London Pain Clinic

About London Pain Clinic

Back pain, neck Pain, Sciatica, hip, Knee and Ankle pain, Facial neuralgia, neuropathic disorders, abdominal pain, groin pain, hepatic pain, stomach pain

London Pain Clinic Description

Dr. Wisam Ali is a specialist in the management of acute and chronic pain.

Dr. Ali's pain clinic in London specialises in the diagnosis and treatment of acute and chronic pain.

Pain is a feeling triggered in the nervous system. Pain may be sharp or dull. It may come and go, or it may be constant. You may feel pain in one area of your body, such as your back, neck, abdomen or chest. Pain could be generalized, such as when your muscles ache from the flu.

Acute pain is the body's alarm system so it can be helpful as a warning of harm. Without it, you might seriously hurt yourself without knowing it or you might not realize you have a medical problem that needs treatment. Once you take care of the problem, pain usually goes away. However, sometimes pain goes on for weeks, months or even years. This is called chronic pain. Sometimes chronic pain is due to an ongoing cause such as cancer or arthritis. Sometimes the cause is unknown. It can be difficult to find the cause of chronic pain, even with the use of the latest imaging and other types of tests. Doctors often are not able to pinpoint the cause of your pain and a referral to a specialised pain clinic may prove very useful in diagnosing your condition.

Dr Ali’s pain clinic is a specialised clinic and a written referral from your general practitioner or from a fellow consultant, physiotherapist, osteopath or chiropractor is normally required before he can see you. Self referrals are accepted, but your general practitioner will be fully informed about your condition as well as the treatment plans. International patients are also accepted. An interpreter can be arranged if you let us know in advance.



Deep brain stimulation is the surgical treatment modality of choice for otherwise treatment resistant and affective disorders such as dystonia, tremor and Parkinson’s disease. Furthermore, DBS is now being used or investigated in the management of other conditions such as chronic pain, depression, obsessive compulsive disorder, Tourette syndrome, obesity, epilepsy and Alzheimer disease. The exact mechanism of action of DBS is not completely understood. The primary target site...s vary according to patient’s symptoms. The various target sites are subthalamic nucleus, globus pallidus, pars internal and ventralis intermedius nucleus of thalamus. The surgical procedure involves insertion of electrodes into the target area of the brain through a burr hole. This is achieved through a combination of anatomical/imaging techniques (MRI and CT) and neurophysiological verification such as macro stimulation or micro-electrode recording. Once confirmed the electrode is connected via the cable to the pulse generator.
The anaesthetic management describes the common and special consideration for awake DBS insertion and insertion under general anaesthesia and postoperative management of these patients. In our institute DBS has been practiced for well over a decade, allowing our multi-disciplinary team to build a large experience spanning both the main and experimental indications and across both the paediatric and adult age groups. The scope of this article is to understand the surgical steps and describe the practical aspect of conducting anaesthesia for patients undergoing DBS including challenges of awake surgery and post-operative care. Keywords: Deep brain stimulation, Parkinson's disease, affective disorders, anaesthesia.…/abstract/10. 4038/slja.v24i1.8125/
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Pain in elderly people is very common, especially lower back pain, hip and knee pain. This is a major cause of disability which can affect the quality of their life.


Some patients suffer from arm pain or leg pain with numbness or pins & needles without radiological evidence of nerve root compression which can be very confusing. This is also a common question asked by the defence solicitors in cases of personal injuries or road traffic accidents.
This type of pain is known as neuropathic disorder of the cervical or lumbar nerves. It is caused by chemical radiculitis as a result of degenerative disc disease. This can also happen in the ...
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Michigan neurosurgeon is charged with healthcare fraud for sham surgeries
Michigan neurosurgeon could face 10 or more years in prison after the US federal government accused him of billing Medicare and commercial insurers for $33m (£21m; €27m) while performing sham lumbar spinal fusion surgeries.
Aria Sabit, 40, was arrested on 24 November and charged with five counts of healthcare fraud.1Each of the five counts carries a maximum sentence of 10 years, which could be imposed ...
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يمكن التحكم الألم مفصل الورك عن طريق اتلاف الاعصاب توريد المفصل. قد يكون هذا أفضل من استبدال مفصل الورك في ظل ظروف معينة.


