Occupy London

About Occupy London

https://www. youtube.com/user /OccupyNewsNetworkUK

Occupy London Description

Media Channels:
http://occupylondon.org. uk /
https://www. youtube.com/user /OccupyNewsNetworkUK
http://www. youtube.com/user /OccupyLSX

Main Live Stream Channels:
http://bambuser.com/channel /OccupyLondon
http://bambuser.com/channel /Occupylsx
http://bambuser.com/channel /occupynewsnetwork
http://www. ustream. tv /channel /occupynewsnetwork

For other live stream channels:
http://www. livestream.com/occupylsx

It’s been four years since the financial crisis hit. Governments have failed catastrophically to implement the radical economic change needed to prevent it happening again.

They have failed to protect their citizens’ interests against those of corporations and the financial markets.

Ordinary people – families, small businesses and communities – are being forced to pay for a crisis they didn’t cause.

Occupy London is part of the global social movement that has brought together concerned citizens from across the world against this injustice and to fight for a sustainable economy that puts people and the environment we live in before corporate profits.

The leaderless model of Occupy has allowed diverse voices to be heard meaning that every individual who participates stands equal to everyone else making Occupy a true people’s movement.

Decisions are taken democratically by the General Assembly which is open for everyone to submit proposals, attend, debate and decide. The decisions are implemented by the Occupy London Working Groups also open to everyone to bring their skills and enthusiasm for positive change.

History by year:

OccupyLSX, camp at St. Paul's Churchyard is evicted, alongside the illegal eviction and demolition of School of Ideas.
School of Ideas begins
Bank of Ideas is evicted
City of London wins court battle over eviction of St Paul's camp


Occupy Justice begins
High Court eviction proceedings commence. Eviction hearing commences.
Occupiers discuss reform with Financial Services Authority
Bank of Ideas occupation begins
First edition of Occupy London's independent newspaper - The Occupied Times of London is published
Initial statement released
Finsbury Square occupation begins
Occupation outside of St Paul's Cathedral began
Created on 24 September 2011



Nailed it


These are some of the examples of the IHRA definition of anti semitism that the Israel lobby want to force Corbyn to accept. Who can see any problems?


Ruth Smeeth, ex Director of Public Affairs at the Israel lobby front BICOM, is leading the current efforts to force Labour to define anti semitism to include criticism of Israel.


LFI make their coup move.


Tomorrow/Sunday in West London.


Spoiler: he stays poor.


The Meteor is going to be a special guest on the Joe Rogan podcast.


People tend to have strong views on this one!


For years now I’ve travelled across the UK to report from far-right, fascist and neo-Nazi rallies. I’ve seen the real threat that faces Jews in the country, those who wear swastikas as badges of honour. Where was your concern for my community then?


The growing global fascist brotherhood. http://www.phoenixnewtimes.com/…/arizon a-congressman-paul-g…


https://theintercept.com/…/ecuador-will -imminently-withdra…/


https://friendsoftheearth.uk/…/outrage- legislation-designed…


Life moves pretty fast...


“Adoption of the clause barring criticism of Israeli racism into Labour’s rule book would have a serious chilling effect on Palestine solidarity activism by party members.
It is the rejection of this clause which Hodge and other right-wing and pro-Israel Labour lawmakers are up in arms about.
In effect, the party’s pro-Israel and anti-Corbyn lawmakers are arguing that it is racist to – accurately – describe Israel as racist.
... Ironically, the furore comes in the same week that the Israeli parliament passed a new basic law formally enshrining Israel as a nation-state for Jews alone, removing Arabic as an official language and encouraging “Jewish settlement” on stolen Palestinian land “as a national value.”
A supporter of Labour Friends of Israel, Hodge was responsible for triggering the failed 2016 coup attempt against Jeremy Corbyn as Labour leader.
Hodge submitted a motion of no-confidence in Corbyn, which led to a leadership contest that Corbyn ultimately won with an increased mandate.
Corbyn’s threat to take action against Hodge for her reported verbal assault was met with fury by the right wing of the Labour Party – who backed Hodge’s attack on their own leader.”
See More


Does the US have one of those magic money trees too 🤔


hello all friday july 13th 2018 we are to occupy the uk home office hope some of you can join us and help spread the word keep up the fight stay strong :)


Grossly misinformed, immature, therefore potentially dangerous, if you value intelligent, constructive debate, stay away from this so called political organisation.


It's interesting to hear a different perspective, but, at the end of the day, you're nearly as mad as the other end of the political spectrum (though admittedly much less dangerous). Liberalism and Centrism are not the enemy, the extremes of the political spectrum are where danger lurks, both planned and unplanned.



The judge said because of a Moving letter from her daughter , she was free to go , even though she pleaded guilty to all the charges.

Don’t you just love extremist islam ..do what the hell you want in the uk with the blessing of the courts and police.

No wonder people convert to it ,you get away with murder.


to slanted for my tastes: that's ok, but not the total picture.


You worked in bbc!? and in tv for 20 years? :( sad times.

