
About M:Pt

Personal Trainer and Lifestyle Coach

M:Pt Description

IвҖҷm branching out, offering home personal training and out of gym training at a more affordable price than ever before. With offers for bulk buying or a weekly payment plan, the complete personal training package is more affordable than you think.

How does it work?

All the equipment will be brought to you, whether in your front room, garden, a nearby park or a private studio (in Hemel Hempstead) making getting fitter, thinner, stronger or leaner even more convenient and simple.

Portable equipment includes boxing pads and mitts, TRXВ®, Kettlebells, cables, dumbbells, balance and core apparatus and much more or private studio based sessions, equipped with everything from a treadmill to a free weights area.

I offer the complete package: nutritional advice and plans, programmes to perform inside or outside the gym, regular body stat assessments and lifestyle coaching to ensure everything is tailored to your needs and personal commitments.

Is M: PT for you?

Fancy giving it a go or know someone that would? Give me a call, text or e-mail to get a complimentary taster and to find out why training with me is the ultimate way to get to where you want to be!



вҡ пёҸSELLING UP!!вҡ пёҸ please share рҹҷҸрҹҸј I have a selection of equipment for sale - please contact me for pricing and details
Links to some here - https://www.gumtree.com/p/powerвҖҰ/marcy- squat-rack/1299087345... https://www.gumtree.com/вҖҰ/selection-of- cast-ironвҖҰ/1299086213 https://www.gumtree.com/вҖҰ/olympic-weigh t-set-andвҖҰ/1299079183 https://www.gumtree.com/вҖҰ/cable-machine -body-solвҖҰ/1299078308
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Hello Saturday рҹ‘ӢрҹҸј letвҖҷs do this рҹ’ӘрҹҸј #TeamMPT


рҹҢҹC O M P E T I T I O N T I M EрҹҢҹ - letвҖҷs make this year a BANGER рҹ’Ҙ
EVERY month of 2018 IвҖҷm going to do a giveaway - supplements, online coaching, meet and train with me and so many more exciting prizes.
For my first competition, to celebrate the launch of the NEW M:PT Programs (available to get from Sunday 20:00GMT) you could win ANY PROGRAM OF YOUR CHOICE! 8 programs to chose from (for either guys or gals) 8 weeks of progressional instruction to aim for physique perfection.
... WANT IN? Head over to *INSTAGRAM* This is how to enter рҹ‘ҮрҹҸјрҹ‘ҮрҹҸј- рҹ’ҘLike this post and follow me @meishapt рҹ’ҘTag TWO FRIENDS in the comments who would love this вҖ”вҖ”вҖ”вҖ”вҖ”вҖ”вҖ”вҖ”вҖ”вҖ”вҖ”вҖ”вҖ”вҖ ”вҖ”вҖ”вҖ”вҖ”вҖ”вҖ”вҖ”вҖ”- Competition closes Sunday 21st January at 18:00GMT with the winner being announced on my instagram story at 20:00GMT. You can enter as many times as you like as long as you tag TWO NEW FRIENDS, like the post and follow me! рҹҚҖG O O D L U C KрҹҚҖ
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Check out the M:PT January Sale including -
... рҹ’Ҙ 20% off with the 10 week Transformation Package рҹ’ҘBOGO 1/2 Price Online Nutrition Coaching рҹ’Ҙ 10% off PT at BodyActive Harlow
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Calling qualified Personal Trainers!!
I have a private studio in Hemel Hempstead (Hertfordshire) that's helped me build a successful business (now working at capacity) over the last 6.5 years. I have decided to rent out the space on an hourly rate to other professional individuals in the area on the days I no longer use it (online coaching requires more of my time). Suitable for PT/Sports therapy/ massage etc.
If anyone is interested in knowing more, please don't hesitate to contact me. Please share with your friends. Thanks!


