Kosovo Embassy London

Monday: 09:00 - 16:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 16:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 16:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 16:00
Friday: 09:00 - 16:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About Kosovo Embassy London

Welcome to the official Facebook page of the Embassy of the Republic of Kosovo in London.



Best of luck to the new cohort of Kosovo Chevening Scholars. We look forward to welcoming you to the UK #chosenforchevening


Të gjithë bashkatdhetarëve të besimit islam ju urojmë Festën e Kurban Bajramit. Paqja, begatia dhe harmonia qofshin me ju dhe familjet tuaja.
To all our Muslim compatriots we wish you a very happy Eid al-Adha. May peace, prosperity and harmony be ever present in you and your families.


Shumë urime Kemajl Haliti dhe Çlirim Morina dhe faleminderit Mbreterisë së Bashkuar për mbështetjen e vazhdueshme për FSK


Me pikёllim tё madh kemi marrё lajmin pёr ndarjen nga jeta javёn e kaluar tё veprimtarit dhe simbolit tё Kosovёs, z. Adem Demaçi.
Me kёtё rast Ambasada e Kosovёs nё Londёr nga sot hap librin e zisё:
E hёnё, 30 korrik 2018, nga 10:00 – 12:00 dhe 14:00 – 16:00... E martё, 31 korrik 2018, nga 10:00 – 12:00 dhe 14:00 – 16:00 E mёrkurё, 1gusht 2018, nga 10:00 – 12:00 dhe 14:00 – 16:00 _________________________________________ ______________
With deep sadness we received the news last week of the passing of the human rights activist and the symbol of Kosovo, Mr. Adem Demaci.
In his honour the Embassy of the Republic of Kosovo in London will open a book of condolences
Monday, 30th of July 2018, from 10:00 – 12:00 and 14:00 -16:00 Tuesday, 31st of July 2018, from 10:00 – 12:00 and 14:00 -16:00 Wednesday, 1st of August 2018, from 10:00 –12:00 and 14:00-16:00
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We are bidding farewell to our Ambassador Lirim Greiçevci this week! It was a great honour for all of us to have had the opportunity to work with him and we wish him the best of success in his future endeavours. He will be dearly missed in London


Please vote below for Miss Manchester Fatime Gashi and let's make her Miss England 2018.


The Western Balkans London Summit will be held from 9-10 July. Interconnectivity, security, rule of law, youth, digital services will feature among the topics. Kosovo Prime Minister and ministers of foreign and internal affairs will attend the summit, alongside their counterparts from five other Western Balkans countries and ten EU countries. A big thank you to our host, the UK Government, for their meticulous preparations and their hospitality. The summit is a clear sign of British engagement in our region, now and post-Brexit. Our region will always need British leadership as a key international player in NATO, permanent member in the UN Security Council, member of G7.


The Embassy of Kosovo in London is delighted to host an evening that will serve as the UK launch of the Kickstarter campaign inviting backers for the modest Sapune initiative showcasing what is possible in supporting some of Kosovo's most vulnerable families while promoting a beautiful traditional craft.
On display will be filigree and examples of the rewards available to backers of the project on Kickstarter.com. We hope that before or during the evening you will be able to... support the initiative at https://www.kickstarter.com/…/465…/si lver-threads-in-kosovo/
Venue: Embassy of Kosovo in London, 8 John Street, WC1N 2ES RSVP: embassy.uk@rks-gov.net, Tel. 0207 405 1010
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Me 08 Qershor, Ambasada e Republikës së Kosovës organizoi një sesion informues për bizneset e diasporës shqiptare. Tema të sesionit informues ishin: Procedurat e regjistrimit të bizneseve në Republikën e Kosovës si dhe mekanizmat ligjorë të vendosur nga Republika e Kosovës për zgjidhjen e problemeve eventuale të bizneseve të huaja në Kosovë .
Fillimisht të pranishmit i përshëndeti Ambasadori, z. Lirim Greiçevci, i cili i falënderoi ata për praninë e tyre dhe e përs...ëriti qëndrimin se Ambasada e Kosovës është e përkushtuar për ofrimin e ndihmës dhe informacionit për të gjitha bizneset e diasporës shqiptare.
Zyrtarët e lartë nga Kosova z. Gazmend Mejzini nga Agjencia për regjistrim të bizneseve dhe z. Bajram Miftari nga gjykata themelore e Kosovës, dhanë informacione të shumta për bizneset e diasporës shqiptare, informacione që lidheshin me temat e lartcekura.
Sesioni u udhëhoq dhe u përmbyll nga diplomatja Elmaze Pireva , diplomate për çështje ekonomike e cila i sqaroi bizneset se për çdo pyetje eventuale lidhur me bërjen biznes në Kosovë mund t’i drejtohen asaj për ndihmë.
Në fund të sesionit , Ambasada ofroi një koktej ku të gjithë të pranishmit patën mundësi, të bisedojnë mes vete dhe me zyrtarët nga Kosova.

