Lewes Pet Doctors

Monday: 08:00 - 19:00
Tuesday: 08:00 - 19:00
Wednesday: 08:00 - 19:00
Thursday: 08:00 - 19:00
Friday: 08:00 - 19:00
Saturday: 08:00 - 11:00
Sunday: -

About Lewes Pet Doctors

Pet Doctors are your local community Vets. The Team are committed, caring & make sure your pets receive the best possible service & Veterinary care.



рҹ•¶вҳҖпёҸрҹ•¶вҳҖпёҸрҹ•¶вҳҖпёҸрҹ•¶вҳҖпёҸр ҹ•¶вҳҖпёҸрҹ•¶вҳҖпёҸрҹ•¶вҳҖпёҸрҹ•¶вҳҖпёҸ< br> Hi Everybody,
Due to the extreme temperatures today, the team are recommending visits to the clinic only if you consider it really necessary.
... We all want your pets (and you!) to be as cool and as comfortable as possible.
PLEASE call if you have any concerns about how the heat is effecting your pet.
Do not worry if you feel you should postpone your appointment today.
Keep cool everyone!
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вҳҖпёҸвҳҖпёҸвҳҖпёҸItвҖҷs feeling hot hot hot!!!вҳҖпёҸвҳҖпёҸвҳҖпёҸ
Hi Everybody, We hope youвҖҷre all enjoying the sun!
If you have any concerns about heat stroke or your fur baby is displaying any of the below PLEASE call the clinic and seek advice рҹ’–рҹ’•


рҹҗ¶рҹҗұрҹҗ¶рҹҗұрҹҗ¶рҹҗұрҹҗ¶рҹҗұрҹҗ¶рҹҗұр ҹҗ¶рҹҗұрҹҗ¶ рҹҗұ
рҹҗ¶The Team at Petdoctors Lewes need the help of our loyal clients & their fur - babies !!!
рҹҗұ We are currently accredited General Practice Standards in Small Animal Practice - the highest we can be.
... рҹҗ¶ BUT we have applied to the RCVS to be assessed in client service ... And we are aiming to be accredited OUTSTANDING for this.
рҹҗұ To enable the RCVS to assess us, they NEED the opinions of what our clients think about us ( anonymously )
рҹҗ¶ Please can you take a few minutes and complete the below link;
https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/Petdocto rsLewes
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вҳҖпёҸвҳҖпёҸ The sun has got his hat on !!! вҳҖпёҸвҳҖпёҸ
рҹҗ¶рҹҗ¶ Beautiful Isla has the #fridayfeeling and is summer ready with her new вҖңsummer - strippedвҖқ hair cut and is enjoying a doggy friendly ice cream рҹҚҰрҹҚҰ
вҳҖпёҸвҳҖпёҸ With the sun set to soar this weekend, keep the fur babies рҹҗ¶рҹҗұрҹҗ°рҹҗ№ nice & cool!
... вҳҖпёҸвҳҖпёҸ Think рҹӨ” the ground feels hot under foot - itвҖҷs definitely going to be hot under - pad! Exercise at the cooler parts of the day with lots of fresh / additional cold water supplies.
вҳҖпёҸвҳҖпёҸ If there are any concerns over heat stroke - please call the clinic and seek advice from one of our Nurses.
#fridayfeeling #thisisCVS
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рҹ’»рҹҗ¶рҹҗұ рҹ’»Important Info Below рҹ’»рҹҗ¶рҹҗұрҹ’»
Hi everybody, please see below information about our clinics on Wednesday 15th May
Please like and share рҹҳғ


Hi Everybody, please see our Easter hours and emergency Vetcall details below should you need to see a Vet through this weekend.
Enjoy the sun, chocolate and the long weekend!
Wishing you, your families & fur babies all a lovely Easter рҹҳғ
... Please like and share рҹҳғ
рҹҗҘрҹҗ°рҹҗҘрҹҗ°рҹҗҘ Happy Easter!!! рҹҗ°рҹҗҘрҹҗ°рҹҗҘрҹҗ°
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рҹ’—рҹҗ¶ Congratulations Henry for being this months braveheart!рҹ’—рҹҗ¶


