London Ambulance Service Nhs Trust

About London Ambulance Service Nhs Trust

London Ambulance Service's official Facebook page. Please note this is not monitored 24 /7. Call 111 for urgent health advice and 999 in emergencies.



"What's the best thing about working in the 999 control room?"
David says it is:
✔️Helping people every day
... ✔️Knowing you've made a difference to people's lives
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🤒or 🤕 and🤔?
If you're unsure if you need A&E then please üìû1‚É£1‚É£1‚É£
NHS111 is for medical advice and support and direction to the best treatment for you.


From cabin crew ✈️…to emergency ambulance crew 🚑!
Caitlin swapped a career as airline cabin crew to join our team and respond to Londoners in need.
Fancy a career change like that? Join us:‚ Ķ/current-vacancies/


Do you struggle when the weather is very warm?
Check out these tips for coping in hot weather from NHS Choices and Public Health England, including:
🚰🥤keep hydrated... 🏡keep your home cool 🏖️keep yourself cool
More:…/h…/heatwave-how- to-cope-in-hot-weather/
See More


“More than half the patients defibrillated by the public before the arrival of ambulance crews survive. It’s those vital first few minutes that can make the difference between life and death.”
Why we're training cabbies in life-saving skills:


In our emergency operations centres (EOC) our dedicated call handlers take emergency calls and dispatch crews.
The buildings and layout change – but the team are always there for Londoners.
Hear from one of the team about working in our control room:


Cardiac arrest occurs when the heart stops pumping blood around the body. If a defibrillator isn’t immediately available, performing chest compressions and CPR could help to save someone’s life before medics arrive.
Lynsey, a paramedic who gives life-saving skills training, gives a demonstration on how to give chest compressions, that might help you save a life one day.


As it’s International Beer Day and a sunny Friday, the pub garden may be on your mind for today.
Have a great Friday, but please be careful if you're drinking as it’s best to avoid excess alcohol in the heat! Drink plenty of water🥤🥤
Tips for coping in the warm weather:…/h…/heatwave-how- to-cope-in-hot-weather/


We’ve teamed up with taxi drivers to train cabbies to help save the lives of cardiac arrest patients in the capital.
Find out more:


Calling anyone who is 🅾️➖ !
The recent sunny weather meant there was a drop in attendance of blood donation appointments. Supplies of O negative are especially low.
If you can, please #GiveBlood this week:


Do you have the Monday Motivation for a new challenge? ‚úÖ
There’s a variety of opportunities in our team, including:
➡️Emergency call takers... ➡️Hazardous area response team paramedic ➡️Legal Services Manager
And more ➡️
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A big congratulations to this group of new emergency medical dispatchers (EMDs) and welcome to our team!
Our EMDs answer emergency calls and help people in their time of need.
Could this be the role for you? Apply today:


Make sure you take note of advice on staying safe in the heat from Public Health England and NHS Choices:…/h…/heatwave-how- to-cope-in-hot-weather/ …
Are you hoping it will rain now, or are you hoping for more sunshine? 🌡️🏜️😓☀️⛈️


Did you know you can still get sunburn when it's cloudy?
UV levels are very high across London today - be sun sensible if you're outside this afternoon.
Find out more:


“It’s very rewarding, people-focused and you get to make a difference to peoples’ lives.”
Our medic Yasmin was the 1000th mentee to go through one of our placement centres, where she put her classroom training into practice.
Yasmin previously worked as airline cabin crew. Fancy a change in career direction like she did? Join us:


Summer sunshine for many is welcome, but hot weather poses health risks, especially for:
-older people -babies and young children -people with a serious chronic condition
... Useful tips from NHS Choices for staying safe in the hot weather:
See More


Newly qualified paramedic Justin delivered his first baby today, with help from his mentor Nigel, and fellow medics Tom, Nichole and Jack.
Welcome to the world, baby Louis!


"We’re incredibly honoured to carry on the inspiring message left by Dr Kate Granger’s legacy.”
Jules from our team speaks about the new LGBT #HelloMyNameIs badges containing the rainbow flag, helping people speak confidently and safely regarding LGBT issues.


On this sunny Monday morning we hope you can enjoy the sun! If you are outside enjoying it today please remember to do so safely.
Please remember to:
✔️Carry a bottle of water ... ✔️Avoid prolonged exposure to the sun - especially at the hottest parts of the day ✔️Wear sun cream ✔️Carry any vital medication with you
See More


You are all amazing. thanks to everyone who came to my aid. Best wishes and loads of love to you all


Working in the NHS myself I know compliments are few and far between so that’s why I wanted to write this! A huge thank you to Lydia and Mick who came to a call at about 11:00 today to an elderly lady who slipped and hit her head! They were with us within 10 minutes from me calling them and their professionalism and compassion were 2nd to none! Both are an absolute credit to the NHS and London Ambulance Service! Thank you!!


Whilst visiting London with my son, I had to unfortunately call an ambulance. Thank you to the courteous and professional crew who attended and looked after me.


When you call an ambulance, you don't think "it will be a lovely experience", obviously - but it actually was in my case. I got a horrible, debilitating panic attack last week. I was in London completely alone, on a business trip so it only made things worse and soon I was gasping for air, trembling and certain that I had a heart attack or a stroke. Help came immediately and the paramedic was incredibly calm and gentle, and he managed to convince me that I had as much oxygen as I needed, I wasn't having a heart attack and the horror would be over very soon. He stayed with me until it was over indeed and before he left, he advised me what to do if panic strikes back.

I sent a thank you note through your website and I hope it reaches this wonderfully kind gentleman but I also want to share it here because I think you are doing a marvellous job - by rescuing people's lives and medicating them, of course, but also by being compassionate and understanding.


We lost my father on May 10th and although we knew when we found him that he was gone, the paramedics who attended minutes after receiving our call attempted to resuscitate him for over 2 and half hours because of the flicker of life that the machine showed.

They continued compressions even whilst transporting my father from our house to the ambulance and all the way to the hospital.

I cannot thank you enough for the dedication you showed in trying to save my father. My family and I are forever grateful.

It’s moments like this that makes me so proud to be British and of our Emergency Services. � �


Today while waiting in a crowd to cross a busy street an ambulance came up the road sirens going my autistic son grasped his ears and was stomping his feet I don’t know how your driver saw him in that crowd but he did and turned the siren off waved went further up the road away from my sons ears and turned them on again I can’t explain how much that meant to me and my son he was almost at melt down point due to the pain the sirens caused him so thank you so so much for showing my son so much kindness your hero’s in more ways than you know x


On behalf of my Aunt Rose, she would like to thank all of the London Ambulance Service and all the NHS Staff for all the fantastic work and effort and help to her today. After taking exceptional care of her after having a heart attack in the early hours of this morning. There care and rapid response of the paramedics was so amazing. We were informed at one point that it was critical and to call all the family as she was in the resuscitation ward at Queen Elizabeth and were not sure if she was going to pull through. All the doctors nurses and consultants that took amazing care of her were and are incredible at what they do. She is now out of resuscitation and on a ward awaiting more test and a lot more care to help her recover.

Like my aunt said to me earlier tonight life is far to short, live for now and make changes now as none of know whats around the corner. ÔøΩÔøΩ


On Saturday you guys saved my dad's life I found him in septic shock and the response and hard work your team has done saved my dad's life every second counted, you guys are amazing, thank you so much, love you guys Xxx


My wife, daughter, her boyfriend and I were in London on the Marathon weekend - my wife was running in it again. On the Monday morning I was woken by a pain in the left upper chest, radiating into my jaw and down my arm. Being a former Ambulance Technician I knew this wasn’t necessarily an ideal set of circumstances. I rang 999 and was connected to the Control room where, after a few questions, I was assured a crew were on their way. They duly arrived and introduced themselves, although I can only remember one of them - a very professional female paramedic called Charlie ( I think!!) They were all a huge credit to your Service and all treated me with respect and compassion throughout. They took me to the Queen Elizabeth hospital in Woolwich, the time of the call was 5.03am on 23/04/2018.

