Of Improvisation

Monday: 18:30 - 22:00
Tuesday: 10:00 - 22:00
Wednesday: 10:00 - 22:00
Thursday: 10:00 - 18:00
Friday: -
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About Of Improvisation

Of Improvisation is an exciting threeday pop-up event which is located in the heart of East London.

Of Improvisation Description

Of Improvisation is an exciting threeday pop-up event which is located in the heart of East London. This event is based upon the premise that we are all improvisers.

Throughout this event ŌĆśImprovisationŌĆÖ is regarded as the essence of creativity, where the process of instantaneous creation will become as ordinary to us as breathing itself. It is a process as old as mankind itself, yet not exclusively related to the arts.

People are the very substance to this project. It aims to celebrate human uniqueness, it will encourage us to make better use of our innate ability to play, our ingenuity and our creativity.

Instead of remaining unconscious recipients of what is being presented to us, we are being invited to come along and become co-creators in this event. By participating in the completion of art works and engaging in open debates, we will have the opportunity to leave behind our passive role and will be encouraged to share own opinions and creative ideas.

Of Improvisation aims to bring art to life, to break down the barriers between the artist and the audience, art and the everyday. The participants will have the chance to enjoy interactive installations as well as multiple programme of workshops, performances, comedy, poetry, storytelling, discussions and more. .



MANY THANKS to all our wonderful participants.
The Of Improvisation is now over and that mean that we are now collecting your feedback to know what to improve for the next time. Please take it if you can, we promise, it won't take you more than 2 mins.


The Of Improvisation is now officially over and I would like to take this opportunity and just say hearty THANKS to everyone who has helped with, attended and enjoyed this event. Thanks everyone for your hard work, positive energy, your time and all your warm wishes! It was a great success!


See you tonight at the Apiary!


The OPENING IS ONLY HOURS AWAY and we are busily going through all the last details! Thanks everyone for all your amazing support so far and see you all tonight at the Apiary! Door opened from 6pm!!


The OF IMPROVISATION is very pleased to collaborate with ROSEMARY CRONIN, a great artist and beautiful person. On Monday the 7th Dec - 7.00pm, she will introduce her improvisatory performance FOUR DUSTY SPRINGFIELDS HAVING A FOOD FIGHT.
Rose is an London artist with a research-based practice that explores psychoanalysis, the feminine, subversion and anarchy. Multi-disciplinary, the work uses performance, sculpture, film and paint to articulate the tension between the research areas. Work has been exhibited at the South London Gallery, ICA, The Wallace Collection and National Portrait Gallery London. Writing and an artist educator practice rides in tandem with the studio practice, with 'A Glossary for Artspeak' a written project with the South London Gallery and 'Memory Mining and Drawing on Dreams' a resource for working with Early Years, released through Access Art. Learning projects have included working with: Centre Pompidou, South London Gallery, Tate and The Photographers' Gallery.
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Introducing K M BOSY, a wonderful artist who you are going have the chance to meet already in FOUR DAYS!
K M Bosy is a visual artist currently based in London, UK, and has exhibited regularly for many years. Her work is currently held at the Eagle Gallery (Emma Hill Fine Arts) in London. K M Bosy studied painting at OCA(DU) in Toronto and then for a year at Piazza Independenza Studio, OCA(DU), Florence, Italy. For her graduate education, she studied with Stanley Jones and Bar...tolomeo dos Santos, at the Slade School, UCL, University of London, England.
Exhibitions include group shows at Jaggedart, Curwen Gallery, The Eagle Gallery and Small is Beautiful, Flowers Galleries, London, England. Her work has been included in Art Frankfurt, London Contemporary Art Fair, Bath International Art Fair, Toronto International Art Fair. Collections include PriceWaterhouseCooper, Oasis TV, Strang Collection, University College London.
A bit about the Inside Here, an artwork featured in the Of Improvisation event ...
'Improvisatory material occurs without preparation, a concept related to the contemplative processes inherent in my most recent artwork. In my Inside here artwork, improvisatory methods are applied in considering the userŌĆÖs own reality through the lens of poetic symbolism. In this artwork, the user's thoughtful responses can be shared to a related online artwork if wanted. This artwork encourages contemplation and reflection and investigates the process of contemplation in the digital age.'
See you all on Monday 6-10pm at the Apiary!
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Claire: ŌĆ£Simon? Have you written that teaser for Alice yet?ŌĆØ Simon: ŌĆ£What? Oh, no, sorry. IŌĆÖve been practicing my impression of Stephen Fry dancing the robot for the past hour, itŌĆÖs really hard to nail downŌĆØ Claire: ŌĆ£Right. DonŌĆÖt you think you should perhaps be doing something a little more important?ŌĆØ Simon: ŌĆ£This is crucially important to our performance Claire! Our audience will have full control over my body during our performance. TheyŌĆÖll be able to make me say or do any...thing they want! So I need to brush up on every possible creation they might come up with. You should be doing the same! You need to be prepared to adapt a conversation with the weirdest possible charactersŌĆØ. Claire: ŌĆ£Yeah, I think working with you generally covers thatŌĆØ.
The Of Improvisation is pleased to feature Claire Orme's & Simon Merrifield's performance:
20.00 - Monday the 7th Dec, Apiary Studios
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OF IMPROVISATION published on the Czech Centre London website! http://london.czechcentres.cz/ŌĆ”/travelŌ Ć”/of-improvisation122/