10 sure fire ways to ease PAIN !!
Whether your pain has just come on or you’ve lived with it for years, these tried-and-tested self-help steps can bring you relief. Where does it hurt?
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How to prevent Computer Related Injuries??
Sit tall...don’t slouch!
Keep Moving!
... Exercise!
Enforced static posture is bad. With office related musclo-skeletal disorders on the increase, it is now widely appreciated that movement has to be introduced into the office scenario. It is often said that...‘the best posture to assume is the next one’
Find ways to create movement in the office environment.
- Take mini breaks regularly - at least hourly. Use this time to move around, change posture and maybe do some of the exercises shown opposite.
- Keep mouse and telephone within easy reach, alternating between the left and right side may help alleviate tension in the neck and upper limbs.
- If you have a free float or recline mechanism on your chair, use it to regularly change your position. This will have the effect of maintaining tone in the trunk muscles, improving circulation, breathing and alertness.
- If you have an electronic height adjustable workstatio use the opportunity to sit, perch or stand whilst continuing with your office work. If you have a fixed height desk try to stand up whenever possible, e.g. when on the phone or talking to colleagues.
These exercises will reduce the risk of developing computer related aches and pains. They will also increase circulation, send more oxygen to the brain and help you stay alert.
1- Stand Up Put the heel of your hands into your lower back. Draw your elbows back and down. Keeping your head and neck steady with chin tucked in, slowly arch your back and look to the ceiling.
2- Side to Side Turning: Rotate your head left then right, taking care to keep your eyes on the horizon and aiming your chin at your shoulders. Use your eyes to focus on something in the distance. Repeat three times.
3- Chin Tuck: Sitting tall, imagine you are suspended by a piece of string from the crown of your head. Keeping your eyes level with the horizon, tuck your chin in to make a double chin. Hold for 5 seconds. Repeat 3 times.
4- Forward Press: Gently interlock your fingers, palms facing away from you. Press your palms away from your body, gently stretching the forearm muscles, fingers and muscles between the shoulder blades. Hold for 5 seconds.
5- Shoulder Shrug: Keep your shoulders back and lift them towards your ears, breathing in slowly. Tighten the muscles in your shoulders and hold for 5 seconds. Breathe out as you drop the shoulders. Repeat 3 times.
6- Elbow Flare: Put your hands behind your neck, loosely grasped. Keep head and neck tall. Squeeze below the shoulder blades and take elbows back, taking care not to press on the neck. Hold for 5 seconds.
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Common health problems associated with computers
1. Musculoskeletal problems:
Muscle soreness and muscle fatigue are the most common complaints of regular computer users. Back pain, chest pain, pain or numbness in arms, shoulder and feet top the list. These types of problems mainly occur because your posture while using the computer is not correct. Either you are sitting on an uncomfortable chair or your workstation is not supportive of correct posture. Read more about causes...
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For NHS appointments, please ask your GP to refer you to my clinic at Holly House Hospital, through Choose & Book system. This applies wherever you are in the UK.


Dr. Ali has graduated from BPP Law School in 2013.
He has been assisting law firms in cases of personal injuries & medical negligence, since 2008.


