
About Korolit

Korolit is an independent and highly experienced management consulting, programme management and senior talent acquisition business

Korolit Description

If you're a Small or Medium sized Enterprise (SME) it's almost impossible to get expert and truly independent guidance. The larger consulting organisations are either too expensive or just not interested. Probably the only expert guidance you can get is from the people who want to sell you their products!

Korolit is an independent and highly experienced management consulting, programme management and senior talent acquisition business and we are focused on the needs of our SME and corporate clients.

We have a deep understanding of the industry developed through time spent with global consulting organisations and working with businesses across multiple market sectors. We have worked with both profit and non for profit organisations and we have a deep understanding of the challenges each face. We have also spent time running successful SME businesses which means we can 'walk the talk'!

We work closely with our clients to help them understand where and how they can improve, to effectively manage change, build leadership, deliver enhanced capabilities, and ultimately transform their businesses. We believe that the following areas provide the key foundations for a successful business:

A focused and integrated strategy
Effective transformational programmes
High performing people and effective organisations

and our services are closely aligned to these needs.

Contact us and see if we can help you.

More about Korolit

Korolit is located at 145-157, St John Street, CV1V 4PW London, United Kingdom
+ (0) 333 444 8944