AND HERE IT IS! The final list of the artists, workshop leaders and performers featured in the OF IMPROVISATION (7th-10th Dec)!
Hamish Muir Joana Groba Juan Covelli Neale Willis Karen Bosy Rosemary Cronin Yuyu Wang Hiroko Nakajima
Emma Houston & The Four Three Three & Artur Vidal: Have You Ever Heard The Sound Of An Iceberg Melting?
https://www.facebook.com/events/107899880 5468352/
Natalie Sloth Richter & the Open Roof: Listening Bodies & Mystical Measures
https://www.facebook.com/events/559030430 916105/
Rosemary Cronin Simon Merrifield & Claire Orme
https://www.facebook.com/events/115937936 0758462/

Michaela Bartoskova & The Circle Singing London: The Circle Singing London Workshop
https://www.facebook.com/events/170348701 9937791/
Emma Houston & Tam Vibert: Creative Unblocking Workshop
https://www.facebook.com/events/499947006 846401/
https://www.facebook.com/events/955289684 555792/

Curated by Alice Bednarova
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'KŌŚÅU stands for ŌĆ£Konst UnderlandetŌĆØ, meaning ŌĆ£Art WonderlandŌĆØ in Swedish. Each work created at the workshop is filled with unique stories, feelings, imagination, inspiration, values, experiencesŌĆ”. KŌŚÅU would like to be the ŌĆ£WonderlandŌĆØ where people can find the unique world represented in the work.'
KŌŚÅU is an art workshop dedicated to introducing the art of expression through creative making. KŌŚÅU believes that creative making is one of the most accessible and unlimited meth...ods for expression: anyone can freely perform, with any kind of material. Launched in 2014, KŌŚÅU aims to create a platform for such creative making experiences.
The workshop starts with several quick introductory exercises (writing, drawing and three-dimensional making) and we make one object as a final piece from the workshop. All the exercises are simple and no prior sculpting or crafting experience is required.
ThereŌĆÖs only one rule: donŌĆÖt think too much.
Make with your intuition and share with us your creativity!
website: konstunderlandet.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/KU-i-konst-under landet-6923498641ŌĆ”/
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We hope everyone is having a good Saturday evening! Believe it or not there are only about TWO WEEKS LEFT until the Of Improvisation takes off!
...and we thought, this is a perfect time to introduce other two artists whose collaborative - photography based - installation will be featured by Of Improvisation!
... Juan Covelli (1985) is a Colombian Visual Artist and Photographer living in London, where he is currently studying towards an MA in Photography at Central Saint Martins.
His practice as an artist focuses on Identity in the Digital Age and the dynamics and approaches of the body within this framework. He is particularly interested in finding strategies through which to understand the experience of embodiment in our digitalized world and explore ideas that allow for multiple conceptions of identity.
Juan employs a wide array of media, spanning photography, video, 3D scanning and 3D modelling, among others. He has been featured in various publications and exhibited in spaces such as El Cirulo de Bellas Artes (Madrid, 2013), La Casa Encendida (Madrid, 2015) PhotoMasters (London, 2015). Recently, he was awarded the CuratorŌĆÖs Choice prize at Conflux exhibition (London, 2015) and has been selected as one the artist collaborating with the TATE in their new BP Art Exchange project.
Neale is particularly interested in creating conflict between what enters the machine and what leaves it. He manipulates data to create ambiguities within the certainties of the digital realm, breeding uncertainty from the usually reassuring definite of binary data and letting repetition and replication take form as a rhythm from the space in-between the known and unknown.
Given that this exhibition is all about people and their ability to improvise, what does improvisation mean to you?
Improvisation is an important tool of creation and fundamental for developing any idea, as, in my practise, I am constantly engaging with mediums, some of which I have little experience with.
Improvisation is at the heart of art today, as it focuses on the experience of the viewer, rather than creating something just to look at. New media technologies are pushing the boundaries of the way we create and exhibit, allowing the viewer to contribute something of themselves to the artwork. This mutual collaboration between the artist and the viewer means that without improvisation, the piece would not exist.
Quick thinking, quick witted, flying by the seat of your pants.
For more information about those two do see the following links:
http://www.ofimprovisation.com/juan http://www.juancovelli.com/
http://photo.nealewillis.com http://www.twitter.com/nealewillis
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Time to introduce some of the fifteen fantastic artists that are going to be featured in exhibition's OPENING (https://www.facebook.com/events/11593793 60758462/)
has a variety of interests that he likes to explore through art. He doesn't see art as distinct forms separate from each other or indeed other subjects as they can morph and co-operate to create something new.
... As he says: 'In my own painting projects I like to explore ideas of narrative, psychology, character and symbols. I draw influence from film and literature as well as theatre having directed my own film projects. I like to think of a painting as a novel - rich in tone, poetic in expression and engrossing in its stories that suggest ideas about life that cannot be articulated verbally. I have a particular favour for satire, as it plunges the viewer into a potent contrast of comedy and tragedy. I have pursued satirical work through creating a cartoon political calendar, through illustration work at Imperial College newspaper and through writing my own poetry.'
Hamish, what does improvisation mean to you?
'With improvisation, the story is unfinished and the audience donŌĆÖt know what will happen next. It touches on issues of free will and whether visual objects affect our choices, as an environment can force people subconsciously to behave a particular way. I am in favour of questioning and studying the interaction of people with their environment through improvisation, as choices are so fundamental to our identity and trajectories. It is collaboration, interest, creativity, unpredictability, engagement and insight, much like life itself.
In broader terms, for me, art is a wholesome companion who is constantly stimulating in interest because it evolves and has infinite layers. It is such a wonderful and absurd process meaning on occasion art struggles to justify itself in practical terms, like the awkward teenage brother to the high achieving scientific student, but in its wake, art leaves the purest and most beautiful evidence of being human.'
More about Hamish and his work here:
https://app.hiive.co.uk/ŌĆ”/0bd4cb99-06d7 -4185-b8f5-1773e4eŌĆ”/ŌĆ”
https://www.linkedin.com/in/hamish-muir-4 91a48102
And finally, here is a little sneaky peep into Hamish's preparation process for the Of Improvisation!!!
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Of Improvisation in E-FLUX!


