Kundalini Lounge

About Kundalini Lounge

Integrate the Ancient yoga technology in our Modern life. Practice online with our Kundalini Yoga masters, and join a world of yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan, which will always be with you wherever you are and whenever you need it.

Kundalini Lounge Description

the Global Hub for Online Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan, featuring meditations, pranayama, kriyas, programs and full classes to suit even the busiest or most limited of schedules. We have yoga sets and meditations that are as little as 3 minutes or as long as 2 hours. The benefits are tremendous, and you can take us anywhere - on your smartphone, tablet, or laptop at home. Practice at work or even when travelling.
Our classes are suitable for beginners looking to learn basic Kundalini Yoga techniques, all the way to advanced students looking to focus on specific areas of development. Whatever your level, you are free to go at your own pace, guided by your own interests. It is YOUR journey. We are excited for you to experience the magic Kundalini Yoga can bring your life.

We hope you enjoy this journey. May you come to peace with yourself, connect with your infinite wisdom, live in blissful happiness, and true radiance.



On my way to Nairobi, I couldn’t have asked for a better read. My boyfriend sent me this book few weeks ago and I finally got to it. While I am just starting, first thing you read is the Human challenges of modern society. Sadly, I relate to all of them 😂 which is probably why I got this book in the first place. . Fear and insecurity-‘ people fear everything nowadays- the future, their jobs and the ability to provide for their families.’ . I want it now - ‘I want money, ...houses, cars.. I want it all and I deserve it’ . Blame and victimism- ‘society is addicted to playing the victim - if only my boss wasn’t such a controlling idiot, If only I hadn’t been born poor .. if only ..if only’ . Hopelessness - ‘the children of blame are cynicism and hopelessness. Just lower your expectations of life so you avoid being disappointed. ‘ What happened to ‘I am the creative force of my life’? . Lack of life balance- ‘go in earlier, stay longer, be more efficient, live with the sacrifice for now - balance and peace of mind are surely not produced by these!’ . What’s in it for me - ‘life is a game , a race , a conception and you better win it.’ . The hunger to be understood - ‘to have a voice that is heard, and valued , to have influence.’ . Conflict and differences - ‘we think differently, we have different values, motivations and objectives. And that’s how conflicts arise.’
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🧘‍♀️ SHIV KRIYA MEDITATION 🧘‍♀️ With Raghurai Singh
This meditation is great for establishing a sense of security within oneself.
... Historically, this meditation has been denied to women. Feel you are a divine unit. Make this very dear to your heart. Concentrate at the Heart Center. Meditate silently to the angelic protective mantra.
Mantra: Rakhay rakhanhaar aap ubaariun Gur kee pairee paa-eh kaaj savaariun Hoaa aap dayaal manho na visaariun Saadh janaa kai sung bhavjal taariun Saakat nindak dusht khin maa-eh bidaariun Tis saahib kee tayk naanak manai maa-eh Jis simrat sukh ho-eh saglay dookh jaa-eh
Translation: God Himself is looking out for us, gives us the light, and takes care of our affairs. God is merciful, and never forgets us. God guides us, giving us good people to help us. God does not allow hurt to come to us. I take comfort in the thought of God. When I remember God, I feel peaceful and happy and all my pain departs.
God guides us, giving us good people to help us.
Link to video: kundalinilounge.com/video/shiv-kriya-medi tation/ or check the Meditations Highlight
@kundalinilounge @raghurai5
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Maybe it’s me but I find that being myself is usually the best solution to all my problems. And I only get into problems when I lose touch with myself and who I really am.
We tend to live our lives in a state that Yogi Bhajan calls ‘Maya’.. illusions.. we create stories in our heads about situations, we stereotype people , we even often imagine ourselves to be something different. This creates confusion. This creates bad relationships lacking authenticity. This creates pres...sure on our own self to be something we think we should be, look and behave. And when we are not in harmony with who we are, we are not in harmony with the others around us, we attract low vibration energy and that’s when we mess up.
Getting to know ourselves better, staying true to our identity and spirit, building a strong core will enhance our prana, will give us courage to face the challenges in life, but most importantly, will allow us to be happy. Regular yoga and meditation practice is vital to build that stamina and that inner focus so we can eliminate emotional disbalance we so often live in.
If you have signed up for my detox workshop, you will find a whole lecture on how the mind and emotions work and hot to be in control of them. If you haven’t yet, the link is: https://www.kundalinilounge.com/detox-wor kshop-registration
Sat nam Mariya @kundalinilounge
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I feel today I need to repeat this to myself a 100x. We so often overthink everything that we stay inactive most of the time. We make grand resolutions and never follow through. We make big plans that never materialise. And we also feel paralysed with fear to act and defend what we want in life. So chin up, roll the sleeves up and let’s get going with our day with courage and belief in the universal wisdom. Mariya @kundalinilounge