"How do I get ABS?" Always asking? Well then this is worth a readрҹ‘ҮрҹҸјрҹ‘ҮрҹҸј
This is a question I get asked more than any other, and a subject I could talk all day about. And let's be honest here, any gym gower with half a brain will know that to reveal the sort after slabs comes from loss of body fat and sustaining healthy eating habits.
But building those bad boys is another subject altogether. I always start with body weight internal core and abdominal work with newbies, teaching... how to recognise that everything is "switched on" and working correctly.
Then when you can do hundreds of reps of these simple moves, you have to make it harder; like any muscle, for growth we need to lift more, so bodyweight just doesn't suffice.
These are my two favourite, more advanced moves for building a killer looking core.
AB WHEEL ROLL OUT - proven to be the highest recruiter of abdominals. Always start by rolling out a little at a time until you build confidence. The key is to keep your hips tucked under (creating a bridged back) and not pushing your hips back first out of the movement.
ABDOMINAL CABLE CRUNCH - I always hold a rope or V bar against my head so I don't pull using my arms. Aim to keep your hips as still as possible curling from your abs, exhaling on the crunch down to contract further.
I only prescribe building abs twice to three times a week max. Again, just like any other muscle, they need time to recover, repair and grow!
рҹ“Җcredit to Thmpsn
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This Sunday I'll be taking my first leap out of a plane with my 74 year old Dad! Our first skydive! вңҲпёҸрҹ‘ӢрҹҸј
He decided to raise some money for the Lucy Foundation - a charity working with sufferers of child sexual abuse. Which is unfortunately, is something that is a familiar subject to someone close to us as a family.
Please give the old boy a boost by giving what you can before Sunday. A pound, honestly, whatever you can! I mean after all, what 74 year old do you know what wou...ld do the same?
Donate and read his story here рҹ‘үрҹҸј http://m.virginmoneygiving.com/вҖҰ/showFu ndraiserProfilePage.вҖҰ рҹ‘ҲрҹҸј
The Lucy Foundation рҹ‘үрҹҸј https://www.lucyfaithfull.org.uk рҹ‘ҲрҹҸј
THANK YOU рҹҷҸрҹҸјрҹ’ҷ
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My girl and client Mandeep Garcha proves a very strong point once again for all girls wanting to get smaller and tighter. She doesn't have a lot to lose. It's all about fat loss and muscle gain вӣ”пёҸNOT WEIGHT LOSSвӣ”пёҸ.
4 weeks ago I put this cardio bunny on a CARDIO BAN вқҢ. None. Nadda. And she freaked.
Fast forward 4 weeks of 4-5x a week weight training and she's lost 2.7% body fat, increased her muscle mass by 2% and improved her hydration levels a long the way.
... That's what I call listening to your coach and reaping the reward. GO ON GIRL рҹ’ӘрҹҸј #TeamMPT
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SHOULDERS AND QUADS (my faves рҹҳҺ)... so here's what I did:
Dumbbell Shoulder Press - 3 SETS 10R (15kg) 10R (10kg)... 10R (6kg) 10R (10kg - no rest between weight changes)
Dumbbell Lateral Raise 12R (10kg) Single Arm Cable Laterals 12/12R - 3 SETS
Cable Reverse Fly 20R Dumbbell Upright Rows 20R (10kg) - 3 SETS
Leg Extensions - 8 SETS, 30s rest between each set. Start heavy, drop one pin each set, each set to FAILURE. And here's my effort:
15R (137.5kg) 10R (125kg) 10R (112.5kg) 10R (100kg) 15R (87.5kg) 15R (75kg) 15R (62.5kg) 20kg (50kg)
Wanna know more about my weekly training routine? My new blog post will reveal all... stay tuned вңҢрҹҸјрҹ’ҷ
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What an insane 4 month transformation from one of my GORGEOUS clients.
With determination, commitment and will power it can be done! And she's not finished yet... рҹҳҲ
#TeamMPT #strongwomen #transformationtuesdsy


So excited to announce, I'm bringing M:PT to Essex!
As of next Friday, I will be offering a few hours of personal training at Ripped Gym in Harlow! Limited spaces available, get in touch to find out more рҹ’ӘрҹҸј
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Mission wedding well underway with this one рҹ’ӘрҹҸјрҹ‘ҠрҹҸјрҹ‘°рҹҸјрҹ’Қ #8monthstogo #TeamMPT


в–ӘпёҸdiet plans в–ӘпёҸtraining plans в–ӘпёҸregular check ins ... в–ӘпёҸpersonal 24/7 contact
вһЎпёҸwww.meishapersonaltrainer.comв¬…пёҸ CONTACT ME FOR MORE DETAILS
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M:PT's #TransformationTuesday
в¬…пёҸв¬…пёҸ 2012 вһЎпёҸвһЎпёҸ 2016
Fitness is like life;... The harder it gets, the stronger you become.
4 years between them, and I couldn't be prouder. We all have our story, and they all mean a lot to us. I will never say my journey has been harder or more of a struggle than any one else's. It's incomparable. It's MY journey. And yes, there's been plenty of ups and downs and hardships along the way. But that doesn't mean I deserve anything anymore than anyone else. When you look in the mirror, see the strength you've had within all along as you continue to prevail into greatness. And when you don't think you can go any longer, put your hand on your chest... You feel that? That's life.
Want it? Then go for it. DARE to dream. вңҢрҹҸјвқӨпёҸ
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6 clients down, training done, meals all prepped, dog walked, website worked on, online check ins replied, and 4 clients to go...
If I can find the time to train, then so can you.
#NoExcuses рҹ‘ҠрҹҸјрҹ’ҷ


в–ӘпёҸdiet plans в–ӘпёҸtraining plans в–ӘпёҸregular check ins ... в–ӘпёҸpersonal contact to keep on track
вһЎпёҸwww.meishapersonaltrainer.comв¬…пёҸ CONTACT ME FOR MORE DETAILS
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вңЁ M:PT вңЁ
Spaces available for ONLINE COACHING with myself.
For more information goto
... Www.meishapersonaltrainer.com
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The best decision I ever made!

I see Meisha for Personal Training sessions & I also go to her Kettle Bells class on a Thursday.

In just 10 months I've lost two stone in weight & feel really happy & much more body confident.

Meisha has transformed my lifestyle in terms of what I eat & drink now & has shown me different ways to exercise. Her PT sessions are fun & challenging & they are never the same.

She has an infectious personality full of hope & determination for you & she gets the results, IF you do YOUR end of the bargain & do what she says.

Like I said, deciding to work with Meisha, is the best decision I've ever made.


Meisha is a superstar! Dedicated, inspirational and a hard task master too. She has helped me so much over the years, through back problems, subsequent surgery and now just getting me focused and back in shape. She understands her clients and their needs and always strives to give you the best workout. I've recommended her so much to so many people and no-one has ever been disappointed.


Meisha has changed my life, my mindset and my attitude to food! Once upon a time I used to binge eat and be a couch potato. Now I can't not go to the gym and have changed my habits to eat well and this is all because of Meisha! Highly recommend her no matter your goal. Constant motivation, inspiration and friend! Never known a personal trainer that is there whenever you need them by phone for constant support. Don't know what I'd do without her! X


Meisha brings an incredible amount of energy, enthusiasm and expertise to every single one of her classes and customers. She has an incredibly positive attitude, an infectious personality and the ability to make each and every session different and enjoyable. Somehow with much good humour and laughter I still manage to hurt the following morning in a different place each time, yet it is still enjoyable, hard, tiring and energising. An outstanding personal trainer and an inspirational individual, who takes great pleasure in breaking me :-)


Inspiring, supportive and motivational. Share your goals and Meisha will devise the plan to get you there. Cycling London to Paris didn't seem possible a year ago, been there, done it and got the T shirt.


I haven't been training that long with Meisha. I felt at ease as soon as I met her and feel that I've known her ages! She pushes me and every week I leave feeling motivated and normally aching!! Thanks Meisha


I have been training with Meisha for 2 years now and although painful and hard work I really look forward to and enjoy our training sessions. She inspired me to lose my baby weight and has helped me get back into shape, giving me the energy to cope with my now very active 2 year old.


The best decision I ever made!

I see Meisha for Personal Training sessions & I also go to her Kettle Bells class on a Thursday.

In just 10 months I've lost two stone in weight & feel really happy & much more body confident.

Meisha has transformed my lifestyle in terms of what I eat & drink now & has shown me different ways to exercise. Her PT sessions are fun & challenging & they are never the same.

She has an infectious personality full of hope & determination for you & she gets the results, IF you do YOUR end of the bargain & do what she says.

Like I said, deciding to work with Meisha, is the best decision I've ever made.


Meisha is a superstar! Dedicated, inspirational and a hard task master too. She has helped me so much over the years, through back problems, subsequent surgery and now just getting me focused and back in shape. She understands her clients and their needs and always strives to give you the best workout. I've recommended her so much to so many people and no-one has ever been disappointed.


Meisha has changed my life, my mindset and my attitude to food! Once upon a time I used to binge eat and be a couch potato. Now I can't not go to the gym and have changed my habits to eat well and this is all because of Meisha! Highly recommend her no matter your goal. Constant motivation, inspiration and friend! Never known a personal trainer that is there whenever you need them by phone for constant support. Don't know what I'd do without her! X


Meisha brings an incredible amount of energy, enthusiasm and expertise to every single one of her classes and customers. She has an incredibly positive attitude, an infectious personality and the ability to make each and every session different and enjoyable. Somehow with much good humour and laughter I still manage to hurt the following morning in a different place each time, yet it is still enjoyable, hard, tiring and energising. An outstanding personal trainer and an inspirational individual, who takes great pleasure in breaking me :-)


Inspiring, supportive and motivational. Share your goals and Meisha will devise the plan to get you there. Cycling London to Paris didn't seem possible a year ago, been there, done it and got the T shirt.


I haven't been training that long with Meisha. I felt at ease as soon as I met her and feel that I've known her ages! She pushes me and every week I leave feeling motivated and normally aching!! Thanks Meisha


I have been training with Meisha for 2 years now and although painful and hard work I really look forward to and enjoy our training sessions. She inspired me to lose my baby weight and has helped me get back into shape, giving me the energy to cope with my now very active 2 year old.


The best decision I ever made!

I see Meisha for Personal Training sessions & I also go to her Kettle Bells class on a Thursday.

In just 10 months I've lost two stone in weight & feel really happy & much more body confident.

Meisha has transformed my lifestyle in terms of what I eat & drink now & has shown me different ways to exercise. Her PT sessions are fun & challenging & they are never the same.

She has an infectious personality full of hope & determination for you & she gets the results, IF you do YOUR end of the bargain & do what she says.

Like I said, deciding to work with Meisha, is the best decision I've ever made.


Meisha is a superstar! Dedicated, inspirational and a hard task master too. She has helped me so much over the years, through back problems, subsequent surgery and now just getting me focused and back in shape. She understands her clients and their needs and always strives to give you the best workout. I've recommended her so much to so many people and no-one has ever been disappointed.


Meisha has changed my life, my mindset and my attitude to food! Once upon a time I used to binge eat and be a couch potato. Now I can't not go to the gym and have changed my habits to eat well and this is all because of Meisha! Highly recommend her no matter your goal. Constant motivation, inspiration and friend! Never known a personal trainer that is there whenever you need them by phone for constant support. Don't know what I'd do without her! X


Meisha brings an incredible amount of energy, enthusiasm and expertise to every single one of her classes and customers. She has an incredibly positive attitude, an infectious personality and the ability to make each and every session different and enjoyable. Somehow with much good humour and laughter I still manage to hurt the following morning in a different place each time, yet it is still enjoyable, hard, tiring and energising. An outstanding personal trainer and an inspirational individual, who takes great pleasure in breaking me :-)


Inspiring, supportive and motivational. Share your goals and Meisha will devise the plan to get you there. Cycling London to Paris didn't seem possible a year ago, been there, done it and got the T shirt.


I haven't been training that long with Meisha. I felt at ease as soon as I met her and feel that I've known her ages! She pushes me and every week I leave feeling motivated and normally aching!! Thanks Meisha


I have been training with Meisha for 2 years now and although painful and hard work I really look forward to and enjoy our training sessions. She inspired me to lose my baby weight and has helped me get back into shape, giving me the energy to cope with my now very active 2 year old.


The best decision I ever made!

I see Meisha for Personal Training sessions & I also go to her Kettle Bells class on a Thursday.

In just 10 months I've lost two stone in weight & feel really happy & much more body confident.

