear what the NHS means to Shaula Candido, Clinical Research Nurse.


Tomorrow is #PrideInLondon and we'll be marching with our colleagues, friends and family celebrating the equality and diversity of our workforce. Come along and join us! #PrideMatters #OutStanding #TeamKings


Yesterday was the 70th birthday of the NHS and three former nurses told us what it was like to work at King's in 1948. Read the story here: #NHS70 #TeamKings


In the next episode of our mini series, The NHS and Me, we hear from Rachel Ben Salem, Senior Infection Control Nurse at the Princess Royal University Hospital #NHS70 #TeamKings


We teamed up with the BBC to make a programme about life on the wards at King's College Hospital. Tune in to BBC One at 9pm tonight to catch the second episode of Celebrities on the NHS Frontline! #NHS70 #TeamKings


Judith Pearce, a patient at the Princess Royal University Hospital, tells us how grateful she is for the NHS and how much it means to her #NHS70 #TeamKings


We've found an article published on 9 July 1948 in the Brixton Free Press about the first day at King's as part of the NHS #NHS70 #TeamKings


Today marks the 70th anniversary of the NHS! Hear from some of our staff from across King's who tell us what working for the NHS means to them. We want to say a big thank you to all of our staff for everything that they do! #NHS70 #TeamKings


As part of #NHS70 celebrations we've created a mini series, The NHS and Me. Today we hear from Sharon Paminter, iMobile Sister in Critical Care, who tells us about why the NHS is important to her #TeamKings


Tomorrow the NHS will celebrate its 70th birthday! Over the past month we've been posting pictures of life at King's from the last seven decades. This is one of our operating theatres during the 1950s. #NHS70 #TeamKings


Former nurse Frances Gompertz has described life on the wards at King's in 1948 and says it was "among the happiest" years of her life. Read more here:


As part of #NHS70 celebrations, today we hear from Professor Keyoumars Ashkan, Consultant Neurosurgeon at King's, who tells us what the NHS means to him #TeamKings


To celebrate 70 years of the NHS we've created a mini series, The NHS and Me. We hear from Claire Saha, Deputy Head Orthoptist and Staff Governor at King's, who gives her warm words about what the NHS means to her.


Would like to thank Mr Bentley, Mr Chandler and all the team for the amazing care of my one year old boy. Also all the nurses on Recovery, HDU and Lions ward. Where would we be without the people behind the NHS. Mr Bentley made sure to visit every morning and keep us up to date, I find his professionalism outstanding and a huge credit to us. Many thanks.


Wonderful staff. They have been so kind and professional.


Wonderful staff and talented dental surgeon made my experience better than I could have imagined. A huge thank you to them.


The Nurses were brilliant. They were kind and even when I felt nervous they made me feel better. On the first night I felt nervous and explained the one of the nurses that I don't sleep very well, she said that I could leave my room door open and talk to them as the nurses station was just outside. I found the telemetry technician so friendly and willing to answer any questions I had. The doctors and the pharmacist were all really nice. I can't say anything bad about my stay and think the staff were fantastic. The private room I had was clean as was the bathroom, the only negative was the tv in my room didn't have a remote (lol).


Thank you to all the amazing people who looked after my dad on Murray Falconer Ward and to the wonderful Neurosurgeons, theatre team and anaesthetists who got him safely through his surgery. Not forgetting the admin support staff who work tirelessly behind the scenes and are the cogs that drive the engine. Without the dedication of all these wonderful people my dad would still be in pain. We are so grateful to have King’s and the amazing NHS.


My mother has received exemplary care from the two renal wards. The level of care, consideration and compassion has surpassed all reasonable expectation. The Dialysis Department there is staggeringly good, with a welcoming vibe that bolsters one's faith in human nature. I found it an uplifting experience to witness.


My dad Denis Fenton is recovering in Cotton ward but just told me this story. On Monday 27th nov at around 18:00 he was dropped off at the main entrance by hospital transport. He couldn’t walk far so sat down near Costa to catch his breath. A lady (who he tells me works in one of your labs) approached Dad to ask if he was Ok. He asked her if she could find a porter with a wheel chair. Off she went and 10 minutes later returned with a chair. She pushed Dad to his destination and helped him check in. She asked if he’d eaten and then gave him her just purchased sandwich and a bag of sweets.

Dad would love to say “thank you”!

What a lovely lady ďż˝


I've just had my little Ava at Kings. She's a proper little London miss and I'm so happy. I can't stress enough how wonderful the staff of the NHS are. After this experience I've realised how important it is that we campaign for these people to make sure there are no more cuts. When football players make millions and the people that care for ours and our children's lives are not equally measured we as a society have got something wrong.

Thank you so much to the people that make the NHS, the staff xox


I'm on Waddington ward awaiting stem cell transplant, I'm going though the conditioning stage at the moment. I must say the care and attention I am receiving is brilliant, the staff are wonderful in attendance as soon as those machines start beeping, which are the height of anxiety as soon as the start. So far excellent.