OF IMPROVISATION is now online:
Read about the ARTISTS, their WORK and see the FULL PROGRAMME!!
... All the credits for creating the website and big THANK YOU go to Addison Cristiano.
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is designed to explore vocal creativity in the heart of London.
Group workshops give an opportunity to jam, create spontaneous sounds, listen to others and express your unique song, while being part of a unified group.... Do you love to sing but uncertain about your vocal abilities? Are you a professional singer who yearns to explore the unknown of your voice?
Then this project is right for YOU.
Hosted by Michaela Bartoskova Michaela is a Holistic Voice Coach and Workshop Leader who works with voice & breath & movement & sensation of sound.
...spontaneity, freedom, knowledge, inspiration, self-discovery, fun, collaboration, flow, expression, listening, breathing, entertaining, freeing, motivating, exploring...
http://circlesinginglondon.wix.com/projec t
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FREE TICKETS available for this extraordinary public workshop by the CIRCLE SINGING LONDON! BOOK HERE: http://www.eventbrite.com/e/of-improvisat ion-circle-singingŌĆ”


FREE TICKETS for the stunning performance Listening Bodies & Mystical Measures by the Open Roof are available to book HERE: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/of-improvi sation-listening-bŌĆ”


/////// Of Improvisation is excited to present the Listening Bodies & Mystical Measures performance that is going to take place on WEDNESDAY the 9th DECEMBER from 20.00!! Everyone is wholeheartedly welcome to come and join the Open Roof! /////////
https://www.facebook.com/events/559030430 916105/
The young and very talented Natalie Sloth Richter is a Danish dancer and choreographer, and one half of the artistic duo Open Roof. ... After graduating from her studies in contemporary dance and choreography at Trinity Laban, she went on to form the artistic collaboration that became Open Roof, aiming to offer performances, creative workshops and inclusive research practice to different environments and people. Her choreographic work is rooted in the physical experience of our surroundings, and she has a particular interest in opening up the performance space and welcoming the audience to explore what happens when perspectives change. Her dance practice has taken her to Belgium, Italy and Sri Lanka, where she has offered movement workshops to all kinds of levels and abilities, from professional dancers to children with physical and mental disabilities. She is now showcasing Listening Bodies & Mystical Measures for the third time in London this year.
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More about Of Improvisation

Of Improvisation is located at 458 Hackney Road, E2 9EG London, United Kingdom
Monday: 18:30 - 22:00
Tuesday: 10:00 - 22:00
Wednesday: 10:00 - 22:00
Thursday: 10:00 - 18:00
Friday: -
Saturday: -
Sunday: -