
About Lovedesh

Lovedesh® is a British Ethical Luxury Brand- With Heart.

Lovedesh Description

"I got fed up about how we foreigners, never hear about all the good stuff. How us ordinary people remain ignorant and in the dark about the poorest nations in the world. All we get to see and hear is bad news and images. Or charity appeals constantly feeding us images showing sad faces, or malnourished kids and adults. It is a skewed, unbalanced view produced by foreigners.

"That's where Lovedesh® comes in. We celebrate and share stunning design, food and travel secrets to get the rest of the world to change how we see and experience 49 of the poorest countries. It's all here www.

"Now, let me explain why I use the phrase 'Third World'? I use it positively, ironically and in speech marks as I am compelled to. It’s a phrase first coined by a French man called Alfred Suaz, to simply describe a group of countries who were not allied to either the Soviet Bloc or NATO countries during the Cold War. How cool is that?

"Once the Cold War ended, these nations still remained pretty to some extent, reliant on foreign aid. Soon it somehow became negative and now is outdated.

"Today, the United Nations call 'poorest nations' LDC, which stands for 'Least Developed Country'. On a UN website, it defines an LDC as the ‘poorest and weakest segment of the international community’. I don't like that.

"So I think I prefer 'Third World', as I’m really not convinced Lovedesh will reach the ordinary people I want to get to, by using the word 'LDC'. which I think is a much more awful term. My audience is not NGOs, politicians, charity workers or development world. And most everyday foreign people, has no idea what that means. And so while Lovedesh is busy helping to show the rest of the world the 'true' beauty that exists in each 'Third World' nation - am also one day, ready to help the UN find these lovely nations, a new name. Until then. I will use the phrase ordinary foreigners use: 'Third World' - so they soon realise these nations (in my humble opinion), are also first and best in the world. Mission impossible eh? It’s worth a try! "

Yasmin C, Founder.