Marco Robinson - No.1 Bestselling Author, Award Winning Entrepreneur

About Marco Robinson - No.1 Bestselling Author, Award Winning Entrepreneur

Star & Creator of the new Channel 4 HIT TV show "Get a house for free"
https://youtu. be /ukpim8INIxg

Marco Robinson - No.1 Bestselling Author, Award Winning Entrepreneur Description

Marco Robinson is a #1 Bestselling Author, Award Winning Entrepreneur, Award Wining World Renowned Property Investor, Restaurateur and Philanthropist.
He is also the founder of the NAKED Group of Companies including the Naked Restaurant and Bar www. recently opened in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
He has also been honoured for his work recently and been given the title Dato Seri’ from Indonesia equivalent to a Knighthood in England.
He has also appeared on Bloomberg TV, The USA Herald, Readers Digest, the MAIL Online, Ogilvy DO Debates, The Daily Globe, FOX News, The, The Napoleon Hill Foundation, The Star Newspaper Group, The New Strait Times, TV3, TV2, Bernama TV, Capital TV, Astro, etc.
He has over 200, 000 followers on facebook; https://www.
After making it to the top of the Corporate World, by taking a Malaysian Public company from broke to 1 Billion Dollars in three years, he soon realised that the employee life was not for him. . .
After some Personal Intervention, he hired a Personal Mentor and started to create his own Empire in a bid to be different and make a difference. . . .
He has NEVER looked back. . . and has gone on from triumph to triumph.
He became a #1 Bestselling Author of the legendary book “Close the deal and Suddenly Grow Rich”
http://www. /proof001. pdf
He Has Built several Multi-Million Dollar companies from scratch such as the “Wealth Revolution Group”; “Create Demand Incentive Programs”; “The Rich List”; “NAKED Restaurants” to name a few. . . and has recently launched “First Property Invest” and Property Investment Superfund “Wealth Creation” with esteemed partner and lifelong friend, Simon Paul.
He personally owns over 100 properties and became a Multi-Millionaire property Investor and World Authority Speaker on Investing and speaks worldwide to hundreds and thousands of people. . .
He has sold over USD$ 50 Million worth of Investment Property to his customers through his Wealth Revolution Group & Property Champions, which has been the People’s Choice Best Real Estate Investment Company in Singapore 2014 /15.

He became an AWARD WINNING ENTREPRENEUR and a Philanthropist by creating his own Foundation; FEME (Female Entrepreneurs Made Easy).
Most importantly, he has created thousands of Jobs and Opportunities for the last 17 years, and is still doing so. He has changed thousands of lives in the process of doing this. . . .
Some say he has a very flamboyant lifestyle, which includes, doing all the things he loves which has included becoming a FILM ACTOR, DJ and MALE MODEL, however, his Lifestyle has inspired millions of others to start doing what they LOVE TO DO.
Marco is a featured actor in the movie “Tangerine Skies”, which starts filming on location in Hawaii January 2015. He will play a powerful supporting Actor’s role as Rocco Carrington. Carrington is the son of a world famous archaeologist who became an international business magnate after a successful career in boxing and as an ex F1 Driver. Executive Producer Merri Christi Pemberton named Marco as the film's Production Advisor due to the business development expertise that he shared with the film and financial contribution. His expertise and contribution helped the film achieve the financing necessary to make the movie.
The Tangerine Skies production team and cast include those who helped make major blockbusters like The Bourne Ultimatum, Syriana, and the upcoming film Heart of the Sea (directed by Ron Howard). Tangerine Skies is focused on an epic hunt for an ancient lost Artefact. Merri Christi credits Marco as someone who has, and continues to be, a great and inspiring motivator, supporter, and friend to her.
Information on the Movie” Tangerine Skies”;
http://www. html
In the last two years he has also transformed his body by relentlessly following a successful Blueprint laid out by his friend of 25 years, John Hodgson, UKBFF 3 Times British Champion, Top Ten Mr. Olympia, 202 Class.
During this transformation, one of his dreams was to model professionally and also to be a leading Actor, he has achieved both, and at 46 years of age has the body most men would die for. . .
Thousands of fans have asked him to create a program for them to follow so they can achieve the same body as him, and he is currently in the process of creating a powerful online program that will help people follow a much healthier lifestyle, generate more energy and inspire people that anything is possible and they can do a lot better. . .

Achievements & More Information on Marco Robinson;
www. www. marcorobinson. me www. www.
His Featured Article in the Star Newspaper; http://goo. gl /14f49
His Featured Article on Fox News;
http://smallbusiness. /2014 /03 /14 /make- sure-your-startup-gets-noticed /
His Number One Bestseller Proof from the Bookstores;
http://www. /proof001. pdf
His “Billion Dollar Man” Article in the New Straits Times
http://www. /BillionDollarMan. pdf
The Naked Millionaire Article by Focus Malaysia;
http://www. /-Naked-Millionaire- Cultivating-success-stories
Marco Robinson’s testimonial proof of World Record Sales Holder in his Corporate Career;
http://www. /world% 20record% 20holder% 20testimon y. pdf
Bloomberg Business Week Article; /video /2013 /11 /26 /2347 /strategi- bisnis-the-wealth-revolution-group
His Facebook Fan Page;
The Naked Restaurant Fan Page;

https://www. /NAKED-Restaurant- Bar /1413939882172211
The Wealth Revolution Group;
The FEME Foundation;
FEME Star Newspaper Feature;
His Dato Seri’ Honour; my /news /story. asp?file= /2013 /4 /1 /metrobiz /12895731& sec=m
It is my pleasure to inform that you have been pre-approved to receive the
honorary title of
Pangeran Temenggong Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin III
(S. P. T. M. ), which will carry the title
Dato' Serifrom Palembang Darussalam
Sultanate, Southern Sumatera, Indonesia.
Some Video Testimonials from Marco Robinson’s customers who invested
in his properties and property strategies;
https://drive. /d /0B07poF07buzST2Z1dzBkcGFwa1k /view?usp=sh aring
https://drive. /d /0B0Z- ECwswspKLUJ2QkpLYUFIUUk /view?usp=sharing https://drive. /d /0BzToVuQDEzxuM0ZVcWw3eDVhRXM /view?usp =sharing
https://drive. /d /0B0Z- ECwswspKeEFsN2p6MEJFYUU /view?usp=sharing https://drive. /d /0B0Z- ECwswspKUWJhMEthMGM0X0E /view?usp=sharing https://drive. /d /0B0Z- ECwswspKdkVQYVBSbEpkc0k /view?usp=sharing https://drive. /d /0B0Z- ECwswspKSk5MOHptOVY4Vzg /view?usp=sharing https://drive. /d /0B0Z- ECwswspKVmVoX0d5MjVUdmc /view?usp=sharing https://drive. /d /0B0Z- ECwswspKMG5EOExyZnByU3c /view?usp=sharing https://drive. /d /0BzToVuQDEzxuM05UNEViQ1VRZWs /view?usp=
https://drive. /d /0B0Z- ECwswspKM3BDeDFodUY5aWs /view?usp=sharing https://drive. /d /0B0Z- ECwswspKem11UG00OUhreG8 /view?usp=sharing

Testimonials for Marco Robinson for his work; (Personal Testimonials Follow)
This is not just a book you're getting, Marco Robinson's valuable years of experience, techniques and most importantly his mindset of success! If you're looking for ways to achieve breakthroughs in selling , this is the man who understands salesmanship and communication more than anyone else I've ever met, PERIOD!
Most books will just teach you the techniques of selling and leave you "empty" at the end of reading. . . but not so with this book. Not only will you uncover new strategies behind the concept of selling, you will also discover your hidden potential that will
lead you to greater business and personal wealth. "
Patric Chan - International Speaker, Author and World Renown Internet Marketer, www.
"Whether you’re a seasoned salesperson or you’re taking your first tentative steps into the dynamic world of selling, when you read this book, know that you’re in safe hands. There is something for everyone when you follow the process Marco Robinson outlines, your results will skyrocket. Marco is a consummate professional, a person of extraordinary ability and someone who is totally passionate about other people’s success. Read it and you will be well rewarded. ”
Paul Counsel, Ph. D, Author, Wealth Specialist & artist
www. au
I've known Marco Robinson since 2002 when I met him at a seminar. I picked him as my buddy out of over 1, 000 people. Why? To this day I'm not sure. I do know that my life has never been quite the same since. I've never met anyone who comes close to Marco when it comes to energy, personality and persuasive power.
In terms of his ability to influence, Marco is simply irresistible! I'm very proud to have been asked to recommend this book which I believe is destined to take the place amongst the sales classics. I couldn't put it down! The only complaint I have is that HE DIDN'T WRITE IT SOONER! "
Dr Bob Scott - Ph. D, Emergency Physician.
“A friend of mine from the media asked me the other day, off the record, how good Marco Robinson really is (in closing deals and helping others to do likewise). I told him without hesitation, “He really I that good. I’d put him up there with Ziglar, Mandino, Tracy, Girard and Bettger. I believe his books will become classics and mandatory reading for anyone who wants to excel in sales and closing deals”.
Immanuel Lim, Business Owner & Publisher



