
About Mind

We're Mind, the mental health charity. Visit our website at http://www. mind.org. uk Follow us on Twitter at http://twitter.com/mindcharity



When James experienced psychosis, it was the scariest period of his life. But with the right support and medication, he's now living a happier life. Read his story 👇👇


You might have heard a lot about mindfulness, but what does being mindful actually mean? Many people find that using mindfulness helps manage their day-to-day wellbeing.
Have a read of our top tips, and head over to our mindfulness page for more information.


Four years ago at his birthday meal, Dan thought he was dying. He later discovered that what he experienced was a panic attack, and began his battle against anxiety. Running played a large part in his recovery, so it made sense to him to sign up for ultra-marathons to raise money for Mind. Read more about his story.


If there's one man we can trust talking about nature, it's Sir David Attenborough. Last week he spoke to us about nature and mental health as he launched the Big Butterfly Count. Check the comments for the full video, and read our information on mental health and nature here 👉 👉 mind.org.uk/nature


Today we’re launching a game changing new partnership with the EFL – joining forces to use the power of football to improve the nation’s mental health. Keep an eye out for the squiggle from our logo on the back of every EFL shirt this season. #OnYourSide >> http://bit.ly/2mG9kuG


Today we’re launching our second annual Big Mental Health Survey.
If you've had advice from a practice nurse, treatment through your GP or support from a charity, we want to hear from you. Whether you’ve had a good or bad experience, fill in our survey and have your say 👉👉 http://bit.ly/2JQlb2s


After 18 years as a full time carer, Christine found that not only did she have to handle the grief of losing her loved ones, she also had to deal with losing her house, depression, and panic attacks.
Read her blog about how a local Mind helped her through everything.


One in three of us with mental health problems don’t feel able to discuss both our mental and physical health in the same appointment. Paul is fortunate to have a good relationship with his GP and together they worked out a plan to treat his mental health and physical health as a whole. Read his story 👇👇


For most of us, our local GP practice is the first place we’ll go when we’re unwell. It’s there to help us with our mental health as well as our physical health. Paul knows first-hand how treating your mental and physical health as one can help. Watch the full film to see what a difference this can make, and use our guide to make the most of your GP appointment > mind.org.uk/findthewords


When Rabia was feeling lonely and isolated, she turned to a group of friends and set up a peer support group. Last year, her group went on to win an award at the annual Peerfest celebration.
Hear first-hand what peer support is all about, and find out how you can nominate a group for this year's event 👇👇
https://www.mind.org.uk/…/your-stories/ peer-support-that-e…/


Running helped Helen when she was at her lowest. Now she's running the Cardiff Half Marathon in memory of her cousin Terry, on what would've been his birthday. This is her story. ⬇️


After experiencing domestic abuse, an invitation to set a new world record cycling up Mount Kilimanjaro changed everything for Naomi. 🚲
Getting active on her bike now helps to manage her depression, and has allowed her to raise money for Mind in the process. Read her story 👇👇


"Now, for the first time in four years of hiding, I feel so safe. I know that I CAN get the bus, I CAN go to the cinema, I CAN see friends, bands, go camping and do everything that makes me ME." - Ellie
Agoraphobia is a type of anxiety disorder where someone can fear and avoid places or situations that might cause them to panic or feel trapped. Ellie blogs about overcoming her agoraphobia and reclaimed her life.


The review of the Mental Health Act, which sets out when people can be detained and treated for their mental health in hospital against their wishes, is one of the biggest issues in mental health right now.
We've invited Professor Sir Simon Wessely, the Chair of the Review, to answer your questions in a live Q&A.


Don't miss out, tune in at 12:30 to hear the Chair of the Mental Health Act Review, Professor Simon Wessley, answer your questions.


It's common to feel worried or unsure about what to expect from therapy or counselling, but we're here to help. Here are just a few of the top tips from our new talking therapy information.


Today the the Mental Health Units (Use of Force) Bill has moved closer to becoming law after passing a crucial debate in the House of Commons. We're now a huge step closer to reducing dangerous restraint and other types of force in mental health hospitals. #SenisLaw
We're delighted, and want to say thanks to all the organisations involved in this campaign, as well as the 1000+ Mind campaigners who contacted their MP to attend. 👏👏👏


When he experienced a mental health crisis, Simon turned to the NHS for help. Now in recovery, he blogs about his experience accessing NHS services, and how the understanding staff he encountered made a difference. #NHS70


Ahead of Pride in London this weekend, here's Simon's blog about coming out to his therapist as LGBTQ+ 🏳️‍🌈


When Aza is struggling with OCD in John Green’s book ‘Turtles All The Way Down’, her mum gives her some inspiring advice when she says: #YourNowIsNotYourForever.
To celebrate the book and show support for everyone like Aza, @penguinbooks are donating £1 up to £10K for every share of their post. Share Penguin’s post to donate.


Very helpful and informative. I am the Founder of HG1 Wellbeing Clinic in Harrogate, North Yorkshire. When doing presentations I highly recommend that people visit your site for more information on mental health issues and the support that is available to them.


Stayed at the Mind mental health retreat in Norwich, fantastic staff, accommodation, and gardens. Groups you can go to, and space for healing. Also love the charity shops around Norwich! Love this charity! �


I phoned Mind (Brighton and surrounding). The lady on the phone was really lovely and I had help which is ongoing, my advocate is awesome and so is my mentor! So, I feel that the five stars aren't enough, neither is 10 ���


I have recently come across your website and can't say enough just how great it is. The practical tips are really helpful and give me the confidence I need to manage my mental illness. Thank you for your help. Your work is appreciated.