рҹҺ„рҹҺҒрҹҺ…рҹҸ»рҹҺ„рҹҺҒрҹҺ…рҹҸ»рҹҺ„рҹҺҒр ҹҺ„рҹҺҒрҹҺ…рҹҸ»рҹҺ„рҹҺҒрҹҺ…рҹҸ»рҹҺ„
ItвҖҷs beginning to look a lot like Christmas!
Hi Everybody, please see below our festive opening hours and contact information for our out of hours provider who we work closely alongside should fur babies get poorly in the holiday periods. Also detailing advice for ordering repeat prescriptions & foods.
... WeвҖҷd like take this opportunity, to wish you, your families and your pets a very Merry Christmas & a Happy, Healthy 2019, with thanks, All the Team @ Petdoctors
рҹҺ„рҹҺҒрҹҺ…рҹҸ»рҹҺ„рҹҺҒрҹҺ…рҹҸ»рҹҺ„рҹҺҒр ҹҺ„рҹҺҒрҹҺ…рҹҸ»рҹҺ„рҹҺҒрҹҺ…рҹҸ»рҹҺ„
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рҹҗ¶вқӨпёҸрҹҗҫрҹҗ¶вқӨпёҸрҹҗҫрҹҗ¶вқӨпёҸрҹҗ ҫрҹҗ¶вқӨпёҸрҹҗҫрҹҗ¶вқӨпёҸрҹҗҫрҹҗ¶
Congratulations Chester for being DecemberвҖҷs braveheart of the month!!!
рҹҗ¶вқӨпёҸрҹҗҫрҹҗ¶вқӨпёҸрҹҗҫрҹҗ¶вқӨпёҸрҹҗ ҫрҹҗ¶вқӨпёҸрҹҗҫрҹҗ¶вқӨпёҸрҹҗҫрҹҗ¶


вңҲпёҸрҹҗ¶рҹҗұвңҲпёҸрҹҗ¶рҹҗұвңҲпёҸрҹҗ¶рҹҗ ұвңҲпёҸрҹҗ¶рҹҗұвңҲпёҸ
Hi Everybody, with Brexit looming, and a no deal possible we all would like to know what is going to happen when it comes to travelling with animals ... рҹӨ·рҹҸ»вҖҚвҷҖпёҸ
рҹҗұ As we have no definite answers we are going to be posting updates & sharing links as we receive them ourselves.
... рҹҗ¶ To read the current information please follow the below link & the government sites we are looking at are linked into the Healthy Pet Clubs page:
www.thehealthypetclub.co.uk/pet-passports /
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Morning Everybody, If you saw the news headlines last night you will be aware that the UK Government has issued a direction for Pet Passports in the event of a no deal brexit.
... Please be advised that Pet Passports that have been issued ARE currently valid. The rules HAVE NOT changed.
We as a profession are awaiting further information for the process relating to pet travel from November 2018 onwards.
We will post further updates and information as we receive it from the APHA.
#thisisCVS #petpassports #animaltravel
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рҹҗұрҹҸ вқӨпёҸрҹҗұрҹҸ вқӨпёҸрҹҗұрҹҸ вқӨпё ҸрҹҗұрҹҸ вқӨпёҸрҹҗұрҹҸ вқӨпёҸрҹҗұ
Please help us to find Bertie his forever home!
If anybody is interested in offering Bertie a forever home, please contact a member of the Nursing team at Seaford Pet Doctors
... Please like and share.
рҹҗұрҹҸ вқӨпёҸрҹҗұрҹҸ вқӨпёҸрҹҗұрҹҸ вқӨпё ҸрҹҗұрҹҸ вқӨпёҸрҹҗұрҹҸ вқӨпёҸрҹҗұ
#thisisCVS #foreverhome #internationalcatday
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рҹҗұвқӨпёҸрҹҗұвқӨпёҸрҹҗұвқӨпёҸрҹҗұвқӨпёҸр ҹҗұвқӨпёҸрҹҗұвқӨпёҸрҹҗұвқӨпёҸ
Congratulations to Bobo for being AugustвҖҷs Braveheart of the month!!!
рҹҗұвқӨпёҸрҹҗұвқӨпёҸрҹҗұвқӨпёҸрҹҗұвқӨпёҸр ҹҗұвқӨпёҸрҹҗұвқӨпёҸрҹҗұвқӨпёҸрҹҗұ... #thisiscvs
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3 Days until Lewes Summer Fete where Waifs & strays dog rescue are holding a dog show with first place prizes sponsored by Lewes Pet Doctors!!! Best in show winning 12 months Healthy Pet Club ... Looking forward to seeing everybody there! рҹҗҫрҹҳҺрҹҗҫрҹҳҺ #thisisCVS #LewesBoroughBonfireSociety #Waifs&Straysdogrecue #communityspirit