On the 8th of June 2018, the Embassy of the Republic of Kosovo organized an informative session for Albanian diaspora businesses. The topics of the briefing session were: Business Registration Procedures in the Republic of Kosovo as well as the Legal Mechanisms of the Republic of Kosovo for solving eventual problems of foreign businesses in Kosovo.
Initially, the ambassador Mr Lirim Greiçevci, thanked the attendees for their presence and reiterated the commitment that the Embassy of Kosovo is open and always ready to provide assistance and information for the Albanian Diaspora businesses and foreign businesses too.
Senior officials from Kosovo, Gazmend Mejzini from the Business Registration Agency and Mr. Bajram Miftari from the Kosovo Basic Court regarding the above mentioned topics provided many information to Albanian diaspora businesses, followed by a Q&A session.
The session was led and closed by Elmaze Pireva, a diplomat in charge for economic diplomacy, who explained to businesses that if they have any question regarding doing business in Kosovo, can ask her for help.
At the end of the session, the Embassy of Kosovo offered a cocktail, where all attendees had the opportunity to talk to each other and to the officials from Kosovo.
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Të gjithë bashkatdhetarëve të besimit islam ju urojmë përzemërsisht Festën e Fiter Bajramit. Paqja, begatia dhe harmonia qofshin me ju dhe familjet tuaja.
To all our Muslim compatriots we wish you a very happy Eid al-Fitre. May peace, prosperity and harmony be ever present in you and your families.


19 years ago today, on 12 June 1999, NATO forces, commanded by a British officer, General Mike Jackson, entered Kosovo and brought peace and freedom to millions of Kosovans who had endured a most brutal Serbian dictatorship and an attempted genocide. Since then, Kosovo has become a democratic and independent country for all its citizens. British forces have played a key a role throughout and we are grateful to them for their continued service in Kosovo. 🇽🇰🇬🇧


Në shenjë nderimi për legjendën e futbollit kosovar, Fadil Vokrrit, flamuri i Kosovës është ulur në gjysmështizë, para Ambasadës në Londër. Qoftë i paharruar kujtimi për të! ⚽🇽🇰⚽
The Kosovo flag has been lowered at half mast to mourn the passing of the Kosovan football legend, Fadil Vokrri. RIP!


Great service, extremely helpful and friendly staff :)


Amazing group of men and women devoted and dedicated to the promotion of the Republic of Kosovo


Great service, extremely helpful and friendly staff :)


Amazing group of men and women devoted and dedicated to the promotion of the Republic of Kosovo


Great service, extremely helpful and friendly staff :)


Amazing group of men and women devoted and dedicated to the promotion of the Republic of Kosovo


Great service, extremely helpful and friendly staff :)


Amazing group of men and women devoted and dedicated to the promotion of the Republic of Kosovo

More about Kosovo Embassy London

Kosovo Embassy London is located at 8 John Street, WC1N 2ES London, United Kingdom
Monday: 09:00 - 16:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 16:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 16:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 16:00
Friday: 09:00 - 16:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -