London Business School



"It's fashionable now to talk about customer experience, and that is valid, but businesses could truly differentiate themselves by looking beyond the purchaser to the user – the consumer," says LBS's Nader Tavassoli


Great news for our Masters in Finance full-time class of 2017 - 93% accepted a job offer within 3 months of graduation, at organisations in 24 different countries across the world. Check out the full report to see where they ended up.


Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras Intl shared his views about Greece’s economy, the need for a united Europe and reforming the European Union at LBS's Sammy Ofer Centre recently. More at Check out the photo album.


From Zara to Zambia: hear from LBS's Jérémie Gallien how research on the supply chain of clothing giant Zara can help save lives in Zambia


The collapse of the construction services firm Carillion has exposed “fundamental flaws” in the government’s approach to contracting, according to a new report. The UK government needs to outsource more responsibly in future, says Chris Higson, Associate Professor of Accounting Practice.


"Being amongst such an amazing, inspiring group of people every day, I feel like I could take over the world!" As we bid farewell to LBS's class of 2018 and welcome them to our alumni family, hear what our students' highlights of the last year have been.


Are the worlds of academia and industry really at odds with one another? LBS's Michaël Bikard believes there are opportunities hidden in the differences.


Congratulations to our graduating classes of 2018! They've done all the hard work, now they get to celebrate at our Garden Party with their families, friends, and classmates.


Join us live for London Business School’s Congregation ceremony, and wish our students well as they receive their degrees. Congratulations to all our graduates!


Has your business reached "peak Brexit"? Should we be more worried about AI? Many great questions were thrown up during our expert panel discussion on the impact of the ongoing negotiations. The sellout event was chaired by Linda Yueh, Adjunct Professor of Economics


Once a tech company achieves market dominance, mutually reinforcing factors make it almost impossible to displace. So how do tech giants such as Apple and Google gain such control? LBS's Patrick Barwise offers nine reasons.


For Jonas Rosqvist, a group decision to launch a fundraising initiative at the end of their Executive Education programme summed up everything good about London Business School. Here's how he and his classmates on the Accelerated Development Programme used the power of the alumni network to raise money for a water well in Mali.


Turquoise Mountain was launched in 2006 by Shoshana Stewart, CEO, to preserve and regenerate historic areas and communities with a rich cultural heritage. The LBS graduate also wanted to revive traditional crafts, creating jobs, skills and a renewed sense of pride.
Since then, the company has restored 113 historic buildings, trained over 5,000 artisans, treated more than 100,000 patients and graduated hundreds of talented artisans. This is Shoshana's story.


Elias Papaioannou's just-published research on landmine clearance in Mozambique demonstrates that a strategic approach to demining would have significant benefits


LGBT and equality rights campaigner Tiernan Brady spoke at LBS about his efforts in the successful marriage referendums in Ireland and Australia. "Change is not inevitable, in fact there's probably nothing less inevitable than have to spend the rest of your life protecting it"


#LondonPride is this weekend! To celebrate, we’re bringing you two exclusive podcasts from our students and faculty. Let’s bust those assumptions – because #PrideMatters


Doing, managing, leading. Every leadership journey is unique, but most people tend to go through three distinct stages of expertise. At which stage are you?


Sometimes life can deal out crisis after crisis. But adventurer and entrepreneur Omar Samra MBA2007 has three tips for hitting impossible goals in the hardest of circumstances.


"The way work is set up really reflects a state of affairs that no longer exists in most western economies, which is one person works full-time and the other person takes care of the kids full-time" - LBS's Eliot Sherman on why businesses around the world need to embrace flexible working.

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