Lia Wayward

About Lia Wayward

I'm Lia in London - a book designer, cover artist and now an author too. This page is for my portfolio and various cool art I see.

www. (general)

www. (book formatting and custom covers)

www. (premade covers)

Lia Wayward Description

Lia Rees lives in London. She loves music, particularly prog rock, chillout and anything melancholy. Her ideal house involves plenty of books, attractive lamps and things made from coloured glass. Open-source culture and wild places excite her, and she has dabbled in the creative arts of jewellery making, crochet and T-shirt design.

Since 2005, she has been living with the psychological and cognitive effects of an acquired brain injury. Her first book, But I'm Not Depressed, uses a lyrical, honest writing style to convey the loss of language and personality itself, and her search for answers in a flawed medical system. She writes to bring readers into the surreal world of the survivor, and to save other survivors from the psychology trap. A follow-up book, Normal Is Irrelevant, is planned on the effects of brain injury in high-IQ people.

Her "day job" involves creating book covers and videos for authors. She also has ambitions for a science fantasy trilogy (The City That Dreamed) and a concept album (Infinity Mirror).

Graphic work: www.
Brain stuff: www.
Brain stuff updates (mailing list):

More about Lia Wayward