Luisa Santiago

About Luisa Santiago

Singer | Pianist | Songwriter

Luisa Santiago Description

So I used to work two jobs; I was a special needs mentor for vulnerable teens in the day, and a singer at night. Those who know how musicians work (it's VERY late into the night) and needless to say, by the time I got home I was KNACKERED. I mean mentally and physically drained

I remember dragging myself out of bed at 6: 30am, which isn't too bad for some, but remember I was gigging the night before and wouldn't get home earlier than 1am. I felt the burn. This continued for a year until I grew tired, over-stressed and quite physically sick. My panda eyes were the size of footballs!

I realised something had to change, so I gave up the morning job and focused on only the music, I mean I was gigging 6 nights a week! Now, I had all this free time in the day (the first 2 weeks it was just me catching up on some seriously needed and rewarding sleep) so I decided to focus on another passion of mine and work to turn it into a business; Candles!

I'm married by the way! My husband always wanted a business as well, but he thought an online business was the way to go. No limitations WHERE to work, or having to deal with physical products, delivery costs etc'. Which made sense, but honestly, I loooove MAKING candles (the aromas, the melting wax, something about it just puts me at ease) so I followed my heart and focused on perfecting my products.

About half a year ago, my husband and I went through a terrible ordeal, his UK VISA had expired and the application to renew it was rejected, TWICE! This was a complete shock to me as I’ve been a British Citizen for the past 11 years. Times change, so do politics, there are a lot more aspects to consider nowadays. But this meant he had to leave the country ASAP and go back to his home in Colombia, South America before getting. . . you know.

Following the requirements and correct protocol to get him back I started a new job working full-time. And funnily, It was in that same month of me starting my new job that an awesome business opportunity fell into my hands, and really, it couldn't have come at a better time!

I'd already failed on several attempts to get my candle business up and running, reading books, watching videos, taking courses, you name it and nothing was working. UNTIL. . .

FACEBOOK. Checking the newsfeed on my wall one day, there it was: "FREE TICKET: How to start a business from scratch". It didn't take a second for me to hesitate to click on it and see what they were talking about; A FREE workshop on how to get your business started! BOOM! Just what I needed! ! !

I signed up to the free event and went, what did I have to lose, really? Two hours it lasted, enough for me to decide I wanted to move to the next level, I did. And I haven't looked back since. Being a part of the Entrepreneurial family in such a short amount of time has already opened doors to so many possibilities I could never have imagined before and ever since I decided to make that JUMP, I've done things I never thought I could (like flying off to Costa Rica by MYSELF to attend a mastermind event! ) Such empowerment! ! ! !

Was I skeptical? Heeell yeah! My mentality growing up was thinking that "nothing's too good to be true, don't trust people so easily", but deep inside there was always something that said to me 'yes there is, find it'. My hope and gut feeling were strong enough to void the skepticism in my head, and they won! All I could think of was my husband and how much I wanted him back with me. I'm even willing to start an online business for him, the business he's always wanted, and work from ANYWHERE! Whether it's from London's grassy plains or Colombia's sandy beaches, FINANCIAL FREEDOM RIGHT!

As soon as I spoke to my coach and began going through the 21 steps my eyes were opened to a HUGE possibility that I never knew existed for me. So speak to yours! ! !

Fast forward just a month and SO much has changed for me, I have a lot more options open to me now.
I followed all their recommendations and trusted the process they showed me. I didn’t really have any savings, so I wasn’t sure how I was going to really afford to build a business, but their funding department really helped me, and I was so thankful that they made a confusing process so easy! And I went All IN!

I haven’t been able to quit my job yet, but the best part is that I can see it in the near future! I’m making money from my online business while I’m at my job - LEVERAGE.

I’m just thrilled for the opportunity to grow this business and reach out to people like yourself who are just getting started so I can show you that this IS REAL and it can work for you too!



Madre e Hija ❤ amor puro! Te amo mama Xxx.
Mother and daughter ❤ Pure Love!
Love you mama xxx.Translated


Throwback 1991- Rockin the Overalls😎 #1991 #cutey #swagger


Family ❤
#smilesallaround #lovemusic #lovefamily


When people decide to stop revolving their world around 'ME' or 'YOU', and discover that there is actually no such greater thing except The world of 'US'... Magic happens!
Let's not forget about those around us who are weary and tired, who need a help in hand, or a genuine interest in their wellbeing...
...This will be enough for them to pass the torch to others... The Ripple Effect.
... The book said it best: "Hebrews 13:3"
#transformalife #loveandbeloved #us #we #createmagic
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Kind Heart • Strong Mind • Brave Spirit☆


It’s kept me going and it’ll keep me going 🎵💕 #purpose #fulfill #lovemusic #musicislove


"I am UNLIMITED in my wealth ALL areas of my life are abundant & fulfilling"
... #prosperity2018 #stateofmind #beradical
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Any time you face yourself with difficulties coming your way, don't forget to... 😉


2017 has definitely been a year of trials and tests, Life has been my greatest teacher. I cannot say I have overcome all of them, at least not yet, but I realised it's not so much the 'overcoming' more so the 'going through' part that is JUST AS IMPORTANT.
Through these trials and tests you find out 2 things:... - You either find out a lot about yourself that you didn't know existed OR - You reconnect with your old self again
So I encourage anyone and everyone that no matter what happens, #LEARN. And be #THANKFUL it happened...
Blessings to all! X
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One of the most #INSPIRATIONAL stories I've heard, ever!:
If you think you've had it bad, try getting blasted 3 times by a SHOTGUN and live to tell the tale!
This video is 14 minutes long but man, 14 minutes that will leave you in awe! Trust me you'll feel amazed after watching it...
... CU
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Your fear of losing should not be greater than your excitement of winning!
#winnersfight #dontgiveintofear #awinnersvision


There is always room for improvement! Leave the ego behind and become a better version of yourself each day #improveyourself #striveforexcellence #betteryourself


One #great tip I've learnt this year...


Do you have it in you...?! #entrepreneursfly #businessminds #jump


EVERYBODY, This is Steven! This guy became a millionaire at ONLY 22 years of age! He's now 23 and his story is truly remarkable...
The BEST thing is he's actually shared with me his secret of how he became one of the youngest self-made millionaires in the business.
... And now I want to share it with you too! If you're curious just like I was to know, message me and I'll show you EXACTLY what he showed me!!!
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NEVER start a business just to "make money"... Start a business to make a DIFFERENCE A business that makes nothing but money is a POOR business. Business is a combination of WAR and SPORT...


I wouldn't have been able to witness such GLORIOUS views without my online business...
It's definitely given me the freedom to appreciate what the Good Lord has gifted us in this beautiful earth: Online businesses allow you to achieve your lifelong goals and dreams... When are you going to decide?
... TAKE ACTION NOW! (message me below)
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More about Luisa Santiago

Luisa Santiago is located at London, United Kingdom
+44 7432 133121