Met Logistics

About Met Logistics

Chauffeur, freight ground transportation and onboard air courier service. MET Logistics offers the complete solution. . .



We have been informed by uship that the fraudulent user with the same name as ourselves has been suspended from their site. Again, we urge anyone who has been a victim of this individual to contact the police if appropriate. It is a shame that some people can't just try and make an honest living instead of engaging in criminal activity to make a few pounds and potentially damage the reputation of another company.


We are a Glasgow based company and have nothing whatsoever to do with a company recently registered on uship and operating in the Poole area with the same name. If you are having issues with them, we urge you to contact uship and the police if appropriate.

More about Met Logistics

Met Logistics is located at 34A Watt Road, G52 4RY Glasgow, United Kingdom