Introducing NAKED Tequila! We are now fully approved, trademarked and licensed to bottle and export all over the world! We are currently designing the bottles which will reflect the NAKED Branding and be noticed EVERYWHERE. Part of all profits to go to BIG LUV on our marketplace. AWESOME NEWS! #Tequila #Summer


The Removal of Red tape is one of the #Entrepreneur's Prime Goals, this objective once realized frees people from indentured servitude, it inspires the complete Emancipation of humans and creates opportunities for unlimited income streams and unlimited lives, as it should ALWAYS BE! #Hollywood


At age 40 I suffered from my second heart attack and knew I needed to make some lifestyle changes. I implemented a clean diet and workout regiment. Today, I am in the best shape of my life and have a modeling contract. I do not say this to impress you but rather inspire you and prove to you change is possible! Comment below a change you want to make in your life. I want to help you reach your goals! #Entrepreneur #Fitness #Goals


In Panama City Beach, #Florida with the founder of YOLO Board. Absolutely FANTASTIC day!


Damn right I've had thousands of bricks to my face! What did I do? Used the BRICKS TO BUILD an Empire! #Entrepreneur


With the Kevin Harrington the original SHARK from Shark Tank & the inventor of the infomercial talking about our partnership on BIG LUV!


New York the best city in the world! #newyork


The power of desperation and inspiration! I had a great time at the The C-Suite Network Investors Summit and speaking with Jeffrey Hayzlett! #Entrepreneur




BIG LUV is the first homeless charity on #blockchain! We recently built several houses in #Peru and took our first family off the street!
This was my dream after being homeless as a child! My goal now is to make homelessness obsolete! Join the movement here:


LIVE at my investors retreat in PHUKET!
Launching BIGLUV the world’s first homeless charity using Blockchain technology...a technology that guarantees 100% of your funds get to the people that super need so we can turn their life around.
Our first homeless family in Peru is now leading how to trade bitcoin!
... You don’t have to go to school to be clever. Anyone can learn how to be financially successful!
As donator you share in their profits!
See more at
#bigluv #charity #conditionalaltruism
See More


In #Phuket, with my kids, Saul and Paige about to start the 3rd NAKED Technologies Retreat with 100 of my investors! Bring it on! #Blockchain


In Phuket with my kids @saulryker72 and @paigeyrob about to start the 3rd NAKED TECHNOLOGIES Retreat with 100 of my investors!!!!
Bring it on!!!
#blockchain #bigluv #family


EUROPEAN website of the year for my cruelty-free cosmetics 4th Base #Cosmetics. Hard work developing an awesome product and an awesome brand which is now integrated into the NAKED group of companies! Join the movement and become part of our award-winning loyalty program that is backed by NAKED Technologies. My overnight success took me 25 years :)


My #vacation incentive vouchers are worth over USD $5,000 which include 4 holidays and 2-weekend workshops with me for FREE! Prices start at only USD $99. Boost your company and individual sales now! Existing clients include BMW, MERCEDES, CITIBANK, NIKON and many more!


My cruelty-free and award-winning cosmetics 4th Base Cosmetics will soon be available at Harrods, Boots UK, QVC, Chanel and duty-free on all major airlines. Become an affiliate & make up to 40% commission. We just sponsored the MTV music awards. Send me a message to learn more!


Hoping is wishing, wishing does not work in real life. Massive Action, tremendous courage in the face of any adversity & the use of One's intellect to develop a winning strategy are what you need to achieve the stuff of your dreams! Most people don't have the grow some and get on with it! #Entrepreneurship


What if you could LEARN to become a successful #entrepreneur from award-winning entrepreneurs? What if I could generate 9 new streams of income to help your new business? What if I could give you a NAKED Technologies reward system powered by blockchain technology, so you could even give free vacations to your customers to reward them buying from you? WHAT IF I COULD FUND YOUR GROWTH? What if you could find another Entrepreneur and If you find them and you get shares in their business? What if you had an UBER in your network you had a share of? These are just a few of the benefits of joining THE NEW RICH LIST? Email: today!


awesome individual who really changes lives!


You are a very lucky person. And i believe at start it was so hard for you. But God loves you and make you this happy i believe this is because he see how good your heart is. Congratulation Marco Robinson..i wish too , to be lucky one day , maybe lucky as you. Or less lucky but lucky. I appreciate you and your hard work. It's true, if you really wish something it would happen one day for sure and don't lose hope , have faith i believe this is it. �


Thanks for coming to SABAH. Please come often and support our Sabah people. We need a Mentor to guide us to Financial Freedom. Full Respect to you Sir! Hope to see you again. ���




Strangely very.......


