Kirtan Space

About Kirtan Space

Live a happier, more purposeful life by adding Kirtan to your everyday.



WATCH THIS | Understanding meditation through the analogy of this lake - With Balaram Nityananda das


Time for harmonium practice! We’ll try to do these live sessions more often ☺️🙏🏽


Prabhupada asked Sudama to lead the singing. As Sudama began to sing a particular tune, he became self-conscious and stopped. He said, “That’s not the right tune.” He meant that it was not the tune that Prabhupada usually sang. Prabhupada encouraged him, “That is all right. That is your ecstasy.” It enlivened us to think that Prabhupada said we had ecstasy within us, and that even a neophyte devotee’s choosing of a particular tune could be called “his ecstasy.” - Satsvarupa dasa Goswami, Prabhupada Meditations Volume III, Ch. 1, PM 3.1.3 Kirtans with Srila Prabhupada


Prabhupada motioned, took the harmonium and played. He started to show me how to play, with one note at a time, but running and trilling on the keys. I remember how softly he touched the keys, with his fingers straight, and how they softly glided, and easily produced a beautiful accompaniment. He often played one octave down at the end of a run, as we can hear on tape recordings of him playing... I always remember the way Srila Prabhupada played the harmonium and I try to play the way he showed me." - Amogha dasa, Prabhupada in Malaysia - Janananda dasa, PIM 8: I Want a Temple Like This


Remembering His Grace Aindra Prabhu today for a lifetime of Kirtan service in Vrindavan to Sri Sri Radha Shyamasudara. Although he may have left this world, He will always remain with us in our hearts and in any Kirtan bhajan we do.


A message of Love & Gratitude | Kirtan Space


WATCH THIS - What is the point of Spiritual life? | Radhanath Swami


WATCH THIS - A Message From Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada:


Death. What is it? Balaram Nityananda tells us that he has always been intrigued by it. The idea here is that if we live a selfless life, a good life, then at the time of death we’ll be able to focus on what’s important. Thereby, going to a better place in our next life!


It's been a dream to interview His Grace Mahatma Das, ever since His Holiness Indradyumna Swami told us to do so last year at the London festival of chariots.
Learn today how Kirtan may transform your life!
Please share it with as many people as possible so we can live our dream of #makingkirtangoviral :)


Marry Your Mantra
The word, marry means: join in marriage; take someone as one’s wife or husband in marriage; cause to meet or fit together; combine.
My mrdanga teacher frequently tells me that I should practice my mrdanga mantras* until I am married to them. “When you are married to your mantras,” he says, “everything else will come easily.”
... Similarly, those who marry the Hare Krishna mantra quickly reach perfection in spiritual life and taste real happiness.
“It is the nature of the Hare Krishna maha-mantra that anyone who chants it immediately develops his loving ecstasy for Krishna.”(Sri Caitanya-caritamrta adi lila 7.83)
Om Tat Sat Vaisesika Dasa
*Mrdanga mantras phonetically represent the sounds of various mrdanga beats.
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Increase your faith in Krishna's holy names through science!


How to become fearless | Abhayam | With Balaram Nityananda


Before you scroll down | WATCH THIS - How to deal with challenges in life with Balaram Nityananda :)


Find your purpose through Kirtan: Filmed at the Mosa Museum, in Radhadesh. Special thanks to Drdha Vrata for the sacred space. To Krishangi Lila for producing the video and to Balaram Nityananda for sharing his thoughts with us!


We love Madhava Naidoo!


Ter Kadamba das explains how to understand how life works so that we may apply a regular spiritual practice such as mantra meditation in our lives. The Vedas speak of understanding life through the principles of Sambandha, Abhidheya and Prayojana. This one is a great listen!


A lot of you have been asking me, Balaram when are we going to have a Kirtan retreat where we can learn how to play the Mrdanga, learn how to lead Kirtan and have a great time by the beach? Well, WAIT NO LONGER! Please register your interest here:


We owe Kirtan to Srila Prabhupada!


How Kirtan changed Madhava Prabhu's life.


This is what anyone who has interest in developing the ultimate relationship with the Holy Names should take serious


This is an amazing opportunity to learn all about kirtan, from learning mrdanga, harmonium, kartals to learning how to live in a healthy, happy, bhakti-yoga lifestyle. A must for everyone!


Thank you for making this page... :-)


Really proud of my son, he's doing a great job. Actually practicing spiritual life is so easy, all we need to do is learn how to absorb ourselves in the holy name through kirtan. Kirtan Studies is the perfect place for you to learn that! Lots of love, Prema.


Kirtan space made my space a beautiful garden of vrindavan and the most amazing thing is you forget everything you had before untill you close this page!!!

Hare Krishna!!


Kirtan brings joy to everyone immediately! What a blessing!


It's always wonderful to be surrounded by devotees and doing kirtan. A space which provides us a chance to be a part of KIRTAN even in our very busy schedule what can be auspicious than that ! �


It is a wonderful website to know more about Kirtan : )


I really don't hve any idea. But kirtan smoothen n gives peace to my mind, n when I come away from the kirtan, in my mind the kirtan still goes on n on. What is it that pulls me to the Kirtan, is it the power of the kirtans! I wonder. Of course, Kirtans consists of the Holy name of Krsna. That's the reason. Sorry if I m stating nonsence. Just stating what came to my mind. The true is I hve not studied the Kirtan Studies.


Balaram works with us here at Krishna Wisdom and he is not only a great mrdanga player but has really practical teaching methods for learning Kirtan. Definitely worth the investment!


Amazing sources of inspiration in performing kirtan. Thank you so much.


Amazing and exceptionally inspiring! Thank you so much! I am so glad that I found this!

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