Nellie'S Flowers

About Nellie'S Flowers

Bespoke Floristry when only the best will do. . . . . . Your happiness is our please.
Please try to allow 24hours notice all flowers are bought FRESH to order



CHRISTMAS order book is open рҹҺ„ Fresh & everlasting door wreaths Stair garlands FRESH flowers for your Christmas table Hand tied Christmas bouquets ... Can be delivered up until Christmas Eve рҹҺ„рҹҺ„рҹҺ„рҹҺ„рҹҺ„рҹҺ„рҹҺ„рҹҺ„рҹҺ„рҹҺ„р ҹҺ„рҹ’җрҹ’җрҹ’җрҹҳғрҹҢ·рҹҢ·
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Happy customer 1 week old Fresh bouquets We only buy the freshness best quality FLOWERS рҹ’җ рҹ’җрҹ’җрҹ’җрҹ’җрҹ’җрҹ’җрҹ’җ


Fresh Bouquets for all occasions рҹ’җрҹ’җрҹ’җрҹ’җрҹ’җрҹ’җрҹ’җрҹ’җрҹ’җрҹ’җр ҹ’җрҹ’җрҹ’җрҹ’җрҹ’җрҹ’җрҹ’җ


We only buy the best top for flowers рҹ’җрҹ’җрҹ’җрҹ’җрҹ’җрҹ’җ


Flowers for all occasions рҹ’җрҹ’җрҹ’җрҹ’җрҹ’җ


Ruby wedding anniversary Red Naomi roses рҹҢ№
Fresh flower bouquets for all occasions рҹ’җрҹ’җрҹ’җрҹ’җрҹ’җрҹ’җ


My testimonial I received today from one of my BNI members thank you @mikaelhasler-fry
If anyone would like to know more about BNI business networking just get in touch and come along for a visit itвҖҷs a great way to grow your business рҹ’җрҹ’җрҹ’җрҹ’җрҹ’җ


Birthday Bouquet рҹ’җрҹ’җрҹ’җрҹ’җрҹ’җрҹ’җ


We only buy the BEST top quality flowers рҹ’җ рҹ’җрҹ’җрҹ’җ


Red Naomi Rose bouquet Ordered from a regular customer romantic & the ladies favourite рҹҢ№рҹҢ№рҹҢ№
Very special wedding anniversary Diamond рҹ’Қ 60 years what an achievement... Congratulations Carol & Ronnie рҹҢёрҹ’җрҹҢ·рҹҢ№
All white avalanche roses Hand tied in a water bubble to maintain freshness presented in a flower bag рҹ’җрҹ’җрҹ’җрҹ’җрҹ’җрҹ’җрҹ’җрҹ’җ
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More about Nellie'S Flowers

Nellie'S Flowers is located at London, United Kingdom