Meisha has transformed my lifestyle in terms of what I eat & drink now & has shown me different ways to exercise. Her PT sessions are fun & challenging & they are never the same.

She has an infectious personality full of hope & determination for you & she gets the results, IF you do YOUR end of the bargain & do what she says.

Like I said, deciding to work with Meisha, is the best decision I've ever made.


Meisha is a superstar! Dedicated, inspirational and a hard task master too. She has helped me so much over the years, through back problems, subsequent surgery and now just getting me focused and back in shape. She understands her clients and their needs and always strives to give you the best workout. I've recommended her so much to so many people and no-one has ever been disappointed.


Meisha has changed my life, my mindset and my attitude to food! Once upon a time I used to binge eat and be a couch potato. Now I can't not go to the gym and have changed my habits to eat well and this is all because of Meisha! Highly recommend her no matter your goal. Constant motivation, inspiration and friend! Never known a personal trainer that is there whenever you need them by phone for constant support. Don't know what I'd do without her! X


Meisha brings an incredible amount of energy, enthusiasm and expertise to every single one of her classes and customers. She has an incredibly positive attitude, an infectious personality and the ability to make each and every session different and enjoyable. Somehow with much good humour and laughter I still manage to hurt the following morning in a different place each time, yet it is still enjoyable, hard, tiring and energising. An outstanding personal trainer and an inspirational individual, who takes great pleasure in breaking me :-)


Inspiring, supportive and motivational. Share your goals and Meisha will devise the plan to get you there. Cycling London to Paris didn't seem possible a year ago, been there, done it and got the T shirt.


I haven't been training that long with Meisha. I felt at ease as soon as I met her and feel that I've known her ages! She pushes me and every week I leave feeling motivated and normally aching!! Thanks Meisha


I have been training with Meisha for 2 years now and although painful and hard work I really look forward to and enjoy our training sessions. She inspired me to lose my baby weight and has helped me get back into shape, giving me the energy to cope with my now very active 2 year old.


The best decision I ever made!

I see Meisha for Personal Training sessions & I also go to her Kettle Bells class on a Thursday.

In just 10 months I've lost two stone in weight & feel really happy & much more body confident.

Meisha has transformed my lifestyle in terms of what I eat & drink now & has shown me different ways to exercise. Her PT sessions are fun & challenging & they are never the same.

She has an infectious personality full of hope & determination for you & she gets the results, IF you do YOUR end of the bargain & do what she says.

Like I said, deciding to work with Meisha, is the best decision I've ever made.


Meisha is a superstar! Dedicated, inspirational and a hard task master too. She has helped me so much over the years, through back problems, subsequent surgery and now just getting me focused and back in shape. She understands her clients and their needs and always strives to give you the best workout. I've recommended her so much to so many people and no-one has ever been disappointed.


Meisha has changed my life, my mindset and my attitude to food! Once upon a time I used to binge eat and be a couch potato. Now I can't not go to the gym and have changed my habits to eat well and this is all because of Meisha! Highly recommend her no matter your goal. Constant motivation, inspiration and friend! Never known a personal trainer that is there whenever you need them by phone for constant support. Don't know what I'd do without her! X


Meisha brings an incredible amount of energy, enthusiasm and expertise to every single one of her classes and customers. She has an incredibly positive attitude, an infectious personality and the ability to make each and every session different and enjoyable. Somehow with much good humour and laughter I still manage to hurt the following morning in a different place each time, yet it is still enjoyable, hard, tiring and energising. An outstanding personal trainer and an inspirational individual, who takes great pleasure in breaking me :-)


Inspiring, supportive and motivational. Share your goals and Meisha will devise the plan to get you there. Cycling London to Paris didn't seem possible a year ago, been there, done it and got the T shirt.


I haven't been training that long with Meisha. I felt at ease as soon as I met her and feel that I've known her ages! She pushes me and every week I leave feeling motivated and normally aching!! Thanks Meisha


I have been training with Meisha for 2 years now and although painful and hard work I really look forward to and enjoy our training sessions. She inspired me to lose my baby weight and has helped me get back into shape, giving me the energy to cope with my now very active 2 year old.

More about M:Pt

M:Pt is located at 17 Brickfields Industrial Estatew, HP27QA Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire