Ocean Mimic

About Ocean Mimic

Ocean Mimic is a movement empowering individuals to protect our oceans through clean ups and education.

Our brand sells eco friendly products and our charity tackles plastic pollution in Bali and Worldwide.



๐Ÿ„โ€โ™€๏ธ Equal by Nature ๐Ÿ„โ€โ™‚๏ธ
It's that time of year again when the World Surf League (WSL) comes to Bali and as of this year equal prize money will be awarded to men and women ๐Ÿ†๐Ÿ‘
This has us smiling and clapping but also a twinge of ... about time! ๐Ÿ™„ What are your thoughts?
... The WSL is the first American-based sports league to offer gender pay equality. Surfing has become the first US-based sport to achieve gender pay equality.
Here's to hoping the world follows suit! Just 10 years ago women won 10% of their male counterpartโ€™s prize money. Crazy! ๐Ÿคฏ
There is a clean up happening at the WSL in Keramas, Bali on May 14th that we would love for you to join us for! ๐Ÿ‘‡
https://www.facebook.com/events/801666266 872330/
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Please join us for a special clean up and day trip to Keramas for the world surf league! The clean up is organised by Parley and Corona and we were kindly invited to join.
Everyone is welcome. We meet at pantai selukat. All you need to bring is yourself - bags and gloves will be provided.
... Why are clean ups so important?
See the devastation for yourself. As a community we can feel empowered to take the worlds destiny into our own hands. 50% of Indonesias's trash doesn't get to landfill - it is burned or ends up in the oceans. You can make a difference! Be the change you wish to see in the world.
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๐Ÿ‡ฐ๐Ÿ‡ช Ocean Mimic Kenya! ๐Ÿ‡ฐ๐Ÿ‡ช
We have our very first clean up happening outside of Bali this Saturday! Led by the inspiring Wacu Kihari on our behalf ๐Ÿ™
... We have clean ups happening soon in France, Australia, the UK and new locations across Indonesia. Stay tuned! ๐Ÿ‘€
If you want to lead a clean up near you please message us or email us at mimicmanagement@gmail.com and we will send you our clean up leader kit. We will support you every step of the way!
For those of you in Kenya or with friends there please share the event below ๐Ÿ‘‡
https://www.facebook.com/events/385277958 744331/
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**Bahasa Indonesia di bawah**
We need your help!
... We are cleaning the beach with over 600 children from St Thomas Aquino Elementary School over the course of three days!
On the 27th, 28th and 29th we will have 200+ children each morning doing a beach clean up and playing educational games to understand why plastic is an issue and why we should use less.
We would really appreciate your help to guide the groups and help with the activities.
Please let us know which of the three days you can attend so we have an idea of how many volunteers we have for each day.
We believe children are the key to solving Bali's plastic crisis. We already successfully led a clean up for St Thomas Aquino Preschool with 100 young kids but this is a new age group and a bigger group too so we need all the help we can get!
Where does the trash go?
Eco Bali
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Bersih-Bersih Bersama Anak Sekolah
Kami membutuhkan bantuan Anda!
Kami membersihkan pantai dengan lebih dari 600 anak dari Sekolah Dasar St Thomas Aquino selama tiga hari!
Pada tanggal 27, 28 dan 29 Mei, kita akan memiliki 200+ anak di setiap pagi harinya melakukan pembersihan pantai dan bermain game edukatif untuk memahami mengapa plastik menjadi masalah dan mengapa kita harus mengurangi penggunaannya.
Kami akan sangat menghargai bantuan Anda untuk memandu kelompok dan membantu dalam kegiatan-kegiatannya
Harap memberi tahu kami yang mana dari tiga hari tersebut yang Anda dapat hadiri, sehingga kami memiliki gagasan tentang seberapa banyak sukarelawan yang akan membantu kami pada setiap harinya.
Kami percaya anak-anak adalah kunci untuk menyelesaikan krisis plastik di Bali. Kami sudah berhasil mengajak dan memandu pembersihan untuk TKK St Thomas Aquino dengan 100 anak tetapi yang sekarang ini adalah kelompok usia baru dan kelompok dengan jumlah lebih besar juga, sehingga kami membutuhkan semua bantuan yang bisa kami dapatkan!
Kemana sampah tersebut pergi?
Eco Bali
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**Bahasa Indonesia di bawah**
Please join us for our first beach clean up in Kuta! Led by Melissa.
... Everyone is welcome. All you need to bring is yourself - bags and gloves will be provided.
Why are clean ups so important?
See the devastation for yourself. As a community we can feel empowered to take the worlds destiny into our own hands. 50% of Indonesias's trash doesn't get to landfill - it is burned or ends up in the oceans. You can make a difference! Be the change you wish to see in the world.
We also have amazing incentives offered by local businesses as a reward for your support.
Where does the trash go?
Eco Bali
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Hai teman-teman, mari bergabung dengan kami untuk bersih - bersih minggu an di Kuta! Terbuka untuk umum. Yang perlu Anda bawa hanyalah diri Anda sendiri. [karung dan sarung tangan akan disediakan]
Mengapa bersih - bersih ini begitu penting?
Lihatlah sendiri kerusakan yang sudah terjadi. Dengan bersama - sama sebagai sebuah komunitas kita dapat merasa lebih berdaya untuk mengambil nasib dunia ke tangan kita sendiri. 50% dari sampah di Indonesia tidak sampai ke TPA - sampah itu dibakar atau berakhir di lautan. Anda bisa membuat perbedaan! Jadilah perubahan yang ingin Anda lihat di dunia.
Kami juga memiliki insentif luar biasa yang ditawarkan oleh pebisnis lokal sebagai hadiah atas dukungan Anda untuk bergabung dalam kegiatan ini.
Kemana sampah itu pergi?
Kami menyewa truk kami sendiri untuk membawa barang-barang daur ulang ke Eco Bali dan sisa sampah ke TPA Suwung secara langsung.
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Please join us for the first ever Ocean Mimic clean up in Kenya!
Led by Wacu Kihara and supported by Stand Up and Stand Out, the Minazini Beach Management Unit, Ocean Sole Africa and Khangadelic.
... Everyone is welcome. All you need to bring is yourself - bags and gloves will be provided.
Why are clean ups so important?
Be a part of the solution, not the pollution!
See the devastation for yourself. As a community we can feel empowered to take the worlds destiny into our own hands. You can make a difference! Be the change you wish to see in the world.
Where does the trash go?
The trash gets recycled to the best of our ability. We are always looking for new solutions.
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๐Ÿ˜ฉ Bali 'unbanning' plastic!? ๐Ÿ˜ญ
โ€ผ๏ธHELPโ€ผ๏ธThe plastic bag, straw and styrofoam ban on Bali is being challenged and taken to court!
Sign the petition to make sure this doesn't happen! It takes less than 30 seconds!
... ๐Ÿ‘‡ Sign NOW ๐Ÿ‘‡
Bali has been changing it's plastic use. The ban is working and even in local communities the ban is being enforced. This means less plastic waste - yessss! ๐Ÿ‘ Unfortunately this means some organisations are losing out on profit. What do you support - profit or planet?
Read more on the petition ...
"There is currently a court case by the Indonesian Plastic Recycling Association/Asosiasi Daur Ulang Plastik Indonesia (ADUPI).
ADUPI claims that the plastic ban is leading to a shortage of materials for their recycling business and that producers of plastic are losing business as they can no longer sell plastic in Bali. Moreover, they claim that this regulation represents a violation of human rights.
ADUPIโ€™s claims are both weak and unfounded."
๐Ÿ‘‡ Sign NOW ๐Ÿ‘‡
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โ™ป๏ธ Clean Up 31 & 32 โ™ป๏ธ
Thank you to everyone who came along and cleaned the beach the past two weeks! ๐ŸŒŽ
Please join us for our next clean up on Sunday:
... https://www.facebook.com/events/126676744 0159580/
If you want to start your own beach clean up please send us a message! We are going global as of this month!
โ™ป๏ธ Trash Update โ™ป๏ธ
Sascha Kiefer - 8 kg collected on 22nd April Canggu Bali & 18 kg collected on 28th April Canggu Bali
Brogan - 20 kg collected on 28th April Canggu Bali
Jennifer Vernon - 4 kg collected on 28th April Canggu Bali & 16 kg collected on 5th May Canggu Bali
Rayne Holland - 11 kg collected on 5th May Canggu Bali
Nina -11 kg collected on 5th May Canggu Bali
Katherine Gilbert - 11 kg collected on 5th May Canggu Bali

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Introducing our first dive weekend! ๐Ÿงœโ€โ™€๏ธ
Ocean Mimic are going to start running dive trips and more in Bali. Who's in? ๐Ÿ™‹โ€โ™€๏ธ What type of trip do you want to do with us? ๐Ÿ˜Š
We are going to make things super easy for you, as ocean friendly as possible and should be a lot of fun!
... Details will follow. Trying to find the most eco friendly dive center we can and get quotes for dives etc. Would love for you to join us โค๏ธ
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Ocean Mimic Dive Weekend
We are excited to be hosting our first dive trip to Nusa Lemongan! We will be diving with the amazing Blue Corner Yellow Bridge.
We have recommended accommodation below which you can book yourself and we will book your transport and dives for you. This trip is open to maximum 20 divers. Only space for 4 Discover Scuba Divers (people wanting to try for the first time).
... Schedule:
7am - Leave Canggu 8:30 - Boat leaves for Lembongan 11am - Dive 1 12pm - Lunch (on boat) 1pm - Dive 2 5pm - Beach Clean Up
8am - Arrive at Dive Center 9am - Dives 1 11am - Dive 2 - Clean Up Dive 1pm - Lunch 4pm - Boat back to Canggu
We are recommending to stay at Bong Hostel. It is an eco friendly budget hostel just a short walk away from the dive center and it has been highly recommended.
Another recommendation is Sunset Huts.
If you chose to stay somewhere else please make sure it is walking distance to the Dive Centre - Blue Corner Yellow Bridge.
We will be taking a boat called Glory. The cost is 550,000 return. The boat leaves from Sanur so you can either drive there by motorbike or pay extra for Glory to transport from Canggu. We can help with booking this.
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EDIT - Old News! This is actually from 2012. Thanks to Nancy for making us aware. We will be checking more thoroughly in the future!
๐Ÿ’” Breaking News ๐Ÿ’”
Over 3000 dolphins found dead in Peru
... Recently 481 were found and in the past 3 months an average of 30 have been washing up every day! Why have we only heard about this now!? ๐Ÿ˜ฉ
One theory is that a controversial technique to detect oil underground using sonar is to blame.
In 2003 a study was published by the Zoological Society of London showing that this type of sonar might be giving whales and dolphins โ€œthe bendsโ€. This is a life threatening condition known by scuba divers caused by bubbles forming in the blood.
We need Peru to take action and find out which petroleum companies are working in the area.
๐Ÿ‘‡ Full Article ๐Ÿ‘‡
https://greenworldwarriors.com/โ€ฆ/over-3 000-dolphins-found-โ€ฆ/
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Nestle - a billion single use plastics a day ๐Ÿฅค
As consumers we vote with our money. If enough of us demand change from big corporations they have to listen and often they make changes.
Of course it isn't just Nestle to blame but they are one of the top three brands responsible for plastic waste worldwide. In some areas of the world like the Philippines they were the top polluter. Nestle sells a billion products a day with 98% of them wrapped in plastic! ๐Ÿฅบ
... Try to avoid supporting big polluters like Nestle. The answer is not recycling the plastic we use. The answer is using less.
๐Ÿ‘‡ Sign the petition ๐Ÿ‘‡
https://act.greenpeace.org/page/41034/act ion/1?locale=en-ZA
๐Ÿ‘‡ Join our plastic free group ๐Ÿ‘‡
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โ™ป๏ธ Clean Up 30 โ™ป๏ธ
Thank you to everyone who came along and cleaned the beach for Earth Day! ๐ŸŒŽ This was the most volunteers we have ever had to a clean up. So grateful for you all.
Also huge thanks to Odyssey MVMT for the yoga on the beach and to Micky's Mad House and Outsite Bali for the pizza party afterwards!

Please join us for our next clean up on Sunday!
... https://www.facebook.com/events/895035074 167975/
โ™ป๏ธ Trash Update โ™ป๏ธ
Trash already collected before the Kickstarter: 3942.5 kilos Trash collected for Kickstarter backers: 315 kilos Trash owed for Kickstarter backers: 2704 kilos
Thanks to those who pledged and made these cleanups possible ...
Nils Kattau- 3 kg collected on 13th April in Canggu Bali - 17kg collected on 22nd April in Canggu Bali
Paula Subias - 20 kg collected on 22nd April in Canggu Bali
Samantha Jones - 20 kg collected on 22nd April in Canggu Bali
Aquil Nizam - 20 kg collected on 22nd April in Canggu Bali
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๐ŸŽถ Please sing this as you read ...
You think you own whatever land you land on The Earth is just a dead thing you can claim But I know every rock and tree and creature... Has a life, has a spirit, has a name You think the only people who are people Are the people who look and think like you But if you walk the footsteps of a stranger You'll learn things you never knew, you never knew
Have you ever heard the wolf cry to the blue corn moon Or asked the grinning bobcat why he grinned Can you sing with all the voices of the mountains Can you paint with all the colors of the wind
Come run the hidden pine trails of the forest Come taste the sun sweet berries of the Earth Come roll in all the riches all around you And for once, never wonder what they're worth The rainstorm and the river are my brothers The heron and the otter are my friends And we are all connected to each other In a circle, in a hoop that never ends
How high will the sycamore grow If you cut it down, then you'll never know And you'll never hear the wolf cry to the blue corn moon For whether we are white or copper skinned We need to sing with all the voices of the mountains We need to paint with all the colors of the wind You can own the Earth and still All you'll own is Earth until You can paint with all the colors of the wind
Sometimes we forget what we are a part of. In order to protect nature we need to connect to it. We are not separate. We are connected. Here at Ocean Mimic we believe that. Do you?
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๐Ÿ–ค Sea World ๐Ÿ–ค
Thereโ€™s two sides to every story, so whatโ€™s your thoughts on sea world?
Some say itโ€™s a way to rehabilitate and educate, others say itโ€™s inexcusable & damn right cruel.
... Regardless of our opinions here at OM, letโ€™s be open minded and hear your thoughts.
๐Ÿ“ธ: @styngvi
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๐Ÿคฉ If you missed the Kickstarter ...
You can now pre-order on Indiegogo! ๐Ÿ‘‡
https://www.indiegogo.com/โ€ฆ/ocean-mimic -swimwear-saving-theโ€ฆ
... ๐Ÿ“ธ Travel Leap
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๐ŸŒ Join us for Earth Day! ๐ŸŒŽ
Free Yoga & Mediation on the beach thanks to Odyssey MVMT Beach Clean Up with Games & Easter Egg Hunt! Then head over to Outsite for a pool party & eco fair ... - free wine from The Savage Kitchen & pizza from Micky's Mad House (first come first serve) - a choice of stalls selling eco friendly products
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โ™ป๏ธ Clean Up 31 & 32 โ™ป๏ธ
Thank you to everyone who came along and cleaned the beach the past two weeks! ๐ŸŒŽ
Please join us for our next clean up on Sunday:
... https://www.facebook.com/events/126676744 0159580/
If you want to start your own beach clean up please send us a message! We are going global as of this month!
โ™ป๏ธ Trash Update โ™ป๏ธ
Sascha Kiefer - 8 kg collected on 22nd April Canggu Bali & 18 kg collected on 28th April Canggu Bali
Brogan - 20 kg collected on 28th April Canggu Bali
Jennifer Vernon - 4 kg collected on 28th April Canggu Bali & 16 kg collected on 5th May Canggu Bali
Rayne Holland - 11 kg collected on 5th May Canggu Bali
Nina -11 kg collected on 5th May Canggu Bali
Katherine Gilbert - 11 kg collected on 5th May Canggu Bali

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โ™ป๏ธ Clean Up 31 & 32 โ™ป๏ธ
Thank you to everyone who came along and cleaned the beach the past two weeks! ๐ŸŒŽ
Please join us for our next clean up on Sunday:
... https://www.facebook.com/events/126676744 0159580/
If you want to start your own beach clean up please send us a message! We are going global as of this month!
โ™ป๏ธ Trash Update โ™ป๏ธ
Sascha Kiefer - 8 kg collected on 22nd April Canggu Bali & 18 kg collected on 28th April Canggu Bali
Brogan - 20 kg collected on 28th April Canggu Bali
Jennifer Vernon - 4 kg collected on 28th April Canggu Bali & 16 kg collected on 5th May Canggu Bali
Rayne Holland - 11 kg collected on 5th May Canggu Bali
Nina -11 kg collected on 5th May Canggu Bali
Katherine Gilbert - 11 kg collected on 5th May Canggu Bali

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More about Ocean Mimic
