Lianne Norman Fitness

About Lianne Norman Fitness

I am a qualified Personal Trainer based at Physique Fitness. I offer one to one personal training both indoors & outdoors. Please message me for more info.



My dinner that was made for me this evening was BANGING!! 10/10 chef ūüĎ©‚Äćūüć≥
Basa with a little pesto, new potatoes , broccoli and a corn on the cob. YUM!


LOVE YOU GUYS!!! These lot were my 6:45pm lot and we all had an incredible session! ūüí¶
You worked super hard and it was INSAAAASAAANE ūü§™
How are you all feeling?! I feel great!! ūüėÉ


15 mins until we burn some serious energy and you can‚Äôt tell me you have none to burn!! GET INVOLVED AT 6:45pm ūüí™ūüŹĹūüí¶ūüí•15 mins until we burn some serious energy and you can‚Äôt tell me you have none to burn!! GET INVOLVED AT 6:45pm ūüí™ūüŹĹūüí¶ūüí•


A completed testimonial from my cousin Jade KenyonūüĎŹūüŹĹ Amazing Jade, after seeing you in real life you look like a different person!! So impressed with your commitment.
Here‚Äôs what Jade has to say about my nutrition plan ūüėĀ
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... I started with lianne towards the end of october as I felt big (and was getting bigger!) after having my baby boy. Much to her annoyance I couldn't bear to take a before photo, (and if you look at the one I included from just before I started my plan you'll see why!)
Lianne's plan was easy to follow. I cut out the rubbish I was eating straightaway (cakes, biscuits, chocolate - a lot of it!) upped my exercise and with her support slowly but surely it started to come off. At the end of the 4 weeks I’d lost 10lbs and felt so much better about myself, I couldn't believe it, nearly a stone gone! I felt great to decided to keep going. 4 months later and I've lost 2 stone total. It has fluctuated a pound or 2 at times (Christmas mostly!) But I know I can treat myself and come back to it, rather than fall off the wagon and think 'f' it!
Lianne has given me the confidence to know I can do it and has supported me through it. I feel fantastic now, despite knowing I could stand to lose more! But the change in attitude towards myself and food has been great, and hearing from people I don't see very often that they can see such a change feels amazing! The way things are at the minute it'd be so easy to slip back into old ways, but Lianne is right there with her online classes and daily challenges to keep us all focussed and moving! Anyone looking to make a change in their life to feel fitter and healthier without a shadow of a doubt get in touch you won‚Äôt regret it! ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ěĖ‚ě Ė
Contact me to start your plan today ūüď≤
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Workout 24!
This should take around 24 mins you lot! Good luck, get it done ūüĎäūüŹĹ
30 secs press ups... 30 secs high knees 30 secs leg raises 30 secs burpees 30 secs crab taps 30 secs sit ups 30 secs frog squats 30 secs butt kicks
5 x up and down the stairs safely! If you are in a bungalow or a flat then run on the spot for a min and half ūüėÉ 4 rounds!
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Baked pro oats for breakfast this morning.
50g oats mashed with 3/4 banana, 1 scoop of chocolate coconut protein powder and 15 chocolate chips, a sprinkling of desiccated coconut . Mash together and put in a grease proof baking tray. Bake for 25 mins on 190 ūü•įūüôŹūüŹĹūüĎĆūüŹĹ I love oats in any form and this was insane! Calories was probably about 450 , possibly 500 especially smearing a tablespoon of peanut butter over it but my lunch is skinny as is my evening meal tonight and I have a... ūüí© load of exercise scheduled in today of 4 x hiits, a road run and a chest workout so I have earned this beauty this morning. Calorie deficit is still more than on the cards!
Give it a whirl! Could be a pudding too! Will be experimenting with these a lot more!! Washed down with a Nespresso ‚ėēÔłŹ
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I love this little creation by Mellow Doodles.
Things like this really do put things into perspective for me. I love reading positive posts. Finding quotes or pictures that relate to me make me feel nice. I hope I can push that energy over to you too. This relates to every single one of us right now and we can all take something from this!
How many can you change to make a difference to the way you feel?
... Starting the day with a coffee and creating a to do list is the start of my day and it‚Äôs a great start to the day for me ūüíô
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Happy 81st Birthday to this absolute gem of a ūüĎĶūüŹľ
No cuddles this year but she loved her solar garden ornament. Her garden is like Blackpool illuminations and I can‚Äôt help but constantly add to it regardless of how crazy I call her for it ūüėā


Today‚Äôs workout, number 23 includes involves two dustbins, a barbell and a set of dumbells! Of course the weights for each individual. It took me 25 minutes to complete today. It‚Äôs a workout consisting of legs and shoulders! Give it a go if you have the equipment ūüėÉ
10 x wide barbell squats 10 x dumbell front raise 12 x walking dumbell lunges... 10 x standing dumbell shoulder press 10 x barbell squats 10x dumbell lateral raise
Complete this a number of 6 times! ūüí™ūüŹĹ
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What’s everyone’s choice of breakfast this morning?!
I‚Äôm loving this at the min! Porridge with raspberries and peanut butter! ‚ėļÔłŹ


Great work this morning all of you!! You did brilliantly yet again.
You‚Äôve all certainly earned your breakfast this morning!! Endorphins going, mood lifted and calories burned ūü•Ķ Have a great day everyone ūüėÉ


I‚Äôve got my best walking ūü•ĺ on this week! Have you?! Slowly on track to achieving my weekly goals. Little changes each day will get you to your destination!
Remember , if you get tired then learn to rest. Do not quit! Keep smiling everyone ūüíô


My uncle keeping my little beauty of a cousin active ! Ideas for you and your little ones ?!


Workout number 22.... Stolen but thought it was great to share!
Sorry for those who have a long name ūü§£


These pair ūü•į
Dogs are so lucky in lockdown!!


How are my followers feeling this morning?
Some may have woken with a more positive outlook on the day ahead and some may be feeling a little out of sorts. You may have felt out of sorts yesterday, you may have even felt out of sorts the day before. I want you to remember that this is ok!
Mental health is bigger than we all actually imagine and sadly 1 in 4 people suffer with it, of some kind. There is a quote that I see often and it is ‚Äėit‚Äôs okay not to be okay‚Äô and whilst ...
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GREAT WORK YOU LOT!!! Well done to my Easter bank holiday lot who ALL put in 100% effort! ūüí™ūüŹĹGREAT WORK YOU LOT!!! Well done to my Easter bank holiday lot who ALL put in 100% effort! ūüí™ūüŹĹ

More about Lianne Norman Fitness

Lianne Norman Fitness is located at Physique Fitness ,Scotlands Industrial Estate, LE67 3JA Coalville, Leicester
07854 031115