Mahamevnawa International Meditation Centre Uk

Monday: 06:00 - 22:00
Tuesday: 06:00 - 22:00
Wednesday: 06:00 - 22:00
Thursday: 06:00 - 22:00
Friday: 06:00 - 22:00
Saturday: 06:00 - 22:00
Sunday: 06:00 - 22:00

About Mahamevnawa International Meditation Centre Uk

All human beings living on this planet are desperately in search for anything that would bring them bliss and happiness. However, apart from experiencing temporary moments of happiness there is absolutely nothing that can bring them true salvation. Yet, the enchanting doctrine that would bring about true salvation was revealed to this world 2553 years ago. That is because of the emergence of the magnificent Buddha Kingdom of our beloved Gautama Buddha, the fourth Buddha of the Maha Badhra aeon. Ever since an uncountable number of vulnerable humans and gods have traversed this path and attained true salvation. Until this very moment in our existence the doctrine that unveils the brilliant light of our life remains well protected and exists in its purest form.

That wondrous path to true salvation is the Four Noble Truths. We are now at the end of that era where many in the world diverted the practice and realization of the Four Noble Truths to the past and to the future. About 12 years ago (14 August 1999) that precious doctrine was revealed again to the world thus unveiling the truth. This occurred with the establishment of the Mahamevnawa Monastery that was formed through the unblemished genuine intentions and courageous commitment of the Most Venerable Kiribathgoda Gnanananda Thero. Since then more than 40 branch monasteries have been established all over the world. The organization has delivered to this world an assembly of nearly 500 Bhikkhus who are impeccable in their virtue and who practice the doctrine while strictly adhering to moral principles and ethical codes of practice. Furthermore, it has formed an era for millions of faithful lay disciples to practice the doctrine and commit themselves to attaining the highest bliss of all. This is an era where the wondrous Buddha Kingdom has been unveiled to this world and where that вҖҳVoice of TruthвҖҷ which is noble, authentic, genuine and pure вҖҳthe Four Noble TruthsвҖҷ has begun to echo in the ears and minds of the wise thus bringing bliss and happiness to the minds of gods and humans. Now the opportunity has risen for you who is seeking refuge but deluded in the darkness of ignorance, to realize the true nature of life by unleashing your wisdom and by directing careful attention. The Mahamevnawa Monastery of the United Kingdom brings you the voice of that wondrous truth.

Direct your eyes towards realizing the truth without hindering it with concepts and opinions. Then you will realize the truth yourself. Through that you will be able to very accurately recognize the true Noble Triple Gem and realize eternal bliss. This must be done by one self. There is absolutely nothing to argue about within the Four Noble Truths. The only purpose of this doctrine is to unveil the truth. This doctrine will only be discerned by the wise. Not by associating the doctrine to the external world but by associating it to one's own self that one will be able to derive its results. Therefore the sole intention of the Most Venerable Kiribathgoda Gnanananda Thero and the resident Sangha of the Mahamevnawa Monastery is to teach you the authentic, original, beautiful and wonderful doctrine. It is towards this cause we exert our courageous and genuine commitment.

May you be fortunate to derive the benefits of the doctrine in Gautama Buddha's era itself!

Mahamevnawa International Meditation Centre Uk Description

All human beings living on this planet are desperately in search for anything that would bring them bliss and happiness. However, apart from experiencing temporary moments of happiness there is absolutely nothing that can bring them true salvation. Yet, the enchanting doctrine that would bring about true salvation was revealed to this world 2553 years ago. That is because of the emergence of the magnificent Buddha Kingdom of our beloved Gautama Buddha, the fourth Buddha of the Maha Badhra aeon. Ever since an uncountable number of vulnerable humans and gods have traversed this path and attained true salvation. Until this very moment in our existence the doctrine that unveils the brilliant light of our life remains well protected and exists in its purest form.

That wondrous path to true salvation is the Four Noble Truths. We are now at the end of that era where many in the world diverted the practice and realization of the Four Noble Truths to the past and to the future. About 12 years ago (14 August 1999) that precious doctrine was revealed again to the world thus unveiling the truth. This occurred with the establishment of the Mahamevnawa Monastery that was formed through the unblemished genuine intentions and courageous commitment of the Most Venerable Kiribathgoda Gnanananda Thero. Since then more than 40 branch monasteries have been established all over the world. The organization has delivered to this world an assembly of nearly 500 Bhikkhus who are impeccable in their virtue and who practice the doctrine while strictly adhering to moral principles and ethical codes of practice. Furthermore, it has formed an era for millions of faithful lay disciples to practice the doctrine and commit themselves to attaining the highest bliss of all. This is an era where the wondrous Buddha Kingdom has been unveiled to this world and where that вҖҳVoice of TruthвҖҷ which is noble, authentic, genuine and pure вҖҳthe Four Noble TruthsвҖҷ has begun to echo in the ears and minds of the wise thus bringing bliss and happiness to the minds of gods and humans. Now the opportunity has risen for you who is seeking refuge but deluded in the darkness of ignorance, to realize the true nature of life by unleashing your wisdom and by directing careful attention. The Mahamevnawa Monastery of the United Kingdom brings you the voice of that wondrous truth.

Direct your eyes towards realizing the truth without hindering it with concepts and opinions. Then you will realize the truth yourself. Through that you will be able to very accurately recognize the true Noble Triple Gem and realize eternal bliss. This must be done by one self. There is absolutely nothing to argue about within the Four Noble Truths. The only purpose of this doctrine is to unveil the truth. This doctrine will only be discerned by the wise. Not by associating the doctrine to the external world but by associating it to one's own self that one will be able to derive its results. Therefore the sole intention of the Most Venerable Kiribathgoda Gnanananda Thero and the resident Sangha of the Mahamevnawa Monastery is to teach you the authentic, original, beautiful and wonderful doctrine. It is towards this cause we exert our courageous and genuine commitment.

May you be fortunate to derive the benefits of the doctrine in Gautama Buddha's era itself!



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а·Җа·җඩි а·Җа·’а·ға·Ҡа¶ӯර >> hantha-vandanawa/
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very calm and peaceful environment, helps keep the peace of mind. Very knowledgeable dhamma teachers always helping us understand Buddhas word in depth


l was happy to find budda at the end of my road l only live a mile away from the centre l am so blessed the monks are so friendly and the meditation has changed my life be real get into buddhism les


One and only place where pure doctrine of our enlightened one can hear, learn and practice.


My wife and I came to the centre last week and the monk taught us loving-kindness meditation. He actually stopped his activities to spend two hours with us (wow!) and make sure we learned something valuable in our first visit. I am still new to meditation, but am benefiting greatly from it. We are definitely coming back today.


Mahamevna temple was amazing temple.vesak program was perfect.


It was very calm and quite place to do meditation, Wesak was beautiful пҝҪпҝҪ




A great place to visit! With beautiful Buddha rupas ( statues ) And friendly and helpful monks.thanks!


Path to attend nirvana. Meditation is the best way

More about Mahamevnawa International Meditation Centre Uk

Mahamevnawa International Meditation Centre Uk is located at Dhamma Land, Hardings Elms Road, Crays Hill, CM11 2UH Billericay, Essex
+44 1268 533 870
Monday: 06:00 - 22:00
Tuesday: 06:00 - 22:00
Wednesday: 06:00 - 22:00
Thursday: 06:00 - 22:00
Friday: 06:00 - 22:00
Saturday: 06:00 - 22:00
Sunday: 06:00 - 22:00