I have nothing but total respect for this charity. Having suffered mental health problems my entire adult life, I finally had the breakdown in August. The hub at Midhurst literally put me back together and spent as much time with me as I needed. One to ones worked for me and I was helped by the wonderful Toni who helped me to find my way through until we found something that worked. Would give 10 out of 5 if I could


I felt very safe at Mind. The team that work at Mind are very helpful +carering. These people REALLY want to too help u on your difficult + stressful journey + really are a great comfort too be around. Mind for me has been a life saver + u can go bk again after your classes are coming too there end. Many thanks too MIND:)


Fantastic experience at the London Marathon mile 25, added loads of positive experiences to my happiness jar, very well done to everyone who won their medal and took part, you’re AH MAZE ING, that’s what it’s all about coming together as one! Mind is a fabulous charity and one that has helped me with my anxiety, going into London in crowds is scary for me but I felt safe with the mind crew �


A dear relative was experiencing extreme difficulties with housing because her mental illness was not being taken into account or addressed. She had shut herself away. Some panicky calls to the Mind Helpline and Legal Team started us on a course of action which kick-started the legal process to getting the support and advice we needed to get her the help and action she needed. Not 'out of the woods' yet but safe in her housing and now more engaged with services which are supportive. I can recommend the Mind Helpline and Legal Team who are calm and knowledgeable,giving accurate, up to date advice. Thank you for being there for us.


Yeah, wonderful to be able to tune in live and hear the questions I was interested in. Especially, about equality because it obviously is not working the NHS Race Relations standards otherwise would not have BAME discrimination rife in the Mental Health service.

When you 70 years a whole generation and still BAME being discriminated. The Equality Act 2010 is crucial to incorporate this into mental health otherwise we will see more death in policing and we also need Seni's Law now to prevent others suffering when 11 police officers restrained him. I think Simon was quite complacent and did not have an urgency about this matter; there has been more than enough time WE DEMAND ACTION NOW!!


We are raising money for MIND this week during our performances of Avenue Q at the Stoke Rep Theatre, we contacted the North Staffs branch to let them know but have had no response � we find this with many charities and it's very frustrating. We will still donate but some acknowledgement​ would be great!


You know people phone up for help and they get turned away because the dont meet a criteria, that is discusting. You make it worse by doing this to people who have tried to seek help. Whats the point in trying when you just turn people away. Its no wonder there are many people with problems because no one can be botherd to help. Discusting!! And to phone back when i think im ready?? Why u think i phoned in the first place. Will defo not waste my time trying to ask for help again. Well done, thanks a bunch �


Well my experience with mind was a load of crap. I still hate my life, wish I was dead. I tried to get help for myself, but the people of Bromley Mind. Just made me feel worse, as they said nothing wrong, and that I shouldn't think like I do. Well I think like I do, because my life has been crap. I learned that no gives a toss, and that I will have to put up with this punishment of a life until my kids are of age. Then I can end my miserable existence....


This charity constantly advertises for staff for vacancies that do not exist. Surely this is illegal. Four times in the last 10 month’s they have been advertising for staff for their non existent shop in Filey. I wish I could give them zero rating.


I worked at North East Wales Mind from June 2014-July 2017 and was used, taken advantage of, lied to and expected to work like a slave while the rest of the staff did as little as possible. The Chief Officer took over 6 months off work, came back on a phased return then proceeded to give herself a pay rise!!! which I might add was agreed to by the board of trustees. I was told to 'get rid of people' on a regular basis and to tell people that certain members of staff were unavailable. This Mind is funded by Flintshire County Council who are looking into saving money because of austerity - what a laugh! Cut their budget first and give their jobs to people who actually care for clients. Volunteers were treated abysmally and left regularly - this was reported to the Manager of Flintshire Council who could not even be bothered to follow it up. Mind mental health???? It would be funny if it wasn't wrecking people's lives. Paul Farmer did not even have the decency to return an e-mail to me......shame shame shame.


I tried to donate some clothes to the Mind Shop in Addiscombe Croydon on the 26/6/18 and was told by an aging Jobs worth that Mind was not accepting donations at this time, needless to say I have removed you from my donations list, poor way to run a charity shop. The Salvation Army shop was happy to accept.


I phoned them in despair when I was suicidal and lines were busy all day. So I emailed for help and got a response telling me 'it sounds like you need to book an urgent appointment with your GP. We will reply to this email in 7 working days'. Appalling.


I have spoken to many other people who agree with me that North East Wales Mind, Mind Cymru and National Mind are corporate money-grabbers who only care for themselves and their own reputation. And in league with the DWP! shame on you all. One thing I learnt during my 3 years of abuse working at North East Wales Mind, was how NOT to run a mental health agency. You see I believe, people should come first, not over-promoted incompetent lazy individuals who are given a BED in their office!


I always been the regular customer at your charity shop. This morning, I Just went in to one of your shop at Doncaster branch. Overheard one of your staff talked about the racist comments about someone. Very disappointed and I just put all my shopping down and will never return to that shop ever again.


Gwyllym Oliver

22 mins ·

Newport Mind is a mental health charity. We believe no one should have to face a mental health problem alone. We’re here for you. Today. Now. But if you go the them for help thay tell you thay you can't see anyone without a apoiment ya that I can't make good fucking job cunts


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Danny Gough

Danny Gough Banter


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· Reply · 9m

Gwyllym Oliver

Gwyllym Oliver The first bit of my post is from there home page what a load of shit


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· Reply · 5m · Edited

Danny Gough

Danny Gough Yeah like every other help servuce


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· Reply · 4m

Gwyllym Oliver

Gwyllym Oliver it sude be mind if u need help get fucked

More about Mind

Mind is located at 15-19 Broadway, E15 4BQ London, United Kingdom
0300 123 3393