Please pass on my massive thanks to them, they made me feel like I was the only person in their world at that time. I know from personal experience how little recognition Ambulance crews get and I wanted to say a very heartfelt thank you.


My wife Karen was taken ill in the old shades pub in Whitehall last night, no she wasn't drunk, I called an ambulance at 9.05 and I can't praise the crew enough. They showed compassion , understanding, sympathy and most of all a wealth of knowledge.

The checked Karen's vital signs and gave her an ECG, which showed an irregular, the paramedic advised us to go to St Thomas' but by the she was looking and feeling a lot better and she just wanted to go home ,which we did.

The two young ladies were absolutely fantastic, I forgot to get there names but I am sure management could trace them, thank you to the both of you for the way you looked after my wife and reassured me with your professionalism ,thankyou


My grateful thanks to the London Ambulance Service today who helped me with my daughter after her fall on her back. They calmed her and helped her relax in a scary situation. ÔøΩÔøΩ. I wish I remembered their names but big shout out to all the wonderful services men and women xx


Massive thanks to the two paramedics who came out to my husbands god father today , you were both totally amazing and a credit to the L.A.S .


Incredible response, had to call an ambulance for my little boy with Special needs last night,temp was 40+ shaking and nearly having a fit,with in 5 minutes the crew was here,amazing people,incredible timing,these amazing people don't get enough credit for what they do,the government is failing them as they dont have enough funding,well done to all of you,your all truely amazing and incredible people xxx


I was on a duty for St. John ambulance today at a West Ham game and on the way home i collapsed having a seizure while on the train... I wanna thank the London Ambulance service crew who dealt with me they helped me and got me home when I felt very weak and light-headed so thank you very much x


I wanted to say a big thank you to the staff that attended to my partner after suffering a Heart attack while working at the London Business School. This happened at lunchtime on Monday 15/5/17.

I understand he had to be shocked 5 times during resuscitation.

Two ambulances and 2 cars arrived with support from paramedics to work on Him. Arriving within 9 minutes is one amazing feat. This would not have happened so fast if it had been where we live!

So please could you share this with the staff that were involved- from answering the call, rushing out to him and working on him. Without these special people my partner would not be here.

You all do an amazing job ÔøΩ


I stayed in Upton Park with a friend over the weekend - and he had a seizure.

The operator who took my call was amazing, she kept me calm and helped me understand what I needed to do, until the paramedics got to us.

When the paramedics got to our room, they were also incredible. They managed to do every they needed to do, whilst keeping me, and my friend, as calm and relaxed as possible.

I have so much respect for the team, they deserve nothing but the absolute best.

I don't know the names of the people that helped us that evening, but it was me and my friend from Chicago, around 7pm on the 22nd, and we were very close to Newham Emergency Unit. I'd love if somebody could let the people who helped us know that they are absolutely amazing, and I'll never be able to thank them enough ÔøΩ xx


I have nothing but the utmost respect for the work the ambulance service do. However... I work in highway maintenance and my role is to ensure the safety of the public and the workforce when works are being undertook. On many occasions to undertake our work we need to reduce traffic capacity to a single lane running. Something that is common in my job is seeing emergency services needing to come through on their way to a shout. Police and fire service are generally quite good. Once restricted to single lane running they turn off their lights and siren and drive through with the flow of traffic until they reach the end at which point they turn their blues back on and continue to the shout. Ambulances seem to think it is acceptable to pressure the vehicles in front by sitting on their bumpers with their lights on and siren blaring pressuring the driver in front to either go quicker or worse to pull into the works area and let them pass. It is only a matter of time before one of these panicking drivers does this and kills or injured a member of the road works crew. I know it is part of blues and twos training to turn off your equipment in these situations yet ambulance drivers seem to blatantly ignore this part of their training. I applaud the work you guys do and thank you from the bottom of my heart all I ask is please respect the work we do and stop forcing drivers to panic and drive into our place of work. Thank you.


