Muslin Trust

About Muslin Trust

For the protection, preservation and promotion of Bangladeshi heritage fabrics.

Muslin Trust Description

The purpose of the Muslin Trust is to:

• Uplift, Sustain, develop and preserve the traditional skills and art forms of weaving in Bangladesh
• Create international awareness the textiles and fabrics of Bangladesh
• Create awareness of the art in as a fashion textile

In doing so, create strategic partnerships and alliances with interested stakeholders to achieve our mutual objectives.


1. Developing a knowledge base about the history, design and application of traditional textiles in Bangladesh through mutual beneficial educational relationships with universities, cultural stakeholders and the wider public:

• Research at highest academic levels into the revival of muslin seeds.
• Partnerships with leading textile producers, educators and other organisations in Bangladesh to share the knowledge base and promote good practice.
• Lectures on Bangladeshi fabrics; especially muslin and its inheritor fabric Jamdani, at textile and fashion colleges in the UK and wider European colleges.
• Publications: commission publications, articles and promote existing literature.
• Create links with museums across the world that house muslin collections.

2. To work in partnership with leading Jamdani organisations, spokespersons in Bangladesh to foster and sponsor the sustainable production of quality textiles by developing and supporting a master weaver community and apprentices of (the environs) of Dhaka to self-sufficiency and profit:

• Create a master weaver community to expand the fashion markets globally.
• Create international awareness to increase the sales of Bangladeshi textiles and crafts.
• To create a community of designers in the West who are interested in using high quality Jamdani in their designs.

3. To promote, protect and preserve Jamdanis’ and other live Bangladeshi fabrics:

• The Muslin Trust will promote Bangladeshi weaves to designers and educational establishments.
• We will also provide a powerful lobby to call for the preservation, promotion and protection of endangered Bangladeshi weaves.