You have stolen money from donations, into private bank accounts.

You spread more divisiveness. You always seem to be supporting Soro's backed groups, maybe you are one too?

Your leader Phoenix (even if you claim there is no leader) Is ageist, Judgmental and likes to slyly dig at people with unneeded comments, and no i'm not a "Silly teen ket head who dribbles over the mic" and no i don't like it when you laugh at me from suggesting Russel Brand represent you, even more so when the next few protest over you actually fucking used him. You guys are bait as fuck not on our side, so stop pretending you are.

Btw, Blocking me from commenting isn't going to help. I'll just continue writing long post right here on this review, for all to see.

You guys are literally the bane of any counter culture, which is mostly controlled by your puppet masters anyways, You seriously think people wouldn't find out what you've been up to!?


Also like to point out this video here:

youtube.(com)/watch?v=GIISbqdVwic (take the brackets out from the COM)

Where his lackey is using a clear NLP technique, "Come closer. Sit. Make a circle."

Roll over, good boy, paw.

Or what about this video of him:

facebook(.com/)carl.(green.)92102564/v ideos/448255448672754/

taken by plain clothed, no ID, released day after, funny little nabbing that was, for sure nothing dodge though :D


You idiots just made yourselves look absolutely ridiculous by trying to prop up the BBC's reinvention of Roman Britain's "typical family" as being black. The fact that you actually are dumb enough to think you somehow won the argument reveals the depths of your delusions and your apparent inability to distinguish facts from fantasy. Perhaps you need more time in your safe space and coloring books.


You go from sharing quality political links to endorsing rape as a punishment. That doesnt make you better than the 1%. So dissapointed.


What a silly page. Pretty incoherent and petty. Feels like a bitch-fest for bored women...no substance or purpose.


Toxic group and post, makes me annoyed to be on the left


This page brings shame to the name. It started off as a focussed source of communication, news and information on occupy and other movements. It now just shares memes, childishly pokes fun at individuals and attempts to stay relevant by wandering aimlessly around the leftist syllabus. The left needs to up its intellectual ante.


Remember the meeting where the agents lead by Phoenix decided to kick same people they torn away from St. Paul's initially dividing the movement out on the streets?!? Remember I was the only one that provided a solution? Put forward the Admin Group that more than two thirds of the couple of hundred people present voted for? Opened a building for people to go to when people decided to let The Cricle Group and Co. keep stripping the building in peace? I told you when Franklin & Thea BLOCKED what was the most conclusive GA vote that Ever took place in Occupy that it was over, there and then. More fool those of you who still fail to realise I am a man of my word. ;) Peace O*D


Nothing to do with london or creating solutions . You know the whole point of the page


Like many of these pages, I followed them during the referendum. Since that time I have become aware of the unmissable childish goading from the left. We all know where Far Right extremism gets us, racial superiority is easy to spot. However, the left is engaging in something a little more sinister.

While claiming to be bastions of justice and honestly all a lot of them actually do is sit around and gleefully insult people. They’re just as anti-scientific as members on the right but with different issues - particularly biotechnology, chemicals and vaccinations. They’re incredibly authoritarian and dogmatic, and they’re totally willing to waterdown the horrors of WW2 by claiming that anyone who doesn’t religiously agree with their stance on all topics is a Nazi.

When you think you’re on the side that stands for peace and justice, unfortunately it can turn you into a complete wanker who attacks people on a personal level rather than refuting their arguments. This page exemplifies all of those issues.


I’ve only seen one post, but in that post you claimed school was harder for teens today, that the world is in an environmental meltdown and said that teens “have to deal with real nazis”.

Perhaps you forgot about the teens who actually died fighting REAL nazis. How in the hell is school harder for kids when they’re offered safe spaces and crying sessions?? And if the world is about to be destroyed environmentally why have a bunch of scientists (the climate kind) said that their initial models for climate change were off by more than 100 years? This page is cancer.


It seems that you are whipping a dead horse. A horse that, if it were to stand, would turn around and trample you while you proclaim: "this isn't true horse whipping!" Go occupy yourselves. For shame.


If you want to know why people voted for Trump and Brexit, following the posts of this page would give you answers.

Once the great Occupy movement has lost its charm. This page is a disgrace to Occupy movement. Maybe, this particular page is the odd one out managed by regressive leftists. Its admins are full of bullshit. They put forward no genuine arguments when questioned. It is as if this page was created by Muslims to defend Islam no matter what. The admins are such ignorants of Islamic ideology. I bet that they never read Quran but blindly defend Islamic doctrine. When someone criticises Islam the admins and the majority of the followers do nothing but abuse.


Believe it or not, I used to be solo admin on this page when it first started, ashamed to see where it's gone, what a load of shit, used to keep it factual and relevant, now all it's used for is spreading leftist propaganda


Awful information posted daily. I call it fake news

More about Occupy London

Occupy London is located at St. Paul's Churchyard West, EC4M 8AD London, United Kingdom
07866 723 198