Got crushed by my car last week & you were there so quick, amazing people who cared & looked after me. I could see you really care about people & have to work under tough circumstances at times. Thank you so much you are awesome xxx


what fantastic caring people.2 lovely ladies rang a ambulance for me july the 8th 2018 in lupin st london.the crew where great .wish i could trace them to thank them all


You are all amazing. thanks to everyone who came to my aid. Best wishes and loads of love to you all


Working in the NHS myself I know compliments are few and far between so that’s why I wanted to write this! A huge thank you to Lydia and Mick who came to a call at about 11:00 today to an elderly lady who slipped and hit her head! They were with us within 10 minutes from me calling them and their professionalism and compassion were 2nd to none! Both are an absolute credit to the NHS and London Ambulance Service! Thank you!!


Whilst visiting London with my son, I had to unfortunately call an ambulance. Thank you to the courteous and professional crew who attended and looked after me.


When you call an ambulance, you don't think "it will be a lovely experience", obviously - but it actually was in my case. I got a horrible, debilitating panic attack last week. I was in London completely alone, on a business trip so it only made things worse and soon I was gasping for air, trembling and certain that I had a heart attack or a stroke. Help came immediately and the paramedic was incredibly calm and gentle, and he managed to convince me that I had as much oxygen as I needed, I wasn't having a heart attack and the horror would be over very soon. He stayed with me until it was over indeed and before he left, he advised me what to do if panic strikes back.

I sent a thank you note through your website and I hope it reaches this wonderfully kind gentleman but I also want to share it here because I think you are doing a marvellous job - by rescuing people's lives and medicating them, of course, but also by being compassionate and understanding.


We lost my father on May 10th and although we knew when we found him that he was gone, the paramedics who attended minutes after receiving our call attempted to resuscitate him for over 2 and half hours because of the flicker of life that the machine showed.

They continued compressions even whilst transporting my father from our house to the ambulance and all the way to the hospital.

I cannot thank you enough for the dedication you showed in trying to save my father. My family and I are forever grateful.

It’s moments like this that makes me so proud to be British and of our Emergency Services. � �


Today while waiting in a crowd to cross a busy street an ambulance came up the road sirens going my autistic son grasped his ears and was stomping his feet I don’t know how your driver saw him in that crowd but he did and turned the siren off waved went further up the road away from my sons ears and turned them on again I can’t explain how much that meant to me and my son he was almost at melt down point due to the pain the sirens caused him so thank you so so much for showing my son so much kindness your hero’s in more ways than you know x


On behalf of my Aunt Rose, she would like to thank all of the London Ambulance Service and all the NHS Staff for all the fantastic work and effort and help to her today. After taking exceptional care of her after having a heart attack in the early hours of this morning. There care and rapid response of the paramedics was so amazing. We were informed at one point that it was critical and to call all the family as she was in the resuscitation ward at Queen Elizabeth and were not sure if she was going to pull through. All the doctors nurses and consultants that took amazing care of her were and are incredible at what they do. She is now out of resuscitation and on a ward awaiting more test and a lot more care to help her recover.

Like my aunt said to me earlier tonight life is far to short, live for now and make changes now as none of know whats around the corner. ÔøΩÔøΩ


On Saturday you guys saved my dad's life I found him in septic shock and the response and hard work your team has done saved my dad's life every second counted, you guys are amazing, thank you so much, love you guys Xxx


My wife, daughter, her boyfriend and I were in London on the Marathon weekend - my wife was running in it again. On the Monday morning I was woken by a pain in the left upper chest, radiating into my jaw and down my arm. Being a former Ambulance Technician I knew this wasn’t necessarily an ideal set of circumstances. I rang 999 and was connected to the Control room where, after a few questions, I was assured a crew were on their way. They duly arrived and introduced themselves, although I can only remember one of them - a very professional female paramedic called Charlie ( I think!!) They were all a huge credit to your Service and all treated me with respect and compassion throughout. They took me to the Queen Elizabeth hospital in Woolwich, the time of the call was 5.03am on 23/04/2018.

Please pass on my massive thanks to them, they made me feel like I was the only person in their world at that time. I know from personal experience how little recognition Ambulance crews get and I wanted to say a very heartfelt thank you.


