Leaner Life

About Leaner Life

LeanerLife specialises in providing all areas of health, fitness, well being and nutrition. We strive on teaching and training our clients to the highest quality and care and we thrive on making sure all goals are achieved to the highest standard.

Leaner Life Description

LeanerLife Bootcamps are currently running indoors /outdoors in and around Surrey. Structured in 6 week terms, you can choose to train between 1-3 sessions per week depending on how quickly you would like to gain results. This is great for bringing friends, making friends, and training in a fun and energetic team-building environment!

LeanerLife Personal Training is a one-to-one bespoke service in which takes place in a setting where you feel most comfortable. This exclusive service is tailor made to suit your needs and lifestyle, and will ensure you gain your maximum potential.

LeanerLife Nutrition provides you with the knowledge in one of the most important factors in ensuring you achieve your goals. Our 6 week nutritional programme includes your own tailor made food and drink plan, information on the benefits and weaknesses of different food types, and personal guidance on how to incorporate your new eating regime easily and efficiently into your lifestyle.

We pride ourselves on being the UK’s only on hand 24 /7 lifestyle and fitness consultancy who are here to ensure you live a healthier and most importantly, leaner life.



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After a long awaited time I'm pleased to announce the opening of Performance Elite - please contact me if you would like to find out more and like and share the below.