You can buy a low dose (10 mg) of simvastatin over the counter at pharmacies. This type of simvastatin is for people with only a moderate risk of having a heart attack or a stroke.
To find out your risk of having a heart attack, the pharmacist will ask you to fill in a short questionnaire. If your risk is high, the pharmacist may suggest you see your doctor. This is because you may need a higher dose of statins than the over-the-counter dose.
If your risk of having a heart at...tack is moderate, the pharmacist may suggest some ways of lowering your risk, such as changing your diet, exercising, and giving up smoking. The pharmacist may also offer you over-the-counter simvastatin.
There is also a tablet that contains simvastatin and another drug called ezetimibe. Its brand name is Inegy. Ezetimibe is a cholesterol absorption inhibitor.
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Bilateral subthalamic nucleus deep brain stimulation for refractory total body dystonia secondary to metabolic autopallidotomy in a 4-year-old boy with infantile methylmalonic acidemia: case report.
Chakraborti S1, Hasegawa H, Lumsden DE, Ali W, Kaminska M, Lin JP, Ashkan K.
Abstract... The methylmalonic acidemias (MMAs) are a group of inborn errors of metabolism resulting in the accumulation of methylmalonic acid in body tissues and fluids. A recognized complication of MMA is bilateral liquefaction of the globus pallidi, resulting in a fulminant total body dystonia of childhood often refractory to medical treatment. This case of total body dystonia due to MMA in a 4-year-old boy had been medically refractory for 15 months. Complete metabolic destructive liquefaction of the pallidi, that is, autopallidotomy, necessitated an alternative, bilateral subthalamic nucleus (STN) target for deep brain stimulation (DBS) with a marked improvement in dystonia and reduction in pain. The case illustrates the efficacy of STN DBS in this condition and the technical challenges in targeting the STN in a small child. PMID: 23952031 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
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fibromyalgia is a widespread musculoskeletal pain and fatigue disorder for which the cause is still unknown. Fibromyalgia means pain in the fibrous tissues in the body.
Most patients with fibromyalgia say that they ache all over. Their muscles may feel like they have been pulled or overworked. Sometimes the muscles twitch and at other times they burn. More women than men are afflicted with fibromyalgia, but it shows up in people of all ages.
Musculoskeletal pain and fatigue e...
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Pulsed Radiofrequency treatment of the cervical DRG is indicated for the management of cervical radicular pain, a condition that is characterized by pain radiating from the neck over the posterior shoulder into the arm according to a particular segmental pattern corresponding with involvement of the spinal nerve segments C5,C6, or C7.
Pain scores being significantly reduced 1.5 months and 3 months after the procedure.
PRF is a novel application whereby the high frequency is delivered in short bursts followed by a silent period allowing the generated heat to be washed out. The generator output is set for the electrode tip temperature not to exceed 42°C. When applied adjacent to the DRG PRF treatment has the presumed advantage to be less neurodestructive.
Recent studies have concluded that PRF of the DRG for cervical radicular pain is not a sham-intervention and that this procedure may be indicated for a selected group of patients with chronic cervical brachialgia
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حقن المفاصل الظهر جيدة لتشخيص آلام المفاصل تنشأ من الظهر. هذه هي قضية مشتركة من آلام الظهر. عندما نحقق تخفيف الآلام مع هذه الحقن، ونحن نتابع ذلك مع الترددات الراديوية إزالة التعصيب. هذا يجب أن أعطيك تخفيف الآلام كاملة لسنوات قليلة. يمكننا أن نكرر دائما هذا العلاج في المستقبل إذا لزم الأمر.


لمشاكل الأكثر شيوعا ونحن نتعامل مع الألم في عيادة لندن هي آلام أسفل الظهر، آلام الرقبة، وعرق النسا وآلام الكتف والذراع. كل هذه يمكن علاجها بنجاح من دون جراحة. النتائج التي حققناها هي أكثر من 80٪.


Cranial Hypotension Headaches can be disabling. Fortunately an epidural blood patch can cure it completely !! Sometimes more than one blood patch is required.
At London Pain Clinic, we have achieved very good results dealing with this kind of headache using this technique.
You still need a referral from your neurologist who should do his best to treat your condition prior to considering a blood patch.


Coeliac Plexus Block is a life changing procedure for those with liver pain, stomach pain or pancreatic pain. Also any non-specific pain in the upper abdomen. It is useful in cancer pain, and pacreatitis. These injection, if successful, it should be followed by splanchnic nerve radiofrequency denervation.


Mechanical back pain that responds well to diagnostic facet joints injections, can be eliminated by radiofrequency denervation of the medial branches.


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More about London Pain Clinic

London Pain Clinic is located at 10 Harley Street, W1G 9PE London, United Kingdom