My wife Karen was taken ill in the old shades pub in Whitehall last night, no she wasn't drunk, I called an ambulance at 9.05 and I can't praise the crew enough. They showed compassion , understanding, sympathy and most of all a wealth of knowledge.

The checked Karen's vital signs and gave her an ECG, which showed an irregular, the paramedic advised us to go to St Thomas' but by the she was looking and feeling a lot better and she just wanted to go home ,which we did.

The two young ladies were absolutely fantastic, I forgot to get there names but I am sure management could trace them, thank you to the both of you for the way you looked after my wife and reassured me with your professionalism ,thankyou


My grateful thanks to the London Ambulance Service today who helped me with my daughter after her fall on her back. They calmed her and helped her relax in a scary situation. ÔøΩÔøΩ. I wish I remembered their names but big shout out to all the wonderful services men and women xx


Massive thanks to the two paramedics who came out to my husbands god father today , you were both totally amazing and a credit to the L.A.S .


Incredible response, had to call an ambulance for my little boy with Special needs last night,temp was 40+ shaking and nearly having a fit,with in 5 minutes the crew was here,amazing people,incredible timing,these amazing people don't get enough credit for what they do,the government is failing them as they dont have enough funding,well done to all of you,your all truely amazing and incredible people xxx


I was on a duty for St. John ambulance today at a West Ham game and on the way home i collapsed having a seizure while on the train... I wanna thank the London Ambulance service crew who dealt with me they helped me and got me home when I felt very weak and light-headed so thank you very much x


I wanted to say a big thank you to the staff that attended to my partner after suffering a Heart attack while working at the London Business School. This happened at lunchtime on Monday 15/5/17.

I understand he had to be shocked 5 times during resuscitation.

Two ambulances and 2 cars arrived with support from paramedics to work on Him. Arriving within 9 minutes is one amazing feat. This would not have happened so fast if it had been where we live!

So please could you share this with the staff that were involved- from answering the call, rushing out to him and working on him. Without these special people my partner would not be here.

You all do an amazing job ÔøΩ


I stayed in Upton Park with a friend over the weekend - and he had a seizure.

The operator who took my call was amazing, she kept me calm and helped me understand what I needed to do, until the paramedics got to us.

When the paramedics got to our room, they were also incredible. They managed to do every they needed to do, whilst keeping me, and my friend, as calm and relaxed as possible.

I have so much respect for the team, they deserve nothing but the absolute best.

I don't know the names of the people that helped us that evening, but it was me and my friend from Chicago, around 7pm on the 22nd, and we were very close to Newham Emergency Unit. I'd love if somebody could let the people who helped us know that they are absolutely amazing, and I'll never be able to thank them enough ÔøΩ xx


I have nothing but the utmost respect for the work the ambulance service do. However... I work in highway maintenance and my role is to ensure the safety of the public and the workforce when works are being undertook. On many occasions to undertake our work we need to reduce traffic capacity to a single lane running. Something that is common in my job is seeing emergency services needing to come through on their way to a shout. Police and fire service are generally quite good. Once restricted to single lane running they turn off their lights and siren and drive through with the flow of traffic until they reach the end at which point they turn their blues back on and continue to the shout. Ambulances seem to think it is acceptable to pressure the vehicles in front by sitting on their bumpers with their lights on and siren blaring pressuring the driver in front to either go quicker or worse to pull into the works area and let them pass. It is only a matter of time before one of these panicking drivers does this and kills or injured a member of the road works crew. I know it is part of blues and twos training to turn off your equipment in these situations yet ambulance drivers seem to blatantly ignore this part of their training. I applaud the work you guys do and thank you from the bottom of my heart all I ask is please respect the work we do and stop forcing drivers to panic and drive into our place of work. Thank you.


