Miglena Trangos Coaching

About Miglena Trangos Coaching

I help women who feel stuck in different circumstances of life to get inspired and empowered to pursue their dreams and progress to the next level.

Miglena Trangos Coaching Description

As a personal Development Life Coach, my goal and passion is to help you get clarity and direction for your life, and to empower you to pursue your dreams and reach your goals.
I intend to use this page to share with you everything that inspires me, motivates me and helps me to create the positive and overcoming mindset that keeps me moving forward, no matter what life brings to us. I hope that my posts will inspire you, as well!



A lesson on happiness from a 92-year-old lady.


On this last day of 2018, I want to take the opportunity to thank you all for being part of my journey.
Taking time to reflect on 2018, I can say that it has been a year of learning, growing and preparing for the next stage of my life. It has brought me many joyful moments shared with my friends and family and some really sad moments and big disappointments, as well.
I have learnt a lot of lessons and most of all, I've learnt patience. Waiting for things to happen was a big... part of my journey this year. After you have worked hard and have put a lot of effort in accomplishing your goals, waiting to see the results is the toughest thing. Long waiting can bring you discouragement and demotivation and if you are not careful enough, it can make you even abandon your dreams.
Although it is not comfortable, the season when things you hoped for are not happening; when you face a lot of obstacles, close doors and you feel hidden, unappreciated, overlooked, is important for deepening and strengthening us, for polishing our skills, for preparing us for the next level of elevation.
The waiting period is a testing period - testing our attitude, our faith, our vision, our character. When you have to do the same routine work day after day, keep doing it into the highest standard. When you haven't been treated well or things didn't work according to your plan, keep your attitude right. Keep doing the right things and keep smiling.
You have been like a tree in winter time looking bare and unattractive, but underneath gathering saps for the next season of blossoming.
Don't let the obstacles, the closed doors and the waiting to discourage you. Set time away to keep working on your vision. Keep it alive. Polish your skills and get ready for the season of elevation.
You have been hidden like a diamond polished and kept for special occasions. Get ready to shine in this next season.
Let 2019 be a year of breaking personal life records and accomplishing great things.
May God bless you all.
Photo credit: Innovation Photography
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January is a good time to start something that has been on your mind for a long time.
Don't wait for the perfect moment. Don't let another month to go, another year to pass. Just take a decision to start now!
... I am so excited that I'll be starting my Ms in Applied Positive Psychology in January, something that I wanted to do a long time ago...
What are you planning to start this coming year?
#newstart #now #settinggoals #lifecoachforwomen #personaldevelopment
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May the beautiful lights of Christmas remind us of Him who is the source of all light, joy, love and happiness.
I wish you all a very Merry Christmas! May God bless you!


Your first hour in the morning is the most important hour of your day.
How you start your day impacts the rest of the day.
The pressure from the busy life and daily challenges is enough to leave us stressed, exhausted and unproductive.
... The first hour of the day is the time when you gather your strength, you focus your mind and put your priorities into perspective.
In the quietness of the early morning you can focus your mind on the right things. You can pray; meditate on some Bible passages; write in your journal; work on your dreams and vision and create a plan for your next steps.
Make sure that you always give yourself enough time in the morning to prepare your mind, soul and body for the day ahead.
This will make you to stand out and become an extraordinary person.
#morningroutine #getinspiration #empowerment #prayer #lifecoachingforwomen #personaldevelopment
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A woman who lives from her heart is beautiful inside and out.
The way she things, the way she talks about something she loves and her ability to makes others smile even when she is going through a storm inside- all of it makes her adorable.
She knows her value and she lives a life of purpose to heal and change the world around her.
... Her greatest success is overcoming the hurt, so she could face bravely tomorrow in spite of the heartbreak of today.
She may not do great things, but she does small things with great love and that makes her admirable.
#beautifulwomen #lifecoachingforwomen #purposefulliving #motivation #healing
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For those who have been through a lot of pain and have been under great pressure for a long time, I just want to say that you are stronger than you think you are.
You have a beautiful gift of courage, because you didn't give up and you have endured.
Know that you are admirable person and what you've been through makes you the person you are today.
... #lifecoachingforwomen #motivation #counselling #overcomingpain #resilience #beautifulyou
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One of my favorite images. It has such a deep symbolism.


You will never change your life unless you start with something small in your daily routine. ~ It might be getting up 15 min. earlier than usual, so that you have more time in the morning to get ready for the day. ~ It could be reducing the amount of coffee and drinking more water instead. ~ Or, perhaps you could decide to walk 30 min. to your work place instead of getting there by car. ~ Whatever you decide to change in your routine, the key is to do it daily and be persiste...nt. The small changes we make could lead to great results in time. ~ What is it that you could change in your routine that will bring a positive result in your life? #dailyroutine #positivechange #lifecoachingforwomen #personaldevelopment
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For those who are missing someone dear this Christmas, let this song brings you comfort and peace.


Have you watched the movie "Passengers" with Chris Pratt and Jennifer Lawrence?
It is an inspiring allegory of the journey from where we are to where we want to be.
We are all passengers on a ship called life flying toward our dream land. We all have dreams and aspiration. Very often we feel unfulfilled and dissatisfied with our current situation and just wish to get on " a flight ship" to our dream land.
... But during the journey unexpected things happen and we might get stuck in an insurmountable circumstances where all our hopes for getting to our dream land might die.
The question is what do we do when our plans are obstructed?
Once we start the journey to where we want to be, we'll definitely face setbacks, losses, failures, disappointments. What's important is how we manage to deal with these all? Do we easily give up and get discouraged or we persevere, look for options and try to find ways to get through?How long can we endure, especially if we are on our own?...
It is important to remember that the journey itself is more important than the final destination and while being on the journey we are being transformed into the person we are supposed to be.
During the journey we might lose everything and it might look that we'd never be able to get to our dream land, but what's important is that in the process we learn, we grow and we develop.
If we are able to learn to make the most of every situation, to focus on the positive, to appreciate what we have and to cherish the people close to us, we might be able to create a beautiful life just where we are and leave a legacy for the next generation.
Inspired by the movie "Passengers"
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What are you thankful for today?
I am thankful for God's love and mercy in my life; ❤️for my family; for my home and especially for my cosy bed to snug and feel warm when outside is -3. 😴
... I am thankful for the sunshine, the fresh air and for every moment when I can walk and admire the beauty of nature...
I am thankful for the opportunity to have some amazing people as my friends and for each moment spent with them...
I am thankful not only for the happy moments, but for the tough ones as well, because they have build in me resilience, dept, patience, insight and wisdom...
What are you thankful for?
#thanksgivingday #gratitude #godisgood #family #friends #home #sunshine🌞 #cosybed #feelingcontent
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What is success?
"To laugh often and much; To win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children; To earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends; To appreciate beauty, to find the best in others; To leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch, or a redeemed social condition; To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded."
Ralph Emerson


Check out my new blog post.


Not all are meant to be in the spot light, some are meant to be the motivators and empowerment for those who do.


#work-life balance #personal development #lightthespark #recreation

More about Miglena Trangos Coaching

Miglena Trangos Coaching is located at CM17 9HF Harlow, Essex