Klasi Sustainability Ltd

About Klasi Sustainability Ltd

Environment & sustainability consultant delivering sustainable business success through training, engagement and communications



Happy Birthday to David Attenborough ­¤ź│


Compostable and boidegradable plastics are NOT magical solutions. Just like recycling they need to be sent to the correct facilities for disposal or will end up polluting the environment just like any other discarded waste. Reuse is the most sustainable solution. #noexcuseforsingleuse


ŌĆ£We canŌĆÖt afford to stand by and do nothingŌĆØ ­¤ī┐ https://www.theguardian.com/ŌĆ”/we-cant-a fford-to-stand-by-anŌĆ”


A little dose of good news! We often hear use of social media talked about in a negative light, but it can inspire people to connect and work together to protect the natural world! https://www.theguardian.com/ŌĆ”/social-me dia-inspiring-childrŌĆ”


In case you havenŌĆÖt had the chance to check this out...


For those of you being asked this on the regular... https://www.nytimes.com/ŌĆ”/ŌĆ”/climate/w inter-cold-weather.html


The next article in my series on the impact of air travel - looking at airports, will be out next week!
In preparation, here are 9 ways to reduce your environmental impact on your next flight:
­¤ÜÄ Take public transport or lift share on your journey to and from the airport... ŌÖ╗’ĖÅ Bring a reusable water bottle to refill after security and ask to have it topped up during your flight instead of taking those tiny plastic cups Ō£ł’ĖÅ Offset the emissions from your trip with a recognised provider ­¤źŚ Request a vegetarian or vegan in-flight meal in advance ­¤¦│ Limit your luggage ­¤źÖ At the airport, look for food with less packaging ­¤ō▒ Use an e-ticket instead of printing out your boarding pass ­¤ÆĖ Fly economy / coach ­¤īÄ Choose direct, non-stop flights to your destination
What else do you do to reduce the impact of your travels?
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Hi Everyone! Hope you have had a fantastic start to 2019! I know I've been a bit quiet lately but I've been working a lot behind the scenes and am happy to present my freshly revamped for 2019 website at www.klasisustainability.com ­¤ź│


These climate change carols from 2014 are feeling even more relevant today Ōśā’ĖÅ ­¤Æ” ­¤öź­¤ī¬

https://www.newyorker.com/ŌĆ”/22/climate- change-christmas-carŌĆ”


Progress!!! ­¤ź│
https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-enviro nment-46582025ŌĆ”
But is it enough?
... ŌÅ│ In the words of one of the delegates "it's what's possible, but not what's necessary"
*Do check out the BBC's 'Climate Crisis, What Can I Do?' slides linked in the article
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Did you know...?
Over the Christmas season, the U.K. creates 30% more waste than usual ­¤ÖĆ
This year, think about simple ways that you can prevent waste from entering the system. ŌÖ╗’ĖÅ
... ­¤Äü When youŌĆÖre wrapping presents try using reusable boxes, making fabric bags, reusing gift bags or using recycled paper.
­¤”ā After a big holiday feast, to reduce food waste and plastic pollution, store your Christmas dinner leftovers in jars, beeswax wraps or reusable containers instead of with cling wrap.
­¤æŚ For all those seasonal events try out clothes swapping or sharing instead of buying new for holiday parties
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What else are you doing / planning to do to reduce your environmental impact this holiday season?
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The land use impact of #bioplastics means they aren't as #climateneutral as we all think. Something to consider in the #plasticban debate.


Evidence of climate change is all around us...even in old outdoor sports footage ŌÜĮ’ĖÅ­¤ÅĆŌÜŠ’ĖÅ­¤Åł­¤ÄŠ­¤Åæ­¤ÅÅ­¤Åć­¤Ü┤Ō ĆŹŌÖé’ĖÅhttps://www.yaleclimateconnectio ns.org/2018/11/scientists-find-climate-c lues-in-old-cycling-footage/


Ready for more #sustainability words? Learn about the language around #environmental #social and #economic sustainability at https://www.klasisustainability.com/ŌĆ”/s ustainability-glossŌĆ”/ where words from HABITAT to HYDROGEN FUEL (including hazardous waste) have now been added to the #glossary


Scientists are describing the recent ice melting as 'ominously unusual' and say sea level rises may be earlier and more drastic than previously believed...ŌØä’ĖÅhttps://www.theguardian. com/environment/2018/dec/05/sea-levels-m ay-rise-more-rapidly-due-to-greenland-ic e-melt


For a really simplified explanation of global warming and what causes it check out the videos on this site - short, sweet and to the point http://www.howglobalwarmingworks.org/in-u nder-1-minute-ab.hŌĆ”


The Sustainability Glossary is back at www.klasisustainability.com/learninŌĆ”/su stainability-glossary
­¤ōÜ­¤ōÜ­¤ōÜ­¤ōÜ­¤ōÜ­¤ōÜ­¤ōÜ­¤ōÜ­¤ōÜ­¤ōÜ< br> and this week it's a big one! With the letter G for Global Warming, Greenhouse Effect and Greenwashing!
... ­¤ī×­¤īŹŌÅ│
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The aviation industry allows us to explore, dream and connect with each other on a global scale ­¤īÅ but it also has significant environmental impacts that we canŌĆÖt afford to ignore! My new blog series starts today looking at the social, environmental and economic impacts of aerospace and aviation as well as changes we can make both as those working in and around the sector and as travellers - it kicks off today with a look at aerospace manufacturing Ō£ł’ĖÅ https://www.klasisustainability.com/ŌĆ”/t he-impact-of-air-trŌĆ”/

More about Klasi Sustainability Ltd
