Lazarus Musical

About Lazarus Musical

The Official Facebook Page for LAZARUS. A musical by David Bowie and Enda Walsh.

Lazarus Musical Description

The Official Facebook Page for LAZARUS. A musical by David Bowie and Enda Walsh. This show played a limited season in London from Oct 2016 - Jan 2017.



a look inside the BOWIE Exhibition at the Brooklyn Museum with Urbanist...


TONIGHT 8PM Film premiere of Lazarus's London production will be soundtracked in the flesh by the actual band who brought the show to life. rus/


For the first time and for one night only May 2nd, the theatrical premiere of a film of Lazarus's London production will be soundtracked in the flesh by the actual band who brought the show to life in New York. Kings Theatre 1027 Flatbush Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11226


#Lazarus #film #screening

User…/film-of-david-bowi es-lazarus-musical-…/

User…/film-of- david-bowies-lazarus…

User…/one-off-la zarus-experience-tic…
Lazarus will be given a new life in a new light on May 2 at 8pm at the Kings Theatre in Brooklyn.
For the first time and for one night only, the theatrical premiere of a film of Lazarus’s London production will be soundtracked in the flesh by the actual band who brought the show to life in New York. Not only will fans who were unable to score tickets to Lazarus’s sold out New York run finally be able to see the show on the silver screen—they will have the unique and unprecedented experience of seeing the film with the music played in its entirety by the seven-piece band that backed Michael C. Hall and the Lazarus cast beginning with the show's December 7, 2015 opening in New York City.


"Bowie stamps launched towards space" - like what else would you do with a Bowie stamp?


Bowie's wins at the BRITS....

User #ValentinesDay


Happy Valentine's.....

User…/david-bowies-son-s hare-emotional-tribu…


Yesterday was our final performance. Thanks to everyone who came along. What a journey...and audiences have been incredible. #LazarusMusical David Bowie Kings Cross Theatre


'Ziggy Stardust & the Spiders from Mars' Cinema Screenings announced...
Date: 7th March 2017 Across the UK and Europe and people can find their local screening here:
... Directed by pioneering rock film-maker D.A. Pennebaker, this documentary and concert film captures Bowie and his band, The Spiders From Mars, performing at London’s Hammersmith Odeon on July 3, 1973.
Featuring an additional exclusive new film from MOJO Magazine with an in conversation with Spiders drummer, Woody Woodmansey. Every attendee will receive a copy of MOJO Magazine that will fully document the Ziggy-era, and which will also feature an exclusive David Bowie/Spiders from Mars collectors' cover, not available in shops (magazine available in UK screenings only).
Check it out and get booking.
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BRIT Awards "Bowie received posthumous nominations for best British male and best album, for his haunting swansong Blackstar. rts-38624743


sharing a #Bowie feature from The Guardian today.
Of course you know all this anyway....


The show is now scheduled to start at 8.30pm NOT 9pm - Tickets will be allocated and ready for pick up from the box office from 7.30pm - please be on time!
... Anyone who has booked will received an email from the box office confirming change.
See More


Went to see the final performance of this show and haven't stopped thinking about it since. It was fantastic, excellent singing and acting from all of the performers and the music was impeccable too. I hope to see the show again some time, keeping my fingers crossed that a DVD/blu ray will be released some time soon


Wasn't sure what to expect to be honest, I've loved Bowie since I was very young and to go to watch a musical with his music in it gave me goosebumps, amazing show. Amazing cast the lead role played by none other than actor Michael c Hall ( Dexter ) brilliantly cast as Newton, all the other cast members were absolutely outstanding, the whole audience was captivated from start to finish, not a sound was heard , which says a great deal about the intensity of the show, amazing and I would gladly see it again.


Thought I'd bought front row circle happened to be front row (centre) fantastic start. Only went up from there. Stunning cast beautifully put together. Was completely transported and captivated by the whole experience. Loved it ��� Totally BOWIE Michael C Hall was captivating right down to his feet �


The show was amazing and the performances excellent, most notably the 2 leads Michael and Sophia.

I got goosebumps as soon as Michael started to sing the first song as he sounds so much like Bowie.

The production was cleverly done and the band were very very good. I liked that they were positioned at the back of the stage.



The musical is phenomenal. Michael C Hall's performance is Tour de Force status! Well done to the cast and crew!

The theatre needed screens for us paupers at the back, though!

In addition, had I known how bad the view was from the back rows, I'd have paid more and faced a struggle financially just so I could have enjoyed the Lazarus experience for what it was truly worth. The show meant that much.

So, as much as I feel honoured to have been a part of this unique experience, I feel like it was more of a distant dream.


The music is great (most of the songs you already heard/know). The acting is superb. The story, the set, the script are absolute art. It is the best musical I have seen in my life.


So, I guess all good things come to an end. I saw the show twice - was at the opening preview night and rebooked straight after.

Personally, I thought the show was brilliant. Oddly, more conventional than I'd been expecting, but nonetheless a genuine legacy. Like most reviewers, i thought the cast and performances were outstanding. It's a tough call to reinvent Bowie's catalogue, but they pulled it off and more. To the point that I bought the album and still listen for the pleasure of hearing these fresh versions of some of my favourite ever songs. Indeed, one or two tracks speak to me more than the original - 'It's No Game' and Valentine's Day to name two.

I also really liked the boldness of avoiding some of the greatest hits, particularly in favour of many of the newer tracks. That's a box-office risk but a creative triumph.

Emotionally, I felt that the show seemed to open a window to who and what Bowie was and his relationship with his music and audience.

In fact, to me (and this is pure interpretation), I felt that the music was not incidental to the story, it WAS the story. To me, this is a play about a songwriter and his songs - those magical, mystical beings who visit in the dead of night crying out to be born and staying like children. This set seemed to be the inside of the songwriter's head, looking through the eyes to the musicians who bring those dreams to life. Characters drawn and imagined, as David Bowie always did.

And here, literally and figuratively, was Bowie the songwriter's moment to set his music free, letting his songs fly like a bluebird and live on beyond his time. Which made the cast the trusted carriers and messengers, taking the songs onwards, strong and resilient enough to flourish and grow in adopted hands and voices.

So, to me, Lazarus was their release, Bowie giving his permission and blessing for his 'children' to live lives of their own.

So, what's all this got to do with The Man Who Fell to Earth? Not much, to be fair, but it also struck me like that was a bit of a smokescreen to throw us off balance. However, thee probably is some kind of alien connection, perhaps not from another planet, but at least from another country. As an Englishman in New York, I'm sure he must have been conscious of the cultural distance from Brixton and Bromley. Indeed, if the stories about Emma Lazarus are true, then that makes even more sense.

So, to me, that makes the plot of the show less obtuse than many reviewers have found. But equally, it makes the show even more poignant. And current. And forward-looking.

Of course, I could be completely wrong , which again is what makes the show great - the fact that we can each bring our own meaning to what the team have created.

And as a final piece in the Bowie jigsaw, Lazarus was a perfect fit. Curiously, I found it held more resonance than the recent 'celebrating DB' concert at Brixton. But that's another story.

So, thanks to the producers, writers, set designers, projection artists, musicians, wonderful cast and to you who set up this group.

It's been a blast. We can be heroes.


Second time going and still an amazing experience! Michael C Hall excelled in his performance of Thomas Newton again, and the actor who played Valentine was mesmerising in his performance. Valentines Day still playing in my mind nearly 24 hours later. Still so many unanswered questions!!!


Sat for 90 minutes spellbound. Said to me wife you can hear a pin drop.. most amazing thing was MCH singing Bowies newest songs brought the house down..mostly as mad as a march hair but the only time i have been to any theatre show and had a lump in my throat when MCH sang "killing a little time".. ... thank you for a moment in tine i will never forget.N


Lazarus has quite literally been part of my life, since I saw the show in October 2016. I fell in love with the whole thing: music, story as well as the performance. I appreciate Bowie more on what a genius he truly was. One of the best musical shows I've seen in a long time. Highly recommended and will definitely be purchasing the DVD, and or download when it's released.


It's one of them moments wear you have just Sean some amazing I will never for get haw amazing it was breath taking emotional I hope it come to leeds as I would see it again and again


I've always wanted a musical based on David Bowie's songs and I loved it. The actors were incredible and the band was just amazing, as the entire show. This will be forever the last, beautiful chapter of this indescribable artist, who can always affect each one so deeply. If you're a Bowie's fan you've absolutely to watch this show; if you're not you'll discover a brilliant reflection about life.


I had the pleasure of seeing the show back in November, and it's a memory I will forever cherish. Visually stunning and beautifully told, at times dreamlike and utterly surreal; much like the person who created it. An emotional, heartfelt story that will always remind me of how much of an incredible person David Bowie was. Thank you all for keeping his memory alive, for making one of his lifelong dreams a reality, and for sharing this amazing experience with us. I will always keep this close to my heart and never forget the story you've told <3


I cannot express the depth of my gratitude to the creators, actors, musicians... What a raw beautiful heartbreak this musical is... I have been a fan of Michael C Hall's since the Six Feet Under, but now I am positively in awe of his talent... he melts into the role, and you forget all his past incarnations (including the pretty unforgettable Dexter), completely transforming into the tortured and lost soul that Newton is. The rest of the cast - the amazing Michael Esper (I won't ever listen to the Valentine's Day the same way again), the superb Sophia Anne Caruso, will take your breath away. The set design is pure genius, its mostly devoid of things - almost like inside one's head where you store your feelings, memories, desires, or anguish and the visuals only of the most precious possessions and loved ones. And the beginning - it was unbelievably perplexing and wonderful to step right into Newton's world as soon as you take your seat ahead of the stated 830 pm start... Loved every moment of this experience, literally forgetting to breath at some of those moments. THANK YOU for your art and thank you for taking the precious gift of Bowie's music and handling it so respectfully and at the same time so fiercely and fearlessly.


Booked it to see it as soon as it was announced last summer. I

purposely booked tickets close to my birthday in January. Despite some reviews in the national papers that I read prior to coming I thought it was excellent. The whole thing, not just the music which of course was awesome. I took my 13 year old daughter who was gripped from start to finish and when I discussed the story with her afterwards found that she had followed it and understood it on different levels just as I had. If a 13 year old can follow it then I'm not sure why some of the critics in the national press couldn't... Absolutely brilliant. Well done to the actors, musicians and all involved.


Amazing. Even my musical hating husband was blown away by how great this was. Michael C Hall was outstanding - in fact all the cast were superb. Michael Esper (Valentine) particularly stood out for me. Loved the staging. Only slight gripe was having a slightly obscured view due to the seating but I can live with that.


Absolutely loved it. I was a little unsure even though I was a Bowie fan as a teenager. However, it blew me away from start to finish. The music is perfect and you can't help but sing along. I'm quite small though and could have done with my seat either being higher or the stage to be raised slightly to avoid stretching my neck. That's only a minor thing though. It was a perfect Christmas present from my son who has recently moved to London.


Absolutely fabulous great cast, especially "The Girl". Why only 4 stars? Seating arrangements, I was seated towards the back and could only see by sitting at the edge of my seat. My 12 year old son had to stand up all the way through in order to see.


First off, I thought the music was great. But how could it not be, it's David Bowie's music. The play itself was, in my opinion, mostly pretentious drivel. It was saved to an extent by the solid acting of the leads, but even a world class actor couldn't have sold this to me.

I was looking forward to this but came away feeling empty and a bit ripped off.


Went to see the final performance of this show and haven't stopped thinking about it since. It was fantastic, excellent singing and acting from all of the performers and the music was impeccable too. I hope to see the show again some time, keeping my fingers crossed that a DVD/blu ray will be released some time soon


Wasn't sure what to expect to be honest, I've loved Bowie since I was very young and to go to watch a musical with his music in it gave me goosebumps, amazing show. Amazing cast the lead role played by none other than actor Michael c Hall ( Dexter ) brilliantly cast as Newton, all the other cast members were absolutely outstanding, the whole audience was captivated from start to finish, not a sound was heard , which says a great deal about the intensity of the show, amazing and I would gladly see it again.