Got crushed by my car last week & you were there so quick, amazing people who cared & looked after me. I could see you really care about people & have to work under tough circumstances at times. Thank you so much you are awesome xxx


what fantastic caring people.2 lovely ladies rang a ambulance for me july the 8th 2018 in lupin st london.the crew where great .wish i could trace them to thank them all


You are all amazing. thanks to everyone who came to my aid. Best wishes and loads of love to you all


Working in the NHS myself I know compliments are few and far between so that’s why I wanted to write this! A huge thank you to Lydia and Mick who came to a call at about 11:00 today to an elderly lady who slipped and hit her head! They were with us within 10 minutes from me calling them and their professionalism and compassion were 2nd to none! Both are an absolute credit to the NHS and London Ambulance Service! Thank you!!


Whilst visiting London with my son, I had to unfortunately call an ambulance. Thank you to the courteous and professional crew who attended and looked after me.


When you call an ambulance, you don't think "it will be a lovely experience", obviously - but it actually was in my case. I got a horrible, debilitating panic attack last week. I was in London completely alone, on a business trip so it only made things worse and soon I was gasping for air, trembling and certain that I had a heart attack or a stroke. Help came immediately and the paramedic was incredibly calm and gentle, and he managed to convince me that I had as much oxygen as I needed, I wasn't having a heart attack and the horror would be over very soon. He stayed with me until it was over indeed and before he left, he advised me what to do if panic strikes back.

I sent a thank you note through your website and I hope it reaches this wonderfully kind gentleman but I also want to share it here because I think you are doing a marvellous job - by rescuing people's lives and medicating them, of course, but also by being compassionate and understanding.


We lost my father on May 10th and although we knew when we found him that he was gone, the paramedics who attended minutes after receiving our call attempted to resuscitate him for over 2 and half hours because of the flicker of life that the machine showed.

They continued compressions even whilst transporting my father from our house to the ambulance and all the way to the hospital.

I cannot thank you enough for the dedication you showed in trying to save my father. My family and I are forever grateful.

It’s moments like this that makes me so proud to be British and of our Emergency Services. � �


Today while waiting in a crowd to cross a busy street an ambulance came up the road sirens going my autistic son grasped his ears and was stomping his feet I don’t know how your driver saw him in that crowd but he did and turned the siren off waved went further up the road away from my sons ears and turned them on again I can’t explain how much that meant to me and my son he was almost at melt down point due to the pain the sirens caused him so thank you so so much for showing my son so much kindness your hero’s in more ways than you know x


On behalf of my Aunt Rose, she would like to thank all of the London Ambulance Service and all the NHS Staff for all the fantastic work and effort and help to her today. After taking exceptional care of her after having a heart attack in the early hours of this morning. There care and rapid response of the paramedics was so amazing. We were informed at one point that it was critical and to call all the family as she was in the resuscitation ward at Queen Elizabeth and were not sure if she was going to pull through. All the doctors nurses and consultants that took amazing care of her were and are incredible at what they do. She is now out of resuscitation and on a ward awaiting more test and a lot more care to help her recover.

Like my aunt said to me earlier tonight life is far to short, live for now and make changes now as none of know whats around the corner. ÔøΩÔøΩ


On Saturday you guys saved my dad's life I found him in septic shock and the response and hard work your team has done saved my dad's life every second counted, you guys are amazing, thank you so much, love you guys Xxx


My wife, daughter, her boyfriend and I were in London on the Marathon weekend - my wife was running in it again. On the Monday morning I was woken by a pain in the left upper chest, radiating into my jaw and down my arm. Being a former Ambulance Technician I knew this wasn’t necessarily an ideal set of circumstances. I rang 999 and was connected to the Control room where, after a few questions, I was assured a crew were on their way. They duly arrived and introduced themselves, although I can only remember one of them - a very professional female paramedic called Charlie ( I think!!) They were all a huge credit to your Service and all treated me with respect and compassion throughout. They took me to the Queen Elizabeth hospital in Woolwich, the time of the call was 5.03am on 23/04/2018.

Please pass on my massive thanks to them, they made me feel like I was the only person in their world at that time. I know from personal experience how little recognition Ambulance crews get and I wanted to say a very heartfelt thank you.


My wife Karen was taken ill in the old shades pub in Whitehall last night, no she wasn't drunk, I called an ambulance at 9.05 and I can't praise the crew enough. They showed compassion , understanding, sympathy and most of all a wealth of knowledge.

