Meconopsis Media

About Meconopsis Media

Meconopsis Media Ltd "On time. On budget. On trend. "




You need online video for your organsation Already a whole generation reach for YouTube first for their tutorials, news, funnies, gaming, giving the site more than one billion unique visitors each month, Alexa puts it consistently in the top three and seventy per cent of users watch online video at least once a week. Video gives you access, video done well gives you good access. Done very well, or manage to hit the zeitgeist in some way, and you have a viral hit on your hands.... By 2017 video will account for 69% of all online traffic according to Cisco and all forms of video combined (TV, video on demand, Internet, P2P) will rise to 90% of internet traffic by 2018. That’s a staggering percentage. As Cisco’s report says, “Every second, nearly a million minutes of video content will cross the network by 2018”. It’s no surprise, therefore, as marketing expert Ted Karczewski says, “brands are funneling resources toward social media marketing, mobile and video marketing.” and Guardian tech journalist, Chris Trimble says, “Leafing through a swathe of statistics on the subject, I'm hard pressed to find any indicator that doesn't suggest rapid growth.” By 2018 mobile and wireless will take over from wired devices according to Cisco and already 200 million videos are streamed on mobile devices every day. With mobile access everything becomes so much more lightweight. Already a younger generation turn to video for any explanation. Video could be built in to any kind of explanation anywhere – how to build that flat-pack furniture, how to navigate your website, how to get the best out of your product. Video is key to search engine optimisation, google ranks sites and pages with video higher than without. Facebook posts with images and video do very many times better than those that are text alone. Video makes your site ‘sticky’, known in the business as ‘dwell time’. Visitors spend a longer time on your site, they understand more in a medium they are familiar with, engage more with your brand, with your message. Likely your rivals are already using video. You really can’t afford to be left behind.
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