Marco King !


Love this guy, what an amazing thing to have done �


It's been an amazing journey!

Thank you Marco for the knowledge, experience and motivation that you have given us.

Financial Freedom is not difficult if we all know you ;)


I happen to stumble on Marco Robinson 's web page by chance.On a .personal note ,when a man from zero is now a hero,from rags to riches...from no education to somebody ,.....he is someone I will believe and he comes across as a genuine man...

I don't think he would scam anyone knowing the pain and hardship he has gone through..True and genuine people who need a break in life need a Marco in our lives.and in my life too..I found my mentor...

I need such a miracle right now at 58.I'm in dire straits.Lost my job at 58 ...never expected it..and its hard to get a job .I'm now financially liquid cash but I have assets.I cant eat with assets!!

....So I know what its like not having and hoping something good will come..When you hit rock bottom.and there seem to be a no where wish for a miracle. I need that miracle....If Marco can do it ,then I believe despite the odds ,even it means in the brink of death ,I must never give up believing that I can raise again believing that G-d will not abandon me....I now know a basic glimpse of what its like to have no money at all and believing that im gonna get to my destination....No more bosses ,no more screaming hyenas ..." I want financial freedom ".


Ever since ,I read Marco's story ,he gave me hope..He is my Blue print....Right now ,I' the bottom but I'm a fighter ..58 they say is " old ".So I have to be in business but I'm.broke...and at times hungry and scared...But somehow somebody will bring food or give me money .I'm now going through a remolding process and I have always had a lot of money but I wasn't prudent ,not knowing what is poverty...or such experiences...I believe ,if Im being entrusted with millions then I must learn how to value even 10cents...and only then I can become what I am born to do...." Help others and change lives "...

I'm optimistic and calm that something good will come .to good people..I believe in G-d.and his words....That gives me strength .The hardest part living comfortably and suddenly a carpet was pulled out and you drop in a pit of water....I just need a rope ...The hardest lesson to learn is to go right at the bottom.and come up a better person.

And that is what happened to Marco Robinson .and I want to be a millionaire too...Ahh not to live the fast lane of party and luxury but to do something good with my fortunes..and that is the naked truth...Amein.




Amazing man he is bless him,his mum brought him up right,kind thoughtful and a true gentleman X


All things are possible if you believe, l think you have activated your faith and it's working for you. Hard work brings great results Excellent this world's need more people like you Marco.👏👏👏👏. Well done l congratulate your mum.


All I can say is that good people do exist, what a true gent you are.x


A truly amazing person, an example for many of us to follow! A lot of respect and appreciation for you.




Я знаю такую семью. Хорошие люди и катастрофически бедные. 2 детей. Так помогите кто-нибудь.


Waste of time I emailed so many times and tried phoning but no luck. I'm in a temporary accommodation and it's messed up cuz of people smoking weed n i have young kids as well I travel to school 6 miles on the bus and it costs £160 for one month daysaver. I wish the council would give a council house. We r bidding but still no luck with a council house :'(


Very disappointed in someone who I believed in. I asked for help and was led to believe my request was being considered (message received to say that I would receive a response the following week). Despite several requests for an answer, even just to say that he was not interested in helping me, I have to date received no reply.

I did not ask for something for nothing, just help to buy a house in a shared ownership manner, with Mr Robinson receiving interest on his share (maybe the standard shared ownership interest of 2.75% was not high enough return for him).

As a disabled homeowner, I live in a house which no longer meets my needs but cannot afford to move in the normal manner. We have a very low outstanding mortgage and cannot afford to increase our borrowing as I no longer work. My local council has suggested I make myself homeless and lose the equity accrued.

I wish I hadn't wasted my time asking Mr Robinson for his help as feel that this has been a big joke to him (and/or his admin staff), at the expense of my disability as regrettably I was very open about my symptoms and needs.

N.B. I say 'and/or his admin staff' as response on my comment on one of his posts stated Admin in the reply. Response to my message, sent following request by Admin, was not purported to be from either Mr Robinson or Admin.



Stay off my news feed with your scams! Absolutely sick to death of seeing all these get rich quick schemes, does anyone actually fall for this crap??

More about Marco Robinson - No.1 Bestselling Author, Award Winning Entrepreneur

Marco Robinson - No.1 Bestselling Author, Award Winning Entrepreneur is located at Hanover Square, 50480 London, United Kingdom