I would not be here if it wasn’t for kch. Prof Steve deveraux topman and team���


I was brought into A&E department in February this yr with blue lights, my husband travelled with me, I was having multiple seizures and lost feelings in my legs due to a collapse in our hotel room my husband told me everything that happened the paramedics we're amazing with me and when we arrived in kings he couldn't fault any of the staff there were amazing, in our local hospital most times when I taken in with the seizures I'm treated terribly I start thinking all A&E's are the same but thankfully not in this case, they have even gone further by writing to my GP thinking it could be my heart. I can't thank the nurses and doctors that delt and helped my that time.


I want to thank one and all on behalf of my family for the wonderfull care that my lovely grandson Jude Allen . Words cannot express our gratiude to you all.


I want to tell the world how the Drs, nurses and all staff at Kings College Hospital are the most incredible team I have ever met. Considering I went to the wrong Hospital by mistake Monday morning, Mr Tim Jackson gave me the best care I could have wished for, he went above and beyond with my urgent surgery the same afternoon in an amazing attempt to save the vision in my right eye, I would like to add, I feel certain that it will be fine. I want to give a big thank you to all the staff who work tirelessly under extreme conditions. You are amazing. Thank you ďż˝ Mr R Marshall


I have a long history ,so cut it shot diabetes with complications.

General clinic wonderful sometime the waiting time is long just be prepared to wait.

I have cataract of both eyes, saw my surgeon on Tuesday was offered an operation on Thursday, but it was cancelled because there was an emergency. I had it done on the Tuesday not bad. KCH. I used to work there as a nurse years ago so I know when they are busy.


I had Surgery in January, the Surgical Team were amazing with me so kind & caring. Made me so relaxed about having my operation. Even the after care while I was in Hospital from the Doctors & Nurses... 5 star!

Just want to thank them all for looking after me and doing a wonderful job!


For the amount of stress I've been in with my little one I can't express how truly greatful myself and my partner are for seeing my little one with her severe reflux to carrying out the necessary tests to properly diagnose her is outstanding truly greatful to the consultant and staff on princess Elizabeth ward especially those who have gotten to know me and my daughter and partner there is not enough thankyous to express my gratitude the staff are always on point I do apologise for being stressed with staying in hospital it's not my liking I've had few ups and downs but always made my family feel welcome thank you so much.

Personal point we need our nhs staff who look after our family's I say train up and join a fab team.


First class treatment

First class care


Can not praise Orpington Hospital enough for the care and quality of all the staff on boddington ward following my sons surgery yesterday and over night !! The hospital was spotlessly clean and a exemplary Example of how wonderful the NHS can be !!


6 years ago I had a liver resection... the care from the whole team throughout was outstanding. Thanku for all you done for me xxx


5 star for the success of destroying families and taking away parents rights of their own children. Some of you don't deserve the title of a doctor /nurse.


The doctors and nurses were outstanding to sort out my baby girl from a rare condition.


U guys are messed up giving babies sedations then ordering parents to take their babies off life support u guys are baby killers and I hope u guys regret everyday what u do I doubt you’d care unless it was your child but u guys are seriously messed up in the head


This hospital should not be allowed to treat children especially those children who have disabilities and have complex needs

I know someone who has been treated disgracefully by this hospital you have failed her family as person who has disabilities herself I know how bad the nhs is but some of the things I have heard about this hospital is shocking and I will not be recommending you to anyone


This hospital should be shut down how the hell can they do what they have done to two kids and get away with it I will never go to this hospital again ever disgusting


They ignore complaints, appalling lack of accountability and outrageously poor information handling. Have committed several serious data breaches and just throw all complaints in the bin when you raise legitimate concerns. No other sector would get away with such a lack of professionalism. I'm frankly surprised the authorities are not taking a very close look at the irregularities occurring here.


The way they are treating a little girl currently in their care is disgusting. So disappointed by the hospital ďż˝


The way there treating melody drisscol is horrible she has Rett syndrome and other health comperlations and she deteraiting since being in there because of them takeing her medications away from her leaveing bruises on her leaveing her in constant pain and so more she need to be let to go home ďż˝ but there holding her prisoner where's the parents rights


The public from around the world will fight to bring the necessary change to the deplorable facility who has no interest in helping children, but is hell bent and determined to remove parents rights and murder innocent children. What you are and continue to do is not going unnoticed! We will continue to stand against you until this stops.


The care and treatment of Melody Driscoll in this hospital is seriously worrying and needs investigating urgently to bring an end her pain and suffering.


Seriously concerned of the care of little little melody in Kings hospital an 11 year old girl ! Someone in management need to look into what's going on!


