Nature Provides

About Nature Provides

A nutritionist-lead business with a focus on providing pure, effective and bioavailable supplements.

We genuinely care about the products we sell. We use them ourselves!

Nature Provides Description

Nature Provides
All that we need

• Geo Alchemy • Nature's Medicine •

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It's a difficult time for many people to get their usual B12 injections from their GP. For some a depletion of this vitamin can really affect their energy levels and general wellbeing. We were so thrilled to receive this review yesterday and hear how our product is making such a helpful difference to them.
We're out of stock on our site at the moment but it can still be purchased on Amazon Prime and though The Natural Dispensary.


As this damp and cold weather continues, my youngest unfortunately succumbed to earache last night. Thankfully it's the first, but so painful nonetheless.
A friend reminded me of the power of the trusty onion as a remedy for earache and infections, so I quickly chopped and warmed some in a pan, wrapped in a muslin cloth and held against his ear for half an hour (you can use a hat to keep it in place). He's woken today in a much better state. Tired from the lack of sleep, yes..., but no longer in pain. Nature really does provide.
You can also warm half an onion in the oven and squeeze a couple of drops of the juice out, which once cooled sufficiently can be dropped directly into the ear. You must ensure that the eardrum has not perforated or ruptured to do this.
Have you successfully tried onion as remedy for earache or anything else?
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Making up 10-30% of the total composition, dibenzo-alpha-pyrones (DBPs) and dibenzo-alpha-pyrone chromoproteins (DCPs) are some of the main constituents of Shilajit that confer antioxidant support and energy boosting effects.
Recent research has revealed that a part of the DBPs and DCPs in Shilajit are bound to carbon-60 (C60)!
With interest growing in this fascinating compound, people are seeking sources of C60 for its potential longevity supporting, nootropic, powerful an...tioxidant and immune boosting properties.
There's still a lot we've yet to understand about the many ways in which Shilajit supports our health and perhaps C60 could hold some of the answers.
#C60 #carbon60 #buckyballs #fullerenes #superfoods #buckminsterfullerene #shilajit #nootropic #immuneboosting #longevitysupport #antioxidant #freeradicals #biohacking #biohacked #biohackingtips #veganuk #longevity #ayurvedic #weightliftinguk #gains #bitcoin #ketosis #wimhoff
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When looking for a B12 option, you want to ensure that what you're buying (and taking) ticks a number of boxes.
Questions you should be asking when choosing a B12 supplement. Question number 2:
... Is the B12 in a bioavailable form that my body can easily use?
There are many, many B12 supplements available on the market today, but they're not all created equal. Many (often cheaper) B12 options contain the form known as Cyanocobalamin. This is not an active form, which means that your body must first remove the cyanide compound (yes, really!) and then methylate it in order to convert it into an active form. Methylation pathways can be sluggish in many, with some not being able to methylate at all. This means that you won't absorb and utilise the B12 as effectively. The same process has to take place with the form hydroxocolamin, also.
There are only 2 active forms of B12, that are in the form that the body actually uses it in, and they are Methylcobalamin and Adenosylcobalamin. The first is a great option as this form and is required for roles in the nervous system and red blood cells. Adenosylcobalamin is also active but less commonly found in supplements (likely due to the higher cost). And yet, it is just as beneficial to supplement with as Methylcobalamin is. Crucially for many it actually plays a critical role in supporting the mitochondria in the production of energy. So for those who experience low energy, including this form could make all the difference.
The ideal option would be to go with a supplement with both Adenosylcobalamin and Methylcobalamin, as this way you are covering the numerous and varied roles that B12 plays in the body.
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Meditation is a fantastic way to alleviate stress and is something you can do anywhere at any time.
Studies to date suggest that meditation increases resilience in the mind and body in stressful situations. So why not start with 10 minutes a day and observe the positive differences you feel.
Managing stress has become essential in modern day life, where we experience a more damaging, low level, chronic stress.
... Want to know more about the damage that chronic stress can do and more ways to manage it? Read our article 'The impact of the stress you don't even notice.'
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When looking for a B12 option, you want to ensure that what you're buying (and taking) ticks a number of boxes.
Questions you should be asking when choosing a B12 supplement.
Question number 1:
... Is it easy for your body to absorb?
B12 supplementation in tablet form must first go via the whole of the gastro intestinal tract and the liver before it can be utilised. These are 2 areas which can be sluggish for many people, so it can take longer for your body to begin utilising the vitamin.
With a liquid form, taken sublingually (and held for 30 seconds), it bypasses both the stomach and liver and can enter the bloodstream straight away. Many people are amazed at how fast acting Bioactive B12 is, and being in an easy to absorb liquid form is one of the reasons why.
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"I'm not stressed." A statement I've heard many times, in and out of clinic.
Whilst there may not be anything major going on in your life, we are likely still experiencing daily stressors that our bodies and minds can't help but feel. The kind of stress I'm talking about, is low level, chronic stress, and it can be significantly more damaging, simply due to the ongoing nature of it. Negatively impacting our immune system, our ability to absorb nutrients and causing inflamm...ation in the body. It's not an exaggeration to say that stress is at the root of most diseases.
So how can we lower stress and improve our resilience to it? Read our article 'The impact of the stress you don't even notice' to find out more.
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Being in liquid form, and containing both active, methylated forms of B12, people are finding that Bioactive B12 is quickly absorbed and fast acting.
Read what our other happy customers are saying and purchase here: or here:


It's here!
The product that many of you have been waiting for, and to celebrate the launch of Ayurvedic Shilajit + Organic Ashwagandha, we're offering 10% off in February when you buy directly on our site.
With 1000mg of Shilajit and 240mg of organic Ashwagandha root per serving, this convenient and pure capsule form supplement is the perfect way to support your busy lifestyle. ... Balancing, energising and rejuvenating. The amazing adaptogenic properties of Shilajit and Ashwagandha are combined in the powerful blend, supporting your body's resilience to life's daily stressors.
Just follow the link to get your 10% off this month!
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Tingling, prickling and numbness in the hands, feet and indeed any part of the body, can be a sign of a vitamin B12 deficiency. This is one of the more serious side effects of a long-term B12 deficiency and if left untreated can cause irreversible nerve damage.
Due to the numerous roles that B12 plays in the body, deficiency symptoms can be varied. Read our article on the the 6 most common signs, plus another 5 that you may not associate with a deficiency of this vitamin.
#veganuk #bioactiveb12 #liquidb12 #b12deficiency #vegansofinsta #veganblogger #b12drops #adenosylcobalamin #medicalmedium #methylcobalamin #nutritionist #nutritionaltherapist #natureprovides #fatigue #energyboost #tiredallthetime #holistichealth #veganlife #veganuary
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We believe that we should be taking care of ourselves all year round and not just January and February (at a push). Whilst the new year is certainly a great time to refocus and re-evaluate goals, denying ourselves too much or adding in too many new 'habits' can lead to just going back to our old ways once the initial buzz wears off. Moderation is key (of course you know this already) and it's not what we do in the 20% of the time that impacts our life, but what we do in the 8...0%. If you haven't had this balance in previous years, try the 80/20 approach for 2020.
You deserve to feel good all year round!
If you are at a stage in your life where you want to use this new year as a catalyst for some bigs changes, try adding new things (exercise, nourishing foods, daily rituals and supplements) gradually, month by month so it's not too overwhelming. And do the same with the things you feel that you need less of in your life. They say it takes 3 weeks to form or break a habit , so why not use this as a timeframe for change.
Wishing you motivation, strength and self love for 2020!
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What a great year we've had! Thank you for all the support and interest in our business and products. We love hearing how we're helping people to feel better.
it's been a busy year for us and we're ready for some rest. Some time with family and friends, time to relax and recharge - We hope that you can do the same.
We have some exciting plans for 2020 and there are some new products on the horizon too. For now, we'd like to wish you all a very merry Christmas and a Happy an...d Healthy New Year!
With love, gratitude and blessings, The whole Nature Provides Team
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Start your day with this energising, brain boosting drink. Recipe here...


Right now, if you spend £40 or more on our website, you'll not only get FREE delivery, you'll also receive one of these handy, strong and stylish jute bags too!


Many customers report a positive difference when taking Bioactive B12. And in answer to this reviewer's question about whether it is the Asdenosylcobalamin that makes the difference, well it could well be. This less commonly used version of B12 is actually more involved energy production than Methylcobalamin as it supports the mitochondria.
The roles which B12 has in the body are numerous and varied and that's why we offer both of the active forms with just one other ingredi...ent - distilled water!
Pure, effective and vegan.
Buy it direct on our site: or with Amazon Prime
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We're nominated for Best New Product in the IHCAN Product Awards 2019!
Vote for Nature Provides Bioactive B12 and to say thank you, we'll give you 10% off your next order with us on Just use voucher code IHCAN10 at checkout.
... Our nutritionist formulated B12 is one of the purest and most bioavailable on the market. In a highly bioavailable liquid form, it contains Methylcobalamin PLUS Adenosylcobalamin for added support of the mitochondria and energy production.
It contains only 3 ingredients. And 1 of them is distilled water.
Pure. Effective and Vegan.
Vote here:
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Fatigue. One of the most common symptoms of a B12 deficiency. Due to the wide variety of roles that B12 plays in the human body, there are many more symptoms beside this and some may be more surprising than others. Read Rachel's latest article on 'The top 6 signs of a B12 deficiency, and another 5 that may surprise you'.


Stock up today!
#BlackFriday #VitaminB12 #Vegan #Energy COBALAMIN-ADENO…/…/

More about Nature Provides

Nature Provides is located at Stil House, Lower Road, RH18 5HE Forest Row