Morio Hair&Beauty Studio

Monday: -
Tuesday: 10:00 - 19:00
Wednesday: 10:00 - 19:00
Thursday: 10:00 - 20:00
Friday: 10:00 - 19:00
Saturday: 10:00 - 19:00
Sunday: 11:00 - 18:00

About Morio Hair&Beauty Studio

159 Ballards Lane, Finchley London N3 1LJпјӢ44(0)2083433861



we starting new services that Digital Perm&new treatment from March! please try to visiting our salon and getting great rusult.Also we have great treatment offer,so please try asking our team.we're looking forward to seeing you soon!
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Dear valued custmor
Thank you for the support and custom you have showed Morio over the past three years
in October 2015,we hit our three-years anniversary!this would not have been possible with our your support and loyalty to Morio.
... Consequently,we have now taken the initiative to review and improve every aspect of our services. From products and equipments used,to improving all of our cutting and perming techniques to ensure you,our customer,receives best services.
To ensure the improved service,we will be reviewing our prices as well,and this will result in price changes to some of our services.this will be effective from 1st March 2016,
We would like to thank you in advanced and looks forward to welcoming you to our salon.
On behalf of Morio
Shingo Director
зҡҶж§ҳгҒ®жҡ–гҒӢгҒ„гӮөгғқгғјгғҲгҒ®гҒҠйҷ°гҒ §пј’пјҗпј‘пј•е№ҙгҒ®пј‘пјҗжңҲгҒ§пј“е‘Ёе№ҙ гӮ’иҝҺгҒҲгӮӢдәӢгҒҢеҮәжқҘгҒҫгҒ—гҒҹгҖӮиӘ г Ғ«гҒӮгӮҠгҒҢгҒЁгҒҶгҒ”гҒ–гҒ„гҒҫгҒҷгҖӮ
пј’пјҗпј‘пј–е№ҙгҒ®пј“жңҲпј‘ж—ҘгӮҲгӮҠеҪ“еә —дёҖйғЁгҒ®ж–ҷйҮ‘гҒҢеӨүжӣҙгҒ«гҒӘгӮҠгҒҫгҒҷ гҖӮ еӨүжӣҙеҫҢи©ігҒ—гҒ„еҶ…е®№гҒ«гҒӨгҒҚгҒҫгҒ—гҒ ҰгҒҜеҪ“еә—гҒҠе•ҸгҒ„еҗҲгӮҸгҒӣдёӢгҒ•гҒ„гҒҫ гҒӣгҖӮ
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Happy New Year!!! We are back to normally our business hours! We hope to seeing you again soon!!
ж–°е№ҙгҒӮгҒ‘гҒҫгҒ—гҒҰгҒҠгӮҒгҒ§гҒЁгҒҶгҒ”гҒ –гҒ„гҒҫгҒҷгҖӮ... ж—§е№ҙдёӯгҒҜеӨ§еӨүгҒҠдё–и©ұгҒ«гҒӘгӮҠгҒҫгҒ —гҒҹгҖӮ жң¬е№ҙгӮӮгӮ№гӮҝгғғгғ•дёҖеҗҢгҖҒзҡҶж§ҳгҒ«ж„ ӣгҒ•гӮҢгҒҰ зҙ ж•өгҒӘгғҳгӮўгӮ’гҒ”жҸҗжЎҲеҮәжқҘгӮӢж§ҳгҒ «еҠӘеҠӣгҒ—гҒҰеҸӮгӮҠгҒҫгҒҷгҒ®гҒ§ дҪ•еҚ’е®ңгҒ—гҒҸгҒҠйЎҳгҒ„з”ігҒ—дёҠгҒ’гҒҫгҒ ҷгҖӮ
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Please check our business day on Christmas and New Year.
We are closing our shop under the below day.
24,25 26 December/ALL CLOSE... 1,2 January/All CLOSE
We are back as normal 27th December 2015 New year we are back as normal 3rd January 2016 We wish you having great Holiday Season.
е№ізҙ гӮҲгӮҠMori Hair&Beauty StudioгӮ’гҒ”еҲ©з”Ёй ӮгҒҚгҒҫгҒ—гҒҰ иӘ гҒ«гҒӮгӮҠгҒҢгҒЁгҒҶгҒ”гҒ–гҒ„гҒҫгҒҷгҖӮ гӮҜгғӘгӮ№гғһгӮ№&ж–°е№ҙгҒ®е–¶жҘӯж—ҘгҒҜ д»ҘдёӢгҒ®йҖҡгӮҠгҒ«гҒӘгҒЈгҒҰгҒҠгӮҠгҒҫгҒҷг ҖӮ
пј‘пј’жңҲпј’пј”гҖҒпј’пј•гҖҒпј’пј–гҖҖгҒҠдј ‘гҒҝ пј‘пј’жңҲпј’пј—ж—ҘгҖҖе–¶жҘӯй–Ӣе§Ӣ пј‘жңҲпј‘ж—ҘгҖҒпј’ж—ҘгҖҖгҒҠдј‘гҒҝ
гҒ”иҝ·жғ‘гӮ’гҒҠгҒӢгҒ‘гҒ—гҒҫгҒҷгҒҢдҪ•еҚ’е® ңгҒ—гҒҸгҒҠйЎҳгҒ„иҮҙгҒ—гҒҫгҒҷгҖӮ зҡҶж§ҳгҒ«гҒЁгҒЈгҒҰзҙ ж•өгҒӘгӮҜгғӘгӮ№гғһгӮ №гҒ«гҒӘгӮҠгҒҫгҒҷж§ҳ гӮ№гӮҝгғғгғ•дёҖеҗҢгҒҠзҘҲгӮҠз”ігҒ—дёҠгҒ’гҒ ҫгҒҷгҖӮ
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We are never stop learning!! We had great time with Davines education team on last monday. please try to come our salon A NEW COLOUR! it's ammonia-free colour and 100% covering grey! please asking more detail for our staff when you visiting next time!... Thank you very much Jeff and Natasha!See you next time!
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We were enjoyed Halloween time last month! Thank you for fantastic make up our friends Julia Wilson!


Morio Japan team enjoyed visiting Morio London Shop and salon international 2015,Altenative Hair Show as well. We did exchange our skills what's popular style between London and Japan.Thank you for presentation!See you next year!
е…ҲйҖұжң«гҖҒж—Ҙжң¬гҒ®MorioгӮөгғӯгғігҒ®е№ҙ й–“е„Әз§ҖиҖ…гҒ®ж–№гҖ…гҒҢгғӯгғігғүгғіз ”д ҝ® ... гҒ«жқҘгҒҰгҖҒгӮөгғӯгғігӮӨгғігӮҝгғјгғҠгӮ·гғ §гғҠгғ«гӮ„гӮӘгғ«гӮҝгғҠгғҶгӮЈгғ–гғҳгӮўгғј гӮ·гғ§гӮҰгӮ’гҒҝгҒҹгӮҠгҒЁзӣӣгӮҠгҒ гҒҸгҒ•г Ӯ“гҒ®еҶ…е®№гҒ§гҒ•гӮүгҒ«ж„ҹжҖ§гҒ«зЈЁгҒҚгӮ ’гҒӢгҒ‘гҒҰ её°еӣҪгҒ•гӮҢгҒҫгҒ—гҒҹгҖӮгҖӮгӮӮгҒЎгӮҚгӮ“гғ ӯгғігғүгғігҒ®гӮөгғӯгғігҒ«гӮӮжқҘгҒҰгҖҒзҸҫ еңЁгҒ®ж—Ҙжң¬гҒ®гғҲгғ¬гғігғүгҖҒгғӯгғігғүг ғіжҠҖиЎ“зӯүгҒ® жғ…е ұдәӨжҸӣзӯүгӮӮиЎҢгҒ„гҒҫгҒ—гҒҹгҖӮ гҒҫгҒҹжқҘе№ҙгҒҠдјҡгҒ„еҮәжқҘгӮӢгҒ®гӮ’жҘҪгҒ —гҒҝгҒ«гҒ—гҒҰгҒ„гҒҫгҒҷгҖӮ
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we're very happy to got such an amazing opportunity did Head Spa demonstration on last weekends at salon international 2015. Thank you very much Takara Belmont UK!
е…ҲйҖұжң«гҒ®гӮөгғӯгғігӮӨгғігӮҝгғјгғҠгӮ·гғ §гғҠгғ«гҒ§з§Ғе…ұгҒ®гӮ№гӮҝгғғгғ•гҒҢ гғҳгғғгғүгӮ№гғ‘гҒ®гғҮгғўгғігӮ№гғҲгғ¬гғјгӮ ·гғ§гғігӮ’гӮ„гӮүгҒӣгҒҰй ӮгҒҚгҒҫгҒ—гҒҹгҖӮ ... гҒ“гҒ®гӮҲгҒҶгҒӘгғҒгғЈгғігӮ№гӮ’й ӮгҒ‘гҒҹгӮ ҝгӮ«гғ©гғҷгғ«гғўгғігғҲUKж§ҳгҒ« еҝғгӮҲгӮҠж„ҹи¬қиҮҙгҒ—гҒҫгҒҷгҖӮ
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we're pleased announce that our new stylist Mr,Ko arrived london few weeks ago.He had experience Japan Morio salons. if you looking for new look why not try to him!
ж–°гҒ—гҒ„гӮ№гӮҝгӮӨгғӘгӮ№гғҲгҒ®KOгҒҢе…ҲгҖ… йҖұгҒ«гғӯгғігғүгғігҒ«еҲ°зқҖиҮҙгҒ—гҒҫгҒ—г ҒҹгҖӮ Morio from LondonгҒ®й–ўиҘҝеә—гӮҲгӮҠж”Ҝеә—з•°еӢ•гҒЁгҒ „гҒҶеҪўгҒ§гғӯгғігғүгғіеә—... й…ҚеұһгҒҢжұәгҒҫгӮҠгҒҫгҒ—гҒҹгҖӮ ж—Ҙжң¬гҒ®ж—¬гҒ®гӮ№гӮҝгӮӨгғ«гӮ’гҒҠжҺўгҒ—гҒ ®ж–№гҒҢгҒ„гӮүгҒЈгҒ—гӮғгҒ„гҒҫгҒ—гҒҹгӮүжҳҜ йқһгҒЁгӮӮдёҖеәҰ еҪјгҒ®гӮ«гғғгғҲгӮ’дҪ“йЁ“гҒ—гҒҰгҒҝгҒҰдёӢгҒ •гҒ„гҖӮ д»ҠеҫҢгҒЁгӮӮе®ңгҒ—гҒҸгҒҠйЎҳгҒ„иҮҙгҒ—гҒҫгҒ ҷгҖӮ
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We had enjoy the time with Japan Morio team. we were exchange color,spa technique this time. Thank you for long joinery to came London.see you next year!


We're having special father's day offer until 21st of June 2015. All NIOXIN products 10% off.if you don't have an idea for father's day this year,why don't you buying NIOXIN products?


Please enjoy some of the photo on May Seminar 2015. photo by So Hasegawa


To All our custmor We're very sorry not up dating Facebook. In May we enjoying seminar all our team for chines group from Japan's Morio guest by SKYPE. The task always making motivate!! we'll up dating some of photo soon!... photo by So Hasegawa
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To All our custmor We're apologize to not up dating so often. we hope you enjoying long weekends. Have a great easter holiday!


To All our custmor A Happy New year!!
Please note We're closing day under the below day.... We're very sorry inconvenience for you.
1st January 2nd January
We wish you having great year on 2015
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To all our custmor MERRY CHRISTMAS!! We wish you having wonderful christmas time!!


Again to all our clients Please note our christmas closing day under the below.
24th December Closed 25th December Closed... 26th December Closed
We're very sorry inconvenience for you. We wish you having great christmas time!
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Right now you can get fantastic deal in Morio Hair and Beauty Studio - 20% off for all Davines, Nioxin and SP Wella products! Why not to buy professional care or surprise someone with Christmas gift from Morio? Please ask in salon for more details.

More about Morio Hair&Beauty Studio

Morio Hair&Beauty Studio is located at 159 Ballards Lane, N3 1LJ London, United Kingdom
Monday: -
Tuesday: 10:00 - 19:00
Wednesday: 10:00 - 19:00
Thursday: 10:00 - 20:00
Friday: 10:00 - 19:00
Saturday: 10:00 - 19:00
Sunday: 11:00 - 18:00