My daughter is currently in kings care. She’s been there for the last 6 months. Since one particular doctor got involved in my daughter’s care it’s been a downward spiral of abuse and neglect. They are now holding her prisoner and my Parental Rights which they tried to have taken away from me mean nothing. This is medical kidnap. Please let her go. She has deteriorated so much in this hospitals care. Even to the extent of being slowly starved without the doctors even realising it. She is covered in bruises, left in Pain for long periods of time and has had all her medications that Great Ormond Street put her on taken away. She is suffering immensely and no one from the trust will help us!


Melody needs better care than what you’re giving her!!


I have no choice but to rate u so low. I empathise with the Chairman's decision to leave. I'm a patient waiting for surgery since September and was recently informed it won't be before next February at least although I am on the urgent list. The daily symptoms I have been suffering since January continue to be a massive nightmare negatively affecting all areas of my life. I greatly appreciate this is much to do with the reduced funding by the government but Kings do not let the public know this and do not seek our support in lobbying the government for much needed funds so I have no choice but to believe they don't care about their patients only their pay at the month end. A few weeks back I was at A&E for over 4 hours, again I was urgent but yet waited so long to be seen & when I enquired what the policy is for breach of waiting times (receptionist told me they had breached time to see me) I was advised to speak to one of the nurses who told me that there were 3 more people in front of me - this is their policy! Then when I did eventually see someone she told me to take painkillers - sorry but how does that help my symptoms! Truth be said Kings College Hospital u are no support to my distressing experience.


Holding a child prisoner, placing a gagging order on her loving parents and then mistreating her - neglect, starvation, bruising her, holding back on pain relief causing hours of agony and not treating infections for days. 100% neglect on poor Melody! Disgraceful....


Have Some respect for your younger patiÍnts! How you treat Melody is against human rights!! Look how this Poor girl looks and you call this " taking good care " of your patiÍnts??? or bully your patiÍnts??? this young girl is very sick and needs help.. not abuse! look at her dont make this girl better But worser! and baby Isaiah Hastrup was breathing for 7 hours without life support and you did NOTHING! to save this child. # Hospital staff who did this to Melody and Isaiah needs to be in jail and loose there jobs. # Release Melody!!! # Justice for Isaiah Hastrup!! ��


Fuming, my poor dad is in Murray Falconer Ward waiting to have a brain tumour removed..we got a call Monday late afternoon to fetch him up that evening ready for surgery Tuesday..we got a call late Tuesday afternoon telling us it had been cancelled, we were then told he is 2nd on the list Wednesday...Wednesday 5pm came so we called the ward to see how he is only to be told he hadn’t had it done as he “may” have had a drink at midday so surgery will be Saturday!! I’m so angry, he’s 72 & never ever been in hospital before so his nerves are shot to pieces, his short term memory is bad due to the tumour, I feel so sorry for him & I just want to wrap him up & bring him home �


Elderly man next to me made to sit on reception chairs for over 3 hours, recovering from a fall with a fractured face. Not a clue whats was happening, I asked someone to put him somewhere comfortable and nobody had the slightest interest and tried to make out I was trying to breach his patient confidentiality. Sad times!


Child killers. If you’re child is seriously ill or has non-common medical conditions don’t take them there - they’ll kill the child and get away with it, they did it with Charlie, they did it with Isiah, now they’re doing it to a little girl Melody, they make the kids worse until they deteriorate so much they die, and the doctor in question should be doing life in prison �


After being admitted into this hospital I was given the worst physiotherapy I have ever come across.

I was admitted after a bad life changing accident causing me to be admitted in a back and neck brace. My injuries were so severe that I had to have a new brace to custom fit my body. However the senior physiotherapist and Charly Zinecraft did not consider my injuries fully, so the new brace was not adequate enough.

The lack of support for my neck from the new brace would affect my spin. My broken arm was three times the size as normal, which was in a sling pulling my shoulder and neck. This meaning it would affect my spine due to me needing to counter balance the extra weight. My injuries also involved cracking 6 vertebrae which 1 of 6 were unstable at the time.

Charly Zinecraft and her supervisor were reluctant to see my point of view and could not understand the basic of how a human Skelton which is a structure works. After I had refused brace which had no neck brace or support, telling them they can give it to someone else who needs it. I had had to revert back to my neck an back brace which I was originally admitted in with.

Later found out that these two useless individual's decide to write malicious notes within my doctors records. Stating that I was aggressive and argumentative shame on them.., because of this 1 star given.

However on a positive note, I later had a bengali physiotherapist and she was amazing who knows her stuff.

I am now fully recovered from breaking arm, 6 vertebrae, 6 ribs, dislocating left thumb and ankle injury with torn ligaments.

Thank you Dr Arya and his team.

More about King'S College Hospital

King'S College Hospital is located at Denmark Hill, SE5 9RS London, United Kingdom
+44 (0) 20 3299 9000