рҹҗ¶ Lewes Pet Doctors clinic is holding a raffle in aid of Dogs Trust. рҹҗ¶
рҹҗ¶рҹҗ¶рҹҗ¶рҹҗ¶рҹҗ¶Only ВЈ1.00 a stripрҹҗ¶рҹҗ¶рҹҗ¶рҹҗ¶рҹҗ¶
... WeвҖҷve got some great prizes for the kids holidays and for grown ups alike, not forgetting our fur babies too after some very generous donations from local businesses showing their support! вҳҖпёҸрҹҸ–рҹҗ¶рҹҗұвҳҖпёҸрҹҸ–рҹҗ¶рҹҗұ
Prizes include ...
рҹҗ• Mini Mirical treatment @TheReadingRoomsDaySpa рҹ’…рҹҸј рҹҗ• Cinema Tickets for 2 рҹҚҝ@DepotLewes рҹҗ• Voucher for a family of 4 @MonkeyBizness рҹҗ’ рҹҗ• 2 Free ChildrenвҖҷs admissions to Drusillas Zoo Park рҹҗ• SpecsaversLewes - Free pair of glasses with prescription lenses рҹ‘“рҹ•¶ рҹҗ• @MiddleFarm - free entry for 4 people рҹҗ‘рҹҗҗрҹҗ„рҹҗ“рҹҰғ рҹҗ• @LewesCastle - Family Ticket рҹҸ° рҹҗ• @Louispotts Voucher - Lewes рҹҗ• @Peacocks clothes voucher рҹ‘—рҹ‘”рҹ‘–рҹ‘  рҹҗ• 4x Royal Canin Food prizes рҹҗ¶рҹҗұ рҹҗ• Top Model Create your own (book) рҹ“’ рҹҗ•ВЈ25.00 Glossy Dogs Grooming Voucher
YouвҖҷve got to be in it to win it!!! Please like and share! рҹҚҖрҹҚҖрҹҚҖрҹҚҖ
#thisisCVS #DogsTrust #Fundraising
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вқӨпёҸвқӨпёҸвқӨпёҸ Congratulations to Muki for being braveheart of the month!! вқӨпёҸвқӨпёҸвқӨпёҸ #thisisCVS #lumbrypark #teamwork #gameofthrones


рҹҳәрҹҳҺрҹҳәрҹҳҺ рҹҳәCool Cat tips for Summer рҹҳәрҹҳҺрҹҳәрҹҳҺрҹҳәрҹҳҺ
рҹҗҲ If in doubt, as always please call the clinic & request an appointment рҹҗҲ
рҹҗұвқӨпёҸрҹҗұвқӨпёҸрҹҗұвқӨпёҸрҹҗұвқӨпёҸр ҹҗұвқӨпёҸрҹҗұвқӨпёҸрҹҗұвқӨпёҸрҹҗұвқӨпёҸр ҹҗұвқӨпёҸрҹҗұвқӨпёҸрҹҗұ

More about Lewes Pet Doctors

Lewes Pet Doctors is located at Unit 10, Cliffe Industrial Estate, BN8 6JL Lewes, East Sussex
Monday: 08:00 - 19:00
Tuesday: 08:00 - 19:00
Wednesday: 08:00 - 19:00
Thursday: 08:00 - 19:00
Friday: 08:00 - 19:00
Saturday: 08:00 - 11:00
Sunday: -