Nutritional Wednesdays
Today we are looking at coconut in all shapes and forms.
Coconut is one of the great super foods of all times. You can get it in milk, oil, juice or fresh.
... Coconut is a medium chain fatty acid, which means it will most likely be used as energy from its fats, and not sit in the liver.
This is great to add to your daily eating plan and will do your body wonders. Take a look at all the health benefits below and start adding coconut to your diet today!
Other health benefits of coconuts and coconut oil include:
Help you lose weight, or maintain your already good weight
Reduce the risk of heart disease, lower your cholesterol
Improve conditions in those with diabetes and chronic fatigue
Improve Crohn’s, IBS, and other digestive disorders
Prevent other disease and routine illness with its powerful antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal agents
Increase metabolism and promotes healthy thyroid function
Boost your daily energy
Rejuvenate your skin and prevent wrinkles
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Monday - Get on track with your training!
This session, I would like you to try a circuit of Kettlebells.
Kettlebells are a great functional piece of kit, they make you really work on your core and use your whole body through movement.
... Try this circuit to hit every muscle, really work on toning and get that all important calorie burn!
Aim for 15 reps of each exercise:
Swings Sumo squats to rows Clean to press Lunges with core twist Squat to press
Try this circuit 3 to 4 times.
Let me know how it goes guys, and if you need any advice on how to use kettlelbells, please mail or call me. Let's start living the #LeanerLife
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Get on track with YOUR TRAINING:
If you are training tonight or tomorrow, try the rower. Most people avoid the rower as they think it's hard. It is hard, BUT it works almost every part of your body and this means RESULTS - FAST!
The key thing to look at is technique, if you are new to the rower, don’t get into the bad habit of going ‘hell for leather’ , puffing out quickly and getting painful legs.
... Try this ladder system out, slow the rowing down and keep your strides more powerful. This little interval program will blast away the calories and really tone up your whole body. Plus it will take no longer that 15min, so that's your cardio done for the day!
Row using big power strokes for:
500metres / 1min rest 400metres / 1min rest 300metres / 1min rest 200metres / 1min rest
You need to be as powerful as you can on the ‘back’ stroke and relax on ‘in’ stroke. This is a great quick little burner I get a lot of my clients to do. It stops boredom and really fires the heart rate up.
#leanerlife Start living the Leaner Life today.
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Nutritional Wednesdays:
This is a last minute soup recipe kindly made by my girlfriend as I've picked up the 24 hour bug that is going around and didn't feel like eating much. So from our leftover roast chicken, she made this super healthy and delicious soup, it's packed full of protein from the chicken and lots of goodness from all the vegetables.
Plus it's only about 350 cals approx. per serving (with a healthy amount of slow release carbs from the sweet potatoes).
... Method: 1. Cut leftover chicken from the carcass. 2. Place chicken carcass in a deep pot and add boiling water. 3. Add chopped sweet potatoes and 1 chopped onion into the pot. 4. Add salt, pepper, a squeeze of lemon juice, fresh lemon thyme, a chunk of ginger, 1 veg stock cube and leave to simmer. 5. When potatoes have softened pour juice into a bowl, take out the carcass and any unwanted bones/ scraps that may have dropped off. 6. Place juice back in the pot, add left over chicken pieces and extra veg of your choice, then simmer for about 5 minute, and serve. DELICIOUS! Give this a go!
This soup has everything you need to give you a great kick start if you are feeling groggy or under the weather.
Feel free to share any of your favourite nutritional soup recipes here, and make sure you don't throw your leftover roast away again! Look forward to your comments #LeanerLife
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Mondays: Get on track with your training, the last #LeanerLife January workout!
This session is all about strength. Strength and conditioning plays a huge part in keeping lean and working to increase your metabolism.
Many people spend hours slugging away at cardio to stay fit and lose body fat, this can work to some degree, but when mixed with doing regular weights sessions your results will go through the roof!
... For every 1kg of muscle you build, you can burn up to 150 / 250 calories. This is golden for keeping you lean and toned. So get off that treadmill and start hitting the weights: below are the main lifts that will strengthen and sculpt your body.
These are compound exercises, meaning they work over more than one joint. They are big movements and will burn lots of calories when you do them, plus you will keep burning for up to 12 hours after.
Routine: Try doing 2 to 3 sets of 8 -10 reps of these exercises
Deadlifts Squats Standing shoulder press Bench press Bent over rows Split leg lunges
Try and hit all of these in one big session to maximise your fat burning to its limits! Let's start living the Leaner Life today :-)
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Nutritional Wednesdays
This is a great healthy treat for you to enjoy on a low carb day, or after exercise as a treat. This will really stop any bad cravings you have, and it's so much better for you than giving into cake or a chocolate bar!
RASPBERRY FLAPJACKS RECIPE - Simple to make, and wheat and dairy free.... (Makes 8 bars)
INGREDIENTS 200g rolled oats 100g flaked almonds 150g raspberries 70g gluten free and wheat free flour 1 egg 100g runny honey
METHOD 1/ Pre-heat oven to 180°C and line a tin with baking paper to stop the bars from sticking to it. 2/ Mix all ingredients in a bowl and pour into the baking tray. 3/ Press down and bake for 25 mins. 4/ The result may be deliciously crumbly. Enjoy !
Feel free to bring me some samples to the gym! :-)
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Mondays: Get on Track with your training – the 3rd of your 4 workouts to help you live the Leaner Life.
This week is all about tabata training.
This is only 8 minutes of training / three times a week. It's proven to increase your aerobic and anaerobic capacity by over 15% in just 6 weeks!
... Plus you will burn stubborn fat and keep your metabolism working faster for up to 12 hours longer! This really does get results guys.
Give up the 30 mins steady cardio on the treadmill or crosstrainer and try tabata to start getting really fit.
Here is the basic breakdown of tabata:
• 1 tabata round = 4 exercises / do this twice • 1 tabata round = 2 mins / do this twice
• Jumping Jacks: 20sec on/ 10 sec rest • Body weight squats: 20sec on / 10 sec rest • High knee lifts: 20sec on/ 10 sec rest • Lunges: 20sec on/ 10 sec rest
Complete the above twice.
This is a very basic version of tabata to help you master the principles. You don’t need the gym for tabata, eg: try this routine at home before you go to work to really kick start your day.
You can do any full body/ high impact exercises you like as long as you keep to the same tabata timings. Work to your own level but you need to get a sweat on, and really feel like you need that 10 second rest!
Please share with friends and share your feedback with me. If you enjoy this set, I will put up a few more exercises you can use to mix up your tabata routines. Looking forward to your feedback?!
Let’s starting living the Leaner Life today.
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We are now into the middle of January, how is your New Year training schedule progressing?
Also, I would appreciate your feedback on ‘Get on Track with your Training’ Monday posts. These should be high impact, quick burst sessions to add a little variety to your workout. Are you finding the routines easy to follow? ... (I really value your feedback, so please do share your thoughts)
Nutritional Wednesdays: Today I am going to focus on breakfast, a very important meal for kick starting your day!
An average breakfast in the UK is something like this: Two slices of toasts OR a bowl of fibre cereal, with a cup of tea / coffee (and sugar).
This may seem reasonably healthy, but it actually isn’t really great for you, not just in terms of weight loss, but also how your body processes this food.
Try these alternative breakfast options: 2/ 3 whole organic eggs made into an omelette, scrambled or boiled. Half a packet of blueberries (these are a great antioxidant!) .
Or 2 spoonfuls of full fat Greek yogurt with berries, 7 almonds (and a pinch of cinnamon for more flavour).
Try to drink 1 pint of water… Plus tea/coffee is an option (but no sugar please).
The benefits of these alternative breakfast choices are:
1.Getting the body hydrated after not having any water all night, as tea/ coffee alone will dehydrate you even more.
2. We need to ditch the grains and high sugar, then aim to get more protein into our bodies. Bread, sugar and cereals all raise the blood sugar level and will leave you feeling hungry within 2 / 3 hours.
3. The eggs and full fat Greek yogurt are full of good proteins and fats. The body loves using the protein to rebuild, and the fats for energy. These will also fill you up and keep your blood sugar level stable, which will stop you from storing fat.
Try this out for a week and see how it goes. Please share this post with your friends, and let’s all start living the Leaner Life.
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Mondays: Get On Track With Your Training – the 2nd of your 4 workouts to help you live the Leaner Life.
This workout is designed for the gym, but can be adapted if you have a small set of dumbbells at home.
Run or power walk 600 metres on a treadmill, as fast as you can ... 50 'step ups' on a box or step Walking lunges with dumbbells (16 Reps)
Run or power walk 600 metres on a treadmill, as fast as you can 50 'steps ups' on a box or step Biceps curl to shoulders press with dumbbells (15 Reps)
Run or power walk 600 metres on a treadmill, as fast as you can Swissball chest press (15 Reps) Swissball crunches (20 Reps)
Next Monday, I might even post a video to demo the workout for you! Watch this space...... :-)
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Remember: It takes 4 weeks for you to see your body change, it takes 8 weeks for friends and family to notice, and 12 weeks for the rest of the world! #stayclean #staylean Happy Friday :-)