The checked Karen's vital signs and gave her an ECG, which showed an irregular, the paramedic advised us to go to St Thomas' but by the she was looking and feeling a lot better and she just wanted to go home ,which we did.

The two young ladies were absolutely fantastic, I forgot to get there names but I am sure management could trace them, thank you to the both of you for the way you looked after my wife and reassured me with your professionalism ,thankyou


My grateful thanks to the London Ambulance Service today who helped me with my daughter after her fall on her back. They calmed her and helped her relax in a scary situation. ÔøΩÔøΩ. I wish I remembered their names but big shout out to all the wonderful services men and women xx


Massive thanks to the two paramedics who came out to my husbands god father today , you were both totally amazing and a credit to the L.A.S .


Incredible response, had to call an ambulance for my little boy with Special needs last night,temp was 40+ shaking and nearly having a fit,with in 5 minutes the crew was here,amazing people,incredible timing,these amazing people don't get enough credit for what they do,the government is failing them as they dont have enough funding,well done to all of you,your all truely amazing and incredible people xxx


I was on a duty for St. John ambulance today at a West Ham game and on the way home i collapsed having a seizure while on the train... I wanna thank the London Ambulance service crew who dealt with me they helped me and got me home when I felt very weak and light-headed so thank you very much x


I wanted to say a big thank you to the staff that attended to my partner after suffering a Heart attack while working at the London Business School. This happened at lunchtime on Monday 15/5/17.

I understand he had to be shocked 5 times during resuscitation.

Two ambulances and 2 cars arrived with support from paramedics to work on Him. Arriving within 9 minutes is one amazing feat. This would not have happened so fast if it had been where we live!

So please could you share this with the staff that were involved- from answering the call, rushing out to him and working on him. Without these special people my partner would not be here.

You all do an amazing job ÔøΩ


I stayed in Upton Park with a friend over the weekend - and he had a seizure.

The operator who took my call was amazing, she kept me calm and helped me understand what I needed to do, until the paramedics got to us.

When the paramedics got to our room, they were also incredible. They managed to do every they needed to do, whilst keeping me, and my friend, as calm and relaxed as possible.

I have so much respect for the team, they deserve nothing but the absolute best.

I don't know the names of the people that helped us that evening, but it was me and my friend from Chicago, around 7pm on the 22nd, and we were very close to Newham Emergency Unit. I'd love if somebody could let the people who helped us know that they are absolutely amazing, and I'll never be able to thank them enough ÔøΩ xx


I have nothing but the utmost respect for the work the ambulance service do. However... I work in highway maintenance and my role is to ensure the safety of the public and the workforce when works are being undertook. On many occasions to undertake our work we need to reduce traffic capacity to a single lane running. Something that is common in my job is seeing emergency services needing to come through on their way to a shout. Police and fire service are generally quite good. Once restricted to single lane running they turn off their lights and siren and drive through with the flow of traffic until they reach the end at which point they turn their blues back on and continue to the shout. Ambulances seem to think it is acceptable to pressure the vehicles in front by sitting on their bumpers with their lights on and siren blaring pressuring the driver in front to either go quicker or worse to pull into the works area and let them pass. It is only a matter of time before one of these panicking drivers does this and kills or injured a member of the road works crew. I know it is part of blues and twos training to turn off your equipment in these situations yet ambulance drivers seem to blatantly ignore this part of their training. I applaud the work you guys do and thank you from the bottom of my heart all I ask is please respect the work we do and stop forcing drivers to panic and drive into our place of work. Thank you.


Got crushed by my car last week & you were there so quick, amazing people who cared & looked after me. I could see you really care about people & have to work under tough circumstances at times. Thank you so much you are awesome xxx


what fantastic caring people.2 lovely ladies rang a ambulance for me july the 8th 2018 in lupin st london.the crew where great .wish i could trace them to thank them all

More about London Ambulance Service Nhs Trust

London Ambulance Service Nhs Trust is located at 220 Waterloo Road, SE1 8SD London, United Kingdom
020 7783 2000