This meditation is a great way to attract love into your life by working on the fourth chakra. It will help you to raise your vibration and attract true love in your life. Start with 3 minutes and build up slowly to 31 minutes over 40 days and you will really see the benefit. You will meet like-minded people, you will become more compassionate, you will find love. Trust in the process.
Watch the full meditation here: ... https://www.kundalinilounge.com/…/medit ation-to-open-the-h…/
Or swipe up in the Meditations highlight
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Happy weekend Yogis!
The day I chose to be happy was the day I realised that nobody will make it happen for me. No matter the professional success or failure , the acceptance or ignorance of others, the social surroundings and circumstances..I realised that if I don’t shift my own mind and open my own heart, happiness will not flow through. It is nobody’s fault. You are the master of your own destiny. You are the master of your mind. And with the science of kundalini yoga an...d meditation you can shift the negativity and bring in the neutral balanced mind.
Until we truly embrace this and realise we will feel the way we feel because we chose it this way, we will continue to worry, suffer and believe that life is unfair.
I invite you to take control of this negativity and work toward shifting it. I invite you to open up to the flow of happiness in your life.
And remember, it all begins with a smile 😊
Sat Nam 🙏 Mariya
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DETOX: A Free 4-Part Workshop with Mariya Gancheva
... Sign up now to join the Free Detox Workshop! https://bit.ly/2tFrFLy
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Meditation for Setting the Physical Plane in Order with Guru Rattana 🧡 This meditation is particularly effective for those who want to practice self-healing and for those who deal with other people’s mental problems. It is good for anyone who wishes to heal a troubled relationship, because its main effect is to set the physical plane in order. Stress is the product of practical concerns, and this meditation works on the problem and imparts the peace of mind that comes with doing something positive about a situation. https://bit.ly/2JUkZjN
Or check Meditations Highlights and swipe up to watch


“For every minute you are angry you lose 60 seconds of happiness.” So smile, and enjoy life as it comes.


Relaxing yoga retreat in Santorini. Recharging my mind and soul with sun and home made organic lemonade. Maybe a new class coming soon...🤫


Don’t we all need more of that. We are so harsh on ourselves. We are our greatest critiques and judges. We fear what others would say and think. Where is the self-love? We are born to be happy, we are born to love and be loved and we should accept ourselves for what we are with grace and gratitude. Sat nam.


Kriya for Lungs, Magnetic Field and Deep Meditation with Jag Kaley
This series with @jedi_jag_kaley_ begins by purifying the blood and expanding the lung capacity. Then the circulatory system is stimulated. The thyroid and parathyroid secretions are added to the increased circulation and the upper magnetic field of the body is enlarged. This is an excellent preparation for beginners who need to learn deep meditation. ==> https://www.kundalinilounge.com/…/lungs -magnetic-field-dee…/


DETOX: A Free 4-Part Workshop with Mariya Gancheva Beginning September 1!
... Sign up now to join the Free Detox Workshop!
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We are busy, we are stressed, jwe have schedules , to-do lists, family, work, travel, social commitment ... but we forget to stop, smile and realise we are living this beautiful life right here, right now. Don’t miss it, enjoy it. Happy Friday!


🎯 What is your goal in life? What would you like to change or achieve ? Is it a habit that you feel is harmful? Do you have a resolution to transform your body? Find a partner? Change your job? Live a healthier happier more conscious life? Share your thoughts and goals that you have set for yourself. Once shared, they are more likely to be achieved 🙏


Make every breathe count! Send your awareness to your breathe, and as you inhale let in all the blessings and positive vibes . As you exhale, let go of bad thoughts and anger that may be pulling you back. Sat nam!


Meditation to Break Addictions with Kathryn McCusker
According to yogic science, mental and physical addictions are created by an imbalance around the stem of the pineal gland in the centre of the brain. The imbalance in the pineal gland upsets its pulsation and this pulsation regulates the pituitary gland, which regulates the rest of the glands.
When the glands are out of balance, so are the body and mind which can lead to unhealthy habits or addiction. ... This meditation triggers a rhythmic current into the central brain and this current activates the brain area directly under the stem of the pineal gland, helping to bring balance. It is a wonderful meditation for the rehabilitation process in addictions and mental imbalances, as well as breaking destructive habits, like smoking, overeating and drinking. You can watch meditation on www.kundalinilounge.com
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How do you keep healthy? Share what is the one thing that you found is very important for your wellbeing and happiness.. Eating living, healthy food, having a daily practice and sleeping 8h every night will keep your body vibrant and healthy. Self acceptance and inner love are the healing powers we can use to transform our relationship with the body and mind.


✨Feeling blessed today! Start your week with a kundalini kriya to balance your body and focus your mind✨


Very relaxing and engaging space to be in


Uniquely designed to aid ur personal growth n potential


This is a wonderland of beautiful and effective Kundalini Yoga practices. Full of integrity and fully uses Yogi Bhajan's teachings to its exhalation. Thank you Mariya and all the amazing beings at Kundalini Lounge.


Thank you so much dear Mariya and all people of Kundalni Lounge. Great work and amazing & effective practices

I love it so much and enjoy every second of it


Sat Nam. Hermoso emprendimiento �������������


I practice every day since I am a member ! Thank you


Bringing love and energy to my Everyday Thank you Mariya for your gifts you share with us all xx


Awesome videos, I can visit the site anytime, anywhere in the world during my trips!


Very relaxing and engaging space to be in


Uniquely designed to aid ur personal growth n potential


This is a wonderland of beautiful and effective Kundalini Yoga practices. Full of integrity and fully uses Yogi Bhajan's teachings to its exhalation. Thank you Mariya and all the amazing beings at Kundalini Lounge.


Thank you so much dear Mariya and all people of Kundalni Lounge. Great work and amazing & effective practices

I love it so much and enjoy every second of it


Sat Nam. Hermoso emprendimiento �������������


I practice every day since I am a member ! Thank you


Bringing love and energy to my Everyday Thank you Mariya for your gifts you share with us all xx


Awesome videos, I can visit the site anytime, anywhere in the world during my trips!

More about Kundalini Lounge