Calling all Leaner Life current or previous clients, refer a friend to Leaner Life and receive a complimentary 1 hour training session. Contact: Jack@leanerlife.co.uk


Nutritional Wednesdays
Hi guys, I hope you all got on well with your Monday workout? As promised here is your first nutritional post for our 12 week challenge.
Today I am providing info on the 5 / 2 split eating plan. This plan is a great way to slowly get rid of refined carbs and sugar cravings from the Christmas holidays.
... Below are examples of a low day, which you should follow for 2 days in a row. Then a normal day, which you should follow for 5 days in a row.
This is a fantastic way to lose weight without pushing you into dangerous fad diets. It's easy to maintain and really gets results. So here we go!
Low days: Monday & Tuesday
Breakfast: 2 egg omelette with mushrooms and a small knob of real butter. OR, full fat organic Greek yoghurt with 4 almonds and a half pack of blueberries.
Snack: Small handful of blackberries or blueberries & 4/5 cashew nuts.
Lunch: 1 small chicken breast or 3 slices of quality meat with a mixed green salad (& 1tsp of balsamic vinegar).
Dinner: Large steak or fish (cooked with 1 tsp of olive oil), and served with broccoli or cauliflower (5-6 heads).
This should add up to between 500-600 calories, follow this plan on Monday and Tuesday.
Normal days: Wednesday to Sunday
Breakfast: Porridge with almond milk or organic semi skimmed milk. Or 2 pieces of rye toast with whole organic peanut butter.
Snack: Small apple & 5/6 almonds.
Lunch: Wholemeal wrap with chicken breast (1 tsp of low fat mayo) and a mixed salad.
Snack: Houmous with 5 carrot sticks or cucumber pieces.
Dinner: Roasted sweet potato with salmon and asparagus.
This is only a guideline for you to follow; but it's a great way to start your healthy eating meal planning.
As we go through the next 11 weeks, I will be putting up healthy meal ideas and snacks to keep your diet varied, and to keep you 100% on track.
Please share Leaner Life FB page with your friends; let’s start living the leaner life today!
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Mondays - Get On Track With Your Training.
The first of your 4 workouts to help you live the Leaner Life.
You don't even need a gym for this one!
... January: 31 Reps for 31 Days!
31 Jumping Jacks 31 Body Weight Squats 31 Sec Plank 31 Push Ups / Box Push Ups 31 Crunches 31 Sec High Knees
Time yourself and do this on Monday and Friday. This workout will give you great insight into your fitness level, and you can monitor your progress. Take this at your own pace and I look forward to hearing how this goes. :-)
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12 weeks to a leaner you, with Leaner Life! Take the 12 week challenge, commit to training at least two times per week with me: - Lose body fat - Tone Up - Improve your health and fitness Sessions from as little as £25 for multiple bookings with easy monthly payment options. ... Contact: Jack@leanerlife.co.uk Please share, and start living the Leaner Life today.
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For the month of January Leaner Life will keep you on track with a free workout every Monday to kick start your week. Then on a Wednesday, I will post meal ideas and nutritional snacks info to keep you motivated. Please share, and start living the Leaner Life today :-)


I have just finished a series of 10 sessions with Jack and am about to embark on another 10! That says it all really. Jack has done some back rehabilitation with me and I am now pain free and in the best shape I've been in for many years. There's not much he doesn't know that's worth knowing about fitness and nutrition, top job Jack....bring on the next 10!


An excellent personal trainer who helped me break through my training plateau. I have lost 1/2 stone in a month yet maintained my strength and muscle size. The training program suited my aims and is still keeping me motivated. Highly recommended.


I have just finished a series of 10 sessions with Jack and am about to embark on another 10! That says it all really. Jack has done some back rehabilitation with me and I am now pain free and in the best shape I've been in for many years. There's not much he doesn't know that's worth knowing about fitness and nutrition, top job Jack....bring on the next 10!


An excellent personal trainer who helped me break through my training plateau. I have lost 1/2 stone in a month yet maintained my strength and muscle size. The training program suited my aims and is still keeping me motivated. Highly recommended.

More about Leaner Life

Leaner Life is located at Reigate (Fithub), Godstone, Oxted, Walton-on-the-Hill, London, United Kingdom