Thought I'd bought front row circle happened to be front row (centre) fantastic start. Only went up from there. Stunning cast beautifully put together. Was completely transported and captivated by the whole experience. Loved it ��� Totally BOWIE Michael C Hall was captivating right down to his feet �


The show was amazing and the performances excellent, most notably the 2 leads Michael and Sophia.

I got goosebumps as soon as Michael started to sing the first song as he sounds so much like Bowie.

The production was cleverly done and the band were very very good. I liked that they were positioned at the back of the stage.



The musical is phenomenal. Michael C Hall's performance is Tour de Force status! Well done to the cast and crew!

The theatre needed screens for us paupers at the back, though!

In addition, had I known how bad the view was from the back rows, I'd have paid more and faced a struggle financially just so I could have enjoyed the Lazarus experience for what it was truly worth. The show meant that much.

So, as much as I feel honoured to have been a part of this unique experience, I feel like it was more of a distant dream.


The music is great (most of the songs you already heard/know). The acting is superb. The story, the set, the script are absolute art. It is the best musical I have seen in my life.


So, I guess all good things come to an end. I saw the show twice - was at the opening preview night and rebooked straight after.

Personally, I thought the show was brilliant. Oddly, more conventional than I'd been expecting, but nonetheless a genuine legacy. Like most reviewers, i thought the cast and performances were outstanding. It's a tough call to reinvent Bowie's catalogue, but they pulled it off and more. To the point that I bought the album and still listen for the pleasure of hearing these fresh versions of some of my favourite ever songs. Indeed, one or two tracks speak to me more than the original - 'It's No Game' and Valentine's Day to name two.

I also really liked the boldness of avoiding some of the greatest hits, particularly in favour of many of the newer tracks. That's a box-office risk but a creative triumph.

Emotionally, I felt that the show seemed to open a window to who and what Bowie was and his relationship with his music and audience.

In fact, to me (and this is pure interpretation), I felt that the music was not incidental to the story, it WAS the story. To me, this is a play about a songwriter and his songs - those magical, mystical beings who visit in the dead of night crying out to be born and staying like children. This set seemed to be the inside of the songwriter's head, looking through the eyes to the musicians who bring those dreams to life. Characters drawn and imagined, as David Bowie always did.

And here, literally and figuratively, was Bowie the songwriter's moment to set his music free, letting his songs fly like a bluebird and live on beyond his time. Which made the cast the trusted carriers and messengers, taking the songs onwards, strong and resilient enough to flourish and grow in adopted hands and voices.

So, to me, Lazarus was their release, Bowie giving his permission and blessing for his 'children' to live lives of their own.

So, what's all this got to do with The Man Who Fell to Earth? Not much, to be fair, but it also struck me like that was a bit of a smokescreen to throw us off balance. However, thee probably is some kind of alien connection, perhaps not from another planet, but at least from another country. As an Englishman in New York, I'm sure he must have been conscious of the cultural distance from Brixton and Bromley. Indeed, if the stories about Emma Lazarus are true, then that makes even more sense.

So, to me, that makes the plot of the show less obtuse than many reviewers have found. But equally, it makes the show even more poignant. And current. And forward-looking.

Of course, I could be completely wrong , which again is what makes the show great - the fact that we can each bring our own meaning to what the team have created.

And as a final piece in the Bowie jigsaw, Lazarus was a perfect fit. Curiously, I found it held more resonance than the recent 'celebrating DB' concert at Brixton. But that's another story.

So, thanks to the producers, writers, set designers, projection artists, musicians, wonderful cast and to you who set up this group.

It's been a blast. We can be heroes.


Second time going and still an amazing experience! Michael C Hall excelled in his performance of Thomas Newton again, and the actor who played Valentine was mesmerising in his performance. Valentines Day still playing in my mind nearly 24 hours later. Still so many unanswered questions!!!


Sat for 90 minutes spellbound. Said to me wife you can hear a pin drop.. most amazing thing was MCH singing Bowies newest songs brought the house down..mostly as mad as a march hair but the only time i have been to any theatre show and had a lump in my throat when MCH sang "killing a little time".. ... thank you for a moment in tine i will never forget.N


Lazarus has quite literally been part of my life, since I saw the show in October 2016. I fell in love with the whole thing: music, story as well as the performance. I appreciate Bowie more on what a genius he truly was. One of the best musical shows I've seen in a long time. Highly recommended and will definitely be purchasing the DVD, and or download when it's released.


It's one of them moments wear you have just Sean some amazing I will never for get haw amazing it was breath taking emotional I hope it come to leeds as I would see it again and again


I've always wanted a musical based on David Bowie's songs and I loved it. The actors were incredible and the band was just amazing, as the entire show. This will be forever the last, beautiful chapter of this indescribable artist, who can always affect each one so deeply. If you're a Bowie's fan you've absolutely to watch this show; if you're not you'll discover a brilliant reflection about life.


I had the pleasure of seeing the show back in November, and it's a memory I will forever cherish. Visually stunning and beautifully told, at times dreamlike and utterly surreal; much like the person who created it. An emotional, heartfelt story that will always remind me of how much of an incredible person David Bowie was. Thank you all for keeping his memory alive, for making one of his lifelong dreams a reality, and for sharing this amazing experience with us. I will always keep this close to my heart and never forget the story you've told <3


I cannot express the depth of my gratitude to the creators, actors, musicians... What a raw beautiful heartbreak this musical is... I have been a fan of Michael C Hall's since the Six Feet Under, but now I am positively in awe of his talent... he melts into the role, and you forget all his past incarnations (including the pretty unforgettable Dexter), completely transforming into the tortured and lost soul that Newton is. The rest of the cast - the amazing Michael Esper (I won't ever listen to the Valentine's Day the same way again), the superb Sophia Anne Caruso, will take your breath away. The set design is pure genius, its mostly devoid of things - almost like inside one's head where you store your feelings, memories, desires, or anguish and the visuals only of the most precious possessions and loved ones. And the beginning - it was unbelievably perplexing and wonderful to step right into Newton's world as soon as you take your seat ahead of the stated 830 pm start... Loved every moment of this experience, literally forgetting to breath at some of those moments. THANK YOU for your art and thank you for taking the precious gift of Bowie's music and handling it so respectfully and at the same time so fiercely and fearlessly.


Booked it to see it as soon as it was announced last summer. I

purposely booked tickets close to my birthday in January. Despite some reviews in the national papers that I read prior to coming I thought it was excellent. The whole thing, not just the music which of course was awesome. I took my 13 year old daughter who was gripped from start to finish and when I discussed the story with her afterwards found that she had followed it and understood it on different levels just as I had. If a 13 year old can follow it then I'm not sure why some of the critics in the national press couldn't... Absolutely brilliant. Well done to the actors, musicians and all involved.


Amazing. Even my musical hating husband was blown away by how great this was. Michael C Hall was outstanding - in fact all the cast were superb. Michael Esper (Valentine) particularly stood out for me. Loved the staging. Only slight gripe was having a slightly obscured view due to the seating but I can live with that.


Absolutely loved it. I was a little unsure even though I was a Bowie fan as a teenager. However, it blew me away from start to finish. The music is perfect and you can't help but sing along. I'm quite small though and could have done with my seat either being higher or the stage to be raised slightly to avoid stretching my neck. That's only a minor thing though. It was a perfect Christmas present from my son who has recently moved to London.


Absolutely fabulous great cast, especially "The Girl". Why only 4 stars? Seating arrangements, I was seated towards the back and could only see by sitting at the edge of my seat. My 12 year old son had to stand up all the way through in order to see.


First off, I thought the music was great. But how could it not be, it's David Bowie's music. The play itself was, in my opinion, mostly pretentious drivel. It was saved to an extent by the solid acting of the leads, but even a world class actor couldn't have sold this to me.

I was looking forward to this but came away feeling empty and a bit ripped off.

More about Lazarus Musical

Lazarus Musical is located at King's Boulevard, N1C 4BU London, United Kingdom